Should an older Clem be hetero, homo or bi, if romance is to be implemented in future games?



  • In a way, I'm also kind of like that as well.

    JMOREL posted: »

    Thats people like me.

  • Well said, I couldn't have said it any better myself, please take my like! :D Although I would like to add that asexuals can pursue romantic relationships if they wish, they just have little to no interest in the sexual aspect. But yes being asexual does not make anyone less of a human, and I do not think it would be "boring as heck" if Clem had no desire to be in a relationship. A good story does not need to revolve around a romantic aspect in order to be interesting.

    Nutmeg posted: »

    Did you just use the phrase 'un-human' to describe asexuality? Asexuality IS human and humans CAN have 0 sexual attraction for any gender, i

  • I know right. If they do that i won't buy the game seriously.

    I just hope they won't follow "The Last Of Us"s trail.

  • Nope, I only found out what I was this year, before that for a long time I just thought I was the only one who was like me. In fact I was convinced that this bad fall as an infant broke my brain or something. I didn't even know it had a name.

    And no surprise that not many know what it is, we only make up about 1% of the population o_o and it's only the last 20 years or so it's been more brought to light.

    Hi one percent [waves] :D how are you?

    You've never spoken to another asexual? :O I have met a couple over my years on this internet. (Never anybody in real life though, most people don't even know what asexuality is...) [sings along]

  • edited November 2014

    But I understand that completely. Me personally, I like being alone. But if someone comes by one day and is someone I'd want to actually be with a lot, and spend a lot of time with, then thats fine.

    And I mean, a dog is a dog. They're the best companions ever. :)

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    Except Sam, Sam had a little bit of a meltdown. :<

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Some people like being 'lonely' or rather like being alone Not me, if i didn't have my dog, not sure how i would react. Most likely in a very angry way.

  • No romance until time travel is invented and she can date Luke. (No, I am not a Cluke shipper, I just want to play as a character that dates Luke because I fucking love him, and an older Clem with Luke would be fucking perfect, but not now, not while she's 11 Cringes)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    No romance till she´s 50.

  • she will be asexual aromantic

  • Doubt anyone will have the time to be inventing time travel in the apocalypse lol

    Ercajayme posted: »

    No romance until time travel is invented and she can date Luke. (No, I am not a Cluke shipper, I just want to play as a character that dates

  • Mine will be too.

    she will be asexual aromantic

  • Excuse me Mr. Fucking Realistic how do you know there isn't a high tech science lab, that is well protected, where they are working to build different things to stop the zombie apocalypse. BOOM. Bet you didn't think of that one. (Sorry if I appeared hostile xD)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Doubt anyone will have the time to be inventing time travel in the apocalypse lol

  • Because that would be too good for the walking dead universe where everything dies and the world sucks. :P

    (It´s fine, I realise it wasn´t meant to be rude. :D)

    Ercajayme posted: »

    Excuse me Mr. Fucking Realistic how do you know there isn't a high tech science lab, that is well protected, where they are working to build

  • A person's sexual preference does not define who they are.You are free to hold that opinion if you desire, however that doesn't mean it's true. Sexual preferences doesn't define anyone anymore than a person's race, nationality, or gender. Like Sprocket23 said, these things have nothing to do with one's personality. If a writer decides to make a character that just happens to be gay, whether in a fictional world or not, that trait shouldn't define what the person's personality or moralities are anymore than a character who just happens to be straight, or a person who happens to be of a different gender, race, etc.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    A person's sexual preferences do define them. As people our actions define who we are. But what we decide to do everyday either makes us good people, or it doesn't.

  • edited November 2014

    I guess that happens with us when have a son, idk, i mean, be afraid of him being a relationship with someone, i think many people considere clem as her son or something close to that, despite her popularity.

    squadsenser posted: »

    I wonder why many feel Clem being in a relationship is odd. Isn't it a part of growing up and being human? My best guess is that many people are used to seeing her as a child.

  • He was until the "incident" happened

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Wait, I thought Dumbledore was into men. o.o isn't that what J.K.Rowling said?

  • No, Clem_is_awesome is a hipster. Tumblr and Facebook and Google "suxz bro 420 swag!"

    wow. just wan't to bring this to the surface; You're way too obsessed with the website "tumblr" and everything associated with it.

  • Human beings make a lot of actions. Would you say eating breakfast every morning defines you? Doing a piss defines you as a person? Breathing air, does that also define who you are?
    These are all natural, biological instincts, just like fucking, and fucking whoever you're attracted to mind you.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    A person's sexual preferences do define them. As people our actions define who we are. But what we decide to do everyday either makes us good people, or it doesn't.

  • Clem would most likely be straight and find a good boyfriend to survive with. Remember in season 1 when she ever asked Lee if he's ever have kids? Well that plays a role because she actually gets to experience being a sister/mother to AJ. Clem would want to have kids one day too. Also she knows what Jane and Luke did, so she'll remember that and want to experience.

  • They should do it like dragon age and mass effect. Let the player chose!

  • Sorry, but Clementine romancing anything would be SO AWKWARD. If Telltale does pulls it off without making it super akwward I'd give 'ema million dollars. (ok not really)

  • edited November 2014

    The game does not need any of these to be good.

  • Something with his sister right? I heard she died. I don't follow Harry Potter well and I didn't read all the books so I don't know.

