Should an older Clem be hetero, homo or bi, if romance is to be implemented in future games?



  • Kartal5Kartal5 Banned
    edited November 2014

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  • Did you read his comment? He said he would be okay with Clementine falling in the same footsteps of Ellie from TLoU because "If she's gay she's gay."

    He's saying that wouldn't be a big deal to him.

    So? What's your point? Are saying you had a problem with Ellie possibly being a lesbian? Why? Unless this is just because you don't want

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited November 2014

    If relationships ever came up, they should be FULLY up to the player. If the player wants to pursue a relationship, then so be it. If the player couldn't give less of a fuck about a relationship, then that should be an option, too.

    Don't lay that kind of drama on people whether they want it or not, let them choose if they want that to be a part of their story in the first place.

  • Personally, I would rather romance be left out of the game. I don't think that Clem will be aged up enough for this to be appropriate.

  • It's not out of character for Clem to be gay or bi because she's been too young to understand her feelings thus far. She's only 11 in Season 2.

    Growing older can make you confused as you start to discover your preferences and what you are attracted to.

    And there is nothing wrong if she were to be bi. It should make no difference to the game overall as that wouldn't be Clementine's only defining character trait.

    If you wouldn't buy the game if Clem were to become gay or bi, then you're a moron. I don't respect your opinion because your opinion is stupid. There's nothing wrong with being gay at all.

  • I think MichaelAngel0 was referring to the original post...

    The one by Telling-a-tale.

    Did you read his comment? He said he would be okay with Clementine falling in the same footsteps of Ellie from TLoU because "If she's gay she's gay." He's saying that wouldn't be a big deal to him.

  • Hold up. Why would this detract from a game where we already form good or bad relationships with other characters? Also where's the complaining about dating coming from? They're in a ZA; where is the date gonna take place?

    People complaining over nothing rather than thinking about the potential of different types of relationships that could result in different outcomes for different characters, depending certain situations. If you don't want romance, then don't commit to anyone. Simple. Instead people act like I want it to be forced on the player, when the whole point of is about OUR CHOICE.

  • edited November 2014

    JESUS, THIS IS A ZOMBIE APOCALIPSE! i dont care if clem is hetero, bi or etc, but clearly this isnt the focus of this game. I liked carlee or Jane with Luke, but having a time skip just to put clem in a romance? i dont like it, i like her as a kid, her inocence, development, etc. A time skip for an adult clem would be like start all over and lost all feelings about the past. I doubt a person could survive like 25 years in an apocalipse, the human race would be almost extinct. would be hard to have time for romance. But clem can date man, woman, i dont care, I even think it would be good to have polemic, But i dont want to focus in a romance anyway. I'd rather kill idiots, zombies, find supplies, SURVIVE, interact with a group, but not this way, I think your romantic couple would die 30 minutes after something in the best scenario, only to leave her broken, then no, no romance and without TIME SKIP, I cant believe in Carley death unitil today :'(. we already seen broken people because of it ( Jane, Kenny, Lee) i dont want to see this for the 3 time

  • Because every single videogame romance anything has been forced, or at least heavily pushed, on the player and kind of feels like a haram game each and every time, where everybody is lusting after the PC. I've never seen it any other way.

    I think that romance in games is not very well done, because of the medium, and it tends to detract from the story. I'd rather telltale not waste their time and to focus on other things.

    "Can" it be well done? I'm sure it can; I just haven't seen it.

    And, I don't think Clem will be aged up enough to make romance appropriate before the series ends. Could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that's the case.

    Hold up. Why would this detract from a game where we already form good or bad relationships with other characters? Also where's the complain

  • where she is just too hollow.

    Clementine's lost so many people in her life, she doesn't let herself get close to people anymore. In my opinion, she subconsciously rejects people to keep her safe. She knows how she still suffers over the loss of her parents, and lee. She doesn't want to go through that pain again. She meets someone, she doesn't care about them. She is worried about herself. Its natural.

    Maybe it's just my Clem, but I don't see Clem in general ever falling in love / pairing off with someone

    Clementine needs someone to love her the most, after everything she has been through, she desperately needs it. She just turned her emotions off. Its how some people deal with their problems, it doesn't fix them in the long run, but it does help. In a ideal situation she would run into someone like Lee and she would get the love/support that she desperately needs. In my opinion, if she doesn't get someone in her life to help her, she is going to end up like Jane.

