It wasn't anything against your thread in particular. I closed several neutral and/or positive threads as well so I could enforce the rules here and start over with a clean slate - which I can't retroactively do with posts from an old thread.
I'm not trying to sound like a bitch or anything, but was me asking people to admit they disliked a character be it Jane or Kenny uncivilize… mored and then asking them to elaborate on that? I wasn't trying to incite war, people state all the time they dislike someone, that doesn't mean we're crapping on other peoples opinions. Again, I don't mean to sound like a jerk.
I was just trying to get it out there that some of us just don't like a character, and that it's perfectly fine if we didn't. And I added a poll, but people started to say I was trying to incite arguments when I was just trying to get it out there some characters we're just not crazy about. Yeah, I have my idea of people on both sides who seem to be feeding the fire.
I don't know. I didn't see your thread. All I know is that I took a few days break and the first thing I saw was 3 separate threads insult… moreing Jane in the title... And it was clear to me nothing was getting better. I know whose making it worse and you're not one of them.
Yeah. They're not real people. Its ok to not like some of them. The people saying you were inciting arguments are in fact the ones who are inciting it by trying to make more out of it. Like I said it was getting to the point where just mentioning Jane or Kenny was inviting more arguments.
I was just trying to get it out there that some of us just don't like a character, and that it's perfectly fine if we didn't. And I added a … morepoll, but people started to say I was trying to incite arguments when I was just trying to get it out there some characters we're just not crazy about. Yeah, I have my idea of people on both sides who seem to be feeding the fire.
I wasn't trying to sound accusatory so I apologize if I came off that way. I just know that some of the more ferocious threads made mine loo… morek like a kumbaya. XD But I understand for the sake of trying to enforce peaceful discussions why it had to be done.
I wasn't trying to sound accusatory so I apologize if I came off that way. I just know that some of the more ferocious threads made mine look like a kumbaya. XD But I understand for the sake of trying to enforce peaceful discussions why it had to be done.
It wasn't anything against your thread in particular. I closed several neutral and/or positive threads as well so I could enforce the rules here and start over with a clean slate - which I can't retroactively do with posts from an old thread.
Yeah. They're not real people. Its ok to not like some of them. The people saying you were inciting arguments are in fact the ones who ar… moree inciting it by trying to make more out of it. Like I said it was getting to the point where just mentioning Jane or Kenny was inviting more arguments.
I imagine he'd be just as protective as he was with Clem, but I also imagine he might be more aggressive to threats. A lot of people regretted killing Danny St. John, but only because Clem saw them. With that in mind, I think people might have taken more drastic measures without the threat of corrupting the child looming.
I totally believed her and I think this is a big factor in the discussions because we simply didn't know until after we had to let one character die. So for me, I loved both Kenny and Jane. Kenny and I had history and that counts for a lot but I couldn't let him just murder Jane. So I shot him (and I think it's a bit poor that we didn't have a shoot to wound option but the end got waaaaay too black and white for my tastes).
Only then did I find out that the baby was alive and this was an utterly pointless death. But I couldn't have known that. My decision was made without that information. And then again another completely extreme black or white choice (how about a 'I hate you but I have to go along with you for safety and we might work this out' option?) and I couldn't possibly just forgive Jane then and there.
And so I ended up alone and with what was to me a very unsatisfactory ending.
So yeah, I totally believed Jane. I had no reason not to.
OK, I appreciate all the compliments, but let's get some discussion going.
When Jane came without the baby, did you believe her, or did you catch on that something wasn't right? I personally thought she had genuinely lost AJ.
You're absolutely right about people being invested in the characters and The Walking Dead (both seasons) contains writing far above most games and a lot of other media too. But the reaction to the ending, even from those who got endings they liked, has been ugly. As I wrote in another thread, I was stunned to come here as a new guy and see what was going on. The endings, even the good endings, made people angry.
I'm honestly not sure that's something Telltale were shooting for, or if they should have been shooting for.
Personally it made me want the mainly single ending of season 1 again. Firstly because it means no fractured storytelling (and I don't feel the endings of s2 were as satisfying as a result of that) but mainly now because of the common shared experience we'd all have. That's something everything had with Lee and is completely missing here.
The ending of season 3 needs to be something we all agree on. We should see threads like - at the very end, do you think it was right that we saved the puppy and frolicked through the open fields, because I totally do.
