Will you buy S03 without Clementine as the protagonist? [VOTE POLL]



  • I wouldn't mind if Season 3 was a fresh start and had a completely new protagonist, I just don't want Season 2 to be the last we see of Clem. I'd like to see her older where she can be the leader of a group and not just be a their little errand girl. But obviously they can't really do that just yet because of having to stick with the comic timeline and all. I think it'd be good if they gave Clem a rest for a Season or two and then we could return to playing her later when she's older and more interesting.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    I personally don't want her in S3. I think this series needs a fresh start.

  • here she can be the leader of a group and not just be a their little errand girl.

    I think she should stay a little girl, that was the whole thing that made Clem unique. She was growing up in the ZA, and dealing with it. If they turn her into another typical survivor, I'm not interested. Clementine's story(Season 2) was so bad, the only thing the can do is make it into a long dream sequence to fix the storyline for S3.

    To fix the plot holes. Like keeping AJ alive, or the leaving with Kenny/Jane dynamic.

    I wouldn't mind if Season 3 was a fresh start and had a completely new protagonist, I just don't want Season 2 to be the last we see of Clem

  • If they do stick to Clem, the start of the season will most likely be the same for everyone where Clem is at a certain place regardless of your final choices in S2

    And if they pick a brand new character and don't include Clem in the story at all, our final choices won't matter either. Plus, it wouldn't make any sense calling it season 3 if there is no continuity at all with the previous 2 seasons. There must be at least one character we already know in the story, and Clem is perfect because she isn't determinant and she still has so much potential.

    In other words, the chances of NOT having Clem as the protagonist in S3 is 99.9%

    As Telltale didn't talk much about what we could expect in season 3, I think that there are equal chances for Clem to be the main protagonist or not. They said in their latest interview that it is safe to assume our choices from season 2 will be an important part of season 3. I strongly believe that Clem will be an important part of season 3 regardless of whether she's the playable character or not.

    I still want Clem to be the protagonist in season 3 but if she is not, at least she has to be part of the story.

  • While I agree that it's time for a new protagonist, Clem still needs to be a part of the game. She's the only link remaining to Season 1 at this point (canonly). Maybe we could be playing as a complete stranger (no not The Stranger) struggling to gain her trust and we see how distrustful she is of the world of being in harm's way at this point. We could even play as a Sarah or Walter type character (not PTSD like) but someone trying to keep their humanity and optimism (emotion wise) despite how bad it is, as at this point Clementine has lost all that remains of her Season 1 personality since all her houses divided. Season 3 could be spent trying to bring back the Season 1 Clementine, the one who had a hopeful view of the world. Or you could even completely crush her hopes of surviving and retaining her old humanity, and amid the ruins, you truly realize that there is no chance for the old Clementine, that there is no going back for anyone.

  • I have nothing against Clementine being a protagonist, but TWD universe is too extensive to be 100% sure S3 will return to the previous topics.

    Raismans posted: »

    Every single episode of this game was about Clementine!!!(The walking dead= Clementine.) If they change protagonist they would have to chang

  • I really don't mind as long as it has a good story and some interesting characters. Clem or no Clem I'm buying it because I love the Walking Dead.

  • I would no matter what cause they always make the story line awesome and also I'm a huge of getting achievement I'm almost at 100,000 Gamerscore for xbox

  • Nope, if Clementine wasn't the protagonist, then I for one wouldn't buy it and I know damn well that lots of others feel the same way. Not just on this forum, but on others and in real life.

    Tell-tale couldn't afford to lose that much revenue, and alienate all the fans they have built up. Well, not if they had any sense anyway.

    A user on this very thread said The Walking Dead was Clementine. For this version that is so true. If all you want is Zombies, then play some other dull shoot em up. The Walking Dead comics, TV show and books etc have their central characters. For us that central character is Clementine, like it or not.
    If Tell-tale were to take a drastic turn like that, then it would be the end of their Walking Dead series and they know it.

    Besides, look at whats happened since Tell-tales Walking Dead started. Clementine is a phenomenon. I have seen people buy her hat, wear t-shirts with her on, facebook pages, youtube, private webpages and of course there are now the figures. Really, do you honestly believe Tell-tale will turn their back on a money making racket like her? No chance!

