Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • I recommend "You Only Live Twice". Harharharhar.

    I was looking for something more like piano music, but I couldn't find what I had in mind.

  • edited October 2014

    Oh yeah. I almost forgot. I found these beautiful things from "Heaven For Urbans" storage. LET'S FINISH 'EM ALL! Join us, Pro. AYY LMAO!

    Alt text

    Don't forget that Star is bringing the Shrek cereal, haha. B^]

  • edited October 2014

    _ Juice_Box_

    I woke up and everything was black, it was a bit hard to breathe and then I realized I had something over my head. I tried to move my hands, but it felt like they were tied, I tried moving my feet, but it was the same result. I was lying down on my back, it felt like I was moving, like I was in a car. The last thing I remembered was that I was sleeping in bed, I heard a noise and woke up, but then someone hit me over the head with something, and I blacked out. I felt someone else's legs next to mine, I didn't know if they were Scarlet's or another person's. I didn't know what was going on, but I knew this wasn't good. I heard some men talking."At least we burned that cabin down to the ground."

    "Yeah, so if they somehow escape because some dumbass falls asleep... then they'll be surprised to see their home isn't standing, haha."

    "Sorry, man. I got drunk as shit and passed out, but I won't let that happen again. Besides, that cabin is far from here, they'll never reach it either way."

    "I don't care, man. You better not fuck up, and they better NOT escape."

    "I'll try my best."

    "No. You WILL NOT let them escape, understand?"

    "Uh... yeah. I'll... I won't let that happen again..."

    "Good. And look, we're here. Good thing we took their food and supplies before leaving."

    "And their weapons, that bitch had a sweet machete, hehe."

    "Machete? Could he be talking about Scarlet?" I said under my breath.

    "Just get ready to kill them if they start fighting back, no hesitation."

    "Alright, will do." I heard them say. I felt the car stopping, and then I heard them opening the car doors.

    "Open the trunk, I got my gun ready." I heard one of them say.

    "Oh shit..." I said under my breath. I didn't know who these men were, but I knew they were dangerous. I had to pretend to still be knocked out, they were willing to kill me, so I had to play along until I knew where I was, or what was going on.

    I heard the trunk door opening."Get the older one out first."

    "Okay, just don't shoot me with that damn gun of yours." I heard him going inside the car, and then I felt him grabbing the person next to me."I got her."

    "Okay, now get the other one." I heard the other guy say. I felt the man dragging me out of the car and then placing me over his shoulder. I had to stay quiet or else who knew what these guys would do."That's both of them, now lets go put them in the basement." The man said. If it was just me and another person, then the other one had to be Scarlet. Who were these guys? What did they want from us? What was going on? So many questions were running through my mind.

    I tried to listen in on anything. It sounded like they were walking on dirt, and then some wooden steps. I heard a door opening, and then more steps until another door opened."I'll turn the light on." The guy who was carrying me said to the other. It felt like he was going down some steps, and soon a putrid stench came out of nowhere, it was so bad that I could smell it through the bag over my head. I tried holding my breath so I wouldn't smell it, but it wasn't working too much.

    "They're back, oh shit!" I heard someone say.

    "Fuck!" I heard a female's voice.

    "Hey! What the fuck is going on here?!" I heard the man's partner yelling.

    "LET US GO!" Someone shouted back at him.

    "Why are you doing this?! Who are you people?!" The lady yelled.

    "AHAHAHA! You're about to find out real soon..." I heard the guy carrying me.

    "Who are those two women with you? Why are you bringing more people?!" The man shouted.

    "Are you going to keep your mouth shut? Or do I have to shut it up for you, huh?!" His partner yelled.

    "Stay quiet!" I heard the lady say.

    I felt the man putting me down."I'll tie these two up." He said.

    "Do a good fuckin' job this time." His partner said.

    I felt him untying my hands and feet, and then tying my hands behind me to something that felt like a pole. I was on the ground still, trying to listen in."That's both of 'em. Gonna take the bags off of their heads." The man told his partner.

    I felt him grabbing the mask and I quickly shut my eyes closed."Okay, let's go upstairs. Start preparing some dinner, haha." His partner told him.

