Should an older Clem be hetero, homo or bi, if romance is to be implemented in future games?
At this point I think it's very, very likely that we will get an older Clem in S3 (and beyond, if S3 isn't the last), so I think that the option of romance for a teenager, or young adult, makes sense. Now of course, in a ZA, creating such an attachment could be a huge detriment, but having someone that loyal to you/Clem could also be an advantage at times, too. If this was to be implemented, should we be allowed to choose her sexual preference? Can we cheat with others?
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No romance till she´s 50.
I don't think turning Clem into a homo or bi is a good idea, not that I'm against gays or bis or anything, it's just it'll probably cause a TON of controversy and would somewhat feel forced as there's really not alot of hints that Clem is gay or bi in S1 or S2, her being hetero seems like the safest option.
No....make that 52!
Definitely let the player have a say in it. Be able to reject certain advances, accept others, choose which way to drive her orientation a bit.
I'd personally be against being able to make her into a cheat, but if you really want to create the ultimate scumbag play-through, then why not?
Everyone's bi on the apocalypse.
In a game where we can leave a distraught, and defenseless, child to be mauled to death in a trailer to save yourself, plus given the themes, going the safe route would be disappointing. Besides, there's been no hints that she's definitely hetero either.
After Clem witnessing all the tragedy from the romantic relationships that occur around her(I think she has literally witnessed every couple die in some form), I'm sure it would be wise for her to shy away from it. I hope that we can just focus on her survival and deal with finding proper adult figures and friends in season 3. Having another relationship Sim would just feel like another Dragon age or Mass effect except the them is now zombies. Sorry I'll get off my soap box and answer your question, I feel she should be with any gender she wants as long as she is happy in a relationship.
Asexuality also exists, by the way.
Agreed. Most people play Clem based on themselves and play her as if it were them in that situation, so I think that if romance is included they should let the player choose which preference they want. I think this is the safest option - there are heterophobes, homophobes and every single -phobe out there linked to sexuality, so if the player gets to choose and there's no canon sexuality then no one can get butthurt over it.
I believe she's most likely going to be heterosexual, if she even does get into a relationship in the future. Since she was still pretty young when the apocalypse started, she probably didn't learn about other sexualities. This can be demonstrated in A House Divided, as it seems like she didn't realize Matthew and Walter were a couple, despite Walter referring to Matthew as his partner and other several implications towards their relationship. I feel like if she did have a crush on someone of the same gender, she would just feel like it was just a very strong bond with that person, and not romantic. Also, if she didn't even know what Jane and Luke did (only knowing it involved 'kissing stuff') I doubt she would know about much sexual stuff.
However, I'm fine with Clem's sexuality being anything. Maybe Telltale will let you choose if she likes anyone romantically and who it is. If that's the case, I'd rather just have my Clem avoid any romance, as it usually ends it bad in the apocalypse.
Clementine! If you sneak out of the house to go to a party one more time, you are grounded young lady! Do you hear me!?!
Grounded for ten years. Maybe nine if you behave properly. Now go to your room and don´t get out.
Papa Wolf is disappointed.
I don't care. Romance has never been my forte, neither has addressing sexual identity.
Yeah, I get where you're coming from. But to be honest, if Clem is confirmed non-straight and some people start to rant about it and stop playing, who cares? Their loss for not playing a great game just because the protagonist isn't straight and they don't support equality.
Also, I don't agree with 'and would somewhat feel forced as there's really not alot of hints that Clem is gay or bi in S1 or S2, her being hetero seems like the safest option.' Clem is 8-9 in S1 and 11 in S2. A girl that young of an age isn't going to drop hints about her sexuality, ANY sexuality, including heterosexuality. So in my opinion it's unfair to say that she should be straight because she doesn't hint that she's of any other sexuality besides that. (Sorry if I sounded a bit hostile there, but it just sounded like you were making heterosexuality the 'norm' or whatever, that because she doesn't seem like she's gay/bi means she's straight. I know you didn't mean it in a harsh way though, since you're not against gay+bi people.)
Why wouldn't I? If she's gay, she's gay.
Just imagine this: Clementine falling in the same footsteps of Ellie from The Last Of Us.
Would you be okay with that?
So? What's your point? Are saying you had a problem with Ellie possibly being a lesbian? Why?
Unless this is just because you don't want Clem to start unintentionally become too similar to another young, female protagonist from another survival series. If that's your concern, then I think it's misplaced, as our choices can easily make them incomparable in terms of their character.
Good point, that will definitely be my Clem, I don't want her in any sort of relationship at all.
