Should an older Clem be hetero, homo or bi, if romance is to be implemented in future games?



  • I specifically said catering to the majority, not everybody

    But, there probably is a way to allow the devs to please everyone (or at least come as close a possible to doing so)

    Just make the relationship aspects choosable by the player. Like mass effect, maybe?

    Now if they put relationships, people will want LGBT. You are not going to be able to cater to everyone. Hopefully it can be something like Carley and will be cut short by a bullet.

  • Let the player decide. Everybody wins.

    I'm down for asexual Clementine, anyone else.

  • Why would it be awkward, she's on the verge of puberty it's normal for girls to have crushes on people.

    Healoz posted: »

    Sorry, but Clementine romancing anything would be SO AWKWARD. If Telltale does pulls it off without making it super akwward I'd give 'ema million dollars. (ok not really)

  • But dadddddd, I'm 53 years old

    Clementine! If you sneak out of the house to go to a party one more time, you are grounded young lady! Do you hear me!?!

  • Obviously of course, I'm just saying mine would be.

    squadsenser posted: »

    Let the player decide. Everybody wins.

  • Poor choice of words.

    Honestly, look at Clementine, she's a fucking MAN(mentally). Any relationship she gets into, She's the one that would be running it. I think it would be more like a type of thing that she's a teaser, not a A.S.(apocalyptic s^&*)

  • Shshshshshshhs let a girl dream okay? (Thanks, most people would freak the fuck out because I was being rude xD)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Because that would be too good for the walking dead universe where everything dies and the world sucks. :P (It´s fine, I realise it wasn´t meant to be rude. )

  • Are saying you had a problem with Ellie possibly being a lesbian?

    No. but i'm just saying that they should'nt put these scenes in the game. and just give Clementine a chance to "decide" her sexuality. If they ever bring that subject up.

    (with decide I mean picking friendships/ knowing about sex, love etc.)

    I don't like things to be forced. and after all...
    Alt text

    So? What's your point? Are saying you had a problem with Ellie possibly being a lesbian? Why? Unless this is just because you don't want

  • Yes but sexual preferences become active at a certain age, and the people in your environment have a big influence on your sexuality.

    For example: Ellie from The Last Of Us most likely "became" gay because she have been spending a lot of time with her best friend. and she felt love, she felt that her best friend cares. and she wanted to express herself, thank her perhaps. and she did that with a kiss. and apologises after.

    Now there was a certainty that she felt attracted to men. In one of the scenes of the DLC of the game, she picks up a photo, smiles and says: "He was a handsome man." bla bla bla. anyway. I believe that anyone can love anyone. for whatever reasons.

    Why wouldn't I? If she's gay, she's gay.

  • Basically, dumbledore, his brother, and grindewald (dumbledore's best friend) got into a three way duel. Dumbledore's sister tried to help and ended up getting killed (and it's implied dumbledore or his brother was the one who accidentally did it)

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Something with his sister right? I heard she died. I don't follow Harry Potter well and I didn't read all the books so I don't know.

  • I don't think it's appropriate on the subject of sexuality.

    But good quote though.

    squadsenser posted: »

    "People don't always make sense" -Lee Everett

  • edited December 2014

    What's been said here is that people don't bat an eye to the gore of a zombie apocalypse, yet are weirded out by something as trivial as homosexuality. This doesn't make sense. People aren't always logical in their decisions.

    I don't think it's appropriate on the subject of sexuality. But good quote though.

  • why are we even arguin about this??!! hahahahhahahha, doesn't matter it's all about ZA how to survive not some Namby Pamby Thing

  • Obsidian is always getting dicked over with time restraints. New Vegas isn't even the worst of it. Ever played KOTOR 2? Half the game was unfinished because they had so little time to develop it, and when Obsidian offered to patch in the missing content post launch, completely for free, Lucas Arts basically gave them a giant middle finger and told them they couldn't.

    JustinCage posted: »

    Romances between the player and their companions were originally planned, but then scrapped due to... time restraints I believe? Huh, I didn't know that. Damn,Bethesda most of really dicked them over then.

  • 72 dammit!!! and stop trying to make a lesbian out of a little girl!!!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    No romance till she´s 50.

