Forum Werewolf



  • @bloop has been nominated, for the third time, what do you say in your defense?

  • edited December 2014

    You might noticed that I was really angry yesterday after the wolf was spared again. I did not think about supersagig and this damn tea. Instead I was taking a walk in the forest to blow off some steam. Also I was hoping to find a trail for the wolf. I mean, we still have zero evidence that someone from our village is the furry. By all means it could be some wild werewolf from outside our village, roaming the woods at day and our village at night, while we're at each other's throats. To check this crazy theory I roamed in the forest for a while, until it was already really late. Realizing that I forgot the time, I returned home and saw supersagigs body at my home, like the rest of you have.

    No, there is no one who can confirm this as I really needed a break from yesterdays lynching session. Maybe someone saw me walking inside the forest, I don't know. Yes I know that looks suspicious, but it's the truth so I'm sticking with ot. Only furry cowards need to lie. I also won't lie: It was probably for the better that I wasn't home during this. Or do you really think me and supersagig could have defeated that wolf on our own? If I had been there, you would have found two bodies today...

    But you failed to answer my question: Why would I leave the body in my house when every other person including Toby was attacked at their own house? You know me and you know I'm not stupid!

    papai46 posted: »

    Then why were you not inside?

  • To answer your question: werewolves are savage creatures they aren't smart enough to hide a body!

    You might noticed that I was really angry yesterday after the wolf was spared again. I did not think about supersagig and this damn tea. Ins

  • As the SEER, I have tested @LiquidChicagoTed - HE IS INNOCENT.

    You might noticed that I was really angry yesterday after the wolf was spared again. I did not think about supersagig and this damn tea. Ins

  • Thank you seer. For the sake of all of us, especially yours, I hope we can put an end to this today. You're placing yourself in grave danger for us and I can not thank you enough for this!

    As the SEER, I have tested @LiquidChicagoTed - HE IS INNOCENT.

  • What? Again?

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    @bloop has been nominated, for the third time, what do you say in your defense?

  • Yep...This is his third time on trial... ;P

    papai46 posted: »

    What? Again?

  • And how do you know? From where comes your expert knowledge in how the mind of this creature works? From what I know they have been terribly smart in bringing us up against each other. Also, should I (and the seer and the others as well) be right in our suspicion against bloop, then the wolf chose supersagig especially because he was one of the most vocal for hanging him.

    I start to believe there might be more than one wolf left. And with you being so certain that I am the furry, so certain that you even ignore what the seeker found out, I start to find your behaviour growing suspicious as well.

    papai46 posted: »

    To answer your question: werewolves are savage creatures they aren't smart enough to hide a body!

  • We never saw the fucking seer! He could be lying and knowledge about werewolves are in the books.

    And how do you know? From where comes your expert knowledge in how the mind of this creature works? From what I know they have been terribly

  • edited December 2014

    But why should he lie? Why placing himself in such a danger? Yes, it can be that both he and I are furries and I can not give you any proof that this is not the case, at least no proof you could believe. The only thing I can give you is my word that I am not a werewolf. And if you are not a werewolf you do better not trust my word, nor the words of anyone else. Blind trust will be the downfall of this village. I only trust InGen_Nate_Kenny because I know that he speeks the truth about me, which makes me believe he also speaks the truth about bloop.

    And yes, there are books about werewolves. But I'm afraid these have not been written by them, yet instead by people analyzing the chaos they left behind. Ordinary wolves are pretty intelligent animals, so why should a werewolf be too savage to think twice where they kill someone? As a werewolf I wouldn't have killed supersagig, who I agreed with on most occasions. We have been friends and as a werewolf I would have picked someone else, someone who never agreed with me. Why should I kill my biggest ally in this village?

    papai46 posted: »

    We never saw the fucking seer! He could be lying and knowledge about werewolves are in the books.

  • You're right, I forgot about that.

    Tobi is the protector, you can trust him as well.

  • Tobi is the protector, you can trust him as well.

    But why should he lie? Why placing himself in such a danger? Yes, it can be that both he and I are furries and I can not give you any proof

  • It's fine because if @bloop isn't executed, I will surely be killed, which then shows he is guilty. I hope it doesn't come to that.

    Thank you seer. For the sake of all of us, especially yours, I hope we can put an end to this today. You're placing yourself in grave danger for us and I can not thank you enough for this!

  • He's probably still guilty but Ill need to think about it more

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    @bloop has been nominated, for the third time, what do you say in your defense?

  • Oh my fucking god, what the hell do I have to prove? As for my alibi, I have very bad stomach virus and barely have the strength to get up out of bed. I've been throwing up all night and barely got any sleep.

    Really though, in real life, I really am sick today.