  • If Clementine dies in the first minute, or if she just doesn't matters anymore then i'll probably quit with telltale ;)

    But I know what telltale's plans are for Clementine so I don't have to worry. At all. Can't wait for season 3.

  • Yes, but without Clementine as a reoccurring main character there wouldn't be hardly any motivation to do so. It's the story that makes this game one of the best I've ever played

  • I hated her this season, she was nothing like the nice, sweet clementine from season 1.

    colgato posted: »

    i REALLY dont want clem back, like, i really really dont

  • Telltale took a huge risk when they killed Lee in episode 5 of season 1, knowing that they have just killed the protagonist and the player really liked, I think if they had of killed Clementine and Lee and made you play as like Omid or Christa or something that would end The Walking Dead series because telltale just killed the two most important characters in the game, the protagonist and the protagonists' goal I guess you could say.

    The Walking Dead Game is a story based around how you play it yes, and it is created in a zombie apocalypse but the entire story has been based around Clementine as sson as we met her, yes we p[played as Lee for the first season but Lees goal was to protect that little girl, Clementine. Season 2 you played as Clementine therefore making it instantly her story and no one elses the goal was to survive no matter what the risk was, whether it meanthrowing some random dude into a walker while hes holding you against the ground.

    If they were to do what they did with Kenny with Clementine, and have her go off somewhere and then come back later on into the season mayb episode 2 or 3 or something then maybe people will buy it. I heard someone say, killing off Lee was like killing off Rick Grimes, but if they kill Clementine, it will be like killing off Daryl Dixon, and I agree with that, I have never ever heard or seen someone say that they havent liked Clementine as soon as they met her. I've seen people say I didn't like her in season 2 but I liked her in season 1 which is fine I can understand that, you liked the cute style of Clementine not the survival of the fittest Clementine.

    Like I was saying before, if they brought Clementine in later on in season 2 with you playing as someone else, I dont know who because people have the alone decision which means you're either Clementine or the baby when you start off which i doubt will happen. Clementine has made the walking dead what it is today and with Lee not with us and Kenny/Jane not with us it is only up to Clementine and the baby, now personally I didn't like the baby idea at all it's gonna kill someone, it killed Rebecca..... didn't it? ;)

    Clementine will start off as the protagonist in season 3 I don't know if it'll stay that way and neither do the creators they wont have the first episode of The Walking Dead season 3 until late next year, maybe this time next year, and i want it to be out tomorrow i really do! But we have to wait and see what Telltale does next.

  • if they kill Clementine, it will be like killing off Daryl Dixon

    I hate Daryl

    ClemyIsLove posted: »

    Telltale took a huge risk when they killed Lee in episode 5 of season 1, knowing that they have just killed the protagonist and the player r

  • Nope, not buying.

  • NO I would REFUSE to buy S3 if Clem isn't the playable character! I need my Clem I I have to have her!! If she is not on it then I will cry like a big baby because that's what all us simple minded Clem fanboys/girls are like!

    I'm sorry but I'm just so stupid and deluded to see that her story ended in S2.

  • Why not, maybe I finally have my Wyatt for season 3.

  • I want her to be the protag until she gets put down. :)

  • In other words, the chances of NOT having Clem as the protagonist in S3 is 99.9% I know many ignorant people will disagree

    Hell, call me ignorant but we've got no proof of this even happening. It's at about 50-50, maybe even 60-40 (Clementine's way) considering that in an IGN interview, some writers said that they'd have to save Clementine's dark side for Season 3.

    So, what were you saying about ignorant?

  • who even are you

    supersagig posted: »

    if they kill Clementine, it will be like killing off Daryl Dixon I hate Daryl

  • My names Clementine.

    who even are you

  • I wasn't talking about you.

    ClemyIsLove posted: »

    My names Clementine.

  • edited December 2014

    I would still buy, only if she is somewhat part of the game.

  • No matter what, the better keep the show " The Living Clementine". I don't care if she isn't the protag. But atleast keep here somewhere involved in the game,deuteragonist or something

    fallandir posted: »

    Yes, I will. This game is called "The Walking Dead", not "The Walking Clementine".

