Clem and AJ walking through the herd. I felt like it was Kenny's time to go, he was just too far over the edge, but when Jane revealed the truth I was floored at how insane that plot of hers was, and knew I couldn't stay with her after that. Better off alone, for sure.
Ya, I let them in too. When that women hugged Jane I thought she stabbed her. Also, when that creepy music started playing when Clem saw the gun worried me.
Left Wellington WITH Kenny.
It means #MyClementine can toughen up even more offscreen for s3. And try to redeem Kenny if at all possible.
Tough calls to make though... Unfortunately with both Jane and Kenny being determinant, its rather safe to say that Kenny AND Jane will both die within like 5 minutes of s3. Which is sad... Please TellTale, Write some decent stories behind every ending of s2, i know eventually they all have to end up on the same path to keep the game straight. But don't go Omid on us... I really hope they wont.
It's funny cuz at first we sat with Kenny and defended him cuz he was our last link to Lee (and I thought he would have more Lee related dialogue than the cabin group) but as the season went on he just kept getting more unstable, and when I saw the spoiler that it was him or Jane I decided that when the time came Clem would go with Jane. But then we had that convo in the truck and Kenny said that he missed Lee and wished he was here, and I knew that Clem wouldnt be able to kill the only other person who remembered Lee and cared about him. She wanted someone else to remember his face and his voice and how kind he was ;_; So yeah, we tried to convince Jane to run away but she didn't listen.
And then at Wellington, we just kept remembering what we said to Jane when she was leaving, about owing everything. After everything that happened in S1, we felt like we owed Lee and Kadjaa and Duck (and Kenny himself) more then to just abandon him to die alone in the woods.
Ok so I shot Kenny because I felt like he was going Crazy. But then I found out Jane hid the baby . I then decided to forgive her and go with her. We arrived at carvers camp, then a family came along. You could decide whether to let the family stay with you in Howes, or tell then to leave. Now I know this May be an asshole move, but I decided not to let them in. My reason for this was... Something seemed a little off about them. Not the mom and son, but the father. I can't explain what was off about him, but I got a weird vibe from him..what do you guys think?
I heard their are 5 endings, my first was staying at Wellington , second was going with Kenny third was Clem and AJ on thier own , last was Clem and Jane at Howe's, anyone know the fifth?
I let Jane get killed, (it was a tough decision) and then as much as I didn't want to, left Kenny to go into Wellington. I feel like it was … morethe right thing to do, and I'm glad it's the ending I got. I mean, that's what I thought the goal was ever since the first episode of the season, I kept Clem safe and I got to Wellington. I had a heartfelt good bye, some more good life advice, and an additional hat. I'm happy that's the last side of Kenny I'll ever see.
I really don't like the ending where Clem leaves with Kenny and walks away from Wellington. I'm surprised anyone chose it.
The entire premise for the Season is for Clem to find Wellington and be safe.
Every since Episode 2 it's built up that Kenny is a broken man and is not safe to be around with anymore, he is good at heart and his gesture to sacrifice his place in Wellington is most fitting.
To reject safety and reject Kenny's offer for you to stay makes zero sense to me, the man is a complete liability and for you to walk away from food, shelter and warmth just because you have an attachment to a character that is totally flawed is just foolish. But that's just my opinion.
He was hiding a gun behind his back, which he was holding. Sort of like Jane did to Troy.
But it could've just been for defensive purposes. I let them in because I want people to help each other. Humanity. That involves taking chances like that.
Kenny died and I went back to carvers place with jane.
When those people came to the gate, I told them to leave. That dude is hiding something, I know it. And he threatened clementine.
Wow really? I didn't let them in and the father gave Clem this mean, threatening look. Then when he turns around and walks away, there will be a close up on his gun and ominous music played for me as well.
I went to Wellington with the baby, and let Kenny go, figured he has better chance to survive withouth a screaming baby to worry about. And at least Clem and baby will be safe..ish ^^
As Jane said "You've known Kenny for a long time sooner or longer you're gonna have to decide how much that's worth."
My response was:Alot more than you. And I was absolutely right cause the stupid thing she did to prove a point was just insane and selfish and the final straw.
