Post Your Favorite Walking Dead Game Gif **Edit: Seriously, I love you guys and gals!**



  • You're right. The pet name was stupid. I did get a little patronizing there and didn't realize it.

    We aren't even talking about Jane here, why do you keep bringing her up??

    Why does anyone? Its all relative really. People are being assholes to you for you're religious beliefs and people in these very forums are being assholes to each other for what character they like. Its a lot easier to bring up something we can all relate to because its a subject we're all here because of it.

    Tinni posted: »

    Why is it that when people try to be condescending/patronizing they start to use pet names? You aren't making a point, because I wasn't maki

  • yeah larry's a dick -_-"""


  • I responded to them too and I called them out on it. Whatever you may think of me for my previous responses to you I think you can agree that I have not attacked you for your beliefs. I in fact told them off for doing it to you. So please don't generalize and pretend we're all doing it.

    Tinni posted: »

    You've just proven my point. Y'all accept and tolerate everything under the rainbow, but if someone is a Christian? Attack them and insult t

  • Guys, as much as I love a lively debate handled rationally, I really wanted to avoid this thread becoming a war zone. I agree we should be able to post our opinions openly where we can and all, but please, I just wanted to keep this a happy thread with the occasional side of feels.... :(

    Rockworm posted: »

    Don't start this shit again! I'm serious! FUCK anyone who starts the argument for no reason. Its a video game let it go!

  • yea. zyikelator is being an idiot. I called them out on it too. I of course have been seeing it from both sides and just wish people would just stop. There was more to the game than that fight!! Its been a week now. The only ones still at it are just too stubborn to accept other people's opinions.

    Sorry if I'm offending you but i have only been replying on one persons comments lately as she/he keeps being rude over and over and making

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    take away ben and add me. love it so hot

  • [removed]

    Guys, as much as I love a lively debate handled rationally, I really wanted to avoid this thread becoming a war zone. I agree we should be a

  • XD

    But they are in love! You can't rip them apart! They're two shitbirds that were made for each other! Kenny even thinks so!

    Ellias posted: »

    take away ben and add me. love it so hot

  • Well I shot Kenny so I'm not a fanboy...I'm almost 30 and it's a game:) Still tho I just hate when someone can't just say everyone has opinions...none are right or wrong as an opinion isn't a fact its a specific viewpoint of a person at one time.

    Rockworm posted: »

    yea. zyikelator is being an idiot. I called them out on it too. I of course have been seeing it from both sides and just wish people woul

  • Just looked through the thread, thanks for calling them out for it. I may have gotten a bit defensive, due to zykelator's comments, I'm sorry if I've implied that I'm generalizing you, or if I've been snippy with you, that wasn't my intention.

    Rockworm posted: »

    I responded to them too and I called them out on it. Whatever you may think of me for my previous responses to you I think you can agree th

  • I can't disagree with you there. People attack each other here for the silliest reasons. We should all just be having a good time here, not hurting one another.

    Rockworm posted: »

    You're right. The pet name was stupid. I did get a little patronizing there and didn't realize it. We aren't even talking about Jane

  • edited September 2014

    I did play the first one. At least that one had creepy atmosphere but it never scared me, though to be fair thats hard to do. It actually bored me to be honest. I never finished it. I think I was near the end when I ended up fighting of endless waves of monsters and realizing this isn't what I signed up for. Ammo was way too plentiful for me to feel any tension or danger. Enemy designs were cool. So I never tried 2 because I really didn't expect anything different. And i'm only playing 3 because me and my friend are desperate for fun coop and he got it free with PS+

    The first 2 Dead Space games were single player horror/survival/action (and must plays! The first one is one of the most terrifying games ev

  • Plot twist! Lee is gay!

    Mich19 posted: »

    but they are both dead now , they're still together

  • Yeah, Dead Space 1 is hard to get into because it's build up is rather slow. But 2 is much more fast paced, I still highly recommend it. :)

    I love co-op games, especially Resident Evil 6.