  • I kind of knew you weren't it was a reference to the first episode of season 1 where you meet Clementine on the walkie talkie.

    I wasn't talking about you.

  • oh. Well alright then.

    ClemyIsLove posted: »

    I kind of knew you weren't it was a reference to the first episode of season 1 where you meet Clementine on the walkie talkie.

  • As long as she still features at least, then yeah i would buy it. I would probably still buy it if she wasn't but it would be so frustrating to develop her character's personality, only for her to be dropped. I killed Kenny and left Jane, (although I have seen the go into Wellington ending, and YES that thing is damn sad), but i'm glad that i chose the ending i did. Cause Jane was preparing Clem for surviving on her own, Kenny was out of control and Jane didn't deserve to die, but Jane was the beginning of another Kenny, she just didn't realise it. So Clem goes out on her own, just like Jane prepared her for.
    RIP Kenny. RIP Luke. RIP Omid. RIP Rebecca. RIP. Alvin. RIP Nick. RIP Carlos. RIP Sarah. RIP Pete. RIP Sarita. RIP Walter. RIP Matthew.
    BIH Carver!
    God, this season was a bloodbath!

  • edited December 2014

    Honestly I wouldn't buy it, I would probably watch a playthrough to see what its about. Basically EVERYONE says they want Clem to leave. Are you all losing your minds? In an IGN interview they said that this game is all about Clem. Clem was the first idea for the game, even before Lee! You cannot have season 3 without Clem, it would no longer be season 3, it would simply be "The Walking Dead Reboot" Its like having a movie about one person and then making a "sequel" that has absolutely nothing to do with the first movie. Then its not the same series anymore. Like it or not Clem will either be protagonist or a HUGE part of the game, you just have to get used to it. All the endings in season 2 were complete cliffhangers, do you honestly think they will leave the game at a huge cliffhanger? Just drop it entirely and start over without any explanation as to what happened to Clem? It simply doesn't make any sense! Like I said before, like it or not Clementine will be either be protagonist or a huge part of the game. That's it, plain and simple. Clem will be the main focus of the franchise, like it or not.

  • edited December 2014

    Honestly I would prefer it if she wasn't in the game this time. I like Clem, but I really wanna see a whole new set of characters. And I didn't really like playing as her that much

  • i voted maybe. It really depends on how they sell the new protagonist. But I defenitly won´t but on day 1. With TTG buying on day 1 just doens´t make any sense at all.

  • Stop this its obvious that she's gone be the protagonist...

  • Yes, Clem isn't the only story to tell in this universe, there are plenty.

  • To be honest not sure. I think Clementine makes the game what it is and most people here knows that. I'd probably give it a chance, but if Clementine is not even in the game (besides being protagonist) I don't think I will buy it.

  • I'll get the game even if Clem is not a part of the new group, but I really want to play as Clem so it'd be kinda heartbreaking, but like I said, I'll play it, it's probably going to be a good game.

  • My love for The Walking Dead doesn't stop at a single character,

    but I would be annoyed because my Clementine still has an unfinished story. (Stayed with Kenny).

  • How exactly is it obvious?

    Stop this its obvious that she's gone be the protagonist...

  • I'd definitely buy it if Clementine wasn't in it, I would actually prefer if she wasn't.

  • You cant have season 3 without clem

  • Yeah but I'm not sure how fans would react if every major character from the beginning died off. I personally wouldn't like it as having a new protagonist means that decisions matter less and if Clementine isn't apart of Season 3 then decisions make little to no changes making past decisions feel rather pointless.

    fallandir posted: »

    Yes, I will. This game is called "The Walking Dead", not "The Walking Clementine".

  • I'd disagree, changing the protagonist means that Clementine's decisions do less because the consequences aren't directed in the main character's perspective if the decisions were made by another character, although I wouldn't mind playing as multiple characters.

    Kennyftw posted: »

    Yes. I'd prefer it actually.... I think playing as Clementine puts major limits on what the player can do in a game. Same with story line.

  • I will buy TWDG no matter who is the main character but I'd prefer playing as Clementine again because then decisions will count more.

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