Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • edited September 2014

    I think Jon will die by re-animating and killing Puncake and possibly Shadow, and then he will get shot by the others coming back. Sheep I think will have a choice to save someone and to stay true to my character, I will pick the option that will allow me to help who ever is n trouble, and I think I will die. Im thinking sort of like a Tdog style death where I let someone have time to escape in exchange for me getting eaten. I dont know how Gary will die, I just fear he will. Valky will be suicide(there might be a way to stop it.) and I said the other 2 already. Thats what I think.

    Hmm, interesting. What do you think will be the cause of their deaths?

  • TDMshadowCPTDMshadowCP Banned
    edited September 2014

    Shadow will take out Jon. It will be packed with feels. And if that happens I'm going to use Lee's death theme for Jon.

    So... now that chapter 4 is over. Did any of your predictions come true? Do you think anyone else will die? What do you think will happen next? Are you happy that Tobi is finally dead?

  • Man, Shadow will fucking run if Jon tries to attack him xD

    I think Jon will die by re-animating and killing Puncake and possibly Shadow, and then he will get shot by the others coming back. Sheep I t

  • edited September 2014

    Do you think your character will learn from this and start to get wiser?

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Shadow will take out Jon. It will be packed with feels. And if that happens I'm going to use Lee's death theme for Jon.

  • Well, I didn't get to know your character that well, lol

    Maybe if I got to know him better?

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    he was my fav. Gee, thanks CS. xD

  • Alt text

    ...I kept staring into Tobi's eyes."This is for everyone you've ever hurt or killed... this is for the people that you've mentally and physi

  • Gary-OakGary-Oak Banned
    edited September 2014

    My predictions of being awesome came true!

    I also for some reason have a feeling Valky will die

    So... now that chapter 4 is over. Did any of your predictions come true? Do you think anyone else will die? What do you think will happen next? Are you happy that Tobi is finally dead?

  • Alt text

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    My predictions of being awesome came true! I also for some reason have a feeling Valky will die

  • I tried to change my vote for you. I understand getting angry at the story. I was freakin pissed and so disappointed when Salt just left with no vengeance on my or my group's part or anything at felt like a cop out to me and cheap. But the point is that we have to accept the choices that are made, even if we don't think they are fair. I'm sorry :(

    ComingSoon posted: »

    I have no words. NO. FUCKING. WORDS.

  • Yep.

    Do you think your character will learn from this and start to get wiser?

  • I've had a weird feeling that Valky was going to die ever since her introduction, but she's lived through it all.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    My predictions of being awesome came true! I also for some reason have a feeling Valky will die

  • Speaking of which, What are the alternative options since the chapter is over?

    So... now that chapter 4 is over. Did any of your predictions come true? Do you think anyone else will die? What do you think will happen next? Are you happy that Tobi is finally dead?

  • I'll put the different outcomes tomorrow for you guys to see.

    firedog122 posted: »

    Speaking of which, What are the alternative options since the chapter is over?

  • I knew that Gustav would die, and look what happened.

    So... now that chapter 4 is over. Did any of your predictions come true? Do you think anyone else will die? What do you think will happen next? Are you happy that Tobi is finally dead?

  • So...might you have lived if I had come with you?

    I was planning to kill off my character since the beginning, heh. This was exactly the way I wanted it to be. B^]

  • She better not.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    My predictions of being awesome came true! I also for some reason have a feeling Valky will die

  • I survived, as I predicted. For I am the guilty king and cannot die.

    (Relieved sigh once no one is looking)

    So... now that chapter 4 is over. Did any of your predictions come true? Do you think anyone else will die? What do you think will happen next? Are you happy that Tobi is finally dead?

  • It was an awesome death. ;-;

    I was planning to kill off my character since the beginning, heh. This was exactly the way I wanted it to be. B^]

  • Gary-OakGary-Oak Banned
    edited September 2014

    Also if i do die in CH 5, i hope it's through sacrifice, preferably someone who is my friend (Example: Azlyn, Goust, etc), not saying i actually WANT to die, just IF i die. I know there are no promises though.