I've never seen anything like it. For me (I'm kind of old, so it's harder to freak me out I guess), I thought it pointed to some amazing writing because people were that invested in the characters.
I can't see it going as far with Luke. Kenny has always been a hothead and prone to overreaction but Luke is so chilled. I couldn't see it going the same way. But then I felt Jane was far too practical for where the story ended up so one way or another, I bought into Kenny's actions as part of his character but not the other side of the argument.
If it had been Kenny vs Luke, it would have ended with them both laughing about how silly they've been, drinking whiskey and roasting marshmallows over a fire as Clem and AJ slept. I would have liked that ending.
I would've wanted to see a Luke vs Kenny choice.
However, if the forums are acting this out of hand over Kenny and Jane, I'd shudder to imagine the nuclear fallout that would be Luke and Kenny fans at war.
I quickly knew that she was lying and trying to expose Kenny's mental instability. After I shot Kenny ;_; ,I forgave her because she was genuinely tried to do what's best for Clem's safety.
OK, I appreciate all the compliments, but let's get some discussion going.
When Jane came without the baby, did you believe her, or did you catch on that something wasn't right? I personally thought she had genuinely lost AJ.
OK, I appreciate all the compliments, but let's get some discussion going.
When Jane came without the baby, did you believe her, or did you catch on that something wasn't right? I personally thought she had genuinely lost AJ.
Everything in this game was trying to push me away from Kenny and make him seem worse than he actually was and get me scared of him...
Everyone talked badly about him behind his back when he lost Sarita. Luke was saying that he was broken, Jane started giving me the spiel about how Its time I start thinking about how much Kenny is worth and that he is going to get me killed. Bonnie was telling me to think about what I want and that Kenny was losing it, Mike was saying that we have to get away from Kenny while Arvo was calling him the devil in russian.
They were all trying to get in my head and make me want to leave him when in reality half of the group ended up deserting Clem and Kenny was the only one who truly cared about me.
The option to shoot him.. then that damn Wellington ending when he begged me to stay at wellington.. In the moment its really hard to stick it out with Kenny until the end. But I chose the ending where i leave with Kenny.
Since episode 3 this game was constantly trying to make the player scared of Kenny.
And it almost worked on me... I was Legit afraid of Kenny when he fought Jane...
I think my Lee would've broken up the fight, he beat Kenny with ease and he took down a vey agile Molly. Clem couldn't stop because she's a child, Lee's a full grown adult.
Everything in this game was trying to push me away from Kenny and make him seem worse than he actually was and get me scared of him...
Ev… moreeryone talked badly about him behind his back when he lost Sarita. Luke was saying that he was broken, Jane started giving me the spiel about how Its time I start thinking about how much Kenny is worth and that he is going to get me killed. Bonnie was telling me to think about what I want and that Kenny was losing it, Mike was saying that we have to get away from Kenny while Arvo was calling him the devil in russian.
They were all trying to get in my head and make me want to leave him when in reality half of the group ended up deserting Clem and Kenny was the only one who truly cared about me.
The option to shoot him.. then that damn Wellington ending when he begged me to stay at wellington.. In the moment its really hard to stick it out with Kenny until the end. But I chose the ending where i leave… [view original content]
I was too caught up in the moment to figure it out. For a second I panicked and thought as Kenny did that she might have killed the baby. When she said it was an accident I let that initial thought drop, but I was too emotionally rocked to figure out that there was something off. In retrospec I feel a little embarrassed that I didn't.
OK, I appreciate all the compliments, but let's get some discussion going.
When Jane came without the baby, did you believe her, or did you catch on that something wasn't right? I personally thought she had genuinely lost AJ.
That depends for me on how such a choice would have been written. I can't see Luke doing what Jane did with the baby, so the conflict would have needed to end in some other way. I have no idea how I would have chosen, if it had been an identical fight situation as with Kenny and Jane I'd still have shot the person trying to kill the unarmed person, but if I had to choose between say pulling one or the other out of the water? No idea at all.
Would you guys preferred if the Pizza vs Ice Cream choice was Kenny or Luke, or are you fine with the way it is?
I would've preferred Kenny or Luke, it seemed a lot harder to me.
Quick question who do you think cared loved Clementine the most Jane or Kenny? Which of them you know with 100% garantee would never abandon you and care after you? I think we all know the answer to that.
