Despite finding Jane's 'lone wolf' philosophy repulsive, I ultimately much preferred Clem to set out on her own than to be with an unstable man or a sociopathic woman. It doesn't matter if they "need" Clem when they are, in the long term, a poisonous influence on her.
Alone with AJ. According to my playthrough, only 23% of players got this ending?
I shot Kenny. Felt like a bad choice but had to do it. J… moreust instinct. Felt better when Kenny reassured me I'd made the right decision. Jane showed me she had actually kept the baby. I was mad at her so ditched her.
I think Clem alone was best for her. Jane and Kenny weren't good to be around anymore. Jane was a liar who ditched Clem TWICE, can't be trusted. Kenny was violent and unstable, which could get Clem into a lot of trouble in the future. Sides, after seeing the falling out with Bonnie and Mike, I'd had enough of groups. Clem alone as a hardened survivor was what i was working for, and, however brief the ending, satisfied me and is the ending I hoped for.
Amen. Both of them had clearly gone off the deep end. 9 days later and Clem and Aj look ok-and look like they will do ok-in the future. The betrayal I felt after Clem had gotten shot though justifies Jane's lone wold philosophy though. This season, it wasnt the walkers who were the real threat, it was the very people we were with. Interesting how it all boiled down to that.
Despite finding Jane's 'lone wolf' philosophy repulsive, I ultimately much preferred Clem to set out on her own than to be with an unstable … moreman or a sociopathic woman. It doesn't matter if they "need" Clem when they are, in the long term, a poisonous influence on her.
You have to understand that Jane lost her sister. She came back because she thinks of Clementine as her new sister, and she wasn't ready to let her go this time. It's sad when you think about it, but man what she did was unbearable. If you decided to side with Jane, you would only want to leave her afterwards, which is a waste of two lives. Even if you sided with her the entire way, there would've been unstable potential consequences with that new guy and his gun that he appeared to keep holding behind his back.
I watched all ending and even though I will be experiencing more issues with Kenny, what he did for Clem and AJ is unbearably kind-hearted. He wanted to live in Wellington for god knows how long, and in the end, he tossed that all aside for them.
Still, Jane's death was brutal and I just wish I could've shot her instead. It had to be done, and from now on, It's just gonna be me and Kenny. If you want supplies, sure we can spare, but you want to join our group, know that Kenny is unstable, and it's your fault if you decide to provoke him wrongly.
The problem is that I can't get myself to forgive Jane. Her move to provoke Kenny was just totally stupid and she could have said the truth … moreat some point in the fight to stop all of it. She made me kill Kenny and I didn't want to do that. I just hated her for that afterwards. Same thing with Kenny killing Jane, but at least Clem didn't had to kill someone close to her herself, so forgiving Kenny somehow is easier (even though he still is uncontrollable).
I got the Jane and the family ending, but it felt so wrong... I barely like her and I don't want to repeat the "meet new people, trust or not trust them" thing again and again, I want to stay with somebody I already know and trust. So I'm probably replay it and go for the Kenny ending/leave Wellington with him, even he scares me sometimes and I don't feel 100% safe with him anymore. I would've prefered an ending with Bonnie and Mike (without Arvo of course, that piece of sh*t) but again, they tried to escape, how can I trust them?
Yep, can't leave a man who cares more about his other family (AJ/Clem) than anything else. I understood that Kenny still wants to die inside, but he knows he's not going to leave Clementine alone in danger.
At least this is something we can all agree on. Clementine is alive, and we are grateful for Telltale that she's still going strong. Can't wait for S3
I was the exact same, and I knew I could never, EVER forgive Jane, but I thought that clem would die, and I wanted to just say "let's go, but I will never ever forgive you."
Kenny was too far gone in my opinion, there's no saving him at this point. He behaved like a complete psychopath. So while I definitely love… more Kenny, in my mind I only had one option. I shot him. I was shaking and crying after I shot him, but I knew I had done the right thing. Then I found the baby. Honestly, that hit me like a ton of bricks and I was so, SO pissed off at Jane. What happened wasn't necessary, I didn't have to watch Kenny slowly die while telling me I did the right thing. So, I told the blubbering Jane to go fuck herself and left on my own.
I still think Kenny was too far gone, he couldn't control himself. I know Jane was a liar, but if something really happened to the baby she didn't deserve to get attacked. People die, especially extremely vulnerable babies. It doesn't have to be anyone's fault.
