Post Your Favorite Walking Dead Game Gif **Edit: Seriously, I love you guys and gals!**
Urgent Edit
Hey everyone, I really enjoying talking to all of y'all, but the Kenny v. Jane debates are spreading to this thread. I'm not saying omit your like for these characters, I'm a Kenny fangirl and don't deny it, and Jane fans are always welcome to my threads as I have no problem with them. I really wanted to keep this a safe zone for people to laugh and feel through their favorite gifs. Thanks for posting in here and sharing your gifs/pictures however!
Seriously peeps! I wanna see what everyone's favorite gifs are! I feel like having a good laugh! Or a good feel!
So far, this has to be one of my favs!
I apologize in advance if this will just become merged with the already existing Walking Dead Gif thread, I just wanted to see some more of everyone's recent favorites.
Seriously peeps. I love y'all. My mood was instantly lifted by all the laughs and feels.
Classic. Just classic.
This gif.... I can't ... escape... THE FEELS!
Well I made this one some time ago, it was basically my reaction to a certain something Carver did. ( sorry that it isn't from the game but it still is related to it so I thought, why not.)
OMG Dat axe throw! XD
i prefer the old kenny than season 2's kenny
[inserts music background]
I'll miss you too Lee, god damn it.
[try listening to this song while watching this GIF]
here's a bunch of feels...
SERIOUSLY!? This music is my absolute favorite song from the entire RE SERIES! HOW DID YOU KNOW BOY??????
Too many feels! Considering I just beat this game last night...
EDIT: AHHH Hell NAW! I'm already crying just by looking at the gifs! With my super upbeat dance music!
Hey I just bought the Mass Effect Trilogy! Cant wait to get my hands on it
Clem the Badass
I don't understand what's happening, but that's the beauty of it.
Commander Shepard can't wait for you either. (The person you'll be playing as. XD) Sorry I couldn't resist.
But really..
When this happened, I thought "Good on ya Ben"
So intense. :O
ummm actually i'm a girl -_-
i just try searching it on youtube
MY OTHER FAVORITE! Lee is just so wonderfully spaztastic!
Alright! Time for a dance
Haha I love this! Lee keeps getting hit by boats lol
Hail Kenny, full of boats, the stache is with thee. Or something like that.
Because Ben knows when we are all f*cked
Yes. I loved seeing the look on Kenny's face. He was just so shocked! XD
Yeah I remember that. I used to go to church.
Sorry girlfran, I'm a woman too! Sometimes I just assume. I'm sorry. :<
And have you ever played the games?
OH MAH GAWD Just keep them coming! This is wonderful! XD
I remember those lines because I've watched this video so many times! And I also used to go so yeah, it's just the most epic rendition of the song ever. XD
Yeah Carley you go girl!
Best Carley moment. EVER.
Yep. Kenny deserves it. The guy is a god
[Play This music first]
More Heroic Luke GIF Feels
Well I love science fiction stuff, so, definitely.
You're gonna love it i guarantee it.