What do you think about certainly the most mysterious companion of Inquisition - Cole?
Appearently, he appeared in Dragon Age: Asunder. Have somebody read it? From what I read on wiki, he's some kind of a spirit/ghost/demon/whatever. So, can somebody who read it explain what is Cole?
We don't really know exactly what he is, but what appears to have happened is the Templars threw a boy named Cole in the dungeon and forgot about him, and when he was terrified and on the verge of death a spirit or demon came to him and offered to save him by joining with him, which probably wiped away any memory of who he actually was before that. Speculation abound, but some people think it was either a despair demon or a spirit of hope. But then he was basically doomed to an existence where few people can actually see him, and those who can seem to forget about him soon after. I'm guessing that was fixed at the end of the book.
There's also the theory that he's just a demon or spirit that found its way into the world and forgot who or what he is. Or that this 'Cole' kid did exist and the demon/spirit completely took over his body and is going crazy. We know he physically exists, however, he breathes, sleeps, sweats etc. like anyone else...which makes the theory where he's solely a spirit unlikely to me.
Question time!
What do you think about certainly the most mysterious companion of Inquisition - Cole?
Appearently, he appeared in … moreDragon Age: Asunder. Have somebody read it? From what I read on wiki, he's some kind of a spirit/ghost/demon/whatever. So, can somebody who read it explain what is Cole?
More on Cole.
I think it's decent. They haven't shown every decision you can choose yet, but I think that it's just because of its beta stage, and upon release it will be complete.
That is, until someone screws up. cough EA cough.
Haven't read "Asunder", but, from what I can gather from Dragon Age Wiki, he seems pretty shady to me. I might take a look at him, but I'll try and be wary.
Question time!
What do you think about certainly the most mysterious companion of Inquisition - Cole?
Appearently, he appeared in … moreDragon Age: Asunder. Have somebody read it? From what I read on wiki, he's some kind of a spirit/ghost/demon/whatever. So, can somebody who read it explain what is Cole?
More on Cole.
Question time!
What do you think about certainly the most mysterious companion of Inquisition - Cole?
Appearently, he appeared in … moreDragon Age: Asunder. Have somebody read it? From what I read on wiki, he's some kind of a spirit/ghost/demon/whatever. So, can somebody who read it explain what is Cole?
More on Cole.
I read it.
We don't really know exactly what he is, but what appears to have happened is the Templars threw a boy named Cole in the dunge… moreon and forgot about him, and when he was terrified and on the verge of death a spirit or demon came to him and offered to save him by joining with him, which probably wiped away any memory of who he actually was before that. Speculation abound, but some people think it was either a despair demon or a spirit of hope. But then he was basically doomed to an existence where few people can actually see him, and those who can seem to forget about him soon after. I'm guessing that was fixed at the end of the book.
There's also the theory that he's just a demon or spirit that found its way into the world and forgot who or what he is. Or that this 'Cole' kid did exist and the demon/spirit completely took over his body and is going crazy. We know he physically exists, however, he breathes, sleeps, sweats etc. li… [view original content]
That really depends. I'm gonna experiment with it, but my first world state will most likely have "Alistair marries the Warden".
EDIT: And, for the second part, the best choice is either the hardened Alistair & Anora or the Warden & Anora/Alistair. Sole monarchs don't hold much appeal to me, although sole Anora is better than an unhardened Alistair, that's for sure.
Question time!
There are many choices and decisions you need to make in Dragon Age series. One of the most important is who's the King/Qu… moreeen of Ferelden.
So I ask you, who rules Ferelden in your world state? And who do you think is better choice?
Vote HERE.
First part of interview with Cameron Lee about Skyhold AKA Inquisitors base has been released. Read HERE. We should expect another part coming next week.
Few abilities for mages, 2-handed swords and daggers have been revealed. Some of them are well known from previous games, but there are few new ones.
Latest news about DA:I:
* First part of interview with Cameron Lee about Skyhold AKA Inquisitors base has been released. Read HERE. We … moreshould expect another part coming next week.
* Few abilities for mages, 2-handed swords and daggers have been revealed. Some of them are well known from previous games, but there are few new ones.
For fellow elf-ey fans, they finally showed some potential elven Inquisitors. The character creator appears to be much improved, and the weird alien-looking elf design of DA2 appears to be completely gone, thankfully.
I love Varric, but another one of my favourites was Aveline. I thought she was a wonderfully written character and her voice actress was perfect, the phrase "Shut up whore", was officialy added to my vocabulary after playing that game.
For fellow elf-ey fans, they finally showed some potential elven Inquisitors. The character creator appears to be much improved, and the wei… morerd alien-looking elf design of DA2 appears to be completely gone, thankfully.
Liking dem freckle options.
so what did everyone play in Origins? What are you putting into the Keep to import to DA:I?
My main warden is a dwarf noble warrior. Dwar… moreves for the win.
character show off if you got em, I like seeing everyones characters.
yeh, I use a lotta mods. Gotta look good.
It was already confirmed that Zevran isn't appearing apparently, but yeah, seeing Merrill and Fenris again with the redesign would be pretty interesting.
