FUCK NO. Clementine was the reason season 1 got so popular because of the cuteness which led to telltale Games creating another one with Cle… morementine as the protagonist, if they just drop her and leave her like no one even knows her and completely whipe her off of the walking dead game in general then fuck no I will not buy the game.. I mean look at my name does that explain it?
End of the day I won't buy it if Clementine is not involved a single bit, if she is dropped and never even spoken about then no, I won't buy it.
Me writing an angry letter to Telltale:
But in all seriousness, while I would be disappointed, I would still buy the game. Telltale has proven to me time and time again that they can create a great story, no matter that PC.
I wouldnt be bothered either way.. but they need to sort their selves out no mater what they do...
Clem should never have been protag for S2.. but we are where we are now.. no going back... so we have to deal with it.. I still think she is to young to be protag again in s3 while also making the plot and story believable...
Clem could have been the golden egg of the series, but they cheaply used and destroyed her character in S2..
Yeah, but she's the protagonist. Plus the way Season 2 ended(Whatever ending one ended up with) was a cliffhanger. I'm sure we all want to know what happens next and how Clementine and AJ grow up. But I respect your opinion.
Last time I checked the game was called "The Walking Dead" not "The Walking Clementine." I would probably be even more excited for S3 if she wasn't because I would love to see how the new story would work out.
I'd like it if she was a character in it, but not the protaganist. If she's not in it I mostly won't care, I'll just be kind of sad that she won't appear again. If she's the protaganist I'll be disappointed, we need a new perspective or it'll get repetitive.
No way. She was an awful character in season two, her either being killed off as a secondary character or not appearing at all would be the best for her destroyed character imo.
No way. She was an awful character in season two, her either being killed off as a secondary character or not appearing at all would be the best for her destroyed character imo.
Gotta say these results are interesting seeing all these responses, either all of the Clem supporters have left this forum until season 3 or everybody hates Clem all of a sudden.*
A very vocal minority. Usually the ones (ie. Anti-Clem) who are against an idea are more vocal than the ones who's actually alright with it. Most of the time, the ones (ie. Pro-Clem) who are up for the idea just don't want waste their breath as they already spoke their case enough times already. Well, in this case at least. (Hope I didn't make that confusing in what I meant. It's hard to describe.)
Gotta say these results are interesting seeing all these responses, either all of the Clem supporters have left this forum until season 3 or everybody hates Clem all of a sudden.*
I want to see them reinvent Clementine as a follower, now that she has had some hardships, maybe she becomes really emotionally unstable for season 3. If you stayed with Kenny, maybe she would pick some of his temper, stubbornness, etc. If you stayed with Jane she would pick up traits of being a cold uncaring person, who would be a little Jane. Children emulate authority figures. Its just what they do.
If she was alone, they could write her as having bad trust issues. I personally would LOVE Clementine to be in the story but not be the playable character, have more of a role like S1 where she has her issues, and the protagonist helps Clementine overcome them in S3.
Here is the key thing though. They don't kill off the new guy/girl. They don't make him/her determinant. They write more of a intimate story between the two, maybe have someone who actually gives a shit about Clementine.
I agree. I think TT had a cool idea for us to play as Clem, but the events of Season 2 were just too much for an 11 year old girl who's also… more lost her parents, and her guardian. At least Lee had some emotion, Clem is understandably numb, but it just turned into a horrible experience to play as her in Season 2, at least in Season 1 even though Lee died, we saved Clem. And Season 1 was far better for that reason.
A lot of Pro-Clem users (such as myself) already explained over and over and over again why she should continue to be one. If you keep on repeating the same explanation it gets tiresome. I'm starting to get to that point right now, honestly. It's just some are more vocal than others.
I would prefer it if this girl we have gotten to know over the course of 10 grueling episodes of TWD would come back for another season. I put too much time and effort into making Clementine perfect just to have her get removed from the story. To have her not follow through her story into the next season would feel like an injustice.
Well.... I'm not entirely sure. If I'm right then I'm right. If I'm wrong then I'm wrong. For me, I'm just tired of explaining over and over how she can still work as the protagonist. And I can think of ways her story can continue. I mean, every character has their fans and haters, even a series main protagonist, but should that stop Telltale from possibly making a better chapter to Clem's story?
