Jane proved something (Spoilers)

edited August 2014 in The Walking Dead

That she is just as dangerous as she claimed Kenny was maybe more so. She said Kenny was dangerous. She was right, if the right buttons were pushed he could go crazy. But that makes him predictable. Someone who is predictable is more easy to work with because you know what buttons to push, and what not to push. Example: "Kenny, Duck wouldn't want to see you this way." That would totally bring Kenny back to earth, and he'd say that you were right.

Jane proved to be able to lie, and put people's lives in danger while staying totally calm. In some ways this makes her much more dangerous than Kenny. He acted from emotion, while her actions were thought out, and methodical... Also like Kenny she proved that she would leave you if you didn't agree with her. She came back for Clementine but what if Clem had started saying she was wrong? Could she really be trusted to stick with you during the rough times? Unlikely.

Kenny had his flaw for sure but if having the choice to face someone who I know when they are going to attack me versus someone who would put a knife in my neck while I slept I'd pick Kenny anytime... (Well unless I was screwing Jane which with her track record would be likely)



  • edited August 2014

    Don't worry dude, even though I shot Kenny and went with Jane to Howe's hardware, I'll do Kenny justice and raise AJ right.

  • lol... Yeah you would probably take a suggestion from Jane and leave the baby to the crows because the crying was getting the attention of Walkers.

    remorse667 posted: »

    Don't worry dude, even though I shot Kenny and went with Jane to Howe's hardware, I'll do Kenny justice and raise AJ right.

  • Never trust a manipulative person. Just ask Troy's dick.

  • Jane proved Kenny got nice hair

  • Eh i'd leave both of em for luke

  • Both had major faults and flaws but also qualities both really cared for clem both which ever why you play it are at fault for the big fight at the end neither one deserved to die just because kenny has anger issues or grief doesnt give him the right to go on how he did threw out the season everyone at this point in the game everyone have lost a lot of people they cared about and jane had no right to hid the baby to force that stituation with kenny its great writting from the writers as for me anyway me clem loved both and was torn between both but as for mike and bonnie a tratiors death awaits you they never would of pulled that if luke didnt go and die :(

  • Just because Jane is not as emotionally sensitive as Kenny does not make her weak. You might be right but the chances are that Jane has more control over her emotions than kenny did

  • I killed the SOB (jane)

  • The most predictable thing about Kenny was his raging temper. Someone like that is dangerous to be around. He never listened to what Luke, Bonnie, Mike and sometimes Clem would have to say. Because of his temper, he would never think before he acted.
    -When the cabin/lodge groups are captured by Carver, he plans to punch Troy and take their guns instead of thinking of a plan which would be more sensible.
    Loyal to those loyal to him. Unforgiving to those who he thinks have wronged him.
    -In order to get his approval, you have to side with him on everything. Proven in S1 when he has the option to refuse Lee's plea for help to find Clem.
    -Calling Ben a "s*******" a year after his death.
    -When Duck was bitten he kept telling Lee, "Nothing's wrong, He'll be fine" when he obviously wasn't.

    I also felt the best possible ending for Kenny had to have been his death. "Part of growing up is doing what's best for PEOPLE you care about... Even if it means hurting someone else." ~Lee Everett.

  • Troy deserved it.

    Never trust a manipulative person. Just ask Troy's dick.

  • I think Clem could tell Jane she's wrong and it'd be OK...but she couldn't be dependent or needy, because Jane would vanish. That's how she copes with stress. Kenny explodes and accuses people and freaks out, but then it's over. Both of them could be dangerous.

  • Just realized my favorite moment of the season was a literal dick shot. No more words.

    Never trust a manipulative person. Just ask Troy's dick.

  • That would technically be a DOB

    Chandrae posted: »

    I killed the SOB (jane)

  • Oh I agree and was glad she did it. However it gave you peek at her true character. A conniving person who has no problems manipulating those around her to get what she wants. How the hell can you trust that?

    Bokor posted: »

    Troy deserved it.

  • edited August 2014

    Kenny was becoming the new Carver. there is nothing more dangerous than that.