    "Mmm, mmm. Some barbecue tonight sounds wonderful, hehe." I heard them going up the stairs, and then closing the door. I opened my eyes, and started breathing normally. The stench was even worse than before. I looked up and what I saw almost made me vomit.

    My eyes widened."Oh my God..." I said under my breath. I looked around and saw human intestines, eyeballs, and other organs in glass jars on top of some shelves. I saw some human skin hanging on a wire, a chainsaw and other tools on top of a bloody table, and some bones and body parts piled up on the floor, I saw the two people I heard before, almost beaten to death."What the fuck...?" I said with a frightened tone...

  • Jesus... Cannibals!? >.<

    _ Juice_Box_ I woke up and everything was black, it was a bit hard to breathe and then I realized I had something over my head. I tried t

  • It was about time I added them in, mwuahaha! >B]

    Twistee posted: »

    Jesus... Cannibals!? >.<

  • edited October 2014

    OMFG!!! ST. JOHN'S... THEY'RE ALIVE!!!!! AYY LMAO!!!! Stay safe, Juicy.

    It was about time I added them in, mwuahaha! >B]

  • ayy lmao

    Star, lend them your strength.

    Dark_Star posted: »

    OMFG!!! ST. JOHN'S... THEY'RE ALIVE!!!!! AYY LMAO!!!! Stay safe, Juicy.

  • edited October 2014

    throws Shrek Cereals to Juicy and Scarlet JK :D As long as she has that Butterfly Necklase I gave her, I'm good.

    ayy lmao Star, lend them your strength.

  • Next part will be up soon. B^]

    Dark_Star posted: »

    throws Shrek Cereals to Juicy and Scarlet JK As long as she has that Butterfly Necklase I gave her, I'm good.

  • (!)Saltlick123 Will remember that

    Next part will be up soon. B^]

  • (?) LeeTheProfessional appreciates your patience.

    ayy lmao

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    (!)Saltlick123 Will remember that

  • Plot twist:

    Gustav lived and is one of the captured people.

    _ Juice_Box_ I woke up and everything was black, it was a bit hard to breathe and then I realized I had something over my head. I tried t

  • (?) Blue thinks you are incredibly awesome!

    (?) LeeTheProfessional appreciates your patience. ayy lmao

  • Double Plot Twist

    Blue is discuised as the woman next to him.

    Plot twist: Gustav lived and is one of the captured people.

  • I hope that one day, Pro will allow the people whose characters are dead to make a new one.

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    Double Plot Twist Blue is discuised as the woman next to him.

  • Noooooooooooooooooo...

    _ Juice_Box_ I woke up and everything was black, it was a bit hard to breathe and then I realized I had something over my head. I tried t

  • You and me both, friend.

    I hope that one day, Pro will allow the people whose characters are dead to make a new one.

  • edited October 2014


    Let's try this with some music...

    "Mommy... mommy... wake up..." I slowly opened my eyes, and I saw my little boy in front of me."I have to go to school, can you pack my lunch?" He asked me.

    "What...? Where am I?" I thought to myself. I was confused. I sat up and looked around, I realized I was in my bedroom."Huh...? Is this... real?" I kept thinking.

    "Come on, mommy. I'm going to be late again." I looked over at my boy. He was dressed up with his backpack on, ready to go to school. My eyes widened, I couldn't believe it. I started to cry."Mommy... you're crying? Why are you crying?" He asked me. I tried speaking to him, but no sound was coming out. I placed my hand on my throat and tried talking, but nothing. My little boy started to slowly walk back."Mommy..." Suddenly a horde of walkers busted through the door behind him and started going toward him. I tried screaming, but nothing was coming out. The walkers got next to him and started to chew on his flesh."Mommy... you weren't there for me... you couldn't save me..." He says. I'm trying to scream at the top of my lungs while crying. I got out of the bed and then fell down onto the floor, I looked back and realized both of my legs were missing. I was shocked at the sight, I turned and my boy was a walker now, he was getting closer to me."You couldn't save me..." He said while getting next to me. I held my hands up in front of me while he leaned in closer."Mommy... mommy... mommy..." He kept saying until he took a chunk out of my neck.

