Will you buy S03 without Clementine as the protagonist? [VOTE POLL]
Just curious to see what the majority thinks.
I've seen many people say that they wouldn't.
But i just dont see that happening, given Telltale's history its damn near IMPOSSIBLE that they would continue a characters story with at least 5 vastly different endings. (They cant even do that with 2 options)
If they do stick to Clem, the start of the season will most likely be the same for everyone where Clem is at a certain place regardless of your final choices in S2, and that would just be an embarassing move from Telltale. So much for "your choices matter" ideology if we all end up at the same place anyway.
In other words, the chances of NOT having Clem as the protagonist in S3 is 99.9%
I know many ignorant people will disagree, but you'll come around once the game is out.
Without her as the protag? Yes. Without her being a major part of the game? Probably not.
I would still buy if she wasn't the protagonist but for me to but she still needs to be in the game
Yes, I will. This game is called "The Walking Dead", not "The Walking Clementine".
Yup, but I'd be pretty disappointed if she wasn't the protagonist.
I'd still buy it.
I don't know. Since I play this game on my iPad and the first episode always seems to be free, I would try it and see what it was like. But frankly, I would prefer if Clementine was still the protagonist, or at least a major part of the game.
Yes I would. Now I strongly prefer that Telltale continue with Clem as the playable character but even if it were an entirely new cast I would still not hesitate in getting and playing it as long as the story and character's are still fantastic!
p.s. But, they better allow me to kill Arvo!
Yes easily
Yes. I'd prefer it actually.... I think playing as Clementine puts major limits on what the player can do in a game. Same with story line.
I agree about playing as Clem put's limit's which is also why I am in favor of time skip's. Clem being older would remove those limit's and allow for a wider story arc!
Probably yes. I will buy this game even if Clementine won't be a protagonist or even won't be in game at all but... well, this could really suck. I mean what's the point? Why abandond her story now? Making her non-playable character makes more sense then that. Still I would prefer if she remains as protagonist but it isn't something that will decide whether I will buy season 3 or not.
Telltale does a good job making likable characters. But I'd be salty af for a long time.
Well unless they have a 7 year jump I'm not that interested. I don't want teeny bopper crap. That's why playing as Lee was so much fun.
Of course. There's only so many things you can do/say as a child.
I love Clem, but yeah. As long as she's still a main.
Id probability buy it. But Id wait for ep 1 review first
i REALLY dont want clem back, like, i really really dont
It is Telltale. It is known for its story telling, which is what I like the most. having the waking dead as its story is 1000 times better, so YES I will be getting season 3. I am still hoping that you play as Clementine, but it doesn't matter if I play as someone else
If she remains a major part of the game then hell yes.
Otherwise... Meh. Doubt it.
If she is still in the game, yeah
They shouldn't have season 3 then...
I'd only buy it if she wasn't the protagonist.
I prefer to play as a more realistic protag. Clementine broke immersion for me. I am not against her being in the game, but i am against her being the protag.
Yes. I would prefer a different cast and protagonist each season.
No I will not no clem as the main character no buy if clem is not in it than no buy either
Grow up, these threads are what is making the game suck. At least most people are saying yes and not using consumer terrorism to drive the narrative of the story...
I don't understand the emotional attachment to Clem. I would buy the next game with or without her. I want a game about the zombie apocalypse at the end of the day, and as long as the characters aren't completely abhorrent, I don't mind.
All the people saying that they won't would still do it. They're just bluffing to get their way.
If she's the protag, I'll buy the first episode, play it, then buy the season pass.
If she's not the protag, I'll probably wait for it all to release on steam to see if it's any good.
Yeah I would... but I would hope that Clementine would be seen in the game
Who are they gonna have as the maiun character if it's not gonna be Clementine? What Arvo? or Mike? Clementine is the only real person that people actually care about..
If you dont kill Kenny and you leave with him, I have a feeling they're gonna kill him in either Episode 1/2 so that Clem will be the main protagonist again.
If you dont kill Kenny but you went into wellington then you're obviously gonna play as Clementine for the simple reason that, no one in the camp is anyone we know.
If you dont kill Jane and you go with her to Howes and you turn down the people then you are either gonna play as Clementine or Jane but Jane will most probably get killed in the 1st or 2nd episode like Kennys most likely will be like.
If you dont kill Jane and you dont turn down those strangers then Im pretty sure you will either play as Clementine or Jane and the same thing will happen as above except you will have more people in the group.
If you're killed Kenny/Jane and you went alone with the baby then you're probably gonna be Clementine as the main character again.
There's no way they're going to kill Clementine off like how i've just listed Kenny/Jane getting killed off, not after having an entire season based around her and another entire season protecting her, they won't kill her in the first or second episode.. She might get bit or die eventually but it won't be in the first few episodes.
I bought season two without Lee and I liked it, I don't see any reason to ignore season 3 if Clementine won't be the main character.
Yeah, as long as they don't kill off great characters off screen.
Every single episode of this game was about Clementine!!!(The walking dead= Clementine.) If they change protagonist they would have to change the name of game as well... Maaayybeee she wont be the main protag. , but she would definitely appear in some point... I realy think they won't change main protag. There is noone to be as it!!
I will buy it regardless, however I will be disappointed if they time skip Clementine again, to the point i may be done with this character.
Do you really think Season 2 could of been any worse if they listened to fans?
We asked for simple things like Hubs. We didn't get them.
As much as I hope Clem's still the protagonist in season 3 I'll still definitely buy it of she's not.
I personally don't want her in S3. I think this series needs a fresh start.