The Respect Thread:"Today's Forecast:100% chance of les mis parodies."*Fabulous innovative concepts*



  • edited September 2014

    So this Belan guy is probably the most annoying. He refuses to drop it. And he is just flat out refusing to let it go. He has to have the last word on everything and every single one of his posts just look like copies of his previous posts. To top it off i call him out on it and now he's acting like some victim where I'm attacking him with insults when I never even came close to that.

    Even when you engage him in the debate he resorts to "you're just making assumptions" when he has no actual way of winning the argument.

    JUST LET IT GO!!!!
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  • K

    lee4life posted: »

    No , i was saying that I'M lazy.

  • He does that.

    He's an awesome guy and a good arguer, but he does go on.

    I guess it shows he's passionate. It's just we've had enough of all that from everyone now.

    Rockworm posted: »

    So this Belan guy is probably the most annoying. He refuses to drop it. And he is just flat out refusing to let it go. He has to have the

  • @Flog61

    Give it too me straight, man. What do you think of me? Am I a problem too?

  • Nah, you've always seemed pretty reasonable.

    Well, I do find fault with your username as I feel it exhibits the kind of thinking that is counteractive to the free-thinking way the game is intended to be played, but you've already explained that you made it years ago so it's fine. :)

    @Flog61 Give it too me straight, man. What do you think of me? Am I a problem too?

  • edited September 2014


    Heart skips a beat

  • Its all about the respect, yo. If ya ain't got that, ya ain't got nothin'

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  • edited September 2014

    Nope. That guy is so horrible at debating. Never changes his mind, Never accepts a different view because they all make no sense to him. I wish to see one argument he was involved in that ended up with him convinced that he was wrong, Or that he miscalculated things. He, And a bunch of his friends used to team up against me on TWAU forums when i criticize Snow. He's the reason why I almost left the forums for the second time. Whenever i make a valid point, He calls it nonsense, Always looking for a way to elude himself from admitting that he was wrong. I understand his loyalty to his favorite characters, But his one sided arguments need to stop.

    Even when you engage him in the debate he resorts to "you're just making assumptions" when he has no actual way of winning the argument.

    OR, You have no evidence.

    Flog61 posted: »

    He does that. He's an awesome guy and a good arguer, but he does go on. I guess it shows he's passionate. It's just we've had enough of all that from everyone now.

  • There's a user named Kennysucks and uses Jane as their profile pic... Making it clear they want to start shit. I think thats the problem... Not someone they like in their username but saying someone sucks just to piss people off.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Nah, you've always seemed pretty reasonable. Well, I do find fault with your username as I feel it exhibits the kind of thinking that is

  • .... I have no idea what the last sentence meant but, okay.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Nah, you've always seemed pretty reasonable. Well, I do find fault with your username as I feel it exhibits the kind of thinking that is

  • Ignore the trolls that make threads that call Jane/Kenny fans peasants/idiots etc. and eventually they stop.

    After playing both seasons and just now joining the forums in the midst of these debates, it is a fantastic read.For every troll there are at least 3 people that make respectable posts that don't cross the personal line.

  • Can someone tell ,me what's going in the other threads, is a war still raging?

  • I know what you mean. I had a "discussion" with him some time ago, and I can confirm that everything you and Rockworm wrote is totally true.

    Nope. That guy is so horrible at debating. Never changes his mind, Never accepts a different view because they all make no sense to him. I w

  • AJs face will never get old

  • edited September 2014


  • That's kinda true in some circumstances, but I'm not really comfortable with you guys badmouthing someone on a thread that's supposed to be about respect :/

    Nope. That guy is so horrible at debating. Never changes his mind, Never accepts a different view because they all make no sense to him. I w

  • I'm saying that the concept of agreeing with a character regardless of what they do is flawed.

    .... I have no idea what the last sentence meant but, okay.

  • thank you for sticking up for us Kenny fans :) we really aren't all stupid yelling morons

  • Both sides are really bad. Some are arguing really bad and some respect others opinion.

    thank you for sticking up for us Kenny fans we really aren't all stupid yelling morons

  • Ahhh, I love emperor's new groove :D

    I always thought you're cool. But now I know that you're cool. I need to give you one good thing called "upvote".

  • too soon </3

    (?) Luke won't remember this

  • Risk of personal insults/threatenings of beatings has stayed the same, I'm not gunna leave this thread for a while

    poplee posted: »

    Can someone tell ,me what's going in the other threads, is a war still raging?

  • 7fabulous0.1me


  • There aren't even many assholey Kenny guys, it's just the most assholey Kenny guys are the most vocal so it creates a bad image for the rest of you

    thank you for sticking up for us Kenny fans we really aren't all stupid yelling morons

  • It's been a week, yeah. I must say I expected it to have calmed down by now, but maybe that was more hope than realistic expectation.

  • Is he still commenting?

  • Thats definitely true!

    I think most of the people taking it too seriously might be trolls anyway.

  • I call people out on their bullshit. Its kind of my curse. I don't care what side of the argument your on. I just don't want any more part of it.

    thank you for sticking up for us Kenny fans we really aren't all stupid yelling morons

  • Nothing much..... Just saying that I shouldn't be so mean since he's not trying to represent all Jane fans.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Is he still commenting?

  • RIP in tartar sauce Mark Alt text

  • LOL, that's the Circle of Life right there babe

    Rockworm posted: »

    RIP in tartar sauce Mark

  • It's better to stay out of it, maybe it stops on its own, if fewer people argue. Maybe stay on this thread for a while.

    Flog61 posted: »

    It's been a week, yeah. I must say I expected it to have calmed down by now, but maybe that was more hope than realistic expectation.

  • Alt text

    Alt text

    What do you think?

  • They're terminators! I knew it!

    poplee posted: »

    What do you think?

  • They are!!

    Rockworm posted: »

    They're terminators! I knew it!

  • I completely agree that what people are saying are incredibly offensive, especially calling people things like fags; which gay people will find really offensive as well as the person being called it. The sort of attitude some people express is not necessary and I assume the ones using it are like 12. However I think we should encourage debate and diversity in the forum. It's part of what makes it fun. This place would be incredibly boring place to be if everyone agreed on everything.

  • I dont know if u read my last post here but I'm still not satisfied :(

  • Awesome dude :D

    poplee posted: »

    What do you think?

This discussion has been closed.