I'm Curious
How many of you like the AMC TV show? I personally believe that it is highly overrated but everyone is entitled to their opinion. I don't like it because they do a bad job of developing characters and there is far too much dead space. I can't see why anyone would like this show beyond of Daryl Dixon and because it's about zombies. Why do you like the show? (if you do)
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I couldn't get through 2nd season, it's awful. Just my opinion.
I like it, somewhat, but it became underwhelming when I started playing this game, to be honest.
I love it because I love it? I can't explain why I just do. Season 4 was awesome they did a good job giving their characters development.
I stopped watching when Shane died. He was my favorite character. He banged that dumb blonde girl.
Huh...could you please elaborate? What makes you keep watching?
Agreed. 6 issues of comic books translated to 16 episodes of TV is just stretching at its finest. Just a muddle of endless moral debates and nonsense.
i like it. Season 5 is going to be truly interesting.
The game imo gives me more feelz.
I like it cause I am interested in the story.
I like it because Hershel's infinite ammo
I don't like it when it gets too preachy or emotional. They should of just made it a fun experience with zombies, cool characters, and a good story line. Telltale games have more personality imo than the TV Show.
Carol is still alive for some rasin!
I like the show for it's character development and the survival based plot, although the show is inconsistent at times i still find it enjoyable
I agree. Lol. Clementine or CORALLLL?
I don't know why exactly. I guess because i like the drama and action and most of the characters?
Psh, Clem >>>>> Carl.
I liked the first season it was very entertaining, season 2 was extremely boring. The other seasons I think are just terrible.
I like it but I wouldn't even mind if all the characters died.
I think once they offed Shane, the show lost a great center of conflict, from there the rest of the characters simply aren't interesting imo.
Yeah, I found Shane to be a great character in the T.V. series most of the groups internal conflict disappeared once he taken out. Also season 3 villain was probably the most cliched and boring character I have ever seen.
It used to be good.
"Highly overrated"? Really? From what I've seen everyone just seems to downplay it and hate it. Personally I love it, it seems Season 4 is pretty much the perfect way for the show to keep going and improving.
Season One was really good but really short, and was mostly do to with introducing new characters, plot lines, etc. Though it still holds the record for best season finale ever - with amazing writing, amazing action, amazing acting and a very conflicting and interesting message.
Season Two on the other hand is the worst season by far. My god, it is terrible. The funding seems to have just been focused more on paying the actors and less on actually funding the show. This is also highlighted by cinematography which seemed to just dawdle around (there were a few good shots here and there). Acting was solid but characters were extremely annoying, idiotic or just down-right boring. When people complain about The Walking Dead not being about zombies and more or less being about drama, I point them to this season and this season only. Whilst other seasons managed to be solid (Season Four and One handling drama the best so far), Season Two was horrible.
With this idiotic plot-line of Shane vs Rick, and Lori being pregnant. Interesting things such as Beth and her suicidal thoughts which got ruined though (Also just like to add. I hate whoever wrote that episode for the way they treated suicide and the way they made characters treat Andrea in this dumb dumb episode). Glenn and Maggie, Hershel and alcoholism, etc.
But for the most part plot-lines were dumb, the characters were boring and stale, acting was fine but cinematography and overall direction was not. God-damn, sorry I just really hate this season. Though it had a somewhat decent finale with Andrea getting split-up, I find the season still horribly lackluster.
Then comes Season Three. This is when the show was moving in the right direction but still not really there yet. It started off strong and such, but sooner or later it started to get into its Season Two roots. Some episodes having bland cinematography, Ricks "mental state" story-line, The Governor and Andreas relationship - It had some messy stuff. However direction and such was still improved. Characters acted slightly better and more interesting. Acting was quite solid throughout and overall just a meh, it was okay and had some good moments but it still suffers from some of the previous season.
