Post Your Favorite Walking Dead Game Gif **Edit: Seriously, I love you guys and gals!**



  • edited November 2014

    I'm not about to play the Grand Oppression Olympics with you. I was simply having a conversation with SupernovaeHollay, honestly why do you insist on butting your head into conversations that don't involve you, and spewing negativity where it's uncalled for? Just mind your own business.

    Rockworm posted: »

    Did you know in many parts of the world Atheists aren't allowed to even run in public office? Hell atheists are still getting killed for it

  • edited September 2014

    well it's a good thing, just don't overreacted like the most of kenny's fans are .. they are so fucking weird.. -_-""

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    btw enjoy this GIF :3

    I can't tell if you think that's a good thing or bad thing. XD

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    Tinni posted: »

    You've just proven my point. Y'all accept and tolerate everything under the rainbow, but if someone is a Christian? Attack them and insult t

  • I like to think so too. It definitely makes their deaths not so sad when you think about them seeing their loved ones again in Heaven. You are right, even now people are trying to make us feel bad, but we won't give them the satisfaction, for we've already been saved and have no reason to stoop to their level.:)

    Glad to see I'm not the only one who thinks about these things. As a Christian myself, whenever one of the characters says something like "W

  • Okay folks, time to get back to the gifs. No negative shit please.

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  • Yes ma'am you are right. It doesn't really phase me anymore, it's just I personally feel that in the recent years, it's become more acceptable to bash on Christians because we get labeled under so many extreme groups/labels. Like saying every Christian is like one of the people from the Westboro Baptist Cult, goodness they make us all look awful.

    And I'm not ignoring the fact other groups receive hatred that's worse than ours at times, it's just I know we have a right just as much as anyone else to stick up for each other and our beliefs. No better way to be a good Christian than be an example of kindness to everyone. No matter what they believe or who they are.

    Tinni posted: »

    I like to think so too. It definitely makes their deaths not so sad when you think about them seeing their loved ones again in Heaven. You a

  • Heres another one:

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  • Kenny is Love

    Kenny is Life

    LOL In all honesty, I'm just a Kenny fangirl but I recognize he's an incredibly flawed character, but that's part of what makes him so lovebale/appealing to me personally. Luke is too perfect, and Lee was just legendary, but Kenny, Kenny's a great character and the next main character behind Clem in my opinion.

    Mich19 posted: »

    well it's a good thing, just don't overreacted like the most of kenny's fans are .. they are so fucking weird.. -_-"" btw enjoy this GIF

  • OMG this is hilarious, I have never seen this dialogue option!

    Okay folks, time to get back to the gifs. No negative shit please.


    But not Larry, Larry's a jerk. ;)

    Mich19 posted: »

    i love kenny to but i had to shoot him in my game coz i don't want to see him more suffering like that... :'< rest in piece buddy you're with katjaa and duck, and sarita and the boat now :'/

  • I wholeheartedly agree

    And so does the Bearded One himself

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    Kenny is Love Kenny is Life LOL In all honesty, I'm just a Kenny fangirl but I recognize he's an incredibly flawed character, but that

  • I chose that option in my first ever play through :)

    OMG this is hilarious, I have never seen this dialogue option!

  • Kenny!!!

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    I wholeheartedly agree And so does the Bearded One himself

  • I totally said this to Rebecca in my playthrough, I kinda made my Clem a bit of a ... well a bitch, just to Rebecca and Carver though, and then eventually Jane. XD

  • edited November 2015

    Ugh, the Westboro Baptist Church is just what you say, a cult. They coast by under the guise as Christians, but they conduct themselves in the exact opposite way in which God wants us to. They are truly lost people, and I pity them. But they do make us look very very bad, I wish people would stop using them as reasons for why Christianity is wrong or evil etc.

    We never said anything about being more persecuted against than any other group, it makes no sense that other users on here are saying we did. Exactly, we have just as much right as anyone else, if we're going to preach about spreading kindness and tolerating all beliefs, then we must do just that, tolerate all beliefs. I don't see why this is such a difficult concept for some.-.-

    Yes ma'am you are right. It doesn't really phase me anymore, it's just I personally feel that in the recent years, it's become more acceptab

  • why do you insist on butting your head into conversations that don't involve you

    Open forums sweetheart. I'm allowed to respond to people here because its not private messages. You make a comment you should expect people to respond. I was simply making a point. Honestly if this is what you think is rude than no wonder you feel like you're being persecuted.

    You must've not have been here when there was a guy telling Jane fans to hang themselves.

    Tinni posted: »

    I'm not about to play the Grand Oppression Olympics with you. I was simply having a conversation with SupernovaeHollay, honestly why do you

  • Just like on the forums, it's all our nothing when it comes to beliefs. Either you agree with me or you're flat out wrong. I think this mindset has been made perfectly clear in light of the recent Kenny v. Jane War. -__- Not everyone's like this of course.