A very vocal minority. Usually the ones (ie. Anti-Clem) who are against an idea are more vocal than the ones who's actually alright with it.… more Most of the time, the ones (ie. Pro-Clem) who are up for the idea just don't want waste their breath as they already spoke their case enough times already. Well, in this case at least. (Hope I didn't make that confusing in what I meant. It's hard to describe.)
That was the WORST. Good god... that whole warfare made me stay away from this section for so long. Every thread you saw in the forum had involvement with the whole thing. It was annoying as fuck. I wanted to get a freaking chainsaw and wreak havoc.
I know right, it really made me hate both characters. I never hated Kenny really, i mean i disliked things he did but the forums took it to a new level. Personally i would prefer if CLementine is still in the story, however i don't want her as main protagonist. I think that ship has sailed.
That was the WORST. Good god... that whole warfare made me stay away from this section for so long. Every thread you saw in the forum had involvement with the whole thing. It was annoying as fuck. I wanted to get a freaking chainsaw and wreak havoc.
I think she's over, speaking purely about her character arc. She really has nowhere else to go in terms of development structure. And, honestly, with the way the season ended (with all five endings) there isn't anyway to start up another with her that doesn't feel loose. Let the five ambiguous endings be the closure of Clementine's story.
I do find it sad though that the season was so terribly handled that her excellent character is now completely undermined by a large percentage of the fan base. I personally found Clementine in season two to be more compelling than her in season one, but that could be my biased views of her as a whole.
But, yeah. Her character arc is through, and if she returns I can't pretend I wouldn't buy it just to play/see her going thorough some more hell. I just hope, as I've said many times before, they don't make her a blank slate protagonist. Easy to market and continuously shove out sequel after sequel, effectively transforming such an interesting character into Master Chief of boredom. I want her to remain special and interesting and if that means simply ending her story... Then so be it.
I think she's over, speaking purely about her character arc. She really has nowhere else to go in terms of development structure. And, hones… moretly, with the way the season ended (with all five endings) there isn't anyway to start up another with her that doesn't feel loose. Let the five ambiguous endings be the closure of Clementine's story.
I do find it sad though that the season was so terribly handled that her excellent character is now completely undermined by a large percentage of the fan base. I personally found Clementine in season two to be more compelling than her in season one, but that could be my biased views of her as a whole.
But, yeah. Her character arc is through, and if she returns I can't pretend I wouldn't buy it just to play/see her going thorough some more hell. I just hope, as I've said many times before, they don't make her a blank slate protagonist. Easy to market and continuously shove out sequel after sequel, effe… [view original content]
i'd actually be totally okay with that. i mean, the endings we had we're ambiguous, yeah, but i think it was a good closure for her story because, well, she's already well-developed,and, with a story like this, the only way her character would have concrete closure would be if she died or if the apocalypse ended and i doubt the latter will happen. i, like many of you i'm sure, would love to explore my ending and see how things go from there, but to keep her character/story going would only prolong the inevitable. it's gotta end sometime, and with the way the multiple endings were this season, ending in a well-secure place, possibly with her last group member, or alone walking toward a horde, i think i'd be okay if it were to happen now.
if a main character who has been in season 1 and 2 and also being the protagonist in season 2 just randomly disappeared and was never to be seen again, you would be ok with that? Yes Clem is my favorite character, but so was Lee, so was Kenny and I didn't know if Kenny was gonna be in season 2 or not and Lee wasn't in season 2 yet I still bought the game..
It's not about me not buying it because 'my favorite character isn't in there' it's the fact that if someone we know seriously well, who we protected in season 1 and played as in season 2 just got thrown out of the game... Then wtf, I won't buy it
Plus, Clementine is still a kid. Her story is FAR from over. She has a lot of growing up to do. Just because they changed the protagonist from season one to season two doesn't mean they have to do that every season. I personally really want Clementine to be the protagonist in Season 3. There are so many questions that are left unanswered plus I just love her character. I really want to see her grow up with AJ and see what else she'll run into in the future.
Well.... I'm not entirely sure. If I'm right then I'm right. If I'm wrong then I'm wrong. For me, I'm just tired of explaining over and over… more how she can still work as the protagonist. And I can think of ways her story can continue. I mean, every character has their fans and haters, even a series main protagonist, but should that stop Telltale from possibly making a better chapter to Clem's story?