    Bottom line, I just don't ever see Clem as being able to recover emotionally from the events of S1 and S2.

    You have to have faith, without faith and hope that things will get better, what would be the purpose of life/living. She can recover, i been through a lot in my life. I'm a lot better than i was a year ago. Clementine is a strong person, and she will make it.

    I agree she's too young, but at this point I think TT has hardened her to a point (with no matter what path/ending we've chosen for her) whe

  • Wups? You're right.


    I need new eyes :)

    I think MichaelAngel0 was referring to the original post... The one by Telling-a-tale.

  • The time skip that I (and others) feel that's coming isn't just for the possibility to romance, but also because of AJ now being part of Clem's life.

    Do you really wanna deal with a baby, that can't protect himself, cries, needs changing and needs baby food, or a toddler that doesn't understand the situation, can still cry, still can't protect himself, still needs food frequently and now has the ability to wander off? All that nonsense in a ZA and with his primary caretaker being an 11-14 old girl. Or would you rather an 8-10 year old AJ that understands Clem, and the situation, and can be taught to protect himself?

    That's why there needs to be a time skip.

    igormp posted: »

    JESUS, THIS IS A ZOMBIE APOCALIPSE! i dont care if clem is hetero, bi or etc, but clearly this isnt the focus of this game. I liked carlee o

  • edited November 2014

    Pretty sure AJ is going off screen for most of the season. Clem isn't going to be his primary caretaker, I can almost guarantee it.

    I don't think they'll kill AJ, because babies always have plot armor (even here), but some adult will take AJ off of Clem's hands I'm sure.

    The time skip that I (and others) feel that's coming isn't just for the possibility to romance, but also because of AJ now being part of Cle

  • I doubt that given my ending with Jane, and me turning away the family. It's too convenient to keep him off screen, or have someone else take care of him; more so than a time skip. At least with time skip we/Clem are/is still taking care of him and teaching him.

    Pretty sure AJ is going off screen for most of the season. Clem isn't going to be his primary caretaker, I can almost guarantee it. I do

  • edited November 2014

    to be honest i think AJ will die still as a baby in the middle or ending of S3. I care about him and all, but he cant make it, especially if you chose the alone ending

    The time skip that I (and others) feel that's coming isn't just for the possibility to romance, but also because of AJ now being part of Cle

  • Clementine needs someone to love her the most, after everything she has been through, she desperately needs it.

    Just wanted to clarify, but that doesn't mean she needs romantic love. She can substitute that love through how AJ looks at her like an older sister. How Clem and Kenny (DEBATABLE BY SOME VIEWERS SO STFU ANYONE WHO WANTS TO DEBATE IT) share somewhat of a parent and child or guardian and child bond. Even the Clem and Jane bond has potential to show love as sibling love. I do not agree at all that Clem needs a romantic partner, a lover, or anything like that. It's fine if she wants someone to love romantically, but I guess for me personally, if I was going to play the game with this mechanic, I wouldn't allow my Clem to fall in love. As for a cannon Clem, I don't know what she would want exactly. I'm just stating my opinion that I personally feel Clem won't fall in love.

    And in all honesty, I know nothing about romantic love, so, talking about how it works isn't my strong point. But from the examples I've been given in my life, love is this: Love is nothing but the mutual gain for both parties that people get when they settle for someone whom they think they can put up with for the rest of their lives. Not necessarily true love, while sometimes people can have altruistic intentions and love their partners legitimately, mostly people pair off because they want someone to help them with life to make it easier in some spots and making it way harder in others. Oh yeah, and don't forget the sex part. That's the most important part of being able to actually 'love' someone, is if you can have sex with them. (If you can sense my bitterness, you're right. I have never had a good example of what love is between lovers. Maybe I just see what everyone else already knows is true, but love between lovers isn't real. It's only friendship and then we think, hey, I want to bang that person. Then the sexual tension ensues and that is what we think is love. I've yet to be proven love is legitimate between people who aren't family.)

    In the alone ending, it can be assumed Clem is at the point already where she is 11 years old and can take care of herself, better than most adults. In my mind, Clem is already past the point of needing someone, or even wanting someone. So, no I still don't think Clem really needs or wants a romantic relationship is by the time she's 11, she can completely take care of herself from what the players have been given.

