Depression/Feeling sad after playing The Walking Dead?
I just finished season 1 of Telltale's The Walking Dead and it is so unbearable and depressing. Liked the game, but...
Uhhh. I'm so depressed. I can't do anything I enjoy, nothing brings me joy, this depresses me more and I end up doing nothing. Nothing helps me cope. I have to wait for my mind to go through every negative thing in my brain and eventually get to a point where I can move again.
My problem is that I have a severe mood disorder. Does this mean that I better not playing Season 2?
Does anyone else feel this way or am I just getting too old for video games (I'm 26)?
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Depending on your choices the game could turn out sadder then if you were to pick some other choices, I think you should play season 2, because you would be missing out if you didn't, but you should probably wait a little before you do :P
Well...I would say Season 2 is less least depending on your choices. Worth playing.
I don´t think age matters on this. It just means it was a well made game that tugged on heartstrings. Age is hardly relevant.
I feel the same way. Season one was completely depressing, I was crushed for weeks after completing No Time Left. I can't even replay season one anymore because it's too depressing knowing Lee's fate.
I think you should give season two a chance, it isn't as depressing as season one because most of the deaths were just for shock value.
Just try not to focus too hard on it man, it's only a game after all. Remember things that matter: be thankful for your family, friends, money, privilege. Be thankful you're alive and get to play video games in the first place. Anytime you start feeling sad, get some exercise or go do something fun that millions will never have the opportunity to do. Take a look around at the world and realize how lucky you truly are. Can't stress this enough, it's only a game. None of them are real.
I was very sad at the end of S1. I felt nothing of the sort during any part of S2. It's more of the typical zombie survival game (with a weird point and click element) than the close-nit, character-interaction-revolved-around game S1 was. It definitely doesn't focus on characters and their connections with one another, so it's much harder to feel anything more than pity and normal, everyday empathy sadness when they die.
Season 2's emotional level is nowhere as high as Season 1's. Definitely give it a try though.
And we all have been in your position at one point or another :P, just try not to think about it.
IMO if a video game is affecting you that badly maybe you shouldn't play it. No need in depressing yourself over a video game.
They have it anyway, doesn't matter if he plays or not, something will bring him down.
COD could depress someone with that.
What if they kill themselves because of a choice related to the game. Is it worth it? Its his choice, i stated my opinion on it.
I don't think it would go that far, it's depression not suicidal tendencies.
I'm stating my opinion of your opinion.
Hopefully is right, would be horrible for someone to do something like that.
I also felt that way with season 1 (I also have a mental illness). I personally was waaaaay less affected by season 2. It only affected me for maybe 3 days, and that was only because of guilt over my last decision. I think you should try it, but maybe not right now. Maybe wait two weeks or a month.
I know exactly, how it feels. Try not to think too much about it. Like others have said, it is just a game. You have the right to ponder and sort your thoughts and feelings out, but please don't let it distract you too much.
Actually, there are people who find Season 2 more sad/depressing/emotional than Season 1. It's all depends on you.
Honestly, after Playing Season 1 I had a minor bout of depression. I was pretty sad for a few days afterwards.
And after beating Season 2, I had a bout of depression that lasted 3 months. However, the depression was caused by a lot of outside factors as well, and the ending of Season 2 was the freaking straw that broke the camels back for me. I couldn't draw, I couldn't write, (I'm an artist so not being able to do the two things I enjoy most is the worst thing in the world.)
But eventually I found something, one of my own stories since I'm writing a book to bring me out of the Walking Dead induced depression. So, no, if Season 1 has made you this upset, definitely do NOT play Season 2. It will probably break you.
And on another note, I'm not buying Season 3. This game officially got to sad for me. I'm not paying money to put myself through another bout of depression, there are a lot more video games that won't make me depressed and actually make me feel good.
I hope you get to feeling better, have a cute sloth hug.
Welcome to the world of The Walking Dead, dude.
This is a picture of me after playing S1E5
We'll see who gets the reference...
This is a serious thread.... He's talking about being severly depressed.
I would suggest you discontinue anything that creates these feelings in you. My best advice is to be around people, exercise (it raises endorphins), and get plenty of sleep. I hope you feel better.
Also remember. This is just a game. It doesn't hold any real meaning to the real world. The creator of The Walking Dead wants to delve into the darkest part of human emotions. You aren't too old for video games, this just is probably not the game for you.