    Kenny was the reason the group have been dismantled. everyone was terrified of his impulsive and violent behavior, and rightly so. Jane made ​​mistakes just like everyone else. but she would never do what Kenny did with Arvo. she already felt bad just for stealing his bag. And she was not the only person who warned Clem about the fact that Kenny was losing his sanity. ALL the group said it. Jane can lie? Yes. everyone can lie.. but not everyone manages to destroy the face of a man with a crowbar until the face becomes nothing but a ruin of flesh and bone.

    I'm not saying Kenny was a bad person. I'm just saying that he would have to be stopped. for good.

  • edited August 2014

    She'd leave a baby in a thunderstorm with zombies just to prove a point. I'd say that's worse than beating a guy that tried to kill your friends - twice.

    Kenny wasn't like carver. He was a loose cannon, sure, and he would hurt people when angry. And regretted it every single time. But he was predictable, only asking for people to stop fanning the fire. Which most of them did.

    But Carver? He'd kill you in cold blood and not feel a thing. Or some weird sense of "doing the right thing", if anything. In that, ironically, Jane was more similar to him. What initially seemed like "keeping her cool" was just a total lack of compassion. She might have had that once, but she lost it when her sister died. And the weak reminiscence of it we might have rekindled throughout the episode would not have been enough when it came to saving her own life vs. somebody elses.

    Kenny on the other hand would absolutely (and often did) risk life and limb for Clem (and the group at large).

    Kenny was becoming the new Carver. there is nothing more dangerous than that. Kenny was the reason the group have been dismantled. everyo

  • Yeah kenny was right bout arvo as he shoots clem plus in real life in my shoes i would of killed arvo at the start of the episode was happy to rob them till his sis got shot if he is in season 3 clem will get revenge

    Skurkanas posted: »

    She'd leave a baby in a thunderstorm with zombies just to prove a point. I'd say that's worse than beating a guy that tried to kill your fri

  • "Part of growing up is doing what's best for PEOPLE you care about... Even if it means hurting someone else." ~Lee Everett.

    I cared about Kenny more, so I did what was best for him even if it meant hurting Jane.

    Thank you Lee for the good advice, I've always respected your wisdom.

    torkahn808 posted: »

    The most predictable thing about Kenny was his raging temper. Someone like that is dangerous to be around. He never listened to what Luke, B

  • He was a loose cannon, sure, and he would hurt people when angry. And regretted it every single time.

    And the cost of all the times he hurt someone and had to regret for it was too high. it cost the whole group. is it really worth it?

    Jane is not like Carver. She's not cruel and does not follow some crazy philosophy on "stronger above the weakest". she became a bit cold and distant because of the past with her sister, but unlike Kenny. she didn't let it corrupt her mind. she remained strong in her way and she proved that she can change, coming back to the group because of Clem!

    With Kenny unfortunately it did not happen, even with all members of the group warning him about it. and this eventually cause the death of Luke, and later force the group to separate... again, the cost was too high!

    She'd leave a baby in a thunderstorm with zombies just to prove a point.

    Jane didn't abandon the baby in a storm. he was protected inside a closed car and safe from the cold. I agree with you that was not a very appropriate plan. but I got the message. Jane was concerned ( And I also.) about the safety of Clem and the baby. she knew that the chances of finding Wellington in that whole mess was minimal. she knew that Kenny wouldn't stop because Kenny no longer heard anyone else he just go on barking orders! as Luke said... so she had to take drastic measures and risk her own life against Kenny. and so Clem could see what he was becoming gradually. a threat to all.

    Skurkanas posted: »

    She'd leave a baby in a thunderstorm with zombies just to prove a point. I'd say that's worse than beating a guy that tried to kill your fri

  • That's EXACTLY the idea of the encounter pick the lesser of two evils kind of thing.

  • When I was playing, I took it that Kenny was so broken that he needed to die to be with Katjaa and Duck. When Clem shot him, he seemed afraid, something I hadn't seem from Kenny ever in the game. My Clem told him he would be with Katjaa and Duck. He seemed finally at peace to me which he hardly ever was.

    "Part of growing up is doing what's best for PEOPLE you care about... Even if it means hurting someone else." ~Lee Everett. I cared

  • Uncalled for...

    Kennyftw posted: »

    lol... Yeah you would probably take a suggestion from Jane and leave the baby to the crows because the crying was getting the attention of Walkers.