    We just have to be good examples of Christians in the fact that we just try to be good people.

    Tinni posted: »

    Ugh, the Westboro Baptist Church is just what you say, a cult. They coast by under the guise as Christians, but they conduct themselves in t

  • i know this GIF is not related but hope yah like it xD


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  • We can make it related. XD

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    Mich19 posted: »

    i know this GIF is not related but hope yah like it xD TINKY WINKY DIPSY LALA PO TYRONE

  • i wonder what software did he use? -_- i feel i wanna make one too

    We can make it related. XD Alt text


    But Clem, never do that again! D:

  • edited September 2014

    Not a gif, but freaking amazing.

  • I try and be nice and let it go yet a few hours later at least 12 hateful posts from you badmouthing kenny, his fans and anything that isn't your opinion.

    YOU are not correct. You want to be so you keep saying the same things hoping you will prove you're correct...but you are not!

    Jane is a lying, manipulative, loner that saw a chance to have a new family by stealing Clem from Kenny just like the stranger tried to take Clem from Lee. That's why Kenny kills her just like lee would..

  • You are talking about god and kenny but only talking about facts??? Irrational Jane lover is irrational

    zykelator posted: »

    What? Just talking about facts here... If people get offended by reality, its not my fault.

  • not a GIF but i sure i like this part

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    i miss this dog tho :(

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    SO CUTE But Clem, never do that again!

  • edited September 2014

    Ugh the Westboro Baptist Church is just as you say, a cult.

    Thats unfair to cults lol. At least Scientology doesn't picket dead people. WBC are nothing more than a scam setup by lawyers to picket dead people and be the ultimate scumbags on the planet in the hopes of someone attacking them so they can sue them in court.

    I don't see why this is such a difficult concept for some.

    People are insecure. They have to feel superior by lashing out at others. If you feel good about what you believe in you feel no need to do this. People hate being wrong.... Some people refuse to accept that they're wrong. Some people are terrified of being wrong.

    I don't get it. Being wrong means you're steal learning. The greatest minds of mankind never cared that they were wrong. They only cared that they learned from it.

    Tinni posted: »

    Ugh, the Westboro Baptist Church is just what you say, a cult. They coast by under the guise as Christians, but they conduct themselves in t

  • Don't start this shit again! I'm serious! FUCK anyone who starts the argument for no reason. Its a video game let it go!

    I try and be nice and let it go yet a few hours later at least 12 hateful posts from you badmouthing kenny, his fans and anything that isn't

  • Psycho Clem FTW!

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  • The pete stuff can apply to the Jane Vs Kenny argument. No one cares! Grow up and let it go lol.

    Also my dog died shortly before I played episode 1... that really hit close to home for me :(

    Mich19 posted: »

    not a GIF but i sure i like this part i miss this dog tho

  • edited November 2014

    Why is it that when people try to be condescending/patronizing they start to use pet names? You aren't making a point, because I wasn't making an argument. I was sharing my experiences with a friend, and those experiences are that people tend to respond negatively and viciously every time they find out I'm a Christian, an observation that you are actually proving. I said nothing about being the most persecuted/oppressed. You're being rude, the fact that you don't realize that makes me believe that everyone you know has been rude to you, therefore desensitizing your view on what's rude and what's not.

    We aren't even talking about Jane here, why do you keep bringing her up??

    Rockworm posted: »

    why do you insist on butting your head into conversations that don't involve you Open forums sweetheart. I'm allowed to respond to

  • Oh my gosh, this was absolutely amazing! XD

    MIsty_Moo posted: » Not a gif, but freaking amazing.

  • Thats Gold in HD that would be so good made my day :)

    We can make it related. XD Alt text

  • We miss you uncle Pete... :( And the whole dog part was so depressing! :(

    So many feels man!

    Mich19 posted: »

    not a GIF but i sure i like this part i miss this dog tho

  • This is so bad.... but still funny... in a really messed up way.

    Psycho Clem FTW!

  • Sorry if I'm offending you but i have only been replying on one persons comments lately as she/he keeps being rude over and over and making me crazy! I may also be in the wrong but hey click on my name and read my posts...All say the same thing...stop being judgey yet zylkelator persists so I feel I must carry on. Didn't mean to bring that shit here though. My/her bad!

    Rockworm posted: »

    Don't start this shit again! I'm serious! FUCK anyone who starts the argument for no reason. Its a video game let it go!

  • The first 2 Dead Space games were single player horror/survival/action (and must plays! The first one is one of the most terrifying games ever, and the second one is even scarier all because of one certain level). They made 3 into co-op action sorta game in an attempt to broaden their audience #'s.

    Rockworm posted: »

    Been playing coop with a friend. Its fun for a mindless action game. But I was under the impression Dead Space was supposed to be horror lol.

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