Dialogue options that you WISH you had.



  • Gill: Cool hat!

    Clem: Right, everybody out!

  • How about when we get to Ski Lounge instead of decorating an Xmas Tree we Say hey Kenny some Sociopath has been chasing us for the last 5 days lets get ready for a gun fight. And home alone style boobie trap Carvers crew

  • Arvo: Fuck you

    Clem push Kenny away and hugs Arvo

    Clem: You are the incarnation of Ben Paul, I will respect you even more now.


    Clem get shot and screams YOU ARE NOT WORTHY TO BE A SHITBIRD

    Or go in the Avatar state

  • Bonnie - Run with a lotta people. A lotta men. And listened to a lotta promises. Ain't one of 'em come true. I'm startin' to think there might be another way, you know?

    Clementine- Are you trying to hit on me? 'Cus I don't like this way you speak of.

  • As soon as he said that I was like "WOW, I instantly hate that kid."

    Gill: Cool hat! Clem: Right, everybody out!

  • Why? It was a compliment. I like Clem's hat.

    iFakeNormal posted: »

    As soon as he said that I was like "WOW, I instantly hate that kid."

  • Yeah, I do too. Just made him sound like he would be another Duck who thought the Zombie Apocalypse was just like a snow-day off school. It made him seem immature. Also, I thought he wasn't feeling well because he was starved? He looked healthy and sounded perfectly cheery about my hat.

    I don't trust 'em.

    Also, it was a weak line to end on.

    Why? It was a compliment. I like Clem's hat.

  • I chose to go with Jane in the end.
    I didn't like that my two options were "Go it alone" or "Forgive Jane." Because I certainly didn't forgive her. That was a stupid stunt and Kenny didn't need to die like that...but I also thought being WITH her was better than being alone. So, I would have liked to have a third option there. To give her attitude or show her displeasure and then go on along with her.

  • Ohhh, okay. I didn't get that ending. I got a different one.

    iFakeNormal posted: »

    Yeah, I do too. Just made him sound like he would be another Duck who thought the Zombie Apocalypse was just like a snow-day off school. It

  • You can tell her that she's fucking crazy. That's enough attitude to give Jane. On one of my other files, I chose Jane over Kenny, and I told her that she's fucking crazy. It was awesome. First time Clem has said fuck. That's what I wanted to hear this season was Clem saying fuck, and it happened XD

    iFakeNormal posted: »

    I chose to go with Jane in the end. I didn't like that my two options were "Go it alone" or "Forgive Jane." Because I certainly didn't forg

  • Gill: Cool hat!

    Clem: [Glass him]

    Gill: Cool hat! Clem: Right, everybody out!

  • Don't you just LOVE the horrified look on Bonnie's face when Mike falls to the ground. She's like "OMG, that little kid is fuckin' crazy!"

    Tinni posted: »

    Holy shit, I am so doing a replay of episode 5 now. If only we can shoot Arvo..but this shall suffice.>:)

  • THIS:

    'Majored in Art History!'
    'That's cool.'
    'Sounds like you majored in workin' in a coffee shop.'
    'Pretty much.'

    'Wait, Nick mentioned you went into business with him once...what kind of business was it? If...you don't mind me asking.'

  • edited August 2014

    Yeah I told her she was crazy but I still didn't want to FORGIVE her even though I went with her.
    I was super shocked that Clementine swore. I wasn't ready for it.

    You can tell her that she's fucking crazy. That's enough attitude to give Jane. On one of my other files, I chose Jane over Kenny, and I tol

  • [Walk around the frozen lake]

  • Alt text

    Trickhead posted: »

    How about when we get to Ski Lounge instead of decorating an Xmas Tree we Say hey Kenny some Sociopath has been chasing us for the last 5 days lets get ready for a gun fight. And home alone style boobie trap Carvers crew

  • Seriously...I mean...we had time.

    SolidSkull posted: »

    [Walk around the frozen lake]

  • Oh but we couldn't have that option, because then maybe Luke might have lived... -..- (Seriously Telltale, WHY?)