Then we have Season Four. Holy mother of god! This is the Walking Dead I want. With each episode serving a purpose, not a single episode ever being bad. The Governor coming back and even more well-developed and great. Great moral complex situations, Amazing writing, beautiful dialogue and moments, the second-half of the season (whilst better than the first) is almost perfect. Amazing episodes such as "Still" and "The Grove" which were just beautiful. Amazing branching story-lines, beautiful shots and use of colour as well as overall great cinematography and the acting. Holy goodness. The acting is so damn good, and I love it! I cannot wait for Season Five.
So overall I do like the show, and I am definitely liking where it's heading and such. But I would never say the show was ever "over-rated", and I do like it.
Also just something to make you guys happy: The events of The Walking Dead game by Telltale take place in the comic universe. The show takes place in its own universe. This means somewhere in the television show universe, since the show has not headed to places such as Macon or Savannah or North Carolina. Clementine could still be Lee, Christa and Omid who are all alive and well whilst the events of the television show take place. Honestly I would love to see Clementine on the show.
I like it. Season one starts great, then is dragged out a bit. Season two starts boring, then turns great. Season three is great. Still have to watch season four.
Never watched a single episode.
I have honestly only watched episode one of season one. Kind of tempted to watch it.. just never have for some reason.
I miss Hershel :,(
I like it. It's defiantly not perfect, but overall it's a good action packed show
Well, I have the exact opposite opinion as the OP, especially about it being overrated. I don't think it gets the attention it deserves, and I'm not taking about ratings.
Shane had to go and I was extremely happy when he did. He was creating so much conflict that the group couldn't function. They couldn't maintain that forever. He would either have to die or leave. They couldn't have him and Rick trying to lead and I choose Rick.
I almost agree with you except I think season two, particularly the second half when Darabont left, is better than people give it credit for.. I rewatched season two and three recently and I was engaged still in the story.
Me too. The toughest one legged old man ever.
I think it's underrated. All of the actors are phenomenal, the story line is great because you never know whats going to happen (because they stray far the comics). I also like it because unlike the comics and games, the first 2 seasons revolve entirely around the horror of the walkers themselves. s3 is where we get into the bad guys and s4 is where we got into the horrors of disease/famine.
The second-half has some major issues but that's mainly Darabonts fault. He messed up Season Two and I'd imagine it'd be harder to solve it all. But nonetheless I still hate Season Two.
Well I had a long pause when I had watched the first half of season 2... It just got so tedious.
Thankfully I started watching it again, and it picked up a bit. It's not close to a favourite show, but it does alright.
The last few episodes of season 4 were great - the ones with a focus on character development. I especially liked the one with Daryl and Beth (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Still_(The_Walking_Dead)). I like it when the show actually has some balls to not just go for "AARggh zombies", and instead goes into the characters. I mean that's the attraction of a zombie apocalypse anyway, right? I mean that's why these games are pretty good.
The first episode reminded me of another (pseudo) zombie movie that was at least 5 times better than the show...
I love it, 28 days
The first season was better than the second and the second better than the third.. Haven't seen the fourth. I still like it though.
Some positives: Most zombie genre titles don't get the opportunity to delve into some of the darker and more compelling human elements of the ZA (The real long-term struggle to survive apart from running from and killing zombies; the struggle for companionship and its manifestation in the forging, loss, and reforging of familial bonds with folks you otherwise may not have given the time of day; the way it the monsters are a great backdrop for highlighting the classic theme of man's inhumanity to man; etc.) In fact 28 Days Later is the only film that springs immediately to mind as having done a good job of this.
I also enjoy the departure, in ways, from the predictable safety of principal dramatic characters. Rick is the only character I can feel totally assured will be alive at the end of each new episode, and those that might die may very well die for stupid and pointless reasons. That keeps the danger fresh and real. In alot of other dramatic venues, you KNOW someone will be alive at the end of this or that firefight or chase scene or whatever because there's simply been too much put into developing the character to let him go out by a henchman's lucky shot or a city bus tire blowout or the like. The mustachioed mullet-headed prisoner (I forget his name but I liked him alot) is a great example. Enough time went into developing that character and showing his sympathetic side that it was really starting to seem like they were going somewhere with that, and then the instant he started to enter the realm of the non-expendable...BAM! Stray bullet to the temple! A senseless, pointless death. Story arc just sheared completely premature because its a dangerous world and death doesn't always have a moral or a point.