Quick question who do you think cared loved Clementine the most Jane or Kenny? Which of them you know with 100% garantee would never abandon you and care after you? I think we all know the answer to that.
no they dont, when does Kenny abandon you? also who loved and cared for clem more? stop playing devils advocate. also the endings with Kenny are better written its obvious telltale wants you to pick him.
I think you must be in the wrong thread: this is specifically for civil discussion. Implying that telltale wants you to pick one over the other and saying one is better written is not this thread's raison d'être.
Point two in the OP is: 'Refrain from posts that refer to an ending objectively being better over another ending - or posts that insinuate an ending is "wrong" or "right."'.
By implying telltale wants you to pick one, and saying one is better written, your point is not in keeping with the spirit of the thread.
Incidentally though, I might point out that Kenny doesn't abandon you if you always agree with you. In my playthrough, he refuses to save Clem because he didn't like my Lee. Clearly your theory that Kenny would never ever ever ever abandon Clem is faulty. He might be 90% not likely to, or 95%. But certainly not 100%, as he can do so.
In fact, in the majority of playthroughs, Kenny initially refuses to save Clem because he doesn't like Lee, and actually needs persuading.
So yeah, please respect the rules of the thread.
Also, I'm certainly not playing 'devil's advocate', as that would mean I actually agree with you but am just questioning the viewpoint we both share. I do not agree with you, hence I am not playing devil's advocate.
However, as it's clear that you have no intention to discuss civilly, I shan't be responding further to posts on the subject of Ice Cream and Pizza. I was only dropping in on this thread to see how it was going in the first place.
no they dont, when does Kenny abandon you? also who loved and cared for clem more? stop playing devils advocate. also the endings with Kenny are better written its obvious telltale wants you to pick him.
I think you must be in the wrong thread: this is specifically for civil discussion. Implying that telltale wants you to pick one over the ot… moreher and saying one is better written is not this thread's raison d'être.
Point two in the OP is: 'Refrain from posts that refer to an ending objectively being better over another ending - or posts that insinuate an ending is "wrong" or "right."'.
By implying telltale wants you to pick one, and saying one is better written, your point is not in keeping with the spirit of the thread.
Incidentally though, I might point out that Kenny doesn't abandon you if you always agree with you. In my playthrough, he refuses to save Clem because he didn't like my Lee. Clearly your theory that Kenny would never ever ever ever abandon Clem is faulty. He might be 90% not likely to, or 95%. But certainly not 100%, as he can do so.
In fact, in the majority of playthroughs, Kenny initially refuses to save Clem beca… [view original content]
So she was willing to go all the way to her own death even with the chance to get AJ himself. That is not Jane the survivor. That is writer against deadline.
I dissagre. She thougth she could take Kenny on alone, and when it was proved it was no possible for her she already had a knife in her chest.
and that would mean that Kenny breaks character by putting his bloodlust over saving AJ which would be poor writing.
He could hesitate for a moment, which propably could have give her a opening, but I don´t think he could actually believe her. There was no reason to do it.
Even if you're right, not worth giving it a shot, no? If Kenny heard that AJ was alive and Jane was the one who knew where he was, he couldn… more't possibly take the chance and kill her.
Thing is, either you're right and Kenny would have killed her anyway (seems dumb of Jane not to even try and doesn't seem to fit with her personality) and that would mean that Kenny breaks character by putting his bloodlust over saving AJ which would be poor writing. Or I'm right and it was suicide by Kenny which is out of character for Jane and so poor writing. Neither scenario works.
Edit: Hmm.. just found myself browsing other threads and in one you talk about the chances Jane had to end the fight, including even being able to get to the car. So she was willing to go all the way to her own death even with the chance to get AJ himself. That is not Jane the survivor. That is writer against deadline.
I see that you have favoured my most recent message with your particular brand of...'wit'.
While I appreciate the no doubt colossal amount of effort you must have expended in order to come up with such a comment, I worry that you must have hurt yourself.
If your wits are exhausted so, who shall entertain the small children, spambots and pets who look to your posts for guidance?
Indeed, I fear for your future, should your flagging wits fail you. Fate is fickle, my dear, and you may well find yourself replaced in their affections with a 'moustache' meme.
And who would even notice?
A word of advice: for a trader of words, you deal in them far too loosely. Better hold onto them, lest they lose all value.