Alone with AJ. According to my playthrough, only 23% of players got this ending?
I shot Kenny. Felt like a bad choice but had to do it. J… moreust instinct. Felt better when Kenny reassured me I'd made the right decision. Jane showed me she had actually kept the baby. I was mad at her so ditched her.
I think Clem alone was best for her. Jane and Kenny weren't good to be around anymore. Jane was a liar who ditched Clem TWICE, can't be trusted. Kenny was violent and unstable, which could get Clem into a lot of trouble in the future. Sides, after seeing the falling out with Bonnie and Mike, I'd had enough of groups. Clem alone as a hardened survivor was what i was working for, and, however brief the ending, satisfied me and is the ending I hoped for.
Alone with AJ. According to my playthrough, only 23% of players got this ending?
I shot Kenny. Felt like a bad choice but had to do it. J… moreust instinct. Felt better when Kenny reassured me I'd made the right decision. Jane showed me she had actually kept the baby. I was mad at her so ditched her.
I think Clem alone was best for her. Jane and Kenny weren't good to be around anymore. Jane was a liar who ditched Clem TWICE, can't be trusted. Kenny was violent and unstable, which could get Clem into a lot of trouble in the future. Sides, after seeing the falling out with Bonnie and Mike, I'd had enough of groups. Clem alone as a hardened survivor was what i was working for, and, however brief the ending, satisfied me and is the ending I hoped for.
I had to kill Kenny, and I don't regret it. I was pretty sad, but it had to be done. I forgave Jane even though I was kind of mad at her for lying. Then I accepted the family, but I was suspicious when the family appeared so fast right after we found Carver's camp. I took the benefit of the doubt and let them in, but at the same time, cannibals?
Yeah, I like the ending where Clem stays in Wellington the best. Still if Season 3 features Clem and we can import our saves, I will go with my original ending.
Same here. Stupid choice of me, though. I should've gone with Jane. Actually, no, I should've let her die and gone with Kenny. I've seen all the endings. I now regret my choices.
I felt like total shit after this but I killed Kenny. Thought it was the right thing, that he indeed lost his mind and was already "dead" when Clem found him in episode 2. Then I forgived Jane because I thought it would be better for Clem if she wasn't left alone. This was the only reason, I wouldn't forgive her otherwise. I liked Jane but she pushed it too far. From then on I was just sitting here being a total emotional mess. I wouldn't forgive myself so I had to cheat and replay the scene. In the end I chose not to stay at Wellington and left with Ken and AJ. Still feelin shit because of replaying.
I'm still kinda torn apart though. First season's ending was better and nothing has ever made me cry as much as then but this ending was much harder if it's about the choices. Damn
Killed Jane and for the sake of Clem and the baby i stayed at the Wellington. Best one imo since i know they are safe, Kenny has supplies and 2 kids have a place to live. I count it as a win.
Well after trying so hard to keep my Clem safe in the group in the end she's alone with the baby in Wellington.
I don't regret my choice.
Luke- he grew on me this episode and I felt sad when he died.
Bonnie- Is okay but knowing her in 400 days DLC I don't like her because she lied to Leland (in my save).
Mike- GOD I loved Mike but when he decided to rob us that broke my heart I couldn't go with him because I didn't trust Bonnie (she was a liar in my game) and Arvo (even though) I supported not hurting him I didn't trust to the fullest.
Jane- I will FOREVER hate Jane she lied to prove a point STUPID!
Kenny- I trust Kenny he's been in this place before on the train he just needs time out and a good talk I wish Lee was here maybe the group would still be together.
In the end I am happy with my ending and I hope S3 continues with Clem mainly because I want to know what happens will she grow old and raise AJ right.
Left alone with AJ after killing Kenny. Cause honestly, Jane turned out to be a psycho. She made me kill Kenny to prove a fucking point. Seriously. First it kinde broke my heart when I decided to leave her, but when she said "I need you!" it felt really weird. Really. She was just pushing Kenny the entire time. I mean, seriously, yeah, Kenny was on the edge (and honestly, he's the character that had to go through the most awful stuff in the game.à, and going crazy. But we could have calmed him down. I'm sure of that. He could have gotten better. And it's not by fricking talking about how his family passed because of him that you'll help him. "Hey Clem, I bet that if I go into this Lion cage coered with meat he'll try to eat me! See, those are very bad animals !".