    "AHH!!! No!" I woke up screaming, my heart was pounding and I was sweating. My heart felt like it was about to pop out of my chest. My head was hurting and I felt like shit. I noticed I had my hands tied behind me on the metal leg of a shelf.

    "Scarlet!" Juicy whispered. I looked over and saw her tied next to a pole. She had a small cut on her forehead.

    "Keep it down, you two!" I looked over and saw a man next to a young girl, they both had their hands tied behind their backs as well, but they were sitting down against the wall. The man appeared to have been beaten pretty bad, while the young lady had a black eye, one of the lenses on her glasses were broken, and she had bruises on her arm. There was a bad smell in the air, I looked around and noticed some human body parts on the floor, and other disgusting things.

    "What the?! What's going on? Where are we?" I asked.

    "I don't know, Scarlet. But we have to get out! These people are cannibals! We need to get the hell out of here!" Juicy whispered while looking serious and frightened at the same time.

    "Hey, did you hear something?" I heard a man upstairs.

    "I think so... want me to check it out?" Another asked.

    "Yeah, go check it out. The others should be here soon. I'll wait up here."

    "Alright, be back up in a bit."

    "Sheep! They're coming back!" The young lady told the man next to her.

    "Just stay quiet, Azlyn! We need to find a way out of this." He told her. He looked over at me and Juicy."Hey, you two! We need to get out of here, but we need your help." He told us.

    "Who are these people?!" I whispered loudly.

    "I don't know. We were out scouting the area for new people, we split up with the others and these guys drove up next to us while I was packing a few things with Azlyn, they all had guns and told us to get in their car. We refused, so they started beating on us, mostly me. I was trying to buy some time until the others returned, but they never made it back. My name is Sheep, by the way. This is Azlyn." He told us.

    "I'm Juicy, and that's Scarlet." Juicy said while looking at me."What do you mean scouting for new people?" Juicy asked them.

    "We have a place where it's safe for everyone. We were looking for more people to join us, we never ventured out this far, but we had to try new areas. We didn't expect for this to happen, I had my walkie-talkie on and I hid it under our car when those guys weren't looking. I'm hoping the others heard it, and I'm hoping that they followed us here." Azlyn explained.

    "What? Is this place of yours for real?" I asked them.

    "We're not bullshitting, if that's what you're thinking. It's legit, you'll just have to see it for yourself." Sheep told me.

    "Scarlet... maybe they can help us." Juicy told me.

    I started hearing someone walking upstairs."Sheep! He's almost here!" Azlyn told him.

    Sheep turned to us."Whatever happens, just tell him it was me! I'll take the blame for everything, I can handle it. You girls need to get out of here, the others will be here, I know they will. They'll get you out of here, don't worry." He told us.

    I heard a door opening."Hey! The fuck is going on down there!" I heard a man yelling while making his way downstairs.

    "Shit!" Azlyn said.

    "Scarlet..." Juicy said while looking at me, she looked scared. I had no idea what was about to happen, or who these guys were.

    A large man with a cap and a red and black lumberjack sweater made his way down to the basement that we were in."Someone better fuckin' speak, now!" He shouted.

    Sheep spoke up."Look, man--"

    The big guy interrupted him."Shut the- shut- shut the fuck up!!!" He said while shaking his head like a maniac.

    "But you asked us a question...?" Sheep said to him.

    "Shut up!" He shouted. He turned to look at me and Juicy."Ohh! Looks like you two finally woke up." He said with a sick smile on his face. He started walking closer to us.

    "Get away from us!" Juicy shouted.

    "Juicy, no!" Sheep shouted.

    The man turned around to look at him, he turned back to us."Which one of you screamed? I know it was someone from down here." He said while looking at everyone.

    "Nobody screamed. You must be hearing things." Azlyn told him.

    "Haha! I ain't that stupid. I know one of you screamed, and I'm going to find out who." He grinned after he said that.

    "Who the fuck are you people? What are you doing?!" I shouted.

    "We're just survivors, like you, except we eat others survivors to stay alive, haha." He tells me.

    "Ugh, you sick fuck!" Juicy shouted.