So would redesigning an elven Warden, if it comes to that.
so what did everyone play in Origins? What are you putting into the Keep to import to DA:I?
My main warden is a dwarf noble warrior. Dwar… moreves for the win.
character show off if you got em, I like seeing everyones characters.
yeh, I use a lotta mods. Gotta look good.
It was already confirmed that Zevran isn't appearing apparently, but yeah, seeing Merrill and Fenris again with the redesign would be pretty interesting.
So would redesigning an elven Warden, if it comes to that.
Shame, because in DA:O's case the combat was a lot better on PC, and there are a few mods I couldn't live without.
Like the one that makes dog a permanent 'extra' companion rather than a full one, so you'll always have your dog but you'll still have 3 other companions.
Yeah, that's a great mod, but I think it was bugging this QUEST, which is a shame because it's one of the best quests in DA:O. Oghren and Sten combo is hilarious! But maybe they already fixed it, dunno. Haven't played DA:O in a long time. :P
Shame, because in DA:O's case the combat was a lot better on PC, and there are a few mods I couldn't live without.
Like the one that make… mores dog a permanent 'extra' companion rather than a full one, so you'll always have your dog but you'll still have 3 other companions.
Hawt!!, That's what I loved about Origins it was a great game before the mods, but the mods made it 'my' game. I so wanna show you my warden too. Not because she was a hottie like yours, but I actually created the fugliest warden I could come up with just for entertainment value.
Yeah, that's a great mod, but I think it was bugging this QUEST, which is a shame because it's one of the best quests in DA:O. Oghren and Sten combo is hilarious! But maybe they already fixed it, dunno. Haven't played DA:O in a long time. :P
Hawt!!, That's what I loved about Origins it was a great game before the mods, but the mods made it 'my' game. I so wanna show you my warden… more too. Not because she was a hottie like yours, but I actually created the fugliest warden I could come up with just for entertainment value.
Question time!
In Dragon Age: Inquisition Bioware will let us choose what race we'll be playing as again like in DA:O (plus they added Qu… morenari).
So, my question is... What race will you be playing as first in Dragon Age: Inquisition?
Vote HERE.
Thanks @SupernovaeHollay for suggestion!
so what did everyone play in Origins? What are you putting into the Keep to import to DA:I?
My main warden is a dwarf noble warrior. Dwar… moreves for the win.
character show off if you got em, I like seeing everyones characters.
yeh, I use a lotta mods. Gotta look good.
Hmm...don't think it ever caused any bugs with me.
And I'm partial to the famous Broma Brothers myself.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?… morev=1XOqQU0RQ8Y
"You don't look like brothers..."
"How could you say that? Do your eyes fail you? Look at us...we are twins! Not identical of course, but twins nonetheless."
"I'm the pretty one."
elf/dwarf banter ftw
That's... really a tricky question. All of those are appealing to me, so it's hard for me to choose. I might go with Kossith, just for the hell of it, but I do hope I can play my Kossith Inquisitor as a stoic, disciplined and pragmatic character, as the true Qunari are.
Question time!
In Dragon Age: Inquisition Bioware will let us choose what race we'll be playing as again like in DA:O (plus they added Qu… morenari).
So, my question is... What race will you be playing as first in Dragon Age: Inquisition?
Vote HERE.
Thanks @SupernovaeHollay for suggestion!
I love his voice actor! He's supposed to be voicing the main character in The Evil Within too.
I remember in Mass Effect the voice of Male Shepard also voiced a bunch of the Vorcha aliens, it's kinda funny. So I wouldn't see that being a problem, but maybe that is the reason.
That's... really a tricky question. All of those are appealing to me, so it's hard for me to choose. I might go with Kossith, just for the h… moreell of it, but I do hope I can play my Kossith Inquisitor as a stoic, disciplined and pragmatic character, as the true Qunari are.
Question time!
What do you think about certainly the most mysterious companion of Inquisition - Cole?
Appearently, he appeared in Dragon Age: Asunder. Have somebody read it? From what I read on wiki, he's some kind of a spirit/ghost/demon/whatever. So, can somebody who read it explain what is Cole?
More on Cole.
I read it.
We don't really know exactly what he is, but what appears to have happened is the Templars threw a boy named Cole in the dungeon and forgot about him, and when he was terrified and on the verge of death a spirit or demon came to him and offered to save him by joining with him, which probably wiped away any memory of who he actually was before that. Speculation abound, but some people think it was either a despair demon or a spirit of hope. But then he was basically doomed to an existence where few people can actually see him, and those who can seem to forget about him soon after. I'm guessing that was fixed at the end of the book.
There's also the theory that he's just a demon or spirit that found its way into the world and forgot who or what he is. Or that this 'Cole' kid did exist and the demon/spirit completely took over his body and is going crazy. We know he physically exists, however, he breathes, sleeps, sweats etc. like anyone else...which makes the theory where he's solely a spirit unlikely to me.
Should be interesting.
My favorite companion in DA 1, would have to be Lilliana.
For DA2, it would have to be Isabella, and Varric.
lol ikr, have they mentioned cost yet? Maybe the application is free then you have to pay $.4.99 for each choice you want to use.
