Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • Kenny somehow quickly bandaged himself up before following Clem to the car to get AJ despite it being a few seconds and him being in the middle of nowhere.

  • And Mike was Snoop Dog. All makes sense now. We solved it!

  • There are 4 ways for Luke to die, and two ways for Bonnie to die. Letting Bonnie die/drown will cause Clementine to not fall in the ice, so she just simply walks away.

    Arvo fired from the hip when he shot Clem. He could have easily shot her in the head by aiming, but he didn't…I still hate him.

    Bonnie decided to go undercover and not be an asshole, up until when she decided to leave with Mike and the shitbird.

  • If you cut off Lee's arm, you lost his magnificent watch.

  • edited September 2014

    I know what Bonnie says, but considering she is making excuses through nearly half that episode I don´t think we should take her words at face value.

    true, though people that lie to themselves tend to have a kernel of truth in their lies.

    I dont see how ´that most of the second season ex-carver group lived for quite some under his leadership´, has anything to do with Carver being once a nice guy.

    well for one it means that he wasn't so openly psychotic as he was when we saw him, and thus he was at the very least better.

    And really, Reggie? The same dude that said ´is not a competition´ when hearing how the group was kidnapped for the Moonstar Lodge? He is just another person making excuses for Carver, and for why the life they lead is not that bad.

    carver hated him, and thus killed him. now given that carver always hated him, and that he hadn't killed him earlier shows that carver was getting worse.


    Okay, this one is true, but is like saying any person with a temper is like a abuser.

    no, but it is a sign, and thus doesn't mean anything by itself. so anger plus other signs increases the chances that the person is in fact an abusive person.

    unable to take criticism

    Why? Because he is fixated in going looking for Wellington and the rest of the group thougth it was a bad idea? Pulling a single moment in a analysis of a character personality is not rigth.

    taking arvo hostage, snapping at jane for saying to give arvo a chance, how he treats arvo, snapping at everyone when they stop at the power station, waiting for morning to take off in the truck, argument in the truck.

    makes excuses for his actions

    I don´t see how you could say this. He never once makes excuses.

    the talk at the power station has him make excuses twice for things he felt he failed at, the talk while fixing the truck wasn't very excuse free either, then there is the argument in the truck.

    I don´t see how Kenny ´wants to fell important´, or how the ´harm he causes does not interest him or he does not see it or he is justifying it´. And really, how is Kenny struggling to think well of himself?

    well he constantly tries to be the one to have the good idea, or rise to the occasion. while that is good, he doesn't like others doing such, which results in friction. that friction results in fractures in the group, and he tends to feel it is their problem not his. when he accidentally its clem he doesn't say he is sorry. kenny lost his family and feels guilty over it ("he let everyone down"), thus he has issues he needs to work through. given time he might have overcome his issues and not become abusive (despite the abusive personality, after all he seems to rise to the challenge all other times).

    AlanSpencer posted: »

    and bonnies word when you question her about him to get answers about why people follow him. then there is that most of the second season ex

  • but compared to AKs? and he was thanking clem for not taking the medical supplies, so the one that took from him (which he knew which one) wasn't in the group during the ambush.

    and as for revolvers being more powerful, that is just hollywood stuff. if you use a .50 magazine fed pistol it will be just as powerful as a .50 revolver. revolvers tend to hold less rounds, and jam less, power isn't a factor.

    Kennysucks posted: »

    actually revolvers are quite powerful compared to most other pistols, so it isnt just a "small gun" and considering the fact that we know he did sometimes go out alone, not having a weapon, especially in his condition, is very dangerous.

  • Only 3 people have tears stream down their faces in episode 5. In order:


    Alt text

    Clem (She can cry twice)

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  • When asked about Wellington, Randy will tell Clem & Jane that it was a bust. Possibly implying that they themselves were turned away due to capacity problems as well.

  • There was an option to ask them?

    remorse667 posted: »

    When asked about Wellington, Randy will tell Clem & Jane that it was a bust. Possibly implying that they themselves were turned away due to capacity problems as well.

  • I think he asked Clem & Jane first.. not too sure. But he did say North was a bust

    That1Guy posted: »

    There was an option to ask them?

  • Their tears creep me out. It looks like they are leaking milk from their eyes

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Only 3 people have tears stream down their faces in episode 5. In order: Arvo Clem (She can cry twice) Kenny

  • Arvo's group had the exact same bag of supplies that Edith gave to Clementine and Kenny.

    This probably means that they were turned down by Wellington as well.

  • When Randy asks Clem where have they been, choosing the option like "Everywhere" (can't rememeber the exact words) will have Randy talk about having headed to the north.

    That1Guy posted: »

    There was an option to ask them?

  • There's no way Clem and Jane know Wellington really exists if Kenny's dead though

    remorse667 posted: »

    Arvo's group had the exact same bag of supplies that Edith gave to Clementine and Kenny. This probably means that they were turned down by Wellington as well.

