Dialogue options that you WISH you had.



  • If you choose to chop off Sarita's arm and put her down before she turns. When Kenny yells at you:

    Clementine: Kenny! Let's go! Chop, chop!

  • Alt text

    Bluebirdo posted: »

    If you choose to chop off Sarita's arm and put her down before she turns. When Kenny yells at you: Clementine: Kenny! Let's go! Chop, chop!

  • I think you mean Icee what you did there

    bloop posted: »

    I see what you did there.

  • Burn.

    Name_126 posted: »

    I think you mean Icee what you did there

  • Not really, getting kneecapped with hot lead feels like a bubble bath actually. :D

    Hard to resist.

    But didn't Carver get shot in the kneecaps by Kenny first, that's got to hurt some, right?

  • edited September 2014

    Clementine to everyone before going to turn the sound on:

    "Oh don't mind me, I'm just a little girl who has a high chance of getting killed if she's spotted while everyone else just tells her what to do while they all just sit on their asses, then they blame her for doing stuff!"

  • edited September 2014

    When Kenny dies : SNAKE? SNAKE!!? SNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Clem's expression is priceless.

  • Clementine: I actually know what you're talking about.

    Luke: I certainly hope not.

    Clementine: You're talking about BANGING!

    Everyone: [shocked faces]

  • 1 down...

    2 to go...

    bloop posted: »


  • omg hahahaha I read this like 6 times over. the facial expressions.

  • edited September 2014

    or [Crawl across the lake on belly]

    SolidSkull posted: »

    [Walk around the frozen lake]

  • Suddenly I'm imagining a Clem doing a "we'll bang okay" from the gamer poops on Mass Effect lol.

    Clementine: I actually know what you're talking about. Luke: I certainly hope not. Clementine: You're talking about BANGING! Everyone: [shocked faces]

  • Luke's death wasn't Clem's fault. It was Bonnie's fault for being stupid and trying to save him. All Clem was doing was trying to buy him more time. If Bonnie wasn't such an idiot in that situation, Luke would have lived.

  • Not a choice I'd go for, but I think there should be room for a Kenny like descent with Clementine as well- probably as an ending than as a continuous play.

    I wouldn't mind not being her in S3 but a different character? That would bridge an inevitable gap to get Clem to the 'same place' from each of these endings. Doesn't mean that in Season 3 Clem can't feature as a supporting character or even just mentioned as 'some crazy girl and a baby passing through alone covered in zombie guts' with new characters (obviously changing on how you choose).

    I would like to know what happened to Christa, one way or another, cause when Omid died- god dammit I had to stop the game for 5 minutes after that....

    I also want to find out what happened to Christa's baby! Maybe in Season 3 Christa can be brought back in/ light shed on this? I always found the lack of knowing what happened has hampered my choices a little on how Clem would be about a new baby (Rebecca's).

    benchesh posted: »

    All jokes aside it would be cool to see Clementine lose it. Maybe in a future episode you can have Clem beat someone up and someone has to r

  • That's something I immediately thought when Luke was getting dragged down by a dead body- 'don't dead bodies float?'

    Echopapa posted: »

    Nah, he's fucked. I saw his floating dead body, no way he can get "real lucky."

  • At least Luke didn't freeze up on land and you shot the zombies so he can't be frost bitten.

    bloop posted: »


  • I don't like the idea that it would be possible for Clem to become corrupt :( I think it would be a step too far for them to implement that. It's a bit extreme for her and would make me feel dirty even if I got a good ending for her. Just the fact that her character may even have the possibility of going down that road is rather depressing to me... After everything Lee taught her!

    Also if Clem isn't going to be playable in the next season I'd rather she wasn't in it at all... it isn't a natural progression for her to suddenly be unplayable. Not to mention the sense of disconnect the player would feel to see her acting independently from us. It would be like we parted ways with her. Maybe Telltale could pull it off, but it just doesn't make sense to me.

    I'm certain we'll be finding more about Christa in the next season. It could be cool to play as her for the next season, then right at the end be reunited with a teenage Clementine, who we'll play as again in season 4.

    rosm101 posted: »

    Not a choice I'd go for, but I think there should be room for a Kenny like descent with Clementine as well- probably as an ending than as a

  • XD same here

    Rockworm posted: »

    Suddenly I'm imagining a Clem doing a "we'll bang okay" from the gamer poops on Mass Effect lol.

  • edited September 2014

    Clementine: If I have to do everything, just tell me now.

  • (When saying goodbye to Kenny before Wellington)

    You take good care of yourself / Don't forget to check here / Can you help me find Christa? / [Hug Kenny]

  • I hope to have a "Lie down!" here.