  • Hell no!

    I'm down for asexual Clementine, anyone else.

  • edited December 2014

    Alt text

    Is sexuality even mandatory for a character? I'd rather not have a character, for example, be gay for the sake of being gay. Take a look at Walter, his sexuality was hinted but not shoved into our faces, that's how it should be done. If she's straight, bi, or gay, asexual, then fine, as long as she remains herself, and not constantly telling the world her sexuality.

  • That's because people aren't perfect, they don't always think ahead.

    squadsenser posted: »

    What's been said here is that people don't bat an eye to the gore of a zombie apocalypse, yet are weirded out by something as trivial as homosexuality. This doesn't make sense. People aren't always logical in their decisions.

  • What's been said here is that people don't bat an eye to the gore of a zombie apocalypse, yet are weirded out by something as trivial as homosexuality.

    It's because it's not real, if it was actually realistic, just the smell and gore would've terrify some people. The danger that's in a apocalypse is far more important than someone's sexual preferences. People don't seem to understand / feel diffrent about certain situations when it's not real.

    I just thought it would'nt have been appropiate to just target sexuality with that quote. It should be a global statement not just about sexuality.

    It just makes me sick when thinking about "homosexuality" "far more important" and "people don't always make sense" in the same sentence. but that's just how I feel.

    squadsenser posted: »

    What's been said here is that people don't bat an eye to the gore of a zombie apocalypse, yet are weirded out by something as trivial as homosexuality. This doesn't make sense. People aren't always logical in their decisions.

  • Yeah, his sexuality was so vague that it went straight over most players' heads. It was so vague that he was never on-screen with his friend, and they both died in the same chapter.

    Pretty pathetic, actually. I'd like to see more homosexual characters in The Walking Dead who don't get immediately killed off to make the bad guy 'evil'.

    Is sexuality even mandatory for a character? I'd rather not have a character, for example, be gay for the sake of being gay. Take a look at

  • exchange flowers and chocolates because that's what chu do when you're in wuv.'

    Now i'm getting the impression that asexual people be like that because they had negative expierences and now they just hate romance, or gave up on it.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Well I'm asexual =D I'd kill to see a character in a game be asexual because I've just never seen it in anything except for this one vague m

  • I would describe that as no loving - just hating and killing.

    she will be asexual aromantic

  • edited December 2014

    well it isn't odd to know a thing or two about sex at that age and after all its the apocalypse; a lot could've happend in the time while Clementine was with Christa. so I think shes already decided for sexual preferences; regarding her intelligence and the fact that shes almost / already a "teen" and goes into puberty.

    Clem would most likely be straight and find a good boyfriend to survive with. Remember in season 1 when she ever asked Lee if he's ever have

  • edited December 2014

    "What sexuality do you prefer Clementine?"

    [Homo] [Hetero] [Bi] [...]

    Healoz posted: »

    They should do it like dragon age and mass effect. Let the player chose!

  • edited December 2014

    But awkward is FUN. It'll be awkward for Clementine and stuff. but it will be fun to watch thou.

    Healoz posted: »

    Sorry, but Clementine romancing anything would be SO AWKWARD. If Telltale does pulls it off without making it super akwward I'd give 'ema million dollars. (ok not really)

  • actually; they shouldn't make dialogues that will lead you to pick your own sexuality. thats stupid.

    just straight. no last of us shit.

    and decide wether you want to enter romance.

    with whoever you want.

    also dont make it a sims

    wait just dont make it a love story whatsoever

    check that. Don't focuss on love at all. its good as it is

    This game needs every one of those to make the world go round, and make people feel equal.

  • Couldn't agree more.

    Just let her be and lets not witness stuff with her sexuality / just throw romance away.

    dinofire posted: »

    While I'd prefer her being a preteen/12/13-ish in Season 3, I really don't give a shit as long as her sexuality isn't jammed down our throats.

