Choices that made you feel like a dick

edited September 2014 in The Walking Dead

The only choices that made me feel bad was, stealing food from the car in S1EP2, and leaving the girl in the street in S1EP3. I have my reasons

How about you guys?



  • helping kenny kill larry

  • Watching Carver die.

  • Turning the family away at Howes.

    Yet, I don't regret it.

  • Well yeah you will feel bad but we dont know jack about the family i havent tried that ending yet will have to but its a dick move to turn em away but we dont know anything about them or there personality or past experiences with people

    Turning the family away at Howes. Yet, I don't regret it.

  • Mine as well. It was out of character for my Clem, but I just couldn't help myself.

    Watching Carver die.

  • Now that I think of it. I guess nothing :p.

  • Cutting off saritas arm

  • I actually didn't like the guy, he seemed unstable.

    Lehfeels posted: »

    Well yeah you will feel bad but we dont know jack about the family i havent tried that ending yet will have to but its a dick move to turn em away but we dont know anything about them or there personality or past experiences with people

  • When I tried to cover Luke.

    Bonnie ends up blaming you for his death(which she obviously caused) and then on the stats it says 'You and {insert percentage here} of people didn't help Luke.

    I was just like wtf? Just because I did the smart thing, which he asked us to do, is not helping him?

    Sorry, that just made me so angry, though.

  • Helping Kenny kill Larry, not shooting the girl in the square.

  • yeah i know the father seemed off so better safe then sorry

    I actually didn't like the guy, he seemed unstable.

  • Initially I felt bad for robbing Arvo.

    Then episode 5 happened.

  • You Don't Like Saltlicks?... :( Saltlick123 will remember this

    helping kenny kill larry

  • Not dropping Jane when there was an option to save Sarah a second time. It turned out to be an useless choice cause she dies anyway, but still.

  • Taking food from the stranger, and making Clem watch Kenny beat Carver. At the moment, I thought taking food was ok. But now, I wish I would've done it for Clem.

  • edited September 2014
    Rafoli posted: »

    Not dropping Jane when there was an option to save Sarah a second time. It turned out to be an useless choice cause she dies anyway, but still.

  • Alt text

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    You Don't Like Saltlicks?... Saltlick123 will remember this

  • i wish i lickAlt text it if clem can why cant i

  • Stabbing Sarita right in the face in front of Kenny....

    Didn't think that one through.

  • Stealing from the Car, Killing Sam, Shooting Kenny.

  • Neither did I. hehehehehehehe

    Turning the family away at Howes. Yet, I don't regret it.

  • edited September 2014

    Even though Vernon is a bastard, I felt pretty bad when I threatened his group before all the shit went down. Lee can be pretty evil!

    I also regret chopping off Sarita's arm immensely.

  • Funny I felt like dick for not listening and trusting that Luke could help himself. I don't regret it because I prefer the death where he gets dragged down rather than the lifeless floating...Also if I had tried Bonnie would have been dumb her walker her stupid but over to Luke knowing damn well she weighs more than Clem. If it was risky for Clem what makes her think it's safe for her? But still...I just felt bad when he was begging me to go back and I wouldn't listen then he was proven right...I miss you Luke!

    When I tried to cover Luke. Bonnie ends up blaming you for his death(which she obviously caused) and then on the stats it says 'You and {

  • Telling Luke that he is not the reason Jane came back. And thats pretty much it.

  • Shooting Kenny in my first playthrough :(

  • Choosing who to sit with in Episode 2.

    At the time, I was a massive Kenny fangirl, but that's when I started to really like Luke. I ended up choosing Luke, cuz, yano, Luke.

  • Cutting off Sarita's arm.

  • Stealing from the car, but as my new motto states:

    "To protect those you love, sometimes you've got to hurt others".

  • Actually I felt the opposite; I thought Carver should have been killed, and it would be been cowardice to walk away and not fess up to what I was actually doing.

    Watching Carver die.

  • Back at Clems house. I should have waited for night to if I could only go back my life would be so diffrent.

  • How did that choice make you feel bad?

    Back at Clems house. I should have waited for night to if I could only go back my life would be so diffrent.

  • Lol, you want to kill Chet? Whyyyy???

    Back at Clems house. I should have waited for night to if I could only go back my life would be so diffrent.

  • When I helped Sarah with her chores. I thought I got Reggie killed. Carver just threw him off. He was all like:

    Alt text

  • Slapping Sarah, to convince her to come with me.

  • I voted to kill the blindfolded guy in 400 Days and felt instantly shit about it. At that point I was in so deep, I killed Stephanie. It was my first 400 Days story and I didn't realise that would be the end of it and I thought we needed to do this to protect Shel's sister. Wasn't a good idea.

  • Not shooting Beatrice for Kenny.

  • So you didn't shoot her?

    Not shooting Beatrice for Kenny.

  • No he didn't.
    I did on my first playthrough , I think.

    bloop posted: »

    So you didn't shoot her?

  • Leaving at night would have been like being a ninja

    bloop posted: »

    How did that choice make you feel bad?

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