It was a good death, I will agree to that. You can just hear the fear and the desperation in Luke's voice too. Scott Porter did a good job in the death scene.
After all of the shoddy deaths in Episode 4, the way Luke's was done with a breath of fresh air.
Er... pun unintended.
I just thought … moreit was tragic and interesting. Even just cinematically, when you hear the ice cracking and turn and see him standing there with terror in his eyes. It was just sad. Drowning's been said to be one of the worst ways you could possibly go.
I went into this determined to keep Luke and Kenny alive as long as possible. Kinda pissed I never had a choice with Luke as he dies no matter what choice you make. And so soon.
The title doesn't even reveal if he survives the shoot out or not. It's literally just his name and the Episode 5. You're kind of blowing this out of proportion. There are more spoilery topic titles than mine.
The title doesn't even reveal if he survives the shoot out or not. It's literally just his name and the Episode 5. You're kind of blowing this out of proportion. There are more spoilery topic titles than mine.
I had a feeling that his injured leg would be his downfall, and just knew that someone was going to drown. I didn't really like Luke, but it was still pretty brutal.
I went into this determined to keep Luke and Kenny alive as long as possible. Kinda pissed I never had a choice with Luke as he dies no matter what choice you make. And so soon.
After his birthday...
That should have been Luke and Kenny in the end .It looked like they change the ending .(They have been doing that allot lately.)
I had a feeling that his injured leg would be his downfall, and just knew that someone was going to drown. I didn't really like Luke, but it was still pretty brutal.
After his birthday...
That should have been Luke and Kenny in the end .It looked like they change the ending .(They have been doing that allot lately.)
After his birthday...
That should have been Luke and Kenny in the end .It looked like they change the ending .(They have been doing that allot lately.)
I'm just so depressed over everything I cried during the ending with Kenny when he leaves and I cried over Lee coming back in the dream and I cried over Luke and I'm mad at Mike and I DON'T KNOW ;-;
It's in response to why Jane came back to the group. Everyone gives Clem a look when she says it and then she goes, "You know what I mean," all exasperated like.
I took it as Clem meaning she considered Luke a good friend and would always come back to help him. No romantic feelings or crushes here. Just an awesome Brotp.
It's a little unfair that his is the only death of the group that is fixed this episode. Everyone else (except Clem & AJ) is either determinant or unknown.
I agree. When I saw that scene, he was being slowly pulled into the dark depths. . . My heart broke. He's looking up with a look of pure fear, and that just... makes me cry... I hate zambies so fuckin much for killing my baby Luke.
I'm just so depressed over everything I cried during the ending with Kenny when he leaves and I cried over Lee coming back in the dream and I cried over Luke and I'm mad at Mike and I DON'T KNOW ;-;
I'll admit, ever since we first met him, I was not sure what to make of Luke. Good guy? Well-intentioned but flawed? An asshole? He was all these things, constantly changing back and forth as time went on, and my opinion on him was never set in stone, even as the ice started to crack under his feet.
Watching him be dragged down to his death was incredibly painful to watch. In the end, he proved himself a good man, one fucked over by circumstances beyond anyone's control. Rest in peace Luke. I wish you could've made it to the end.
... ... ... I know I'm going to regret asking this, but what happens if you choose to cover for him? All I've got so far from others is "lifeless body"...
Trust me, no actual Cluke here (cuz that's creepy). But just cuz you see them as bros doesn't mean MY Clem can't have a silly little crush on a cute boy
Trust me, no actual Cluke here (cuz that's creepy). But just cuz you see them as bros doesn't mean MY Clem can't have a silly little crush on a cute boy
If you choose to cover him, Bonnie will try to reach him. The ice still breaks and they both fall in. Clem sees Luke beneath the ice, punching at it trying to get out. Clem then can try to break the ice, if she does she falls in the water and sees Luke's body floating lifelessly in the water. Jane then pulls her out and the scene continues the same as the [Help] choice.
I'm still not sure if Bonnie can die here too, if you choose [cover]. I don't think so, but if she does, she's really mad at Clementine for not being the one to try and help Luke.
I'll admit, ever since we first met him, I was not sure what to make of Luke. Good guy? Well-intentioned but flawed? An asshole? He was all … morethese things, constantly changing back and forth as time went on, and my opinion on him was never set in stone, even as the ice started to crack under his feet.
Watching him be dragged down to his death was incredibly painful to watch. In the end, he proved himself a good man, one fucked over by circumstances beyond anyone's control. Rest in peace Luke. I wish you could've made it to the end.
... ... ... I know I'm going to regret asking this, but what happens if you choose to cover for him? All I've got so far from others is "lifeless body"...
You pick off the zombies, and then Bonnie goes towards him. They both fall in the water, and a few seconds later you see Luke bashing on the ice. You can shoot the ice, hit it with your gun or some other stuff, and then you fall into the water. Then you mash A, and you swim a bit, then see Luke frozen, dead in the water. Jane pulls you out, and you see Bonnie coming out. Then Bonnie blames you.
I'll admit, ever since we first met him, I was not sure what to make of Luke. Good guy? Well-intentioned but flawed? An asshole? He was all … morethese things, constantly changing back and forth as time went on, and my opinion on him was never set in stone, even as the ice started to crack under his feet.
Watching him be dragged down to his death was incredibly painful to watch. In the end, he proved himself a good man, one fucked over by circumstances beyond anyone's control. Rest in peace Luke. I wish you could've made it to the end.