  • ok but Nick

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    The last thing Luke sees before dying is Clementine. He'll either be looking up at her as she breaks the ice or as he is dragged down. Right in the feels.

  • Lucky Alvin

    Even if Alvin is saved in Episode 2 and goes to Carvers camp in the 3rd Episode, he'll never meet Jane at the camp.

  • edited September 2014

    true, though people that lie to themselves tend to have a kernel of truth in their lies.


    Or maybe not.

    well for one it means that he wasn't so openly psychotic as he was when we saw him, and thus he was at the very least better.

    Not openly phychotic doesn´t traslate to nice guy. Who knows how many times Carver´s men have see something like what he did at the Moonstar Loodge, but didn´t expread it out of fear?

    carver hated him, and thus killed him. now given that carver always hated him, and that he hadn't killed him earlier shows that carver was getting worse.

    Carver didn´t not hate Reggie.

    no, but it is a sign, and thus doesn't mean anything by itself. so anger plus other signs increases the chances that the person is in fact an abusive person.

    Okay. But Kenny is not abusive.

    taking arvo hostage,

    Yes, for the sake of the group. At a fail to see how this make him unable to take criticism.

    snapping at jane for saying to give arvo a chance,

    Do I need to remind you what Arvo did?

    how he treats arvo,

    At treating Arvo badly makes him unable to take criticism?

    Okay, sure.

    , snapping at everyone when they stop at the power station,

    dafuq? He only snapped at Jane.

    waiting for morning to take off in the truck,


    argument in the truck.

    Wellington was their best chance of survival, especially AJ best chance of survival. Of course he was going to get angry. Besides, the later part of the argument was all Jane´s fault.

    the talk at the power station has him make excuses twice for things he felt he failed at,

    He apologizes to Clem for blaming her for Sarita-hardly making a excuse. And he just talks about is pareting mistakes, he doesn´t make excuses for them.

    then there is the argument in the truck.

    What excuse does he give?

    well he constantly tries to be the one to have the good idea, or rise to the occasion.

    Lol, nope.

    enny lost his family and feels guilty over it ("he let everyone down"),

    He already did, you know. Before the Cabin Group at to come at fuck things up.

    when he accidentally its clem he doesn't say he is sorry.

    To Kenny, Arvo may as well be Carver. He doesn´t understand that Clem could defend him.

    given time he might have overcome his issues

    His endings.

    Watch them.

    not become abusive


    jamoecw posted: »

    I know what Bonnie says, but considering she is making excuses through nearly half that episode I don´t think we should take her words at fa

  • In Russell's story, you can see a zombified version of Danny/Justin dragging themselves towards Russell if you don't get in Nate's car. This only happens if you play Vince's story first.

  • Alt text

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Pete is determinantly a walker.

  • edited September 2014

    @Dont_look_Back you unoriginal fool, you stole this from me. ffs

    Did you know that Clementine can kick Luke in the balls? Its a joke please don't kill me.

  • I like Nick more, too. He's my 5th favorite character overall.

    He's hawt like me. (;

    Ellias posted: »

    ok but Nick

  • I never thought I would say it, but Caros looks kinda badass here.

  • Everyone just repeats facts all over again.

  • Alt text

    Everyone just repeats facts all over again.

  • If you upvote megami, it makes you a good person.

    Everyone just repeats facts all over again.

  • Everyone just repeats facts all over again.

    Everyone just repeats facts all over again.

  • nicks my husband

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    I like Nick more, too. He's my 5th favorite character overall. He's hawt like me. (;

  • True, but when we get new info it makes it all worthwhile.

    Everyone just repeats facts all over again.

  • you made me laugh too much xD

    shibbymary posted: »

    Their tears creep me out. It looks like they are leaking milk from their eyes

  • Kenny killed all the Russians in the gun fight. He kills Burriko, Vattali and it is inferred that he killed Natasha because when Kenny takes Arvo hostage Vatalli says you killed his sister, hes already dead.

  • edited September 2014

    Every character that you have the option to save, eventually dies.

    it's different, we don't have a option to save Chet, we have an option to wait for the night or ask for help before it gets dark, that will determine Chet's fate.

    MonkeyMan23 posted: »

    Not every one. Chet's fate is unknown.

  • Nope, Kenny shoots him in the head

  • He shoots Buricko in the head,not Vitali.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Nope, Kenny shoots him in the head

  • He shoots Vitali in the head after Jane stabs him, which makes it a kill for Jane more than a kill for Kenny.

    SwagBeast posted: »

    He shoots Buricko in the head,not Vitali.

  • the argument isn't about him being abusive, but showing abusive tendencies.

    taking arvo hostage, snapping at jane for saying to give arvo a chance, how he treats arvo, snapping at everyone when they stop at the power station, waiting for morning to take off in the truck, argument in the truck.

    all of that was about his reaction to other people's reaction. he either brushed it off, or dismissed it.