Better be a season 3 though, definitly don't feel like a Clem's Finale. Or it would be a really bad one.
Let Kenny kill Jane and stayed at Wellington. Didn't like letting Kenny go like that, but he said himself all he wanted was for AJ and Clem to be safe. And as Lee would also want the same for Clem, it seems like the most logical choice.
Also them feels when Kenny gives Clem his hat for AJ.
I got the ending with Jane and AJ at the hardware store, and I let the family in. I honestly don't know what to think of the family, the boy seems alright enough since he said Clem's hat was cool, but hopefully they can build a better community than Carver did.
I have finished Ep5 with AJ and Jane without family, hard to tell why I decided like that. Kenny from season to season was too much annoying. After killing him I have realized that was a big mistake - he helped Lee to find out were is Clem and save her, he even sacrificed himself when they were on roof. Kenny was always with Clem and he understood her very well, but I decided to kill him ... damn, that was stupid, really really stupid.
I am glad to be rid of both Kenny and Jane. I was sick of them both, I couldn't see myself being alone with either of them anymore.
But man... it broke my heart to be the one to kill him. It was so... sad. And when I find out Jane lied to me, just to start trouble... I got out.
I feel so bad, with both of them fighting I really didn't want to kill anyone, but god dammit they wouldn't stop and Jane was right in the moment so I reluctantly killed Kenny but after I found out Jane lied and manipulated me I was so angry. So she can go screw herself, Clementine trusted her and in the end it she used that trust to trick her.
i couldn't leave my kenny behind i cany belive he was going to scarfice him self for the AJ and clem he showed me that he really care i was with kenny in S1 and S2 i don't regret this but when he said i wish lee was here on the truck that broke the feel wall
Killed Jane and for the sake of Clem and the baby i stayed at the Wellington. Best one imo since i know they are safe, Kenny has supplies and 2 kids have a place to live. I count it as a win.
I feel ashamed, but I will rewind for the first (and last) time.
I stayed at Wellington and Kenny left.
I actually cried, and that's really rare with me, it was the first time in months, probably even years. Yes, I didn't even cry at the end of Season 1.
But when Kenny said:
'I am glad I have met you, Clementine', I couldn't hold it in anymore. That last line of (my) Season was so incredibly beautiful and heartbreaking that even I cried.
I left with Kenny and Alvin, I never liked Jane, so It was a easy choice. I didn't enter Wellington, either Clem and Ken die together, or the live together.
Even though the game was constantly trying to pin me against Kenny, I stuck with him. He may have major trust issues when it comes to other adults, but I don't think he would ever harm Clem or the baby. Really glad I stayed loyal to him. I really liked the ending I got. When given the choice to either go into the community or stick with Kenny, it was a really hard choice. I actually had to stop and think it over for a minute. In the end, I decided to stick it out with Kenny. With the extra supplies, I figured we'd be able to make it by until Wellington starts accepting new members again.
So I heard there are five different endings. What are all the ones we know of? This really leads me to believe that Season 3 will be about an entirely different cast. And I'd be fine with that. I'm really happy with the ending I got and wouldn't want it to be ruined.
Also curious if Luke can make it to the end? He died really early into my playthrough and I was pretty surprised by that. What exactly was that whole pizza vs ice-cream choice all about then? xD
Left with Kenny and AJ. I know Jane tried to redeem herself, but she was a loose cannon. No way was I gonna leave Kenny.
Despite finding Jane's 'lone wolf' philosophy repulsive, I ultimately much preferred Clem to set out on her own than to be with an unstable man or a sociopathic woman. It doesn't matter if they "need" Clem when they are, in the long term, a poisonous influence on her.
As much of a Kenny fan I am and I ultimately will choose Kenny. How is he any less of a loose cannon lol?
He's not, lol, but Jane literally pushed him to his breaking point just to see how far he'd go. Plus, I'm the loyal type.
Amen. Both of them had clearly gone off the deep end. 9 days later and Clem and Aj look ok-and look like they will do ok-in the future. The betrayal I felt after Clem had gotten shot though justifies Jane's lone wold philosophy though. This season, it wasnt the walkers who were the real threat, it was the very people we were with. Interesting how it all boiled down to that.