Needless to say I picked Kenny but I decided to stay in Wellington and god was that emotional.
The point of that ending was to show just how much of your trust in humanity you still had left in you especially after you made a huge sacrifice thanks to Jane. Hence why it's one of the more darker endings in the game next to the REAL dark ending that I am 100% sure wouldn't be canon.
Ok so I shot Kenny because I felt like he was going Crazy. But then I found out Jane hid the baby . I then decided to forgive her and go wit… moreh her. We arrived at carvers camp, then a family came along. You could decide whether to let the family stay with you in Howes, or tell then to leave. Now I know this May be an asshole move, but I decided not to let them in. My reason for this was... Something seemed a little off about them. Not the mom and son, but the father. I can't explain what was off about him, but I got a weird vibe from him..what do you guys think?
I shot Kenny on impulse and I felt terrible about it but I tried to break the fight up and it just wasn't happening, but I couldn't just let Jane get stabbed to death. It feels wrong because I don't even like Jane that much but she proved her point, Kenny is dangerous. I realised before hand that she had stashed the baby somewhere and I'm still angry at her for making me kill Kenny. I kind of regret my decision but after seeing Kenny like that, perhaps I will be safer with Jane.
When the choice came to leave her or go with her, I actually didn't choose and waited for the timer to expire. My Clem chose to go with Jane. I don't want to forgive her but I know I need her to survive.
I let the people at the hardware store in but I don't know if I should have: hopefully they're trustworthy. When the woman hugged Jane though, it seemed kind of weird and I hope she didn't steal Jane's weapon or something.
The ending was strange too, just the kid commenting on Clem's hat. When the credits started rolling. I just took my headpohones off and shouted 'what does that even mean?!?' at my monitor.
Overall, I felt this was a well written and very emotional episode, but as I ended up with Jane (a character I'm not overly fond of) , back at the hardware store (when I wanted to go to Wellington) I felt a little unsatisfied at my ending.
I shot Kenny on impulse and I felt terrible about it but I tried to break the fight up and it just wasn't happening, but I couldn't just let… more Jane get stabbed to death. It feels wrong because I don't even like Jane that much but she proved her point, Kenny is dangerous. I realised before hand that she had stashed the baby somewhere and I'm still angry at her for making me kill Kenny. I kind of regret my decision but after seeing Kenny like that, perhaps I will be safer with Jane.
When the choice came to leave her or go with her, I actually didn't choose and waited for the timer to expire. My Clem chose to go with Jane. I don't want to forgive her but I know I need her to survive.
I let the people at the hardware store in but I don't know if I should have: hopefully they're trustworthy. When the woman hugged Jane though, it seemed kind of weird and I hope she didn't steal Jane's weapon or something.
The ending was strange too, just th… [view original content]
I have a lot of opinions about this episode, but this was actually pretty smart. How to please Kenny haters and Kenny fans? Let them choose. Btw It's a shame that there was no Christa, no Lilly, no man from the river and no Eddie
I shot Kenny, but I kinda wish we hadn't had to. I didn't want any more death and I was kinda hoping it would be non-fatal. Didn't work out that way. I decided to forgive Jane because, well, going off alone is never the answer. Even though Jane was a monumental douchebag by hiding the baby just to prove her point, I guess I understand why she did it. Still pissed at her, but my Lee forgave Lilly, so I forgave Jane. Not really similar in the slightest but hey, mercy. Let the family into Howe's because I figured they were friendly; I wasn't about to let that kid die either. Hoping that the dad doesn't end up using that gun to rob us or something.
Also, was kinda hoping the 400 days characters would be there at Howe's. Pity.
Same... I had to kill Kenny... he was just dangerous to the whole group... but I want to replay and get the ending where Clem is alone with AJ because sooner or later Kenny and Jane will die because they are determinant characters
Ok so I shot Kenny because I felt like he was going Crazy. But then I found out Jane hid the baby . I then decided to forgive her and go wit… moreh her. We arrived at carvers camp, then a family came along. You could decide whether to let the family stay with you in Howes, or tell then to leave. Now I know this May be an asshole move, but I decided not to let them in. My reason for this was... Something seemed a little off about them. Not the mom and son, but the father. I can't explain what was off about him, but I got a weird vibe from him..what do you guys think?