... ... ... I know I'm going to regret asking this, but what happens if you choose to cover for him? All I've got so far from others is "lifeless body"...
If you choose to cover him, Bonnie will try to reach him. The ice still breaks and they both fall in. Clem sees Luke beneath the ice, punch… moreing at it trying to get out. Clem then can try to break the ice, if she does she falls in the water and sees Luke's body floating lifelessly in the water. Jane then pulls her out and the scene continues the same as the [Help] choice.
I'm still not sure if Bonnie can die here too, if you choose [cover]. I don't think so, but if she does, she's really mad at Clementine for not being the one to try and help Luke.
It was a good death, I will agree to that. You can just hear the fear and the desperation in Luke's voice too. Scott Porter did a good job in the death scene.
Isn't your title a spoiler?
How is it a spoiler? We know that Luke is in Episode 5.
End do epi 4 people were being shot and yet we don't know died or who survived?
I went into this determined to keep Luke and Kenny alive as long as possible. Kinda pissed I never had a choice with Luke as he dies no matter what choice you make.
And so soon. 
I think there's one comment you can make during the fire scene where Clem can admit to a crush on Luke.
The title doesn't even reveal if he survives the shoot out or not. It's literally just his name and the Episode 5. You're kind of blowing this out of proportion. There are more spoilery topic titles than mine.
true...but even then "luke in episode 5."
I had a feeling that his injured leg would be his downfall, and just knew that someone was going to drown. I didn't really like Luke, but it was still pretty brutal.
Yeah, why couldn't he have been determinant like Kenny and Jane?
After his birthday...
That should have been Luke and Kenny in the end .It looked like they change the ending .(They have been doing that allot lately.)
Yeah, I practically rolled my eyes when Jane showed up.
It should have been Luke, Kenny, Clem and AJ together in the end. Together, as a dysfunctional family unit.
It's like the Titanic all over again
I like that idea .I did everything I could to save Luke. (Your choices shape the story my ass)
I'm crying omg ;-;
It's like losing Lee all over again. So unfair...
I'm just so depressed over everything I cried during the ending with Kenny when he leaves and I cried over Lee coming back in the dream and I cried over Luke and I'm mad at Mike and I DON'T KNOW ;-;
Dammit...DAMMIT! ;-:
He's just pulled into the darkness.
Our light went out. ;_; T_T
It was the juicebox. Because....
juice box.
Sucks to hear about his fate. My Clem has a crush on him so it's gonna be a blow when he kicks it.
DAMMIT! ;-;-;-; I CRAI
Clem says something like "I'd come back for you."
It's in response to why Jane came back to the group. Everyone gives Clem a look when she says it and then she goes, "You know what I mean," all exasperated like.
I took it as Clem meaning she considered Luke a good friend and would always come back to help him.
No romantic feelings or crushes here. Just an awesome Brotp.
Shhhh... there there. [Hugs and pats back] Us Luke fans are here for you.
Please, no Cluke references.
Brotp only here you guys.
It's a little unfair that his is the only death of the group that is fixed this episode. Everyone else (except Clem & AJ) is either determinant or unknown.
I never regretted helping Luke. If you do, he's the on that saves YOU. A "Hero's" Death.
I agree. When I saw that scene, he was being slowly pulled into the dark depths. . . My heart broke. He's looking up with a look of pure fear, and that just... makes me cry... I hate zambies so fuckin much for killing my baby Luke.
I'll admit, ever since we first met him, I was not sure what to make of Luke. Good guy? Well-intentioned but flawed? An asshole? He was all these things, constantly changing back and forth as time went on, and my opinion on him was never set in stone, even as the ice started to crack under his feet.
Watching him be dragged down to his death was incredibly painful to watch. In the end, he proved himself a good man, one fucked over by circumstances beyond anyone's control. Rest in peace Luke. I wish you could've made it to the end.
... ... ... I know I'm going to regret asking this, but what happens if you choose to cover for him? All I've got so far from others is "lifeless body"...
Trust me, no actual Cluke here (cuz that's creepy). But just cuz you see them as bros doesn't mean MY Clem can't have a silly little crush on a cute boy
Now you're just being a troll, dude.
All right, that's acceptable.
As long as Luke doesn't reciprocate those feelings. Then we're good.
If you choose to cover him, Bonnie will try to reach him. The ice still breaks and they both fall in. Clem sees Luke beneath the ice, punching at it trying to get out. Clem then can try to break the ice, if she does she falls in the water and sees Luke's body floating lifelessly in the water. Jane then pulls her out and the scene continues the same as the [Help] choice.
I'm still not sure if Bonnie can die here too, if you choose [cover]. I don't think so, but if she does, she's really mad at Clementine for not being the one to try and help Luke.
You pick off the zombies, and then Bonnie goes towards him. They both fall in the water, and a few seconds later you see Luke bashing on the ice. You can shoot the ice, hit it with your gun or some other stuff, and then you fall into the water. Then you mash A, and you swim a bit, then see Luke frozen, dead in the water. Jane pulls you out, and you see Bonnie coming out. Then Bonnie blames you.
Yep. Definitely regret it.
Please tell me that Luke is gonna pull a Kenny and appear in season 3 saying 'he got lucky'
It was just so... sudden.
It was just so... sudden.