    So... now that chapter 4 is over. Did any of your predictions come true? Do you think anyone else will die? What do you think will happen next? Are you happy that Tobi is finally dead?

  • Have you ever signed up for ToE or NSTGU?

    ComingSoon posted: »

    I'm sorry that I sounded like a dick, everyone. It's just that this is the only really successful fanfic I've been a part of. All the other ones I've died within 2 parts or just never showed up and then it was discontinued.

  • It's okay, I've gotten over it from the comment above. I got an emotional death; it was handled really well. I'm okay.

    I tried to change my vote for you. I understand getting angry at the story. I was freakin pissed and so disappointed when Salt just left wit

  • Which ones are those? (Sorry)

    Have you ever signed up for ToE or NSTGU?

  • Tales of Europe and No Shepherd To Guide Us.

    They're mine. :PP

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Which ones are those? (Sorry)

  • Oh yeah! I'm in the second one. :P

    Tales of Europe and No Shepherd To Guide Us. They're mine. :PP

  • No, basically none of my predictions came true XD

    Yes I am happy Tobi's dead, it was CS's last wish for him to die and that's exactly what he got.

    I have a feeling that Jon is gonna kill Puncake...Unles Jon is strapped in in the car.

    Btw is that crippled guard still alive or is he dead too?

    So... now that chapter 4 is over. Did any of your predictions come true? Do you think anyone else will die? What do you think will happen next? Are you happy that Tobi is finally dead?

  • But not the first one? D:


    ComingSoon posted: »

    Oh yeah! I'm in the second one. :P

  • No, when all the fanfics were migrated to forum games I didn't know where to find them for a while XD

    Maybe I could join now?

    But not the first one? xD

  • I need characters for S2 anyway, so sounds like a deal. :D

    You might end up in mother Russia, or other parts eastern Europe. :D

    ComingSoon posted: »

    No, when all the fanfics were migrated to forum games I didn't know where to find them for a while XD Maybe I could join now?

  • Awesome! :D I'll head there now, going to school though.

    I need characters for S2 anyway, so sounds like a deal. You might end up in mother Russia, or other parts eastern Europe.

  • Ugh... School...

    Thanks for wanting to join. :D

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Awesome! I'll head there now, going to school though.

  • Just give me a link and I'll head there when I can.

    Ugh... School... Thanks for wanting to join.

  • Which one? All of Tobi's guards died.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    No, basically none of my predictions came true XD Yes I am happy Tobi's dead, it was CS's last wish for him to die and that's exactly wha

  • Damn, This is awesome, best ending until now.

    Alt text

    ...I kept staring into Tobi's eyes."This is for everyone you've ever hurt or killed... this is for the people that you've mentally and physi

  • I already thought Pro would die in this chapter in a epic battle, though I never imagine that it would be like this.

    I am scared that AC will not handle Broken's death, I just don't really want her to commit suicide, but I don't think she has the courage to do something like that. Also I think Jon will become a walker and eat someone from the group.

    Yes, I am, now we don't have to care about him anymore.

    So... now that chapter 4 is over. Did any of your predictions come true? Do you think anyone else will die? What do you think will happen next? Are you happy that Tobi is finally dead?

  • No words needed.

    Alt text

    ...I kept staring into Tobi's eyes."This is for everyone you've ever hurt or killed... this is for the people that you've mentally and physi