  • Jane's plans were based on a lie. The baby was alive. She could of stopped the fight anytime, but she wanted to fight Kenny. She got what she deserved, Kenny didn't try to kill Jane for because he didn't like her, he killed he because thought she abandoned the baby to die to save her own life. A baby he cared a lot for, for some reason.

    When they were fighting i tried to separate them. When Kenny was on top of her about to stab her, i wasn't going to shoot Kenny for her, so i watched her die. I felt bad until i realized the baby was still alive, and it was all a complete lie. Then i felt justified.

    He was a loose cannon, sure, and he would hurt people when angry. And regretted it every single time. And the cost of all the times

  • Kenny just did too much things out temper without reason, that made him unpredictabale thus dangerous... I really liked that guy but often got pissed because of him jsut because of his attitude towards Lee in S1 or later on... side with him 9 out of 10 times and he would still be a dick towards you. I'd rather go with Jane who is cold-blooded and manipulative than with a Kenny who lost it. Jane overdid it with her "hide-the-baby-action" but she wasn't proven wrong and she is no danger for Clem-Clem. She thinks rationally and has a cool temper. I'd rather stick around her

  • She said shes never killed anyone, but people who have wronged her.

    Oh I agree and was glad she did it. However it gave you peek at her true character. A conniving person who has no problems manipulating those around her to get what she wants. How the hell can you trust that?

  • It's a realistic thing for her to say. She did it with a 15 year old girl, why not a baby she's not fond of?

    Uncalled for...

  • Jane might not be cruel, but neither was Carver, at least to his mind. Both are the kind of people who think they have "figured it out" and others are just too weak or too stupid to understand how the world works now.
    Carver was trying to prove this point to his community. Jane was trying to prove this point to Clem. Both where willing to kill people in order to do so.

    While I really liked Jane throughout this episode, and really tried to get her to reconnect with people, the ending only showed that she did in fact not change, and still valued her way of doing things over the life of others. She would have killed Clem or the Baby without a second thought as soon as they'd become a liability, just as she'd have killed Kenny.

    Now I won't argue that Kenny was a good leader, but he was a good person. At the end, he's literally the only person in the group besides Clem that has kept his moral compass and would do everything in his (although limited) ability to save the lives of others - even before his own if needed, and even if he thought they were a liability.
    Everyone else was only out for themselves, one way or another.

    You say that Kennys actions have cost too much, but I'd argue that by caring only about themselves, the others have lost something far more important.

    He was a loose cannon, sure, and he would hurt people when angry. And regretted it every single time. And the cost of all the times

  • The best possible ending for Kenny is getting AJ and Clementine to Wellington. That way he knows that the two people he cares about will be safe and happy, he redeems himself and can die in peace.

    I dislike how people pretend they know how Kenny is feeling, pretending that they would do better under similar circumstances. Lets not forget that Lee Everitt snapped when he saw his wife cheating on him with a senator. If a man as great as Lee snapped and killed a man over infidelity, how could you expect Kenny not to snap under much worse circumstances?

    torkahn808 posted: »

    The most predictable thing about Kenny was his raging temper. Someone like that is dangerous to be around. He never listened to what Luke, B

  • To me Kenny seemed to be too out of control and was dividing the group, instigating arguements, going downhill and wasn't open to new or better plans of where to go. Then when Jane implied that Kenny could possibly end up like Carver it dawned on me how much he had changed since losing his family and how attached Kenny became to a baby that wasn't even his. He tries to fill the void of losing his family (Sereta & AJ) and when she died it just made it worse. Jane was stupid for pulling that crap but she was right , Kenny completely snapped when he thought AJ (who he'd known for 2 days and wasn't even his) was dead. It was still a hard choice though I really liked Kenny but i agreed with Jane when she said he was a ticking time bomb and what he's been through was taking a toll on his mental state. That being said I would have left without Jane if it wasn't for Clem being on her own.

  • We all have been with Kenny since the beginning so of course we all have opinions about his feelings being invested in his character. No one is pretending they would do better that's why this is a game. I actually think that ending is sad because he has to leave his loved ones again. I'm not sure what you are referring to about him "snapping" since he snapped every time he talked to somebody but if you are referring to Jane hiding AJ then telling Kenny she lost him I was expecting him to snap. That was the final straw for Kenny. Jane wanted to show Clem what he was really capable of. Sure Kenny lost people but so did everyone! Just because he lost people doesn't make him special! Jane lost her sister. Clem lost everyone! Luke lost all his friends. They never snapped as much as Kenny did. Jane wanted to show that Kenny was not a level-headed man and something that would be impossible to feel safe with.