You have to understand that Jane lost her sister. She came back because she thinks of Clementine as her new sister, and she wasn't ready to let her go this time. It's sad when you think about it, but man what she did was unbearable. If you decided to side with Jane, you would only want to leave her afterwards, which is a waste of two lives. Even if you sided with her the entire way, there would've been unstable potential consequences with that new guy and his gun that he appeared to keep holding behind his back.
I watched all ending and even though I will be experiencing more issues with Kenny, what he did for Clem and AJ is unbearably kind-hearted. He wanted to live in Wellington for god knows how long, and in the end, he tossed that all aside for them.
Still, Jane's death was brutal and I just wish I could've shot her instead. It had to be done, and from now on, It's just gonna be me and Kenny. If you want supplies, sure we can spare, but you want to join our group, know that Kenny is unstable, and it's your fault if you decide to provoke him wrongly.
I got the Jane and the family ending, but it felt so wrong... I barely like her and I don't want to repeat the "meet new people, trust or not trust them" thing again and again, I want to stay with somebody I already know and trust. So I'm probably replay it and go for the Kenny ending/leave Wellington with him, even he scares me sometimes and I don't feel 100% safe with him anymore. I would've prefered an ending with Bonnie and Mike (without Arvo of course, that piece of sh*t) but again, they tried to escape, how can I trust them?
Damn, I miss Lee...
Yep, can't leave a man who cares more about his other family (AJ/Clem) than anything else. I understood that Kenny still wants to die inside, but he knows he's not going to leave Clementine alone in danger.
At least this is something we can all agree on. Clementine is alive, and we are grateful for Telltale that she's still going strong. Can't wait for S3
I was the exact same, and I knew I could never, EVER forgive Jane, but I thought that clem would die, and I wanted to just say "let's go, but I will never ever forgive you."
I killed my bro Kenny. I forgave Jane. We wen't back to Howe's. I accepted the family in.
For me, You and 19.1% are with Jane and the family.
Well said. My choices and feelings exactly.
I had to kill Kenny, and I don't regret it. I was pretty sad, but it had to be done. I forgave Jane even though I was kind of mad at her for lying. Then I accepted the family, but I was suspicious when the family appeared so fast right after we found Carver's camp. I took the benefit of the doubt and let them in, but at the same time, cannibals?
Yeah, I like the ending where Clem stays in Wellington the best. Still if Season 3 features Clem and we can import our saves, I will go with my original ending.
I felt like total shit after this but I killed Kenny. Thought it was the right thing, that he indeed lost his mind and was already "dead" when Clem found him in episode 2. Then I forgived Jane because I thought it would be better for Clem if she wasn't left alone. This was the only reason, I wouldn't forgive her otherwise. I liked Jane but she pushed it too far. From then on I was just sitting here being a total emotional mess. I wouldn't forgive myself so I had to cheat and replay the scene. In the end I chose not to stay at Wellington and left with Ken and AJ. Still feelin shit because of replaying.
I'm still kinda torn apart though. First season's ending was better and nothing has ever made me cry as much as then but this ending was much harder if it's about the choices. Damn
I killed Kenny without hesitation, forgave Jane, and went with her to the Hardware Store. I didn't let the survivors in, we're better off alone.
Killed Kenny and abandoned Jane, and i got a shitty ending. Don't do that.
Killed Jane and for the sake of Clem and the baby i stayed at the Wellington. Best one imo since i know they are safe, Kenny has supplies and 2 kids have a place to live. I count it as a win.
Well after trying so hard to keep my Clem safe in the group in the end she's alone with the baby in Wellington.
I don't regret my choice.
Luke- he grew on me this episode and I felt sad when he died.
Bonnie- Is okay but knowing her in 400 days DLC I don't like her because she lied to Leland (in my save).
Mike- GOD I loved Mike but when he decided to rob us that broke my heart I couldn't go with him because I didn't trust Bonnie (she was a liar in my game) and Arvo (even though) I supported not hurting him I didn't trust to the fullest.
Jane- I will FOREVER hate Jane she lied to prove a point STUPID!
Kenny- I trust Kenny he's been in this place before on the train he just needs time out and a good talk I wish Lee was here maybe the group would still be together.
In the end I am happy with my ending and I hope S3 continues with Clem mainly because I want to know what happens will she grow old and raise AJ right.