    Maybe I should rephrase my last portion from the previous comment. All I'm saying is, Clem might not ever be able to be as close to someone in her lifetime as she was to her parents, or to Lee. She will always be distant, she may recover and become someone who can handle and work through her emotions, but she'll always be distant emotionally IMO. Clem is strong, but being strong doesn't mean wearing your heart on your sleeve. A lot of fictional and non fictional characters and people whom are also strong never get paired off. EX. would be Master Chief, Lara Croft. Both are strong people whom have never been stated as having romantic partners (as far as I know so correct me if I'm wrong). Strong characters become notorious sometimes for never finding romantic partners, and personally I see Clem joining that list. The potential for Clem to find love does exist, but then again, it

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    where she is just too hollow. Clementine's lost so many people in her life, she doesn't let herself get close to people anymore. In

  • edited November 2014

    Clementine shouldn't have any confirmed sexuality. She's an extension of the player's personality and making her any sexuality would alienate all of the others. It's better to just leave it unconfirmed.

    It only worked with Lee because it was established early on that he had a wife, and his sexuality was part of a metaphorical list of characteristics we were given about him when we first started up the game.

    Clementine's been with us for two seasons now and her sexuality was never provided early on, so players probably subconsciously filled in the gaps with their own preferences. Picking one of those would discriminate against all of the others and would probably just cause a shit storm overall. It's just not worth tackling.

    Also I don't really think it would work as a choice, because it's not a choice in real life :S

    EDIT: And whoever 'it' is is going to die anyway so there's no point.

  • I guess you've been playing too much Dragon Age Inquisition

  • Actually, I've been playing a lot of Devil Survivor 2, TLOU, Bioshock Infinite, Brothers, Persona 3/4, TWD:S2 and just started the First Law, and Ringworld, novel series lol. Just bought DA:I yesterday, but I'm not gonna play that until after I finish TotB episode tomorrow.

    Yo-da-Man posted: »

    I guess you've been playing too much Dragon Age Inquisition

  • Just wanted to clarify, but that doesn't mean she needs romantic love.

    Agreed, i think she is too young for that anyway. I think she just needs a role model in her life that will take care of her for a while.

    Mostly people pair off because they want someone to help them with life to make it easier in some spots and making it way harder in others

    That is a very dim view, i personally only been in love once, It didn't work out but even though it was a lot of pain, it was worth it. I was able to be there for them when they needed me. She is the reason why I'm Crazy George, instead of George. Sometimes i wonder how my life would of been if i never met her, i would of never joined the army.

    I would of been normal.

    Life is unpredictable.

    Clementine needs someone to love her the most, after everything she has been through, she desperately needs it. Just wanted to clari

  • I've been in love once too. I guess that's what I could call it, since I've never been so emotionally invested in someone as I was this guy. With the events that transpired, I agree with you that no matter how much pain it caused me I don't regret a moment of it. It helped me to learn what real love might feel like. But in the end, he rejected me because I didn't want to have sex with him right off the bat. That sullied my view on love, because later I found out that he was also attracted to me in a sense but that because I didn't want to have sex immediately, I wasn't worth the effort. Could you say I fell for a sleaze bag? Yes. Could it be said not all men are like that. I'd like to think yes. But, like I said, examples in my life have left me too confused on love to really understand what it is.

    But my opinion still stands that from my point of view, an older Clem doesn't need to fall in love, nor should she.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Just wanted to clarify, but that doesn't mean she needs romantic love. Agreed, i think she is too young for that anyway. I think she

  • It helped me to learn what real love might feel like. But in the end, he rejected me because I didn't want to have sex with him right off the bat.

    I wasn't worth the effort. Could you say I fell for a sleaze bag?

    His loss. People are immature, I've done some things I'm not particularly proud of, but only recently like in the last maybe ten months I'm been "trying" to become a better person. Its not easy because there is a lot of anger and resentment inside me. Every day i struggle, some days i just revert to becoming who i was, it would be easier to just close yourself off from the outside world.

    but i find it a lonely existence.

    I've been in love once too. I guess that's what I could call it, since I've never been so emotionally invested in someone as I was this guy.