How about Nomance?
Seriously WTF WHY?
Her being a lesbian doesn't change anything about the story, it was a mindless SJW cash in, nothing else. If you wrote a character where homosexuality defined who they were, and the story was about then yeah, it would make sense that she was a lesbian. However they just threw that in there to copy Gone Home. Another SJW shit game, hoping that SJW reviewers would praise it for its "kiss scene."
To sell more copies. Don't you get it. Its always about money.
A persons sexuality does not define who they are. A character should'nt have homosexuality or heterosexuality define them.
Sexual preference has nothing to do with personality, there is no "lesbian personality" that Ellie could have even had. Just how someone's race doesn't define them as a character/person, sexuality doesn't either. Ellie being a lesbian was completely fine, it wasn't pandering to anyone.
If Ellie had kissed a boy, would you say the game was just pandering to anti- gay right wing extremists? No.
Clem can love whoever she damn well pleases. Boy, girl, in between, as long as its a good story.
Homosexuality should define who she is? Really? That should be all that she's about?
How about, no?
Her sexuality should be a part of her character, just as our decisions are. What really matters is how well the characters are written, to make the relationship (if we choose to have one) make sense in the context of what our characters have been thru up until that pairing happens.
In the context of a game, wouldn't that just be us/her choosing not to be in a relationship? I doubt that TT would go into detail about what it means to asexual.
Why does everyone want to turn this game into Mass Effect?
Clementine is eleven years old. I don't think its appropriate for her to have any sort of relationship at that age.
Same. I don't care what they do for other characters, but romance with Clem involved doesn't appeal to me at all. I headcanon her as asexual anyway so I might as well carry that over with the way I play her, so yeah.
I'm just going to assume she's straight until proven otherwise, and it was hinted she had a crush on Luke. But I don't really want Clementine kissing any boys or girls, I just want hugs.
Well that would be the safe bet, statistically people are straight.
No relationships at all, how about that?
If I were to ever play Season 3 and Clem was of dating age and that was a game mechanic included, then my Clem will be asexual. Why? To spare her more heartbreak of the eminent death of everyone. Why? Because Tell Tale wants everyone dead to make us suffer the feels.
And in my opinion, cannon Clem is asexual. After everything she's been through, is getting into a romantic relationship really even worth it? If TT is just going to kill off everyone anyways, I think Clem is too distant and hollow to ever desire a romantic relationship or any sort of relationship with anyone.
This. Just this. I agree with this 100%. I think that Ellie's kiss with Riley was so thrown in there for shock value or to contend with Gone Home's own story about two girls against the world.
I think a romance would detract from the overall game and its story, at least for me, especially if there are multiple people you could date. I just wouldn't want that.
I don't think so, i think she is just too young right now. Everyone falls in love in some point in their life. I would think TWD world is where need it the most. With everything so messed up the way the world is, if people can find some happiness in what life they have left, i support that. However At this point in the game, she doesn't have time for romance, she has to take care of a new born baby. Who she going to romance anyhow, that boy in the Jane Ending? What about the people that who chose the Kenny Ending.
I don't see Clementine falling in love, but perhaps a new protagonist.
Well if you bothered to read 1) you'd noticed I said an older teenage, or young adult, Clem and 2) I never brought up ME. If this a game where the character represents the player thru decisions, then why not all us to choose her sexuality, or lack of one?
It fits it a game where human relationships is very important.
I agree she's too young, but at this point I think TT has hardened her to a point (with no matter what path/ending we've chosen for her) where she is just too hollow. Maybe it's just my Clem, but I don't see Clem in general ever falling in love / pairing off with someone. I think when Clem is older, she is more than likely going to become a leader of a community and make taking care of the people around her the main priority, rather than have a husband / wife / lover. I think this could best serve as her happiness, as having a mate/lover doesn't always equate to having a 'happy' life. At best, I could see an older Clem having a lover for the sake of knowing what it's all about, but never getting emotionally invested in them enough to want to 'settle' with them.
The only other option I see is a Clem whom is going to become Jane 2.0, and live on her own without ever settling down in one spot. Thus, she will end up having the same encounters as Jane did with Luke. Bottom line, I just don't ever see Clem as being able to recover emotionally from the events of S1 and S2.
Why would they time Skip Clementine to get her a romance option? They already time skipped once, and look at S2. Do you really believe they're going to time skip again? If they time skip they're ruining what makes Clementine Special. Is the unique perspective of a young girl in the ZA.
If they do it, they do it. After Season 2, i can't wait to see how they explain away those endings. WoW.