  • edited September 2014

    DIFFERENT OUTCOMES: Second Half Of Chapter 4

    If Star told the RV group to wait until morning, a few bandits would sneak up up to them while they're sleeping. They would kill who ever was voted to keep watch, the bandits would kill two more people from the RV group, before the others decide to fight back. The group would get split up during the gunfire, who ever survived would be alone until they regroup later on. If Star said nothing, the group would split up on who wants to attack now, and who wants to wait. The people who waited would hear all the gunfire and then rush to see what's going on, they would notice their group members have died and then they would have to decide to leave or try to kill the bandits off, if they stay, they would all die. If Latte tried to help NDY, he shoot the bandit holding the gun, NDY would pick it up and shoot the bandit next to him that was holding the machete, Romy would die by the walkers, and NDY would call Latte over. He would be depressed about Romy's death, but tell him that they have to go. Scarlet would come out of a tent and join them. WTWH would show up and say that he'll stay back and hold them off. NDY would convince him that it's a bad idea, and they would all go meet up with Juicy and Star. They would take the RV and drive off, but then they would stop and have to decide if they want to finish the bandits off, or just leave. If they decide to kill them, they would drive back and the bandits would spot them, they would lead them to a different part of the woods where they would wait to ambush them. Star would die, and Scarlet would get severely injured. They would have to decide to try to save her and take her with them, or leave her behind. If they take her, she dies in the RV and then turns quickly, and bites WTWH. They'll put her down, and then WTWH would tell them to leave him out on the road. An option to do that would show up, if they take him, he slowly starts to die, they stop the car and put him near a tree. An option to shoot him would show up. If Latte stayed with Romy to distract the Bandits, they would kill six of them before they both die. If Latte tried convinces Romy to go with them, he would follow them to the Junkyard. They would have to deal with ten bandits, Romy, knowing that he's bit, would run out and try to kill as many as he can. He'd kill three before going down, the others would still be hiding and have to finish the rest off by themselves. Scarlet would kill two before dying, Star would kill one, but then get injured. Juicy and Latte would work together to kill the last four. If Star said nothing about going to the junkyard, Scarlet and Latte would go down there, Star would think it's a bad idea, and then Juicy would have to decide if she should leave with Star, or go down there to help them. If she leaves with Star, Latte and Scarlet would manage to kill three each, but Scarlet would die. If Juicy tries to help, they would manage to kill the six remaining bandits, but Juicy would sacrifice herself to save Latte when a bandit tries to sneak up behind him. If Star tells them that he's not sure, they would all keep moving with the bandits on their tails. The bandits would eventually catch up to them and start shooting at them. Only Scarlet and Star would survive and run away. If Juicy shot the rifle bandit, the noise would distract the other bandits. Latte would take the opportunity to shoot the shotgun bandit, and Scarlet would try going around the last four. Juicy would be pinned down, and Star would try getting to her, he would get shot and die. Scarlet would make it over to the four bandits and kill two of them before getting shot to death. Latte would call Juicy over, and she would sprint towards him. The two would work together to kill the last two bandits. If Juicy tried going over to Star, the rifle bandit would hear her, and shoot her. Star would shoot the bandit and then run over to where Latte is. Latte would kill the shotgun bandit and then tell Star to distract them while he goes around. Scarlet would kill two of them and then Latte would meet up with her. With Star's distraction, Latte and Scarlet would be able to kill the remaining bandits. If Juicy waited and did nothing, Star would try to get over to her. A bandit would spot him and shoot him. Juicy would run over to where Latte is, but end up getting shot and injured. Scarlet would kill two bandits before dying. Latte would try to defend Juicy, but both would end up dying. If Juicy told Scarlet to stay with her and Star, she would feel more welcome, she would trust them more and be happier to go with them. If Juicy goes with Scarlet, Star would be sad, but understand. His fate would be revealed in Ch.5. If Juicy said nothing, Scarlet would be confused and take it as a bad thing. She would then decide to leave on her own and tell them to take care of each other. Her fate would be left unknown.