I want Clementine to be in season 3 for sure. I feel like her story isn't over yet. Especially because she's still a kid. She has a lot more growing up to do and I want to see AJ grow up as well. All 5 of the endings just doesn't seem like an ending to her story completely. And there are so many questions that are unanswered.
Gotta say these results are interesting seeing all these responses, either all of the Clem supporters have left this forum until season 3 or everybody hates Clem all of a sudden.*
yeah it pisses me off aswell, "why will people not buy a game if there favorite character isn't in it?"
what a stupid fucking question yeah, it may be a sensible question in another thread but since we're talking about CLEMENTINE the protagonist of one season and objective of the other, then it's not a sensible question...
Sorry I'm pretty mad at this and yeah, just try and think about what you're saying and read other things first if it already answers your question.. Alright.. Have a good day
I'm a "Pro-Clem" I guess and I usually stick up for Clem in forums like this. I love talking about The Walking Dead but my friends don't like it, so here is the only place i can really talk about it, and hey that's what it's here for right? I'm not firing shots at you or anything.. I will continuously speak my feelings about the thread topic or about a certain character or something and especially something like this.. i get what you're saying though Have a nice day
A very vocal minority. Usually the ones (ie. Anti-Clem) who are against an idea are more vocal than the ones who's actually alright with it.… more Most of the time, the ones (ie. Pro-Clem) who are up for the idea just don't want waste their breath as they already spoke their case enough times already. Well, in this case at least. (Hope I didn't make that confusing in what I meant. It's hard to describe.)
Why do people refuse to buy a game just because their favourite character isn't in it?
I never get tired of this gif lmao
The answer's in the question.
I've been waiting a long time to use this, but I never got the chance until now.
Woah, the forums turned very anti-Clementine it seems...
Nah, the majority still want Clem, but there are a noticeable minority that don't want her.
I wouldnt be bothered either way.. but they need to sort their selves out no mater what they do...
Clem should never have been protag for S2.. but we are where we are now.. no going back... so we have to deal with it.. I still think she is to young to be protag again in s3 while also making the plot and story believable...
Clem could have been the golden egg of the series, but they cheaply used and destroyed her character in S2..
Am i one of the noticeable minority?
Yeah, but she's the protagonist. Plus the way Season 2 ended(Whatever ending one ended up with) was a cliffhanger. I'm sure we all want to know what happens next and how Clementine and AJ grow up. But I respect your opinion.
I'd like it if she was a character in it, but not the protaganist. If she's not in it I mostly won't care, I'll just be kind of sad that she won't appear again. If she's the protaganist I'll be disappointed, we need a new perspective or it'll get repetitive.
Do you want Clem as a protagonist in S3?
No way. She was an awful character in season two, her either being killed off as a secondary character or not appearing at all would be the best for her destroyed character imo.
Then yes.
Gotta say these results are interesting seeing all these responses, either all of the Clem supporters have left this forum until season 3 or everybody hates Clem all of a sudden.*
No Clem no buy!
A very vocal minority. Usually the ones (ie. Anti-Clem) who are against an idea are more vocal than the ones who's actually alright with it. Most of the time, the ones (ie. Pro-Clem) who are up for the idea just don't want waste their breath as they already spoke their case enough times already. Well, in this case at least. (Hope I didn't make that confusing in what I meant. It's hard to describe.)
Really dont care but Id prefer they dont use her
I love Clem but I don't want her to be the protagonist of season 3 because it would ruin S2's ending.
Just because we don't want her in season 3 doesn't mean we hate her. I personally feel that her story is over and want to move on.
I want to see them reinvent Clementine as a follower, now that she has had some hardships, maybe she becomes really emotionally unstable for season 3. If you stayed with Kenny, maybe she would pick some of his temper, stubbornness, etc. If you stayed with Jane she would pick up traits of being a cold uncaring person, who would be a little Jane. Children emulate authority figures. Its just what they do.
If she was alone, they could write her as having bad trust issues. I personally would LOVE Clementine to be in the story but not be the playable character, have more of a role like S1 where she has her issues, and the protagonist helps Clementine overcome them in S3.
Here is the key thing though. They don't kill off the new guy/girl. They don't make him/her determinant. They write more of a intimate story between the two, maybe have someone who actually gives a shit about Clementine.
Maybe moon's influence?
A lot of Pro-Clem users (such as myself) already explained over and over and over again why she should continue to be one. If you keep on repeating the same explanation it gets tiresome. I'm starting to get to that point right now, honestly. It's just some are more vocal than others.