    To Kenny, Arvo may as well be Carve. He doesn´t understand that Clem could defend him.

    so it is all right that he hit clem? and if kenny can justify arvo being carver doesn't that also say something about him? (for the record i will shoot arvo on sight if given the choice, but this isn't about arvo being good or bad)

    He apologizes to Clem for blaming her for Sarita-hardly making a excuse. And he just talks about is pareting mistakes, he doesn´t make excuses for them.

    he also rationalizes after apologizing, which is a way of making excuses.

    He already did, you know. Before the Cabin Group at to come at fuck things up.

    he says he should have given up at the whole lodge shootout (though maybe your playthrough was different), and that he should have taken action against carver earlier to save alvin.

    Lol, nope.

    so kenny sat back at carver's when he saw that a plan for escape was coming about? not in my playthrough. in fact anytime there is a problem and he is there he is always doing something to try and solve it.

    Not openly phychotic doesn´t traslate to nice guy.

    no, but it does show degeneration.

    Carver didn´t not hate Reggie.

    perhaps, though we know that carver hated weak willed people, and that he thought reggie was weak willed. we also know that while carver claimed he was killed due to his string of screw ups, troy was well known to screw up all the time, and wasn't killed or imprisoned.

    His endings.

    Watch them.

    i did, we see him being very selfless. he obviously hadn't become abusive before those endings, and even seemed to have turned from the path. however we are talking about comparing kenny to carver at the time of the fight, which at that time he could be compared to carver.

    AlanSpencer posted: »

    true, though people that lie to themselves tend to have a kernel of truth in their lies. Maybe... Or maybe not. well for on

  • the argument isn't about him being abusive, but showing abusive tendencies.

    Okay. I don´t what meaning has having ‘abusive tendencies’ if you are not abusive, but sure, whatever.

    all of that was about his reaction to other people's reaction. he either brushed it off, or dismissed it.

    Okay. But like I said, he took Arvo hostage for the group, he treats arvo badly because he thinks he deserved-that the shot out was his fault, for one, and the role Arvo plays in Luke´s death-, he snaps at “everybody” in the power station because to him Arvo is just like Carver, just another bad guy. I don´t see what ‘waiting for morning to take off in the truck’ means anything, honestly. The argument in the truck got started because Jane wanted to pick the more safe option, without considering that it was their best chance of survival. See? You can hardly compare him to Carver.

    so it is all right that he hit clem?

    I never said that.

    and if kenny can justify arvo being carver doesn't that also say something about him?

    I mean that for Kenny Arvo is just like Carver, just another bad guy.

    he also rationalizes after apologizing, which is a way of making excuses.

    He doesn´t rationalize anything.

    he says he should have given up at the whole lodge shootout (though maybe your playthrough was different), and that he should have taken action against carver earlier to save alvin.

    I don´t see how this has to do with what I saying, but yes, Kenny said that too in my playthrougth. And?

    in fact anytime there is a problem and he is there he is always doing something to try and solve it.

    And how is that bad?

    no, but it does show degeneration.

    Nope. That just your opinion, so don´t throw it around as a fact. Like I said, who knows how many times Carver´s men have seen something like what he did at the Moonstar Loodge, but didn´t say anything it out of fear? That Bonnie realized what Carver really was after the events at the Moonstar Loodge doesn´t mean he was any better before, it just means she was not there to see it. At hell, I took Carver admitting to killing Reggie for Bonnie to admit how Carver really was, so I think your comparison is quite shaky.

    perhaps, though we know that carver hated weak willed people, and that he thought reggie was weak willed. we also know that while carver claimed he was killed due to his string of screw ups, troy was well known to screw up all the time, and wasn't killed or imprisoned.

    He hated weak willed people, yes, at Reggie was weak willed, but I don´t think he murdered Reggie because he hated him. Knew he was making that speech in his office, I believe it. So I think that to Carver, killing Reggie was simply a necessity. Also, how was troy know for screwing up?

    however we are talking about comparing kenny to carver at the time of the fight, which at that time he could be compared to carver.

    I don´t think you can really compare Kenny to Carver at the time of the fight. Hell, I think you cannot compare Kenny to Carver at all.

    jamoecw posted: »

    the argument isn't about him being abusive, but showing abusive tendencies. taking arvo hostage, snapping at jane for saying to give a

  • Him killing Natasha makes sense about Arvo hating him a lot as well as the beatings he inflicted. Although Bonnie threatened to execute Natasha and Arvo in the standoff and she was facing them making her a possible killer as well, although Arvo would probably not leave with her if she did.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Kenny killed all the Russians in the gun fight. He kills Burriko, Vattali and it is inferred that he killed Natasha because when Kenny takes Arvo hostage Vatalli says you killed his sister, hes already dead.

  • In an episode where Buricko and Vitali switch weapons and places, none of our group members die in a gunfight and the baby ends up on the ground, it makes sense that Kenny somehow killed Natasha from his place.

    Him killing Natasha makes sense about Arvo hating him a lot as well as the beatings he inflicted. Although Bonnie threatened to execute Nata

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