    Scarlette posted: »

    On the lake, when Luke says it'll be fine.. Clem: HE'S GON' DIE, GO BACK, GO BACK. </3

  • edited September 2014

    To Kenny: Okay, go. If that's what you want just go...seriously, leave...no I'm absolutely ****** serious: go...

  • In S1 Clem doesn't like Lee to swear. When they meet Omid and Christa and Omid can't stop saying things like "Shit! A kid! Shit!", Lee said to Clem that Omid was also swearing...

    I think it's hilarious when a child swears. Clementine's a child, she swore, and I thought it was funny. As far as endings go, I went with K

  • [Have tea with Bigby]

    -XYAB- posted: »

    Turn into a wolf and kill Mike, Bonnie, and Arvo.

  • When Carver is pushing Reggie to death:
    [Push Carver]

    In the tent with Kenny:
    "Lee lost his whole family (and Carley), see what he did."

  • I want to have one with Carver= dancing Nerissa, Sarah=Georgia. And have one with Clem=Beauty who is trying to open 207, Luke=Bigby, Kenny=Beast, and Clem telling Kenny not to believe the fucking Cluke.

    Boatmaster made a video of that with Sarah as Bigby, Carver a s Woody and Carlos as Faith. It worked surprisingly well.

  • Kenny: "I'm real glad to have met you, Clemetine."

    I wish you then had an option to reply with something along the lines of "I'm real glad to have met you too" or "I'll miss you, Kenny"

  • thats deep *sheds a tear

    Jiggawats posted: »

    Luke: I know he's a good guy but... Clementine: You wanna know what happened to the last guy in Kenny's group he hated. The guy respon

  • edited September 2014

    Lee: I love you sweet pea like the daughter I never had
    I will be with you forever in your heart just remember you are stronger than you think Good bye angel......

    Clem: [ I Love you too] [walk away]

           [Hugs & kiss]              [Thank you]
  • I feel really stupid when nobody, Sarita included, didn't know what to do with the wind turbine. The feel is stronger with Sarita opening the turbine's gate with a cool pose...

    According to Walter he and Matthew didn't know how to deal with lots of things before they met Kenny and Sarita, perhaps Kenny was the only one who can deal with machines?

    Emyl19 posted: »

    Got more After spotting the 2 walkers around the bridge Luke: Can't shoot them, to much noice, but they're only two. Clem: Just l

  • Edith: I don't wanna turn anyone away, especially children but---

    Clem: [Sad Eyes]

    Edith: Oh, dear.. Come in, all of you.

  • you can kill them both if you want, but I'm pretty sure the luke and rainbow part isn't there

    Viser posted: »

    [Leave Jane and Kenny to kill each other and ride unicorns into the sunset with Luke] But seriously, if I had an option to abandon both K

  • KENNY: You child-killin' bitch! I'm gonna rip your head off!

    JANE: Go ahead and try, you redneck piece of shit!

    CLEM: (shoots bullet into the air) Now, now, children. If you can't play nice, you're both going to the principal's office.

  • to bonnie: you killed luke by being too impatient and breaking the ice he was climbing out of

  • It wouldn't be nice to see Clem go down that way no. It could be understandable, they way people defend Kenny is proof of that- It would just be quite a sticking point if you were the protagonist that goes crazy.

    I thought it would be nice to have nods to know what Clementine was up to-even if you don't see her. It could give continuity nods to what she's up to, but also be dependent on the choice you made at the end. You don't have to see her, but it would help to know she's been around.

    I thought Christa would be a good protagonist to play- if to find out what happened to her and her baby. You who else I think might be a good protagonist- Mike. (He's in the same area as Clem, he's probably upset about Clem being shot, but maybe ambivalent as well, maybe he's annoyed Clem shouts for Jane and Kenny if you picked that choice for instance? He'll likely be annoyed with Arvo as well for shooting Clem).

    benchesh posted: »

    I don't like the idea that it would be possible for Clem to become corrupt I think it would be a step too far for them to implement that. I

  • Clem Christa you learned me to stich myself if I was wounded in those months... But not making a camp fire!

  • U are probably teh most epic, heroic guy here

    Kenny: "But I keep thinking, if this was me? With Duck out there, asking you to put your life on the line, would you be there for me? Because there have been times, where you ain't been." Lee: "Name one."

  • Epic

    USMC1786 posted: »

    Carlos: I'm just saying there are consequences to rash actions Clementine: Says the man who locked me in a shed for a dog bite

  • Clem: Shoot Arvo! SHOOT HIM KENNY!

    Kenny: Wha-?


    Luke: No he could be usefull!


    And I was fcking right!

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