Dragon Age Fan Thread



  • I hooked up with the elf girl because in my DA i always play as the elf, i don't have any love for the Shem world. I spend most of my time in the Alienage avoiding being hung or beaten by them dirty Shems.

    Fenris was my favorite Love Interest... but he was a little broody and whiny. He was still a better option than Anders IMO. Besides, when Fenris wasn't brooding, he was dancing...

  • edited December 2014

    You craft runes at the weapon crafting table.

    And yeah, T3 is the highest as far as I know.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    What is the highest value schematics, T3 right? Also i don't know if I'm stupid, but how do you craft a rune. I went to the undercroft a

  • Didn't like him much either, but that title goes to Anders.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Fenris imo was the worst character in Dragon Age, he was such a emo elf.

  • yea i am playing origins on pc

    What system are you playing Origins on? The combat is leagues better on PC, and there are mods to improve it.

  • There are a lot of mods I'd recommend installing, then. Faster Combat is a good start, makes everything much more fast-paced, and there are two different versions of it depending on your preference.

    Origins is a fantastic game, still probably the best in the series in many aspects. I really don't advise skipping it.

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    yea i am playing origins on pc

  • Why is black wall so good?

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Well one thing i would do is try to stay = level with your main quest or else it gets too easy. Once you get towards the end, and you get some gear, your main character is unstoppable, and Blackwell is the best tank in the game, so your golden.

  • Two words: Champion specialization.

    I got through some dragon fights with him being the last one alive, never losing health, and the dragon only somewhat cracking through his guard. Yeah.

    Why is black wall so good?

  • yea i don't really want to skip it but we'll see i'll keep trying with some mods installed thanks :)

    There are a lot of mods I'd recommend installing, then. Faster Combat is a good start, makes everything much more fast-paced, and there are

  • Two words: Champion specialization.

    QFT, I mean Cassandra is good, but she isn't overpowered like Blackwall. Blackwall never dies The champion Tanking Class is just so much more better than the Templar spec.

    I eventually just respecced Casandra 2 handed weapon spec, and had Blackwall as main tank.

    Two words: Champion specialization. I got through some dragon fights with him being the last one alive, never losing health, and the dragon only somewhat cracking through his guard. Yeah.

  • WHen Anders blew up the chantry or whatever at the end of Dragon Age 2, i was like WTF MAN, that was a little out of place, left field.

    Didn't like him much either, but that title goes to Anders.

  • I don't know if you know this , but you know the zone connected to the Emerald Grave place, where you get that epic Elvish 2 hander. That area with all the chests, you can use to farm all the patterns in the game. I farmed that zone for a while and would grab every pattern that came my way. There are you tube videos on it, on how to farm the area.

    I think when they fix the issues with the game i may just start over and play on the hardest difficulty. I think I'm ready to fight the dragons on nightmare now.

    You craft runes at the weapon crafting table. And yeah, T3 is the highest as far as I know.

  • Well hopefully you won't. The game is awesome when it works.

    I have yet to experience a single bug playing the Xbox one version.

  • Here are the list of bugs that I've experienced. All PS4 bugs, some i know affect other systems.

    Textures when zoning in will lag and pop in/out

    Sometimes the Left control stick will stop responding on your PS4 controller, so you can't use potions or issue commands. The only way to resolve this is to save/load the game. (frequently)

    The word traveling gets garbled in the loading screen. (personally the traveling screen was a dumb idea, why not just let me look at the previous screen with the text on it but W/E)

    Party banter is almost non existent, some sort of issue with this.

    Dialogue/Cut scenes capped at 30 fps? (not sure why, but yeah)

    During certain main story quest lines, the conversation will cause issues, For me it started during the hawk storyline and continued through the Grey Warden Area, then i stopped playing at that point. Sometimes when talking to someone , my choice box does not appear at all, causing you to either be unable to make choices or have consequences.

    I have heard of other people having some really bizarre bugs, but i haven't experienced them. Please report any bugs that you have had on your system. I have heard reports of people being mistaken for the other sex by npcs, like if your main character is a man, they would refer to her as a girl. Some really weird stuff.

    Lingvort posted: »

    It is. I'm playing on PC, however, but I can tell that bugs, freezes, lags, stuttering and low FPS on PCs with rigs WAY better than recommen

  • Just beat Dragon Age Inquisition! When you are at the last mission BRING A MAGE. Seriously. P.S Cole is my favorite male character. P.S.S Cassandra Pentaghast is my favorite Female character.

  • Just a warning for PC users, the new patch breaks the game's graphics. Regardless of what settings you were playing on, it sticks it all at low range settings, no matter what you change it to.

    I'd advise against patching.

  • edited December 2014

    For fuck's sake... And I here I thought it could fix at least something, but, no, it doesn't. I guess there's no revert function, either.


    I'm terribly sorry for this outrage, but I just can't take it otherwise.

    Just a warning for PC users, the new patch breaks the game's graphics. Regardless of what settings you were playing on, it sticks it all at low range settings, no matter what you change it to. I'd advise against patching.

  • edited December 2014

    Sucks you are affected by all these bugs :( I have some friends saying they haven't really experienced any bugs on pc. I guess it affects everyone differently.