  • Yes, they could easily do another timeskip. It helps with the writing process, as the older she is the more they can have her do without having it look ridiculous (like an 11 year kicking down a locked door that two walkers couldn't get thru, an 11 year old doing the most important tasks, instead of the adults or the adults blaming the preteen for everything bad that happens).

    I never once said that romance was the reason why she should be older, but that because if she's older she can now experiment with relationship as an option.

    I don't get why you're so against this; it would be an option to establish relationships with other characters in a different way. Clem being a little girl, in a ZA, isn't what makes her special; what makes her special is watching her live on and grow up with the decisions I've made.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Why would they time Skip Clementine to get her a romance option? They already time skipped once, and look at S2. Do you really believe they'

  • I'd rather not have romance in TWDG, but if TT implanted that into the game, the safest route would be making Clem a heterosexual. But if she's not I wouldn't really care that much.

  • edited November 2014

    Well personally I wouldn't want to play again as Clementine.
    Compare her, to playing as Lee in Season 1, there's no comparison.
    I much preferred playing as Lee, and would love to play as an adult character in Season 3.
    And as a man, I would prefer to play as an adult man, like we did as Lee.

    But to answer your question, speaking from a heterosexual's point of view, I think Clementine should be portrayed as straight.
    Honestly, I don't understand why nearly every form of media entertainment nowadays, has to have a homosexual character on it.

  • Ah fuck it, let's just make her pansexual. Don't want them bestialists and carfuckers feelin' left out, do we?

  • edited November 2014

    Don't forget Mass Effect 3.
    Bisexual characters on that included: Liara T'soni, Kelly Chambers, Samantha Trainers, and Kaiden Alenko.

    On that note, I don't understand why they made Kaiden Bisexual?
    He didn't display any indications of bisexuality in the 1st game.
    Another thing I wondered, if they made Kaiden Alenko bisexual, why not do the same with Ashley Williams?

    Yo-da-Man posted: »

    I guess you've been playing too much Dragon Age Inquisition

  • For the sake of inclusion and diversity, even though homosexuals make less than 20% of the population (less than 10%?), so it ain't exactly realistic.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Well personally I wouldn't want to play again as Clementine. Compare her, to playing as Lee in Season 1, there's no comparison. I much pre

  • I actually headcannon her as asexual too! It just seems odd to imagine her in a relationship, but I guess it kind of depends.

    Same. I don't care what they do for other characters, but romance with Clem involved doesn't appeal to me at all. I headcanon her as asexual anyway so I might as well carry that over with the way I play her, so yeah.

  • edited November 2014

    tugs eyes out of socket and gives them to you

    You owe me so bad. They're blue, they're worth a lot!

    Wups? You're right. frowns I need new eyes

  • The only possible boy she would fall in love with is the black boy at the end of season 2, or someone she met at Wellington.

  • carfuckers

    That's good stuff.

    ViralType posted: »

    Ah fuck it, let's just make her pansexual. Don't want them bestialists and carfuckers feelin' left out, do we?

  • I really could care less about Clem's sexual preference. Whatever makes her happy. But who cares about all these feelings? Give MyClem some better weapons, a Baby Bjorn, and some school books.

  • Nah, better make it 53, just to be on the safe side.

    No....make that 52!

  • Honestly, I don't understand why nearly every form of media entertainment nowadays, has to have a homosexual character on it.

    As someone whose bi himself, I can't help but to agree. I get that pop culture is trying to be diverse, but too much diversity only comes across as being pretentious.

    As for the OP, I can see this happening, but again, it may just end up being forced and awkwardly ending up having Clem being listed as bisexual no matter what. This is something that games like Fallout NV failed at significantly.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Well personally I wouldn't want to play again as Clementine. Compare her, to playing as Lee in Season 1, there's no comparison. I much pre

  • Agreed.
    Children that age, don't need to know about sex, nor romance.
    They should at least be teenagers before learning about adult subjects, like sex.
    At that age, they should just be kids, and not try to be miniature adults, nor treated as such.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Her sexuality should be a part of her character, just as our decisions are. Why does everyone want to turn this game into Mass Effec

  • It was actually intended for Kaiden to be bisexual in Mass Effect 1, but due to the controversy the game received that was scrapped. You can still find it in the files though. Technically, he was always bi.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Don't forget Mass Effect 3. Bisexual characters on that included: Liara T'soni, Kelly Chambers, Samantha Trainers, and Kaiden Alenko. On

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