  • edited December 2014

    Nah, more like just can't be bothered with romance in the first place. It's like when you're a kid and you get innocent crushes on people, sometimes you might even seek that platonic attachment to others, but never the extreme of 'daaamn I'm picturing your ass naked! join me in my disco ball candle scented bedroom'. My uncle was the same, he never married or has relationshps, he was quite happy by himself. Apparently we end up getting called robots [or some have from what i've heard] because people just don't get it or think you're odd or secretly gay. Heck, whenever I've had a job, I alway dread people asking me if I've got a boyfriend because of the response of 'but why aren't you like us?' that comes out of it x_x I've kinda had that judgemental stuff all my life. It's frustrating because you has no interest of it and you just keep wishing people would stop asking instead of staring at you or talking behind your back like you're an alien from another planet.

    But you can't really blame people, because they just don't know any better on what most have never heard of. We're kind of a rarity.

    exchange flowers and chocolates because that's what chu do when you're in wuv.' Now i'm getting the impression that asexual people be like that because they had negative expierences and now they just hate romance, or gave up on it.

  • We're kind of a rarity.

    o.o ... <--Linky.

    <--Another linky.

    Rarities are the best. ;)

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Nah, more like just can't be bothered with romance in the first place. It's like when you're a kid and you get innocent crushes on people, s

  • But people are weirded out by homosexuality in video games, even though it's just a game, like you claim. People are okay with virtual gore, yet not with virtual homosexuality?

    Anyway, I believe Lee's quote has a powerful meaning. I wasn't trying to use it exclusively for a place like this. Humans do not make sense, in so many other ways. I thought to use the quote here, not because I felt it only applied to this topic, but simply because I felt this is one topic among many that could be described by that quote.

    I don't think homosexuality is "far more important" than survival. I just think people should not be bothered that much about it.

    What's been said here is that people don't bat an eye to the gore of a zombie apocalypse, yet are weirded out by something as trivial as hom

  • Honestly don't get how it was vague
    Even if you didn't get the quotes , the picture made it pretty obvious

    Bokor posted: »

    Yeah, his sexuality was so vague that it went straight over most players' heads. It was so vague that he was never on-screen with his frien

  • Yes but... You have to play as her. Have you played a bioware game? Controlling the flirting and romancy stuff is pretty weird and bioware has it down to an art form. xD

    devilshomie posted: »

    Why would it be awkward, she's on the verge of puberty it's normal for girls to have crushes on people.

  • Yeah this.

    I got really tired of Omid and Christa's sexuality being jammed down my throat in season one. Like we get it, you're a straight couple.

    dinofire posted: »

    While I'd prefer her being a preteen/12/13-ish in Season 3, I really don't give a shit as long as her sexuality isn't jammed down our throats.

  • Um... you don't become gay. You are born with it.

    Yes but sexual preferences become active at a certain age, and the people in your environment have a big influence on your sexuality. For

  • Like other people have said, I think the player should be allowed to choose. They can choose a guy, girl or neither. But, I I don't see Clementine being romantically interested in anyone for a long time coming...

    right now they just need to focus on Clem's survival and how she's going to protect Aj

  • I agree, we are not here to go through a soap opera. Adding "full fledged" romance doesn't make a story better. A little scene here and there where two characters seem to like eachother does make it seem more authentic, like with Luke and Jane. But keep it just at that, a secondary detail.

    Aerie88 posted: »

    Like other people have said, I think the player should be allowed to choose. They can choose a guy, girl or neither. But, I I don't see Clem

  • Agreed. Don't forget Alvin and Rebecca and Kenny and Katjaa/Sarita. Man, they were annoying.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Yeah this. I got really tired of Omid and Christa's sexuality being jammed down my throat in season one. Like we get it, you're a straight couple.

  • edited March 2015

    Should an older Clem be hetero, homo or bi, if romance is to be implemented in future games?


    Doing anything involving her sexuality or romance really screams "We've run out of ideas."

  • Kenny and Kat and Christa and Omid were the only two that didnt annoy me Alvin and Sarita were just props and plot devices really, typical of characters in relationships

    Flog61 posted: »

    Yeah this. I got really tired of Omid and Christa's sexuality being jammed down my throat in season one. Like we get it, you're a straight couple.

  • I was joking that if you went asexual it would be the same like that.

    man this thread is old though.

    What the...absolutely not. What do you think being asexual is exactly? It means she's not attracted romantically or sexually to anyone.

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