I got the one where Clem is all alone with the baby. I let myself get manipulated by Jane, and decided not to follow her. Initially I sided with Jane when she told Kenny that the baby is dead (I mean it was frozen wasteland out there, I didn't expect the baby to live through something like that) and I was pulling them off each other when one was about to kill the other. Eventually It came down to Kenny almost stabbing Jane, and I shot Kenny because I thought he had gone through enough (constantly losing people you care about will send any man in to insanity), and then Kenny gave a heartfelt goodbye and I was crying at this point. Then I heard the baby inside the car, BOY was I angry at Jane, and her reasoning behind her actions. "I only wanted to show you how much of a mess Kenny was" BULLSHIT, he had something to care about (the baby) and was putting the rest of his energy into a selfless life-choice. OF COURSE Kenny was going to snap violently once he realized he had nothing to live for, for the 3RD time in a row. I can't believe I let Jane manipulate me like that, and if this series does continue, I'm going to be more weary of the people I trust. I'm deciding to keep my ending where Clem is alone with the baby, despite what others might claim about there being a better ending then that. I feel that would be in the spirit of a walking dead game, to live with your choices and mistakes.
Also, great game Telltale, you did not disappoint with the ending(s) to this season (although I will most likely suffer nightmares now due to my choices).
As much as I like Kenny as a quirky support character. Game wouldn't hold any interest me if they outright ditched Clem and switched protagonists seat over to Kenny. No thank you.
I fell for Jane's trick. The situation they were in, I figured it wasn't that far fetched of an idea that she would have had to ditch the ba… moreby to fight for her own life- and it seemed like something Jane would do. So I thought, yeah, she messed up, got the baby killed and now Kenny's having a justified murder rage. And when they started fighting, I couldn't decide. Sure, Jane got the one of two things Kenny still cared for killed, but that might have just been self preservation. I would never kill someone for leaving another person out of self defence. Hell, it would be hypocritical, seeing how I did the same with Sarah. And so at the last milisecond of the choice timer I slammed my mouse and pulled that trigger. I felt horrible. Though I somewhat felt better after Kenny assured me I made the right choice. He was done- with everyone in his life but Clementine dead, it was the right time for him to join them. Felt like good closure to his stor… [view original content]
At the rest stop, I was so confused when I saw Jane walk in without the baby. I wasn't sure how she could have possibly kept him safe out there alone. I assumed she just abandoned him, considering how she felt about it before, and she wasn't denying it. I tried to break up the fight as much as I could, but neither of them were having it. I ended up letting Jane die. And I felt terrible for doing it. Of course, that feeling didn't last for long once I realized what she did. That's a mistake she can take to her grave.
As for Wellington, I decided to stay. Kenny has lost so many people he cares about and just wants to know that Clem and the baby are safe. He even says he doesn't trust himself to look after them, so if anything were to happen by staying with him, he would only feel worse. I really did want to stay with Kenny, but at the same time I wanted him to have this to feel proud of. Something to make up for the things he blames himself for in the past.
This is the only ending I've seen since I just finished my main playthrough
That's cuz I didnt play the game with the idea that Clem is a baton that passes from person to person with the intention of getting her over the finish line (aka Wellington). I mean, what's the point of having her be the main char and letting her have different persinalities if ur just gonna focus on what you interpret as the games end goal.
My hardened Clem went to wellington, but my sweet Clem went with Kenny cuz she has different attachments and loyalties then simply "get her over the finish line".
Besides, I think it's incredibly foolish to just automatically trust that Wellington is a good place.
I really don't like the ending where Clem leaves with Kenny and walks away from Wellington. I'm surprised anyone chose it.
The entire pre… moremise for the Season is for Clem to find Wellington and be safe.
Every since Episode 2 it's built up that Kenny is a broken man and is not safe to be around with anymore, he is good at heart and his gesture to sacrifice his place in Wellington is most fitting.
To reject safety and reject Kenny's offer for you to stay makes zero sense to me, the man is a complete liability and for you to walk away from food, shelter and warmth just because you have an attachment to a character that is totally flawed is just foolish. But that's just my opinion.