It made me laugh on more than one occasion. Which isn't good because the parts that made me laugh were trying to be serious...
It's hard commenting on this, It's hard to go back to season 1... Yes, you should play season 2, But don't expect anything amazing out of it. it's not sad either. I cried like every fucking episode of season 1. and all of season 1 was amazing. i want to know who came with you in episode 4's ending. could you tell me that?
When i played a good game, i also feel a bit 'depressed'. I had that earlier with mass effect but that was much worse. But the feeling wil definetly go away if you go outside and trying not to think about the game. And about season 2, give it a chance because it is awesome, and when you make the right choices it will be a beautiful game and i am sure you will enjoy it too!
You should not play season 2 bro. Both made me sad for the the better course of a day, but if S1 threw you into severe depression you should not put yourself through that again. For me season 2 hit harder for some reason. It's all around a darker story and it makes you feel hopless.
Remind yourself that it's just a game and go do things you enjoy, even if you don't feel like doing them. The only person that can lift you back up is you. Be strong
I had depression aswell but that's mostly because it reminded me of my life which is very similar to the walking dead universe. I won't go into details though but you've guessed it - no zombies but it's mostly about the social stuff
If you have a severe mood disorder, or get easily saddened or depressed, I don't think any medium of The Walking Dead is the best choice for you.
That's a normal reaction (and no, age has nothing to do with it). Keep in mind that The Walking Dead is supposed to be dark and emotional. If it's any consolation, some of season 2's endings can be considered "happy" depending on the choices you make. I recommend caution, though.
Hey Holly, hang in there.
Not really. I have PTSD though so i am not very emotional.
PTSD kinda killed that
I'm a psychiatric nurse by trade, and have been practicing for quite some time. I also happen to love gaming. I too was under the care of a psychiatrist for a reactive depression (marriage ended, dad died, friend committed suicide- all within 3 months). I'm fine now and no longer need the pills.
That being said, I'm not altogether against anyone playing this game as long as they can process the experience as a game. If someone was to commit suicide or self-harm because of a game, then I think that the problem runs much deeper than that.
I don't think that I would recommend to someone with depression or other mental illnesses not to play this- for me the game explores the reaction to loss and grieving like no game I've ever seen before. You can even go online and discuss your reaction to others who are processing an entirely identical experience (based upon presumption of identical choices, of course).
I might even argue that playing the game would allow a person to explore their feelings to a given situation. Because like it or not, if you're born on this earth, grief, loss and death come to us all. This game might help a little. But it's no replacement for therapy. Definitely.
Must of been hard, I remember when my life crumbled apart. I left and joined the army.
Nope.. I was excited to get to play the game. Sad or depressed after would make me wonder if you're stable enough to play a Mature rated game if it leaves you depressed.
Me too. I don't understand why people get depressed playing a game.
I can say that without a doubt I have never been so distraught about playing a game and so emotionally invested in characters. I don't know why people are saying that Season 1 was a lot more depressing than Season 2, but perhaps they played them a separate times and had to wait for episodes to be released. If you have just bought both and play through both all in one go like I did then by the time you get to Season 2 your starting to feel really depressed.
I can say that for me the ending of Season 1 had me crying and so did the ending of Season 2 depending on your choice at the end. I have never in my life felt such an attachment to a character, at the end of Season 2 you just want to hug Clementine. But it is worth it in the end, just don't dwell on it, it is after all not real.
I still get sad too. This game is very good at that. But it's important to remember that it is just a game.
Thanks man. I'm feeling a lot better in the past few weeks. I'm finally back to my old self.
In large part to the community for being so awesome.
Oh... Thanks.
At the end of episode 4 there is Omid, Christa, Ben, Kenny.
I hide the bite mark and choose to go at it alone because I actually felt bad. Probably not the best choice made, but I want them to leave as soon as possible. Even if it's without me.
I really don't know, should I replay the game. Do you think I should try?
Yeah, you should. Here's how to get everyone with you.
Omid and Christa: Show your bite
Ben: Let him live and then tell him about how clem stood up for him
Kenny: Episode 1: Save duck, side with him. Save carley Episode 2: Side with kenny, Kill larry, Steal from truck. Episode 3: Tell him about your past, Leave lilly, reason with him on train, kill duck. Episode 4: agree with him on everything, Kill boy in attic, Side with him about ben, Save ben.
and then everyone comes with you!