    The best possible ending for Kenny is getting AJ and Clementine to Wellington. That way he knows that the two people he cares about will be

  • Which is also a B.

    Jere85 posted: »

    That would technically be a DOB

  • Lee snapped and killed a man over infidelity, how could you not expect Kenny to react violently over something much much worse? As Kenny pointed out after, at any time she could have revealed the baby was alive but she didn't, because she was looking for a fight.

  • edited August 2014

    Nah, I'll do what Kenny does...

    Berate everyone who disagrees with me!

    The Baby needs food




    Kennyftw posted: »

    lol... Yeah you would probably take a suggestion from Jane and leave the baby to the crows because the crying was getting the attention of Walkers.

  • They both done it before. Jane was more justified though. Her motivation was killed when she gave up on her sister after trying so many times.

    It's a realistic thing for her to say. She did it with a 15 year old girl, why not a baby she's not fond of?

  • I really hate the Wellington ending because in the end, it justified the actions of Mike & Bonnie. It was emotional, but damn, the right move was to go south.

  • I wouldn't say it justified them. They were taking all of the supplies and ditching the others. And who knows if they could make it down south in one piece. That's a long shot by itself. I'd say it gave the "Head South Option" some more bearing. But it did not justify their actions by any means.

    remorse667 posted: »

    I really hate the Wellington ending because in the end, it justified the actions of Mike & Bonnie. It was emotional, but damn, the right move was to go south.

  • Jane is known to leave people behind so she can survive, Jane also made it known that the baby would be dead weight. If you spare Kenny he reveals that he thought Jane had purposely left the baby behind or worse. Keeping this in mind and the fact that Kenny was a father and had taken it upon himself to care for AJ, it was no surprise he snapped.

    One thing that we both cannot deny is that Kenny cared for Clementine and AJ. He proved this in the end at Wellington. Considering Jane's track record of ditching people, I doubt Jane would sacrifice herself like Kenny did.

    Like I said already, Lee snapped and killed a man over infidelity but yet he was a great man who risked his life protecting Clementine. Why is it any different for Kenny? Keep in mind that the death of Sarita and the alleged death of the baby was all in the space of a week.

    torkahn808 posted: »

    We all have been with Kenny since the beginning so of course we all have opinions about his feelings being invested in his character. No one

  • No I mean him assuming that remorse667 would take Jane hypothetical advice.

    It's a realistic thing for her to say. She did it with a 15 year old girl, why not a baby she's not fond of?

  • edited August 2014

    Yes. As I said before. that plan was inappropriate, it was a drastic and desperate attempt. But Jane never mentioned that she had killed the baby or left him to die somewhere in the blizzard. she implied that an accident had happened. was a bait to show Clem, how Kenny was uncontrolled.

    Kenny might well have asked, or even required of Jane an explanation for what happened. but instead he opted for violence as well as Carver, and so it was with Arvo. this is the way a broken man decides things. with violence. because he is too proud and has no condition of maintaining a civilized debate..

    I tell you, if there was another way to solve this without having Kenny going to kill Jane. I would GLADLY choose another option. I simply no longer saw a future alongside Kenny, not in the way he was at.

    ..And Telltale never makes things easier. :)

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Jane's plans were based on a lie. The baby was alive. She could of stopped the fight anytime, but she wanted to fight Kenny. She got what sh

  • If you spare Kenny he reveals that he thought she purposefully left the baby behind or worse. Considering Jane's track record of ditching people and open protest against the baby do you really fucking blame his assumption? As Kenny pointed out, at any moment she could have revealed the baby wasn't dead but she didn't, because she wanted a fight. I know she implied it was an accident but if she hypothetically did kill the baby to save her ass do you really think she would say so?

    Jane brought a knife to a fist fight she provoked, she got what she deserved in my playthrough. At the end of the day Kenny has Clem's and AJ's best interests in mind as he proved in Wellington when he sacrificed himself for them.

    Yes. As I said before. that plan was inappropriate, it was a drastic and desperate attempt. But Jane never mentioned that she had killed the

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