    "What the fuck is wrong with you?! You can't eat humans!" I shouted.

    "It's the way this world works now, a man eat man world. The walkers eat humans, and they keep going. There's barely any food left, all of it is rotten or expired, and people stopped making food. So me and my brothers decided on the next best thing, humans." He said while smiling.

    "I think I'm going to be sick..." Azlyn said while looking down.

    "You're fucking sick in the head! There are people out there trying to survive, and you're out here... eating them! What the fuck?!" Sheep yelled at him.

    "Hehe, you guys need to learn that in order to survive, you have to do ANYTHING to make sure you keep going." He replied.

    "You're just like the walkers... you sick bastard!" I yelled.

    "We're all like the walkers. We're all dead, we're living on borrowed time, and I'm the grim reaper cutting everyone else's time short. Haha, I have to make sure that I survive this thing until the end." He grinned at me and started walking up to me.

    "Get away from her!" Juicy yelled.

    The man crouched down in front of me and kept his sick grin on his face. He leaned in closer and a foul odor was coming out of his mouth, his breath smelled like shit and I tried leaning back."Tell me which one of ya were screaming?" He says to me.

    "Scarlet don't! It was me, man. I did it!" Sheep yelled.

    The man kept his focus on me."I'm gonna ignore your friend over there, and ask you again... which one of you was it?"

    "Don't hurt her, or I'll..." I heard Juicy say.

    "Come on... tell me, now..." He says while grinning at me...

    1) I did it. It was me.

    2) Juicy screamed. It was her.

    3) It was Sheep. He was the one who screamed.

    4) Azlyn screamed.

    5) Say nothing.


  • edited October 2014

    I looked back and realized both of my legs were missing

    I swear to god Pro, no foreshadowing...


    1) Scarlet did it.

    I'm sure as hell not condemming Juicy, and he doesn't believe Sheep anyway. Azlyn doesn't deserve it, and who knows what that fucker will do if Scarlet stays quiet. She might die, but she'll be with her boy... ;-;

    Also, that cannibal is soooo Danny St John, just look at his dialogue.

    I swear to god if he attacks them with a rifle and names it Charlette...jesus...

    BadassScarlet Let's try this with some music... "Mommy... mommy... wake up..." I slowly

  • edited October 2014

    Lmao, what a douche move if Scarlet says it was Juicy, lol!

    Sheep said to blame it on him, though... B^]

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    I looked back and realized both of my legs were missing I swear to god Pro, no foreshadowing... HOLY SHIT ITS SHEEP AND AZLYN! HA

  • I'm pretty sure he can tell the difference from a man's scream to a woman's scream.

    Also, I'm pretty sure the entire RV group would rain down upon her from the heavens as Star beats the crap out of Scarlet if she did that...

    Btw, RV group totally = Cabin group. I freakin knew it xD

    Lmao, what a douche move if Scarlet says it was Juicy, lol! Sheep said to blame it on him, though... B^]

  • Lol, that was unintentional as well. The thing is, I was going to keep Star alive... but, we talked about it. B^]

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    I'm pretty sure he can tell the difference from a man's scream to a woman's scream. Also, I'm pretty sure the entire RV group would rain

  • Ghost Blue: "It's alright man, they're gonna meet up with other people. People in a group that was way safer than our's. We just gotta have faith in em."

    Dark_Star posted: »

    NO! JUICY! SCARLET! DAMMIT! DAMMIT PRO! F..K! I WILL KILL THAT F..KER WHO HURT JUICY! I should be there! I... I don't know, man... f**k it! That's what I would do! Juicy is important! 1) I did it. It was me.

  • edited October 2014

    NO! JUICY! SCARLET! DAMMIT! DAMMIT PRO! F..K! I WILL KILL THAT F..KER WHO HURT JUICY! I should be there! I... I don't know, man... f**k it! That's what I would do! Juicy is important!

    1) I did it. It was me.

    BadassScarlet Let's try this with some music... "Mommy... mommy... wake up..." I slowly

  • edited October 2014

    3) It was Sheep. He was the one who screamed. Alright, I changed it, lol.

    BadassScarlet Let's try this with some music... "Mommy... mommy... wake up..." I slowly

  • I might change it later...