    If Mark helped look for the lady's baby, he would run into a trap set up by her group. They would rob and kill Mark, but he wouldn't go down without a fight. If Mark stayed in the HUMVEE and kept shooting the walkers, CS would spot him and then snipe him in the head. If Mark tried to get out and make his way inside, he would barely make it to the back door and then spot Gustav hiding behind cover. Mark would remember that he helped them escape, and then he would help him finish off Tobi's men. Gustav would tell him where Tobi could be, and then they would work together to get to him. They would spot the others and then join up with them

    Some people would be left behind and switched around if the option to take different people to Tobi's warehouse was chosen, random, mostly, Pro would go regardless. If Noncy spit in Tobi's face, he would get infuriated and start beating on her, he would then get his gun and pistol whip her to death. CS would walk in and see her dead on the chair, he would ask what the hell happened, and Tobi would tell him to keep his mouth shut if he knows what's good for him, he would then walk out. CS would get angry, and decide to betray Tobi during the war. If Noncy said nothing, Tobi would laugh and call her a coward. He would then walk out, but she would still be alive. If Shadow went with Gustav, Rafoli would get angry, but he would follow both of them to the back. They would see Pro, Fan and CiD and then help them out. Pro would take Shadow with him while Rafoli and Gustav distract Tobi's guards. Rafoli would get injured, but Gustav would save him. He would then help him get to the medical station while the others are distracted. Rafoli would get patched up and then Gustav would tell him that he's going after Tobi. Gustav would spot the others, getting shot by a sniper, and then run over to them, while Rafoli waits in a corner. If Mark is with them, He would distract Tobi's men while Gustav get's to the medical station, Mark would tell them about the HUMVEE he has outside, Pro and Puncake would go with him, while the others look for Tobi. CS would spot them outside, and then kill Puncake. WtW would shoot back, and CS would retreat. Broken and WtW would provide cover fire while Pro and Mark get the HUMVEE. They would drive around and spot CS trying to get inside the warehouse, Mark would be on the turret while Pro drives, Mark would kill CS. If Guilty went with Pro, they would get ambushed, Pro would get injured and then Guilty would get shot in the leg. They would manage to kill Tobi's guards, but then Tobi would show up and try to finish them off. Pro and Tobi would get into a fight and Guilty would crawl over to one of Tobi's dead guards. He would try to go for a gun and then get an option to shoot Tobi, or try to let Pro kill him. If Guilty shoots, he warns Pro about it, and then Pro would manage to grab Tobi, he would tell him to go for it, he would shoot one of the grenades and all three of them would die. If he lets Pro fight him, Tobi would take out his gun and shoot Pro in the leg, he would quickly aim for Guilty and kill him. Tobi would be injured and barely able to move, he would then manage to get away. If WtW is by herself, she would spot the SUV with loads of supplies. She would be confused and go to the second floor. She would look around but not find anyone, CS would shoot her and kill her while being hidden behind cover. He would then take the SUV and drive off. If Guilty, Shadow and WtW went after the sniper, Guilty and Shadow would try to sneak up behind CS, Shadow would make a loud noise and CS would notice. He would get into cover and then spot WtW on the second floor. He would then move around and shoot Guilty, he would shoot and injure WtW and let Shadow live. He would then drive off. If Only Guilty and Shadow went after the sniper, Guilty would go to the second floor and tell Shadow to distract CS. CS would spot Guilty and then use Shadow as a hostage, Guilty would get an option to shoot or let him take Shadow and drive off. If Guilty shoots, CS moves just in time and Shadow dies. He then gets into cover and tries shooting back at Guilty. An option to stay on the second floor, or go down to the first floor would show up. If Guilty stays, CS kills him, if he goes down one floor, CS gets away. If WtW goes with Pro, he tells her to stay back and hide somewhere, when Tobi's men try to ambush Pro, she helps him by sniping some of them. Tobi shoots Pro in the leg and then hides behind a tree. He then yells out to her to come out from hiding or else he kills Pro, an option to stay hidden or go out will come up, if she stays hidden, Tobi shoots and kills Pro. WtW would then have to go around and try to find Tobi. She's dumbfounded when Tobi isn't near by and then he manages to sneak up behind her, and stab her. Tobi then picks up another gun and shoots her, he then manages to get away. If WtW comes out from hiding, Tobi tells her to put her gun down, Pro tells her not to do it, but she does and then Tobi kills her. He then shoots Pro in the other leg and tells him that he'll come back to finish the job another day, Tobi then leaves him and gets away. If Mark is still alive, and he goes with Pro, they would get ambushed, Mark would get shot near his chest and go down, Pro would use one of Tobi's guards as a hostage, Tobi would shoot his guard and then shoot Pro in the shoulder. Tobi would try going for another gun and then walk over to Mark, but Mark would sweep Tobi's leg and then Pro would get on top of him and start punching his face. Mark would go over to one of Tobi's dead guards and grab a knife. Tobi would manage to get Pro off and then Mark would stab Tobi in the leg. Tobi would kick him in the face with his other leg and then pull the knife out. Pro would make his way over to him and then Tobi would stab Pro in the leg. Tobi would get up and grab the grenade belts. Mark would then tell Pro to leave while he stays and fights Tobi. An option for Pro to stay or leave would show up, if he stays, Mark would eventually manage to grab Tobi, he would tell Pro that they will all die, but Pro tells him to go for it, Mark pulls the the grenade pins and all three would die. If Pro leaves, he would crawl back and then hear an explosion, he would turn around and see that Mark sacrificed himself, but also took Tobi with him.