One pretty huge reason - it might just save her life. And like you said in that other thread, she could have even made it to the car to show the proof. Even without that, had Clem heard her say it, Clem could have got Kenny's attention even better. Far from there being no reason to try, there was every reason to try and none not to. Man, I'd hate to be with you in a life-threatening situation. "Dude, pass me that fire extinguisher!" "Well it might not work, let's not bother... hey, my shoes are melting."
Jane was FAR smarter than that right up until that last scene. And then "we need to get to our endings" writing kicked in. There is no in-character reason why it went that far.
So she was willing to go all the way to her own death even with the chance to get AJ himself. That is not Jane the survivor. That is writer … moreagainst deadline.
I dissagre. She thougth she could take Kenny on alone, and when it was proved it was no possible for her she already had a knife in her chest.
and that would mean that Kenny breaks character by putting his bloodlust over saving AJ which would be poor writing.
He could hesitate for a moment, which propably could have give her a opening, but I don´t think he could actually believe her. There was no reason to do it.
OK, I appreciate all the compliments, but let's get some discussion going.
When Jane came without the baby, did you believe her, or did you catch on that something wasn't right? I personally thought she had genuinely lost AJ.
One pretty huge reason - it might just save her life.
I mean that Kenny could not have any reason to believe her.
And like you said in that other thread, she could have even made it to the car to show the proof. Even without that, had Clem heard her say it, Clem could have got Kenny's attention even better.
Yes, this is all true. Clem could have got Kenny´s attention easily, she always does, but Jane thougth Clem could shoot Kenny because she picked up the gun. When this scenario makes no sense his when you don´t pick out the gun-in there, Jane does not even ask for help and does not even try to tell Kenny AJ was alive. But it you do pick up the gun, is far for implausible she did not try to ask Kenny for help.
Jane was FAR smarter than that right up until that last scene.
One pretty huge reason - it might just save her life. And like you said in that other thread, she could have even made it to the car to show… more the proof. Even without that, had Clem heard her say it, Clem could have got Kenny's attention even better. Far from there being no reason to try, there was every reason to try and none not to. Man, I'd hate to be with you in a life-threatening situation. "Dude, pass me that fire extinguisher!" "Well it might not work, let's not bother... hey, my shoes are melting."
Jane was FAR smarter than that right up until that last scene. And then "we need to get to our endings" writing kicked in. There is no in-character reason why it went that far.
clears throat
My dear Mr. Short Stack.
I see that you have favoured my most recent message with your particular brand of...'wit'.
W… morehile I appreciate the no doubt colossal amount of effort you must have expended in order to come up with such a comment, I worry that you must have hurt yourself.
If your wits are exhausted so, who shall entertain the small children, spambots and pets who look to your posts for guidance?
Indeed, I fear for your future, should your flagging wits fail you. Fate is fickle, my dear, and you may well find yourself replaced in their affections with a 'moustache' meme.
And who would even notice?
A word of advice: for a trader of words, you deal in them far too loosely. Better hold onto them, lest they lose all value.
You only cheapen yourself, my dear.
Kiss Kiss
Flog61 summed it up pretty well, please stick to a civil discussion as stipulated in the guidelines above and please don't troll the thread by saying that the Kenny ending is the "right decision".
Refrain from posts that refer to an ending objectively being better over another ending - or posts that insinuate an ending is "wrong" or "right."
It wasn't anything against your thread in particular. I closed several neutral and/or positive threads as well so I could enforce the rules here and start over with a clean slate - which I can't retroactively do with posts from an old thread.
I was just trying to get it out there that some of us just don't like a character, and that it's perfectly fine if we didn't. And I added a poll, but people started to say I was trying to incite arguments when I was just trying to get it out there some characters we're just not crazy about. Yeah, I have my idea of people on both sides who seem to be feeding the fire.
Yeah. They're not real people. Its ok to not like some of them. The people saying you were inciting arguments are in fact the ones who are inciting it by trying to make more out of it. Like I said it was getting to the point where just mentioning Jane or Kenny was inviting more arguments.
Not a problem, I just wanted to clarify.
I wasn't trying to sound accusatory so I apologize if I came off that way. I just know that some of the more ferocious threads made mine look like a kumbaya. XD But I understand for the sake of trying to enforce peaceful discussions why it had to be done.
This is basically what it was coming too. XD Be it Kenny or Jane.