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    @bloop has been nominated, for the third time, what do you say in your defense?

  • bloop has made his case. he claims he's been sick. You will now vote on whether he is guilty or innocent, you can not change you vote, once we get 5 votes for one thing it will be close and the hanging will begin. I can also close the voting when i chose to do so.



  • I hope you get well soon. :(

    bloop posted: »

    Oh my fucking god, what the hell do I have to prove? As for my alibi, I have very bad stomach virus and barely have the strength to get up o

  • edited December 2014


    You all know where I stand in this case. Bloop is a werewolf, responsible for the deaths of supersagig, ps3gamer095 and TheWolfOfTheDead. Today the seer confirmed what I said from the very beginning. People of the village, I know you have little reason to trust me, but please you have to be with me on this one. We can end this today! We only need this five votes. Trust the seer! Trust him this one time and it all can be over.

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    bloop has made his case. he claims he's been sick. You will now vote on whether he is guilty or innocent, you can not change you vote, once

  • Who is the Seer? And did he say Bloop is Guilty? I need to be sure.....

    [Guilty] You all know where I stand in this case. Bloop is a werewolf, responsible for the deaths of supersagig, ps3gamer095 and TheWolfO

  • InGen_Nate_Kenny is the seer. He checked bloop and me during the last nights. He confirmed that I am innocent and he confirmed that bloop is a werewolf.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Who is the Seer? And did he say Bloop is Guilty? I need to be sure.....

  • InGen is seer and he said he was guilty

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Who is the Seer? And did he say Bloop is Guilty? I need to be sure.....

  • Thanks :) You're cool, Kewl.

    InGen_Nate_Kenny is the seer. He checked bloop and me during the last nights. He confirmed that I am innocent and he confirmed that bloop is a werewolf.

  • [Guilty]

    Trust the seer guys. I said inno the first two times, I gave him a second chance, but the seer has spoken. Guilty!

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    bloop has made his case. he claims he's been sick. You will now vote on whether he is guilty or innocent, you can not change you vote, once

  • edited December 2014

    There's more info now... Guilty

    [Guilty] You all know where I stand in this case. Bloop is a werewolf, responsible for the deaths of supersagig, ps3gamer095 and TheWolfO

  • [Guilty]

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    bloop has made his case. he claims he's been sick. You will now vote on whether he is guilty or innocent, you can not change you vote, once

  • edited December 2014

    Since supersagig is out of the game unfortunately, I think I'll take over his job and notify the ones who still need to vote. Only one vote needed to end this, it would be a shame if todays lynching fails due to lack of activity :D



    @1506898 (whose time zone most likely prevents him from voting, but still worth a try...)

  • Well I'll vote Guilty I suppose

    Since supersagig is out of the game unfortunately, I think I'll take over his job and notify the ones who still need to vote. Only one vote

  • That's 5... Lynching time...

    Since supersagig is out of the game unfortunately, I think I'll take over his job and notify the ones who still need to vote. Only one vote

  • Alt text

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Well I'll vote Guilty I suppose

  • @bloop is voted guilty and is walked to the hanging tree by LiquidChicagoTed, he walks up the stairs to the platform and stands over the trap door, LiquidChicagoTed puts the rope around bloop's neck and then steps to the lever, he puts his hand on it waiting to pull it.

    "bloop, what are your last words?" LiquidChicagoTed asked.

  • edited December 2014

    I abstain...

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    bloop has made his case. he claims he's been sick. You will now vote on whether he is guilty or innocent, you can not change you vote, once

  • He's already been declared Guilty...

    papai46 posted: »

    I abstain...

  • I guess he wants to be quiet.

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    @bloop is voted guilty and is walked to the hanging tree by LiquidChicagoTed, he walks up the stairs to the platform and stands over the tra

  • bloop said he was sick so I'm going to give him sometime to answer.

    papai46 posted: »

    I guess he wants to be quiet.

  • The irony, that @LiquidChicagoTed gets to hang him.

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    @bloop is voted guilty and is walked to the hanging tree by LiquidChicagoTed, he walks up the stairs to the platform and stands over the tra

  • I just wanted to get it out my system.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    He's already been declared Guilty...

  • Maybe he's stalling But I think I heard he's actually sick or something.

    @bloop hurry up xD

  • You're all cowards, killing anyone you see. Soon you'll all be dead if you keep acting the way you are now. Keeps the lights on at night. I'll see you all in Hell.

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    @bloop is voted guilty and is walked to the hanging tree by LiquidChicagoTed, he walks up the stairs to the platform and stands over the tra

  • I'm sorry :(

    bloop posted: »

    You're all cowards, killing anyone you see. Soon you'll all be dead if you keep acting the way you are now. Keeps the lights on at night. I'll see you all in Hell.

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