For me.. it wasnt a choice, i knew i had to shoot kenny. before i tell you guys my ending.. my heart was with kenny even when he's wrong and my mind was with jane even when she judges him! but i loved kenny too much to let him live and suffer and feel such sadness, i knew even tho i wanted him to be with me, he's the only friend lee had and he understands me! but he wont be happy with me, i knew i had to shoot him. when i had the option to mention that its ok kenny you'll be with duck and katja, that made me smile! cause that the only reason i shot him, not because i like jane better.. anyhow my ending that i shot kenny and i cried like clem did and i choose to forgive jane cause i cant be alone with a baby! that ending got me and i dont think i will reply it. it was worth the emotion. and when i finished the game i thought about Lee's words to me.. i think he said it! its ok to kill people you love sometimes, maybe they'll be happy! omg this was long but idk maybe some of you agree with me, i dont hate kenny, i loved him too much as a character and a friend to clem to let him live with this much sadness. ''people say its the bad ending'' but i say that it is a bad ending for me and clem, but it was a good ending for my kenny to be happy again good job telltale! you got me ;_;
Clem and AJ walking through the herd. I felt like it was Kenny's time to go, he was just too far over the edge, but when Jane revealed the truth I was floored at how insane that plot of hers was, and knew I couldn't stay with her after that. Better off alone, for sure.
The creepy music at seeing the gun kind of made me wtf. Yeah, it's a gun. Why is this concerning? I have a gun. You have a gun. He has a gun.
Who does not have a gun.
Left Wellington WITH Kenny.
It means #MyClementine can toughen up even more offscreen for s3. And try to redeem Kenny if at all possible.
Tough calls to make though... Unfortunately with both Jane and Kenny being determinant, its rather safe to say that Kenny AND Jane will both die within like 5 minutes of s3. Which is sad... Please TellTale, Write some decent stories behind every ending of s2, i know eventually they all have to end up on the same path to keep the game straight. But don't go Omid on us... I really hope they wont.
I also left Wellington with Kenny.
It's funny cuz at first we sat with Kenny and defended him cuz he was our last link to Lee (and I thought he would have more Lee related dialogue than the cabin group) but as the season went on he just kept getting more unstable, and when I saw the spoiler that it was him or Jane I decided that when the time came Clem would go with Jane. But then we had that convo in the truck and Kenny said that he missed Lee and wished he was here, and I knew that Clem wouldnt be able to kill the only other person who remembered Lee and cared about him. She wanted someone else to remember his face and his voice and how kind he was ;_; So yeah, we tried to convince Jane to run away but she didn't listen.
And then at Wellington, we just kept remembering what we said to Jane when she was leaving, about owing everything. After everything that happened in S1, we felt like we owed Lee and Kadjaa and Duck (and Kenny himself) more then to just abandon him to die alone in the woods.
it was just me and aj but im going back to be with someone
Ok so I shot Kenny because I felt like he was going Crazy. But then I found out Jane hid the baby
. I then decided to forgive her and go with her. We arrived at carvers camp, then a family came along. You could decide whether to let the family stay with you in Howes, or tell then to leave. Now I know this May be an asshole move, but I decided not to let them in. My reason for this was... Something seemed a little off about them. Not the mom and son, but the father. I can't explain what was off about him, but I got a weird vibe from him..what do you guys think?
I heard their are 5 endings, my first was staying at Wellington , second was going with Kenny third was Clem and AJ on thier own , last was Clem and Jane at Howe's, anyone know the fifth?
I really don't like the ending where Clem leaves with Kenny and walks away from Wellington. I'm surprised anyone chose it.
The entire premise for the Season is for Clem to find Wellington and be safe.
Every since Episode 2 it's built up that Kenny is a broken man and is not safe to be around with anymore, he is good at heart and his gesture to sacrifice his place in Wellington is most fitting.
To reject safety and reject Kenny's offer for you to stay makes zero sense to me, the man is a complete liability and for you to walk away from food, shelter and warmth just because you have an attachment to a character that is totally flawed is just foolish. But that's just my opinion.