    Lingvort posted: »

    For fuck's sake... And I here I thought it could fix at least something, but, no, it doesn't. I guess there's no revert function, either.

  • edited December 2014

    Well, on the bright side, it does apparently actually root out quite a few glaring bugs.

    Just...breaks something while fixing another, it seems. Ah, software development.

    Lingvort posted: »

    For fuck's sake... And I here I thought it could fix at least something, but, no, it doesn't. I guess there's no revert function, either.

  • Well, since I was having issues since Day 1 on this piece-of-fucking-crap ride (pay this no mind, I'm just too angry over it), I'm not gonna hope for a miracle and think this patch won't mess up graphics for me. It will, and most likely worse than for everyone else.

    Though, wait a second, if the patch for some goddamn reason forces the lowest settings, then, what the hell, I've been playing on those settings since back in the day. I'll be fine, in that case.

    Sucks you are affected by all these bugs I have some friends saying they haven't really experienced any bugs on pc. I guess it affects everyone differently.

  • Yeah, it's like fixing a boat by riping off its planks and nailing them in another part of the boat. Eventually, it'll sink.

    I hope Bioware doesn't fucking sink with this shit going on.

    Well, on the bright side, it does apparently actually root out quite a few glaring bugs. Just...breaks something while fixing another, it seems. Ah, software development.

  • edited December 2014

    My favourite scene in Inquisition, by the way be sure to tell me what you think of my Inquisitor, as close as I could get to my own likeness.


  • Thanks for the warning. Luckily for me, I haven't downloaded the patch yet.

    Just a warning for PC users, the new patch breaks the game's graphics. Regardless of what settings you were playing on, it sticks it all at low range settings, no matter what you change it to. I'd advise against patching.

  • Oh, a word from fans? Oh, I'd tell 'em a few words. I'd fucking tell 'em.

  • You're gonna have to play the game in offline mode, because it seems to want you to download it no matter what.

    Pipas posted: »

    Thanks for the warning. Luckily for me, I haven't downloaded the patch yet.

  • I'll keep that in mind. Thanks again. :)

    You're gonna have to play the game in offline mode, because it seems to want you to download it no matter what.

  • We have to remember Dragon Age 2 is Varric's retelling of the events that occured around Hawke and in Kirkwall... as Varric says. He's prone to telling excessive lies. ;)

    But no, really, Anders was just cray cray. Love you Anders, but you still crazy.

  • This scene game me some serious chills. It's absolutely incredible.

    My favourite scene in Inquisition, by the way be sure to tell me what you think of my Inquisitor, as close as I could get to my own likeness. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FststnGSdV8

  • God damnit i already downloaded the patch

    Just a warning for PC users, the new patch breaks the game's graphics. Regardless of what settings you were playing on, it sticks it all at low range settings, no matter what you change it to. I'd advise against patching.

  • So... I caved in and bought some stuff from the Bioware Store on Black Friday...Anyone want to see pix of the Morrigan Hoody and Cullen tank top I got? They're both so amazing! XD

  • UPDATE for PS4 users, they fixed the conversation bug for the hawk mission. I just downloaded the patch and tested it, its working now.

    Sorry PC users

    Lingvort posted: »

    For fuck's sake... And I here I thought it could fix at least something, but, no, it doesn't. I guess there's no revert function, either.

  • Sure, show us! :)

    So... I caved in and bought some stuff from the Bioware Store on Black Friday...Anyone want to see pix of the Morrigan Hoody and Cullen tank top I got? They're both so amazing! XD

  • For those who are having graphical problems after the latest patch, HERE's a workaround until Bioware fixes it.

  • "Sorry about any frustration this may have caused."

    Oh, you don't even know, Conal. You don't even fucking know.

    Pipas posted: »

    For those who are having graphical problems after the latest patch, HERE's a workaround until Bioware fixes it.

  • edited December 2014

    They acknowledged the problem quickly and are putting a fix out very soon. As in, a few hours by the sounds of it. Cool yer jets, it could be worse. It could be Ubisoft.

    Lingvort posted: »

    "Sorry about any frustration this may have caused." Oh, you don't even know, Conal. You don't even fucking know.

  • Yeah, instead of actually putting their shit together at the release or soon afterwards. Also, fuck Ubisoft. If there's one company I despise as much as EA, it's them.

    They acknowledged the problem quickly and are putting a fix out very soon. As in, a few hours by the sounds of it. Cool yer jets, it could be worse. It could be Ubisoft.

  • Stuff like that happens. It's not like the game is broken all across the board, there are plenty of people with no glaring issues.

    They should have done more QA, yes. But be glad they're actually interacting with the people having problems and trying to root them out.

    Lingvort posted: »

    Yeah, instead of actually putting their shit together at the release or soon afterwards. Also, fuck Ubisoft. If there's one company I despise as much as EA, it's them.

  • I won't be glad until the game gets at least somewhat fixed. So far, it's barely fixed.

    Stuff like that happens. It's not like the game is broken all across the board, there are plenty of people with no glaring issues. They s

  • I run it on high with no problems at all.

    Stuff like that happens. It's not like the game is broken all across the board, there are plenty of people with no glaring issues. They s

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