Nah, it'll be free. Though I wouldn't be surprised if you had to pay something for extra choices, lol.
Haven't read "Asunder", but, from what I can gather from Dragon Age Wiki, he seems pretty shady to me. I might take a look at him, but I'll try and be wary.
Well, they might just do that, knowing EA.
In that case... well, there are always torrents.
I read it as well, but I'm heading out the door to go fishing so I'll check back later.
Sounds pretty interesting, can't wait to meet him!
Question time!
There are many choices and decisions you need to make in Dragon Age series. One of the most important is who's the King/Queen of Ferelden.
So I ask you, who rules Ferelden in your world state? And who do you think is better choice?
Vote HERE.
That really depends. I'm gonna experiment with it, but my first world state will most likely have "Alistair marries the Warden".
EDIT: And, for the second part, the best choice is either the hardened Alistair & Anora or the Warden & Anora/Alistair. Sole monarchs don't hold much appeal to me, although sole Anora is better than an unhardened Alistair, that's for sure.
Latest news about DA:I:
I'm not sure what to think about them using DA2-styled icons.
For fellow elf-ey fans, they finally showed some potential elven Inquisitors. The character creator appears to be much improved, and the weird alien-looking elf design of DA2 appears to be completely gone, thankfully.
Liking dem freckle options.
Sten is aso Happy, Lonely, Bored, Furious, Amused, Confused, Regretful, Skeptical, Proud, and Sarcastic.
I think he'll be fine.
I love how Isabella (or someone else) describes Aveline, a woman shaped battering ram. XD I loved Aveline, she was my fav female companion.
Wow, these are incredible! I can't wait to see how our previous elf companions are gonna look.
Hey @Pipas, you should make a poll for which species you're planning on making your Inquisitor!
so what did everyone play in Origins? What are you putting into the Keep to import to DA:I?
My main warden is a dwarf noble warrior. Dwarves for the win.
character show off if you got em, I like seeing everyones characters.
yeh, I use a lotta mods. Gotta look good.
I played as a human mage, I'm fucking basic aren't i?
It was already confirmed that Zevran isn't appearing apparently, but yeah, seeing Merrill and Fenris again with the redesign would be pretty interesting.
So would redesigning an elven Warden, if it comes to that.
Female Dalish Rogue was my preference.
I too tend to use many mods. Warden-Commander armour ftw.
Also, your dwarf looks awesome, heh.
I can't wait to see my Hawke and Fenris. Yes... I'm a total fangirl for Fenris. XD
That's weird about Zevran though, I really liked his character.
She's beautiful! I tried playing DA:O on my laptop, and it made my laptop crash....
Shame, because in DA:O's case the combat was a lot better on PC, and there are a few mods I couldn't live without.
Like the one that makes dog a permanent 'extra' companion rather than a full one, so you'll always have your dog but you'll still have 3 other companions.
Yeh, the Isabella and Aveline banter was great too, I think Isabella calls her a "frigid bear sow" at one stage hilarious!
Well, one of the voices for male Inquisitor will be Zevran's VA, so maybe that's why they won't include him.
Yeah, that's a great mod, but I think it was bugging this QUEST, which is a shame because it's one of the best quests in DA:O. Oghren and Sten combo is hilarious! But maybe they already fixed it, dunno. Haven't played DA:O in a long time. :P
Good idea, making it now!
Question time!
In Dragon Age: Inquisition Bioware will let us choose what race we'll be playing as again like in DA:O (plus they added Qunari).
So, my question is... What race will you be playing as first in Dragon Age: Inquisition?
Vote HERE.
Thanks @SupernovaeHollay for suggestion!
Hawt!!, That's what I loved about Origins it was a great game before the mods, but the mods made it 'my' game. I so wanna show you my warden too. Not because she was a hottie like yours, but I actually created the fugliest warden I could come up with just for entertainment value.
Hmm...don't think it ever caused any bugs with me.
And I'm partial to the famous Broma Brothers myself.
"You don't look like brothers..."
"How could you say that? Do your eyes fail you? Look at us...we are twins! Not identical of course, but twins nonetheless."
"I'm the pretty one."
elf/dwarf banter ftw
Do it, I'm curious now. :P
Something about a seven-foot oxlady cleaving mooks in half with a greatsword appeals to me.
This is my canon Warden - elven mage. I think hair are modded, don't remember now. :P
Would post Hawke too but I'm too lazy to go into the game right now.
Yeah, that one is great too.
That quest is epic.
That's... really a tricky question. All of those are appealing to me, so it's hard for me to choose. I might go with Kossith, just for the hell of it, but I do hope I can play my Kossith Inquisitor as a stoic, disciplined and pragmatic character, as the true Qunari are.
I love his voice actor! He's supposed to be voicing the main character in The Evil Within too.
I remember in Mass Effect the voice of Male Shepard also voiced a bunch of the Vorcha aliens, it's kinda funny. So I wouldn't see that being a problem, but maybe that is the reason.
Heh, I plan on the complete opposite. I'm planning on the snarky, picturesque sellsword type, one who's everything one would think a Qunari isn't.
We're Vashoth after all. Never were part of the Qun.