    SolidSkull posted: »

    [Walk around the frozen lake]

  • I think it's hilarious when a child swears. Clementine's a child, she swore, and I thought it was funny. As far as endings go, I went with Kenny. He's my bro to the end. I know he went crazy, but if you choose him over Jane, he's happy again. It was nice to hear him laughing and seeing him smile again. Kenny just needed to be away from groups and only be with Clem and AJ.

    iFakeNormal posted: »

    Yeah I told her she was crazy but I still didn't want to FORGIVE her even though I went with her. I was super shocked that Clementine swore. I wasn't ready for it.

  • It's kinda ennoying when Bonnie keeps talking more about the jacket Clem got, then the whole apocalypse situation... Clem should at least have to say; That jacket is more ugly than a walker, I already said thanks, it's not a limited edition item, give me a break woman...

  • I agree, but still, you can shoot Kenny afterwards but not Jane?

    That1Guy posted: »

    Ah but come on, if you hate Jane, you have to admit it's kinda satisfying when you leave her since she just begs you not to leave...

  • That kid looks kinda sheltered. He's just giving Clem sad looks when she turns them away while she's giving him intense death glares.

    A kid like Carl would death glare her back. Lol.

    Maybe there's a reason the father reuses Carlos' model. Haha.

    Gill: Cool hat! Clem: Right, everybody out!

  • Can I tell Carver I'm taking Kenny and Sarita and getting the f out of the ski lodge.

  • Oh and tell molly i love her, forcing her to stay.

  • edited August 2014

    *Clem's at the ground after being shot by Arvo, and Bonnie approaches her *

    "You...ruined...my cool jacket."


    "Arvo... was jealous... of my cool jacket"

  • edited August 2014

    [Shoot Arvo]

    Im sure this has been said, but seriously...

  • Because the plot demanded it

    Oh but we couldn't have that option, because then maybe Luke might have lived... -..- (Seriously Telltale, WHY?)

  • Someone on Reddit pointed out when Bonnie blames you for Luke's death that Clem just stood there silently taking it.

    Where the hell is my option to say [That was you're fault] [I did my best] [Fuck you Bonnie]

  • Gill: "Cool hat."

    Clementine: "Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine!"

  • edited August 2014

    Bonny: This is all your fault. You think just because you're a pretty little girl, you don't have to do a damn thing.

    Clementine: I'm an 11 yr old girl, and you think I can pull a grown man out of a lake?

  • edited October 2015

    I started cackling, I hate Arvo so frickin much lol.

    bloop posted: »

    Don't you just LOVE the horrified look on Bonnie's face when Mike falls to the ground. She's like "OMG, that little kid is fuckin' crazy!"

  • To Kenny: "YOU could've stopped anytime too you know!"

    To Jane: "You make me kill my friend and tell me to just forget about him?!"

  • Yes<3
    And [Hug Pete].
    Because it would've been adorable.
    Probably uncomfortable for him tho.

    [Hug Nick]

  • If you covered Luke instead of helping him, and talked to Bonnie after helping Kenny with the car...
    Fuck you, Bonnie. Don't try to pin this shit down on me. He did have a chance to live, but you fucking ruined it when you went to help him. He was gonna make it out on his own before you brought your fucking ass over there. You put more weight on the ice and completely fucked him over. Bitch.

  • Clem should've brought out the gun sooner and THEN got in between them.
    Maybe it would've helped.
    Or made things worse.

  • Not really dialogue, but I would have really liked a [Hug Her] option after you forgive Jane.

  • "Don't you want to know what it feels like to be your own person?" - Jane

    "Okay, from now on, I'll be my own person. Jane?" - Clementine

    "Yes?" - Jane

    "FUCK OFF"

  • My only problem with that is Clem acts like its over. She completely forgets that Arvo is still standing there with a gun pointed at her.

    bloop posted: »

    Don't you just LOVE the horrified look on Bonnie's face when Mike falls to the ground. She's like "OMG, that little kid is fuckin' crazy!"

  • Its too sugary and hollywood fluff. "i trust you Kenny even though you just murdered someone over a mistake" Kenny and Clem walk off into the sunset and the happy thoughts end the zombie apocalypse and they all lived happily ever after the end.

    The-Flix posted: »

    Care to explain, good sire? I respectfully disagree.

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