If Clem is not the protagonist or involved in Season 3..
Explain below, post a gif or pic of how you would react, be it good or bad.
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Explain below, post a gif or pic of how you would react, be it good or bad.
Heres my reaction if she's not in season 3
This would be a scream of dismay
Lol well now we know one is happy about it hahah
my response for those who dont want clem in season 3
Last time I checked the game was called "The Walking Dead" not "The Walking Clementine." I would probably be even more excited for S3 if she wasn't because I would love to see how the new story would work out.
Me writing an angry letter to Telltale:

But in all seriousness, while I would be disappointed, I would still buy the game. Telltale has proven to me time and time again that they can create a great story, no matter that PC.
I care about story. Clem is less important since s2. They can replace her.
I am sick of Clementine's story, season 2 pretty much destroyed her character for me. IMO its time to move on.
That is all U_U
I don't really like Clementine. They ruined her character in Season 2 IMO.
I'd much rather play as someone who doesn't act like a total douche and doesn't make that bitch face when talking to other people. The worst thing is that her bitchyness doesn't even depend on our choices. I mean, you can choose the nicest dialogue option possible and she will still give you that stink eye of hers at some point.
Gurl, you're 11. You're not even old enough to be a bitch.
Best episode of Sunny EVER. xD
Sorry but don't ever put "bitch" and "Clementine" in the same sentence, they don't go together at all. If you go through what Clementine has gone through then say this then you will have credibility, but as of now this is just an opinion which is rather shitty IMO XD.
I would have no reaction.
Excuse me? Like it or not, I am the one who decides about the structure of my sentences. I couldn't care less whether you think my opinion is shitty or not. I'd much rather have a shitty opinion than a shitty attitude which seems to be the case with you.
Ok I apologise for hurting your feelings
I respectfully disagree from personal experience
There isn't a minimum age on being a bitch
If we happen to be on the same page in being for Clementine as PC....
If we're not on the same page...
PS: Don't take that too personally, I'm just messing around on that last bit. I just wanted an excuse to use that gif. lol
Now for my reaction if she's not PC....
I'd be extremely disappointed since there's still room for her to develop, and tossing her out like trash is completely ridiculous, almost as bad as Nick's death(yeah I said it, hit me, I don't give a monkey's ass if you hate what I said). Yes she didn't get a lot of development in S2, doesn't mean they can't develop her in the next. I've seen stories where a protagonist takes a long time to develop, so if they can develop for so long, why can't Clem?
I been through worse than what Clementine has been through, and you know what. I still don't like her, now what.
Don't get the point of the thread but
I'd be disappointed but at the end I'd still buy it. BUT I think it's not gonna happened. Why? It'll be season 3 of the game so we'll see Clementine (as PC or not) or at least someone connected to her. To people who would want to have a new story, new characters and no connection to previous seasons - if Telltale were planning to do this they wouldn't call this one "season 3". "Season 3" means that in some way they will continue story from previous seasons.
I would also be really disappointed too if Clem is not the main character. I really loved playing as her.
I agree. I think TT had a cool idea for us to play as Clem, but the events of Season 2 were just too much for an 11 year old girl who's also lost her parents, and her guardian. At least Lee had some emotion, Clem is understandably numb, but it just turned into a horrible experience to play as her in Season 2, at least in Season 1 even though Lee died, we saved Clem. And Season 1 was far better for that reason.
Season 1:
Season 2:
Season 3 with Clem
I might actually consider buying Season 3 if Clem is not the main character.
Probably the most disturbing gif I've ever seen.
You're welcome
If Clem isn't the protagonist but is still involved in the story I think I'll be able to accept it though it will be a little weird at first. But if they get rid of her completely:
FUCK NO. Clementine was the reason season 1 got so popular because of the cuteness which led to telltale Games creating another one with Clementine as the protagonist, if they just drop her and leave her like no one even knows her and completely whipe her off of the walking dead game in general then fuck no I will not buy the game.. I mean look at my name does that explain it?
End of the day I won't buy it if Clementine is not involved a single bit, if she is dropped and never even spoken about then no, I won't buy it.