He was hiding a gun behind his back, which he was holding. Sort of like Jane did to Troy.
But it could've just been for defensive purposes. I let them in because I want people to help each other. Humanity. That involves taking chances like that.
I left Kenny and went to Wellington both Kenny and Lee would've wanted that.
Got this ending as well. Broke down crying like a baby. It's going to be rough, but at least the family is still together.
Wow really? I didn't let them in and the father gave Clem this mean, threatening look. Then when he turns around and walks away, there will be a close up on his gun and ominous music played for me as well.
I went to Wellington with the baby, and let Kenny go, figured he has better chance to survive withouth a screaming baby to worry about. And at least Clem and baby will be safe..ish ^^
I stayed with Kenny, after all we've been through..I couldn't just leave him.
Shot Kenny, went with Jane, told the 'family' to get lost.
As Jane said "You've known Kenny for a long time sooner or longer you're gonna have to decide how much that's worth."
My response was:Alot more than you. And I was absolutely right cause the stupid thing she did to prove a point was just insane and selfish and the final straw.
Needless to say I picked Kenny but I decided to stay in Wellington and god was that emotional.
The point of that ending was to show just how much of your trust in humanity you still had left in you especially after you made a huge sacrifice thanks to Jane. Hence why it's one of the more darker endings in the game next to the REAL dark ending that I am 100% sure wouldn't be canon.
I shot Kenny on impulse and I felt terrible about it but I tried to break the fight up and it just wasn't happening, but I couldn't just let Jane get stabbed to death. It feels wrong because I don't even like Jane that much but she proved her point, Kenny is dangerous. I realised before hand that she had stashed the baby somewhere and I'm still angry at her for making me kill Kenny. I kind of regret my decision but after seeing Kenny like that, perhaps I will be safer with Jane.
When the choice came to leave her or go with her, I actually didn't choose and waited for the timer to expire. My Clem chose to go with Jane. I don't want to forgive her but I know I need her to survive.
I let the people at the hardware store in but I don't know if I should have: hopefully they're trustworthy. When the woman hugged Jane though, it seemed kind of weird and I hope she didn't steal Jane's weapon or something.
The ending was strange too, just the kid commenting on Clem's hat. When the credits started rolling. I just took my headpohones off and shouted 'what does that even mean?!?' at my monitor.
Overall, I felt this was a well written and very emotional episode, but as I ended up with Jane (a character I'm not overly fond of) , back at the hardware store (when I wanted to go to Wellington) I felt a little unsatisfied at my ending.
Yea same .. felt bad for killing Kenny tho

For me, this ending sort of symbolized how Clem has grown to have less trust in humanity but still wants to do the right thing.
She wants to help them, but she's still worried because of past experiences.
I killed Kenny and left Jane.... I had a feeling that she washing lying about the baby....
Damn it, my Clem is alone with AJ....
I have a lot of opinions about this episode, but this was actually pretty smart. How to please Kenny haters and Kenny fans? Let them choose. Btw It's a shame that there was no Christa, no Lilly, no man from the river and no Eddie
Staying at Wellington, leaving with Kenny, going on your own, saving Jane and telling the family to leave, or saving Jane and welcoming the family.
Ohh Ok , thanks .
I shot Kenny, but I kinda wish we hadn't had to. I didn't want any more death and I was kinda hoping it would be non-fatal. Didn't work out that way. I decided to forgive Jane because, well, going off alone is never the answer. Even though Jane was a monumental douchebag by hiding the baby just to prove her point, I guess I understand why she did it. Still pissed at her, but my Lee forgave Lilly, so I forgave Jane. Not really similar in the slightest but hey, mercy. Let the family into Howe's because I figured they were friendly; I wasn't about to let that kid die either. Hoping that the dad doesn't end up using that gun to rob us or something.
Also, was kinda hoping the 400 days characters would be there at Howe's. Pity.
Same... I had to kill Kenny... he was just dangerous to the whole group... but I want to replay and get the ending where Clem is alone with AJ because sooner or later Kenny and Jane will die because they are determinant characters
Carver acted out of selfish intent. Jane acted for Clementine.