I found Jane to be exactly what Kenny said- only caring about herself, etc. But guys, the real question hear is WWLD? (What would Lee do)
Come to think of it, how would Lee handle an infant anyways?
I imagine he'd be just as protective as he was with Clem, but I also imagine he might be more aggressive to threats. A lot of people regretted killing Danny St. John, but only because Clem saw them. With that in mind, I think people might have taken more drastic measures without the threat of corrupting the child looming.
I totally believed her and I think this is a big factor in the discussions because we simply didn't know until after we had to let one character die. So for me, I loved both Kenny and Jane. Kenny and I had history and that counts for a lot but I couldn't let him just murder Jane. So I shot him (and I think it's a bit poor that we didn't have a shoot to wound option but the end got waaaaay too black and white for my tastes).
Only then did I find out that the baby was alive and this was an utterly pointless death. But I couldn't have known that. My decision was made without that information. And then again another completely extreme black or white choice (how about a 'I hate you but I have to go along with you for safety and we might work this out' option?) and I couldn't possibly just forgive Jane then and there.
And so I ended up alone and with what was to me a very unsatisfactory ending.
So yeah, I totally believed Jane. I had no reason not to.
You're absolutely right about people being invested in the characters and The Walking Dead (both seasons) contains writing far above most games and a lot of other media too. But the reaction to the ending, even from those who got endings they liked, has been ugly. As I wrote in another thread, I was stunned to come here as a new guy and see what was going on. The endings, even the good endings, made people angry.
I'm honestly not sure that's something Telltale were shooting for, or if they should have been shooting for.
Personally it made me want the mainly single ending of season 1 again. Firstly because it means no fractured storytelling (and I don't feel the endings of s2 were as satisfying as a result of that) but mainly now because of the common shared experience we'd all have. That's something everything had with Lee and is completely missing here.
The ending of season 3 needs to be something we all agree on. We should see threads like - at the very end, do you think it was right that we saved the puppy and frolicked through the open fields, because I totally do.
I can't see it going as far with Luke. Kenny has always been a hothead and prone to overreaction but Luke is so chilled. I couldn't see it going the same way. But then I felt Jane was far too practical for where the story ended up so one way or another, I bought into Kenny's actions as part of his character but not the other side of the argument.
If it had been Kenny vs Luke, it would have ended with them both laughing about how silly they've been, drinking whiskey and roasting marshmallows over a fire as Clem and AJ slept. I would have liked that ending.
I quickly knew that she was lying and trying to expose Kenny's mental instability. After I shot Kenny ;_; ,I forgave her because she was genuinely tried to do what's best for Clem's safety.
all hail blind sniper, lord and savior of the ttg forums
I thought Jane had actually murdered AJ, as in stab him with a knife or something instead of leaving him in the snow.
Everything in this game was trying to push me away from Kenny and make him seem worse than he actually was and get me scared of him...
Everyone talked badly about him behind his back when he lost Sarita. Luke was saying that he was broken, Jane started giving me the spiel about how Its time I start thinking about how much Kenny is worth and that he is going to get me killed. Bonnie was telling me to think about what I want and that Kenny was losing it, Mike was saying that we have to get away from Kenny while Arvo was calling him the devil in russian.
They were all trying to get in my head and make me want to leave him when in reality half of the group ended up deserting Clem and Kenny was the only one who truly cared about me.
The option to shoot him.. then that damn Wellington ending when he begged me to stay at wellington.. In the moment its really hard to stick it out with Kenny until the end. But I chose the ending where i leave with Kenny.
Since episode 3 this game was constantly trying to make the player scared of Kenny.
And it almost worked on me... I was Legit afraid of Kenny when he fought Jane...
I think my Lee would've broken up the fight, he beat Kenny with ease and he took down a vey agile Molly. Clem couldn't stop because she's a child, Lee's a full grown adult.
I was too caught up in the moment to figure it out. For a second I panicked and thought as Kenny did that she might have killed the baby. When she said it was an accident I let that initial thought drop, but I was too emotionally rocked to figure out that there was something off. In retrospec I feel a little embarrassed that I didn't.
it finally happened, no more shit, no more threads, and firstly NO MORE @Lemoncakes
That depends for me on how such a choice would have been written. I can't see Luke doing what Jane did with the baby, so the conflict would have needed to end in some other way. I have no idea how I would have chosen, if it had been an identical fight situation as with Kenny and Jane I'd still have shot the person trying to kill the unarmed person, but if I had to choose between say pulling one or the other out of the water? No idea at all.