    If Guetta went with Twistee and AC, she would live. If Shadow stayed and tried to help Rafoli, they would both die trying to kill the walkers around them. If Password tried helping Deceptio and Wanderer, Goust would notice and then join in, after they help them Goust would get bit in the shoulder by a walker that sneaks up behind him, Shiina, ATR and SweetPea would die as well. If Password stayed to help Goust fight off the walkers, Deceptio, Wanderer, Shiina, ATR and SweetPea would die. Goust would be pissed with Password, and then leave him for the walkers, Password would die. If Password shot the walker behind Shiina, he would run over to help her. They would hear SweetPea screaming and then see them getting surrounded by the walkers around them. They would hear Goust yelling and see him trying to help Deceptio and Wanderer. Shiina and Password would run back to help him. If Password ran to the front of the Mansion, Deceptio, Wanderer, Shiina, Azlyn, DLB, ATR and SweetPea would die. The others wouldn't know what just happened and then try to finish the rest of the walkers off. Password would tell him what happened and feel guilty about it, he would tell them that he doesn't deserve to stay in the group and then an option to kick him out or keep him would come up. If he leaves, he dies later on by a bunch of walkers. If SweetPea told the others that the walker was WTD, she would get a decision to keep him as a guard dog, or just kill him anyway. If she did nothing, she would go on her knees and continue crying, she wouldn't be able to kill WTD's reanimated corpse, and then WTD would kill her. If Guilty told CS to go, he would take half of his stuff, CS would be happy and understand his choice. If Guilty let him go with everything, CS would be happy and give them one duffel bag, he would then drive off. If Guilty told him to get up, CS would spot WtW on the second floor, he would start to say something but then WtW would shoot him in the head. The plans I had for CS will be revealed in Ch.5. Also, Salt's character was supposed to piss off the reader, that was the point and it worked, whether he's alive or dead, that's up to the reader to decide. The theme for Ch.4 was that death is everywhere, not everyone is going to be safe forever. Things don't always go as planned and hope is wearing thin.

    I think that's everything. If I missed something, or if you want to know something, let me know.

  • Also, there were other ways for Tobi to die. Pro would have asked Mark to join them, Mark would decline and go off by himself. His status would be unknow. But I have to go somewhere right now, if you have any questions, I'll answer them when I come back.

    DIFFERENT OUTCOMES: Second Half Of Chapter 4 If Star told the RV group to wait until morning, a few bandits would sneak up up to them whi

  • If Jewf didn't go to war, who would of died? You said is Jewf wasn't there you would pick another fan favorite. Who were those characters?

    Also, there were other ways for Tobi to die. Pro would have asked Mark to join them, Mark would decline and go off by himself. His status wo

  • I know, I just said that for the lolz

    Well I basically carbon copied him with more info on Raging's story, and you're already there, sooo xD

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Well, I didn't get to know your character that well, lol Maybe if I got to know him better?

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