You know, I haven't played it yet but I kinda wanna go with Clem alone with AJ... Just because Kenny and Jane are... 2edgy4me
I was starting to think that they were cannibals right after the ending...
I left Wellington with Kenny. Bros 4 ever!

Credits to the one who did it
You know, I would've been kinda mad with your post... but then you showed that pic. Now you have my thumbs up!
I got the one where Clem is all alone with the baby. I let myself get manipulated by Jane, and decided not to follow her. Initially I sided with Jane when she told Kenny that the baby is dead (I mean it was frozen wasteland out there, I didn't expect the baby to live through something like that) and I was pulling them off each other when one was about to kill the other. Eventually It came down to Kenny almost stabbing Jane, and I shot Kenny because I thought he had gone through enough (constantly losing people you care about will send any man in to insanity), and then Kenny gave a heartfelt goodbye and I was crying at this point. Then I heard the baby inside the car, BOY was I angry at Jane, and her reasoning behind her actions. "I only wanted to show you how much of a mess Kenny was" BULLSHIT, he had something to care about (the baby) and was putting the rest of his energy into a selfless life-choice. OF COURSE Kenny was going to snap violently once he realized he had nothing to live for, for the 3RD time in a row. I can't believe I let Jane manipulate me like that, and if this series does continue, I'm going to be more weary of the people I trust. I'm deciding to keep my ending where Clem is alone with the baby, despite what others might claim about there being a better ending then that. I feel that would be in the spirit of a walking dead game, to live with your choices and mistakes.
Also, great game Telltale, you did not disappoint with the ending(s) to this season (although I will most likely suffer nightmares now due to my choices).
i wouldn't suggest kenny as protagonist, he is to good of a character to be controlled by the player
I feel you man, I made the same choices, and now I'm going to have to live with it
At the rest stop, I was so confused when I saw Jane walk in without the baby. I wasn't sure how she could have possibly kept him safe out there alone. I assumed she just abandoned him, considering how she felt about it before, and she wasn't denying it. I tried to break up the fight as much as I could, but neither of them were having it. I ended up letting Jane die. And I felt terrible for doing it. Of course, that feeling didn't last for long once I realized what she did. That's a mistake she can take to her grave.
As for Wellington, I decided to stay. Kenny has lost so many people he cares about and just wants to know that Clem and the baby are safe. He even says he doesn't trust himself to look after them, so if anything were to happen by staying with him, he would only feel worse. I really did want to stay with Kenny, but at the same time I wanted him to have this to feel proud of. Something to make up for the things he blames himself for in the past.
This is the only ending I've seen since I just finished my main playthrough
That's cuz I didnt play the game with the idea that Clem is a baton that passes from person to person with the intention of getting her over the finish line (aka Wellington). I mean, what's the point of having her be the main char and letting her have different persinalities if ur just gonna focus on what you interpret as the games end goal.
My hardened Clem went to wellington, but my sweet Clem went with Kenny cuz she has different attachments and loyalties then simply "get her over the finish line".
Besides, I think it's incredibly foolish to just automatically trust that Wellington is a good place.
Same ending.
This is the best gif I've ever seen. Hahaha
For me.. it wasnt a choice, i knew i had to shoot kenny. before i tell you guys my ending.. my heart was with kenny even when he's wrong and my mind was with jane even when she judges him! but i loved kenny too much to let him live and suffer and feel such sadness, i knew even tho i wanted him to be with me, he's the only friend lee had and he understands me! but he wont be happy with me, i knew i had to shoot him. when i had the option to mention that its ok kenny you'll be with duck and katja, that made me smile! cause that the only reason i shot him, not because i like jane better.. anyhow my ending that i shot kenny and i cried like clem did
and i choose to forgive jane cause i cant be alone with a baby! that ending got me and i dont think i will reply it. it was worth the emotion. and when i finished the game i thought about Lee's words to me.. i think he said it! its ok to kill people you love sometimes, maybe they'll be happy! omg this was long but idk maybe some of you agree with me, i dont hate kenny, i loved him too much as a character and a friend to clem to let him live with this much sadness. ''people say its the bad ending'' but i say that it is a bad ending for me and clem, but it was a good ending for my kenny to be happy again
good job telltale! you got me ;_;