    Said SweetPea all the time :)


    3) It was Sheep. He was the one who screamed. Alright, I changed it, lol.

  • And she almost never changes it in the end, lol.

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    I might change it later... Said SweetPea all the time jk

  • The original RV group must lend their strength to Scarlet and Juicy!

    Dark_Star posted: »

    NO! JUICY! SCARLET! DAMMIT! DAMMIT PRO! F..K! I WILL KILL THAT F..KER WHO HURT JUICY! I should be there! I... I don't know, man... f**k it! That's what I would do! Juicy is important! 1) I did it. It was me.

  • :o


    And she almost never changes it in the end, lol.

  • 3) It was Sheep. He was the one who screamed

    This is best for my character, if I die, im going to make sure everyone goes out of there before I die..

    BadassScarlet Let's try this with some music... "Mommy... mommy... wake up..." I slowly

  • That's what I'm saying, man. But guess that won't happen. Oh well. B^]

    3) It was Sheep. He was the one who screamed This is best for my character, if I die, im going to make sure everyone goes out of there before I die..


    I don't know what to pick... This is BS. -.-

    3) It was Sheep. He was the one who screamed.

    BadassScarlet Let's try this with some music... "Mommy... mommy... wake up..." I slowly

  • edited October 2014

    Wh... wha.... what? You were... going to.... AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH! FUUUUUUUUUUUUU- JK :D It was the best way for my character. My character didn't died for nothing though. Juicy is my legacy from now on. It's like I was Lee, she was Clem and Scarlet was Carley. I was the first and last urban in that story.

    Lol, that was unintentional as well. The thing is, I was going to keep Star alive... but, we talked about it. B^]

  • Hopefully Scarlett can talk them out of it though, since she is a manipulative character. But picking Sheep means she doesnt need to feel guilt, since this is what sheep wants, as well as the guy seems to really want to target and pick on girls, so it might be much work for the other three. But If I do get picked and die, I never expected to last long, since my character is one that would be the first to jump in front of a bullet sort of guy, but I think this would of been a good way to leave if it does help the others, but its up to the others to decide as well, lets just hope we dont have so many deaths.

    Also, Im assuming Azlyn and sheep been out there for a while, would the others be looking for them?

    That's what I'm saying, man. But guess that won't happen. Oh well. B^]

  • The sun came up an hour ago, the cannibals picked up Juicy and Scarlet around 3am. Different people from the same group picked up Sheep and Azlyn around the same time, but they got them there an hour earlier. Azlyn mentioned she left the walkie-talkie on, so hopefully the others know what happened...

    Hopefully Scarlett can talk them out of it though, since she is a manipulative character. But picking Sheep means she doesnt need to feel g

  • Haha, also, if you would have lived, I probably wouldn't have added the cannibals in the story. But it's just something so the story doesn't end too soon. I could have ended it already.

    Dark_Star posted: »

    Wh... wha.... what? You were... going to.... AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH! FUUUUUUUUUUUUU- JK It was the best way for my character. My character didn't

  • Seems like we made right choice for the story then. sigh I miss being with my RV Gang and with Juicy and Scarlet now. Anyway, high five brotha! Nice!

    Alt text

    Haha, also, if you would have lived, I probably wouldn't have added the cannibals in the story. But it's just something so the story doesn't end too soon. I could have ended it already.

  • Since Sheep agrees with it: 3) It was Sheep. He was the one who screamed.

    BadassScarlet Let's try this with some music... "Mommy... mommy... wake up..." I slowly

  • If only you gave the others some cereal to keep. They could of gave that to the cannibals instead of making them eat human. That would definitely make them convert to shrekism once they get a taste.

    Dark_Star posted: »

    NO! JUICY! SCARLET! DAMMIT! DAMMIT PRO! F..K! I WILL KILL THAT F..KER WHO HURT JUICY! I should be there! I... I don't know, man... f**k it! That's what I would do! Juicy is important! 1) I did it. It was me.

  • edited October 2014

    Added some music to this part, just trying it out

    BadassScarlet Let's try this with some music... "Mommy... mommy... wake up..." I slowly

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