I was with Jane and the family
Left alone with AJ after killing Kenny. Cause honestly, Jane turned out to be a psycho. She made me kill Kenny to prove a fucking point. Seriously. First it kinde broke my heart when I decided to leave her, but when she said "I need you!" it felt really weird. Really. She was just pushing Kenny the entire time. I mean, seriously, yeah, Kenny was on the edge (and honestly, he's the character that had to go through the most awful stuff in the game.à, and going crazy. But we could have calmed him down. I'm sure of that. He could have gotten better. And it's not by fricking talking about how his family passed because of him that you'll help him. "Hey Clem, I bet that if I go into this Lion cage coered with meat he'll try to eat me! See, those are very bad animals !".
Better be a season 3 though, definitly don't feel like a Clem's Finale. Or it would be a really bad one.
Let Kenny kill Jane and stayed at Wellington. Didn't like letting Kenny go like that, but he said himself all he wanted was for AJ and Clem to be safe. And as Lee would also want the same for Clem, it seems like the most logical choice.
Also them feels when Kenny gives Clem his hat for AJ.
I got the ending with Jane and AJ at the hardware store, and I let the family in. I honestly don't know what to think of the family, the boy seems alright enough since he said Clem's hat was cool, but hopefully they can build a better community than Carver did.
I have finished Ep5 with AJ and Jane without family, hard to tell why I decided like that. Kenny from season to season was too much annoying. After killing him I have realized that was a big mistake - he helped Lee to find out were is Clem and save her, he even sacrificed himself when they were on roof. Kenny was always with Clem and he understood her very well, but I decided to kill him ... damn, that was stupid, really really stupid.
Tomorrow I will try to play again :<
dude... just wait till Kenny gets to his breaking point again..
Left alone with AJ.
I am glad to be rid of both Kenny and Jane. I was sick of them both, I couldn't see myself being alone with either of them anymore.
But man... it broke my heart to be the one to kill him. It was so... sad. And when I find out Jane lied to me, just to start trouble... I got out.
Man, I miss Luke. And Christa...
I feel so bad, with both of them fighting I really didn't want to kill anyone, but god dammit they wouldn't stop and Jane was right in the moment so I reluctantly killed Kenny but after I found out Jane lied and manipulated me I was so angry. So she can go screw herself, Clementine trusted her and in the end it she used that trust to trick her.
I left without her.
Your hate wont work bro we are
Team Kenny
Same. I couldn't leave Kenneth behind
I cried that moment.
i couldn't leave my kenny behind i cany belive he was going to scarfice him self for the AJ and clem he showed me that he really care i was with kenny in S1 and S2 i don't regret this but when he said i wish lee was here on the truck that broke the feel wall
Yup same , the best ending , w/ Jane.
Kenny would just kill himself, though. Pretty obvious.
Leave with Jane, and let family in
I never understood y'all
Yeah, me too
went to Wellington with Kenny, let Kenny redeem himself by saying goodbye, fulfilling what Lee always had wanted : to have Clem in a safe place.
the end
spoiler: Kenny in S3
I had that feeling at first but if that was the case he would have left the supplies so that Clem and AJ would be that much better off.
I feel ashamed, but I will rewind for the first (and last) time.
I stayed at Wellington and Kenny left.
I actually cried, and that's really rare with me, it was the first time in months, probably even years. Yes, I didn't even cry at the end of Season 1.
But when Kenny said:
'I am glad I have met you, Clementine', I couldn't hold it in anymore. That last line of (my) Season was so incredibly beautiful and heartbreaking that even I cried.
Props to Telltale and Gavin Hammon.
I left with Kenny and Alvin, I never liked Jane, so It was a easy choice. I didn't enter Wellington, either Clem and Ken die together, or the live together.
Even though the game was constantly trying to pin me against Kenny, I stuck with him. He may have major trust issues when it comes to other adults, but I don't think he would ever harm Clem or the baby. Really glad I stayed loyal to him. I really liked the ending I got. When given the choice to either go into the community or stick with Kenny, it was a really hard choice. I actually had to stop and think it over for a minute. In the end, I decided to stick it out with Kenny. With the extra supplies, I figured we'd be able to make it by until Wellington starts accepting new members again.
So I heard there are five different endings. What are all the ones we know of? This really leads me to believe that Season 3 will be about an entirely different cast. And I'd be fine with that. I'm really happy with the ending I got and wouldn't want it to be ruined.
Also curious if Luke can make it to the end? He died really early into my playthrough and I was pretty surprised by that. What exactly was that whole pizza vs ice-cream choice all about then? xD