    Rockworm posted: »

    I did play the first one. At least that one had creepy atmosphere but it never scared me, though to be fair thats hard to do. It actually

  • On my 3rd playthrough and I can never not give her the apple. I also never give Larry anything and telling Mark that he's just being a racist lol.

    Yeah I gave her an apple because I thought she might like them.

  • Well wonder Kenny beat him lol j/k

  • Clementine requires a blood sacrifice!

    It's just a thought...

  • hahaha thats going in likes and favorites. You are literally the greatest person in the world for sharing this.

    MIsty_Moo posted: » Not a gif, but freaking amazing.

  • I'm going to hell for laughing.

    Psycho Clem FTW!

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    Ellias posted: »

    take away ben and add me. love it so hot

  • Another thang... won't it be awkward when Katjaa and Sarita meet?

    Mich19 posted: »

    yeah larry's a dick -_-"""

  • We must offer her one!

    Rockworm posted: »

    Clementine requires a blood sacrifice!

  • edited September 2014

    But 2 is much more fast paced

    Not selling it me on it lol. I expected horror not action. Telling me DS2 is faster paced is turning me more off.

    Resident Evil 6.

    Well then... I guess we can never be friends

    LOL JK but not I absolutely hated that game. My friend did too. Way too many stupid gimmicks. I can't think of anything in that game that we did like. One of the worst games I ever played.

    Yeah, Dead Space 1 is hard to get into because it's build up is rather slow. But 2 is much more fast paced, I still highly recommend it. I love co-op games, especially Resident Evil 6.

  • lol... Loyalty missions = 90% of the game.

    Loyalty missions= a must

  • yeah but i wanna see it how it goes xD i hope they make a dlc parody but i don't think telltale would do that

    Another thang... won't it be awkward when Katjaa and Sarita meet?

  • Yea. Thanks and sorry for my earlier rudeness. Sometimes I don't even realize I'm doing it. I blame it on my ADD lol

    Tinni posted: »

    Just looked through the thread, thanks for calling them out for it. I may have gotten a bit defensive, due to zykelator's comments, I'm sorry if I've implied that I'm generalizing you, or if I've been snippy with you, that wasn't my intention.

  • edited September 2014


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    We must offer her one!

  • I'm just a Kenny fangirl but I recognize he's an incredibly flawed character, but that's part of what makes him so lovebale/appealing to me personally

    I honestly wouldn't have it any other way. I'm not the biggest Kenny fan but I do like him. Flaws make us human. Who is perfect? If they're perfect they're boring. If they're boring than why care? its our imperfections that make us unique and interesting. I mean not even Lee is perfect. Lets not forget he killed a man before everything started! One thing i love about this series is that no one is the hero and no one is the villain. For all his vile hateful and murderous ways, Carver still had some good points and his group did know how to survive.

    Kenny is Love Kenny is Life LOL In all honesty, I'm just a Kenny fangirl but I recognize he's an incredibly flawed character, but that

  • Sooo.... I found this trying to find a Kenny picture in reply to @ Biesel 's latest comment. And this is one of the images I found.

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    Ellias posted: »

    take away ben and add me. love it so hot

  • Oh god....

    Sooo.... I found this trying to find a Kenny picture in reply to @ Biesel 's latest comment. And this is one of the images I found.

  • You'd think he was scared or something. Why? Alt text

    Where you going Supernova!?

  • Tyrone is best tellitubbie.

    Mich19 posted: »

    i know this GIF is not related but hope yah like it xD TINKY WINKY DIPSY LALA PO TYRONE

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    ... is it.... is it safe to come back yet?

    Where you going Supernova!?

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    ... is it.... is it safe to come back yet?

  • She's eyein ya down boy!

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    ... is it.... is it safe to come back yet?

  • No, actually if ben were to be with somebody; it'd be arvo. Arvo is the ben 2.0. Nick is too good. He's with me anyways.

    XD But they are in love! You can't rip them apart! They're two shitbirds that were made for each other! Kenny even thinks so!

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