Oh, just... um...
Sup man, I don't think it's the right place to post this comment.
, however FINALLY.
Quick question who do you think cared loved Clementine the most Jane or Kenny? Which of them you know with 100% garantee would never abandon you and care after you? I think we all know the answer to that.
Neither of them are 100% guarenteed to never abandon you, as both do it at several points.
no they dont, when does Kenny abandon you? also who loved and cared for clem more? stop playing devils advocate. also the endings with Kenny are better written its obvious telltale wants you to pick him.
I think you must be in the wrong thread: this is specifically for civil discussion. Implying that telltale wants you to pick one over the other and saying one is better written is not this thread's raison d'être.
Point two in the OP is: 'Refrain from posts that refer to an ending objectively being better over another ending - or posts that insinuate an ending is "wrong" or "right."'.
By implying telltale wants you to pick one, and saying one is better written, your point is not in keeping with the spirit of the thread.
Incidentally though, I might point out that Kenny doesn't abandon you if you always agree with you. In my playthrough, he refuses to save Clem because he didn't like my Lee. Clearly your theory that Kenny would never ever ever ever abandon Clem is faulty. He might be 90% not likely to, or 95%. But certainly not 100%, as he can do so.
In fact, in the majority of playthroughs, Kenny initially refuses to save Clem because he doesn't like Lee, and actually needs persuading.
So yeah, please respect the rules of the thread.
Also, I'm certainly not playing 'devil's advocate', as that would mean I actually agree with you but am just questioning the viewpoint we both share. I do not agree with you, hence I am not playing devil's advocate.
However, as it's clear that you have no intention to discuss civilly, I shan't be responding further to posts on the subject of Ice Cream and Pizza. I was only dropping in on this thread to see how it was going in the first place.
I felt like Kenny didnt back me up much if at all..Jane ya can be a b*tch but still backed me up
Wow, you showed him flog
I dissagre. She thougth she could take Kenny on alone, and when it was proved it was no possible for her she already had a knife in her chest.
He could hesitate for a moment, which propably could have give her a opening, but I don´t think he could actually believe her. There was no reason to do it.
babbled for 2 paragraphs it that showing? Kenny is the right decision.
It's a shame it had to come down to this but I think it's for the best.
clears throat
My dear Mr. Short Stack.
I see that you have favoured my most recent message with your particular brand of...'wit'.
While I appreciate the no doubt colossal amount of effort you must have expended in order to come up with such a comment, I worry that you must have hurt yourself.
If your wits are exhausted so, who shall entertain the small children, spambots and pets who look to your posts for guidance?
Indeed, I fear for your future, should your flagging wits fail you. Fate is fickle, my dear, and you may well find yourself replaced in their affections with a 'moustache' meme.
And who would even notice?
A word of advice: for a trader of words, you deal in them far too loosely. Better hold onto them, lest they lose all value.
You only cheapen yourself, my dear.
Kiss Kiss
One pretty huge reason - it might just save her life. And like you said in that other thread, she could have even made it to the car to show the proof. Even without that, had Clem heard her say it, Clem could have got Kenny's attention even better. Far from there being no reason to try, there was every reason to try and none not to. Man, I'd hate to be with you in a life-threatening situation. "Dude, pass me that fire extinguisher!" "Well it might not work, let's not bother... hey, my shoes are melting."
Jane was FAR smarter than that right up until that last scene. And then "we need to get to our endings" writing kicked in. There is no in-character reason why it went that far.
They brought the hammer down lol
My first thought was "what did you do?" But when she took Clem aside and said trust her, I tipped to it.
I mean that Kenny could not have any reason to believe her.
Yes, this is all true. Clem could have got Kenny´s attention easily, she always does, but Jane thougth Clem could shoot Kenny because she picked up the gun. When this scenario makes no sense his when you don´t pick out the gun-in there, Jane does not even ask for help and does not even try to tell Kenny AJ was alive. But it you do pick up the gun, is far for implausible she did not try to ask Kenny for help.
Yes, that´s true.
enough with the pretentious mambo jambo.
Flog61 summed it up pretty well, please stick to a civil discussion as stipulated in the guidelines above and please don't troll the thread by saying that the Kenny ending is the "right decision".
Shouldn't you guys, be discussing this in the thread that Blind sniper made?