It wouldn't need to be sweeps week or the season finale. If I see a TWD principal trying to cross a rickety rope bridge over a ravine, I'm genuinely concerned that that character could just slip and fall into the rapids below, never to be heard from again. Almost no other show or movie does this, not even great ones. I absolutely LOVE Hell On Wheels, but as much as they tried for 40 solid minutes, I never seriously entertained the notion that Bohannon's cholera was anything more than a temporary inconvenience. Noone important on SOA is ever going to go by way of getting blasted off their bike by a student driver. And these 2 examples are actually 2 shows I think do a very good job of the same kind of not keeping anybody too safe. Let alone something like Magnum P.I. (I Show my age. 1/2 of you probably don't even know what that is, but the phenomenon is common enough) where its like, "Oh, someone's shooting at Magnum again. Now's a good time to go grab those chips."
I totally agree with everyone who says that we lost a wonderful foil and some of the heart of the show in Shane (poor, misunderstood, misguided bastard) but, I posit that he show would've lost more if they'd let that tension run on for season after season in a sort of opposite will they/won't they.
Some of the characters (that have suvived, we've lost a few favorites) still interest me. I can't see myself not rooting for Glenn or against Lorrie and wanting to find, for good or ill, those outcomes. I hated Bonnie [ASIDE: What's the deal with this world and grils named Bonnie being wishy-washy hoebags?] and then I started to really like her and now I kind of hate her again, I'll be impressed if they can keep that pendulum swinging. I predicted the monent they found the bunsen burner that we'd be seeing Merle again, so I want to find out what happens there. And, of course, everybody loves Daryl. So, his character development is, unsurprisingly, compelling to me. I also made a prediction early on that Daryl will mee a very specific and anticlimactic end. I want to see if that plays out. [SECOND ASIDE: So that crossbow is neat and clever and more effective in alot of ways than a firearm. One of those ways is the ease with which he can manufacture ammunition. This habit of bolt retrieval smacks of foolishness to me. Just make more bolts, guy. Lord knows its something you could easily do while you're off by yourself brooding as you are so very often.] That prediction? Daryl dies by accidentally nicking himself with a bolt still dripping with fresh walker goop.
Michonne seems really cool in the few scattered comics I checked out, but is, I think, somewhat over-the-top for a semi-serious TV drame. Makes me feel like the crusty Monty Python army lieutenant. "Stop that! Stop that! Now its just gotten silly."
Lastly, though, I'm in full agreement with whoever said that the show seems underwhelming when put next to the game. Long live the game.
EDIT: Sorry all, for the typos, but I feel my intent is clear in all above cases. Until my replacement phone comes in the mail, I'm on my XBOX using a cursor and an alphanumeric display. Its extraordinarily time-consuming and so, in lieu of actual corrections, you get this apology.
I love season 1 until the 5th episode which introduces a new plot which wasn't based on the comics. after season 1, season 2 and 3 were boring. however I enjoyed the first half of season 4 mainly because of the governor and stopped watching it after the mid season finale. and I wached it again when the finale of season 4 was released. if I would rate TWD tv show, it would be a 6/10 because most of the episode are just filler ._.
I guess that depends on how much of a fan you are of the show. I love the game series but not as much as the show. Five seasons into the show and Im still excited for it. The last season of the game, eventhough I still enjoyed it, lost some luster for me. My favorite character of any TWD property is TV's Rick.
Its ok, i guess. Its like one big soap opera with zombies, dramatic.
I stopped watching when Shane died, too. I didn't really enjoy a lot of the episodes leading up to that one, either.
I liked the first season, though.