    He was until the "incident" happened

  • This game needs every one of those to make the world go round, and make people feel equal.

    The game does not need any of these to be good.

  • Cattering to everyone is not an option.

    This game needs every one of those to make the world go round, and make people feel equal.

  • and why not?

    Cattering to everyone is not an option.

  • edited November 2014

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    While I'd prefer her being a preteen/12/13-ish in Season 3, I really don't give a shit as long as her sexuality isn't jammed down our throats.

  • Does it matter? I don't really give two shits about her sexual orientation. All I care about is watching her story unfold in a zombie apocalypse.

  • Even Revy managed to open up at least a little, courtesy of Rock ;)

    Doesn't seem too likely that she'll find someone that can give her the kind of emotional stability she needs. I personally think she'll e

  • Cattering to everyone is not an option

    But catering to the majority is, and the majority want some form of relationship.

    Cattering to everyone is not an option.

  • Yeah, but she was conflicted on her more "intimate" feelings for him and still is.

    I mean the last part of "Roberta's Blood Trial" she pointed a gun at him and demanded he leave because of all the weird shit her emotions were doing because of him.

    squadsenser posted: »

    Even Revy managed to open up at least a little, courtesy of Rock

  • That's true. In a group of a hundred people there's bound to be one gay person. But in a group of six people or so, chances are much smaller, and even then, there's not an even distribution of gays per city/region/neighborhood.

    In the comic we've met 4 gay dudes (that I remember), and 2 in the game. So, all in all, I'd actually scratch the implications in my previous comment and say that their handling of homosexuality was pretty good. They're not shoving them in our faces, nor are they ignoring them.

    Although, if memory serves, we've yet to see any lesbians.

    squadsenser posted: »

    Well, it would be realistic, if there were one homo character for every 10 - 20 characters, based off your stats.

  • Now if they put relationships, people will want LGBT. You are not going to be able to cater to everyone. Hopefully it can be something like Carley and will be cut short by a bullet.

    squadsenser posted: »

    Cattering to everyone is not an option But catering to the majority is, and the majority want some form of relationship.

  • edited November 2014

    hipster.... hipster... hipster... hipster...

    No, Clem_is_awesome is a hipster. Tumblr and Facebook and Google "suxz bro 420 swag!"

  • Except Sam, Sam had a little bit of a meltdown. :<

    It was Clementine's fault. You never take food away from a dog after you give it to them. Rule #1 with dog handling. My Boarder Collie is really smart for a dog, perhaps too smart. He is always finding ways steal my food when i am not looking.

    The other day i caught him opening the fridge door to eat some salami i had in there.

    I asked him, what he was doing! and he looks you like "Nothing..."|

    But I understand that completely. Me personally, I like being alone. But if someone comes by one day and is someone I'd want to actually be

  • Alt text

    That's actually adorable. I love Border Collies!! Almost as much as I love Australian Shepherds. :>

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    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Except Sam, Sam had a little bit of a meltdown. :< It was Clementine's fault. You never take food away from a dog after you give

  • I wouldn't care if Telltale made the call to put such an option in. After all, it IS Telltale's game, not ours. At this point, Telltale will do what they damn well please.

    I for one would not mind if romance interests were implemented in Season 3. I wouldn't mind if it as long as it would be secondary to the meat-and-potatoes of the story itself. Assuming it time skips again (which I think it will in order to allow AJ time to grow up past infancy), I would leave it an option for Telltale to leave open. Knowing how they've written two games (three since I've also played TWAU), I would trust Telltale in how they would implement a romantic element to the game (assuming that they would). I think Telltale would put it in the game in a manner in which the player themselves would define this aspect of "MyClementine" for their own playthroughs of Season 3. And I think the majority of players would approach the game with a bit of how they would approach the situation if they were placed in Clementine's shoes.

  • Sometimes i think this dog is smarter than i am.

    That's actually adorable. I love Border Collies!! Almost as much as I love Australian Shepherds. :> LOOK AT DIS FACE

  • edited November 2014

    He's one of those obsessive BVHs who probably goes on 4chan to talk about how women should all have boobjobs and should comment on cooking not video games.

    Don't waste your time.

    wow. just wan't to bring this to the surface; You're way too obsessed with the website "tumblr" and everything associated with it.

  • Robin Hood, men in tights.
    Goddamn funny movie!
    Nobody does it like Mel Brookes.

    dinofire posted: »

    While I'd prefer her being a preteen/12/13-ish in Season 3, I really don't give a shit as long as her sexuality isn't jammed down our throats.

  • Hey, just give them some time. Things may change. They've come this far, after all.

    The probability that they'll eventually get close? Frankly, I don't know. All I know is that's not an impossibility, given their track record, at least.

    I also don't know how likely it is that Clementine will eventually make it into a safe place in the end, where she can begin a relationship. Personally, I don't know if it's likely, but I also don't think it's unlikely. It also depends on how we play her. Some people will make her cold. This will drastically reduce her chances of a relationship. Others will try to hold onto her more righteous aspects. I hope that if there is a chance for relationships, that the player can get to decide.

    Yeah, but she was conflicted on her more "intimate" feelings for him and still is. I mean the last part of "Roberta's Blood Trial" she pointed a gun at him and demanded he leave because of all the weird shit her emotions were doing because of him.

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