I would prefer it if this girl we have gotten to know over the course of 10 grueling episodes of TWD would come back for another season. I put too much time and effort into making Clementine perfect just to have her get removed from the story. To have her not follow through her story into the next season would feel like an injustice.
It can't be coincidence!
P.S I want Clem in season 3.
Well.... I'm not entirely sure. If I'm right then I'm right. If I'm wrong then I'm wrong. For me, I'm just tired of explaining over and over how she can still work as the protagonist. And I can think of ways her story can continue. I mean, every character has their fans and haters, even a series main protagonist, but should that stop Telltale from possibly making a better chapter to Clem's story?
At least its better than the Kenny V Jane threads OMG i wanted to shoot myself every day.
That was the WORST. Good god... that whole warfare made me stay away from this section for so long. Every thread you saw in the forum had involvement with the whole thing. It was annoying as fuck. I wanted to get a freaking chainsaw and wreak havoc.
I know right, it really made me hate both characters. I never hated Kenny really, i mean i disliked things he did but the forums took it to a new level. Personally i would prefer if CLementine is still in the story, however i don't want her as main protagonist. I think that ship has sailed.
I think she's over, speaking purely about her character arc. She really has nowhere else to go in terms of development structure. And, honestly, with the way the season ended (with all five endings) there isn't anyway to start up another with her that doesn't feel loose. Let the five ambiguous endings be the closure of Clementine's story.
I do find it sad though that the season was so terribly handled that her excellent character is now completely undermined by a large percentage of the fan base. I personally found Clementine in season two to be more compelling than her in season one, but that could be my biased views of her as a whole.
But, yeah. Her character arc is through, and if she returns I can't pretend I wouldn't buy it just to play/see her going thorough some more hell. I just hope, as I've said many times before, they don't make her a blank slate protagonist. Easy to market and continuously shove out sequel after sequel, effectively transforming such an interesting character into Master Chief of boredom. I want her to remain special and interesting and if that means simply ending her story... Then so be it.
I respect the hell out of this post. Well said.
i'd actually be totally okay with that. i mean, the endings we had we're ambiguous, yeah, but i think it was a good closure for her story because, well, she's already well-developed,and, with a story like this, the only way her character would have concrete closure would be if she died or if the apocalypse ended and i doubt the latter will happen. i, like many of you i'm sure, would love to explore my ending and see how things go from there, but to keep her character/story going would only prolong the inevitable. it's gotta end sometime, and with the way the multiple endings were this season, ending in a well-secure place, possibly with her last group member, or alone walking toward a horde, i think i'd be okay if it were to happen now.
holy shite I haven't been in this section for a while
if a main character who has been in season 1 and 2 and also being the protagonist in season 2 just randomly disappeared and was never to be seen again, you would be ok with that? Yes Clem is my favorite character, but so was Lee, so was Kenny and I didn't know if Kenny was gonna be in season 2 or not and Lee wasn't in season 2 yet I still bought the game..
It's not about me not buying it because 'my favorite character isn't in there' it's the fact that if someone we know seriously well, who we protected in season 1 and played as in season 2 just got thrown out of the game... Then wtf, I won't buy it
Exactly! It pisses me off everytime I hear about it...
Plus, Clementine is still a kid. Her story is FAR from over. She has a lot of growing up to do. Just because they changed the protagonist from season one to season two doesn't mean they have to do that every season. I personally really want Clementine to be the protagonist in Season 3. There are so many questions that are left unanswered plus I just love her character. I really want to see her grow up with AJ and see what else she'll run into in the future.
I want Clementine to be in season 3 for sure. I feel like her story isn't over yet. Especially because she's still a kid. She has a lot more growing up to do and I want to see AJ grow up as well. All 5 of the endings just doesn't seem like an ending to her story completely. And there are so many questions that are unanswered.
yeah it pisses me off aswell, "why will people not buy a game if there favorite character isn't in it?"
what a stupid fucking question yeah, it may be a sensible question in another thread but since we're talking about CLEMENTINE the protagonist of one season and objective of the other, then it's not a sensible question...
Sorry I'm pretty mad at this and yeah, just try and think about what you're saying and read other things first if it already answers your question.. Alright.. Have a good day
I'm a "Pro-Clem" I guess and I usually stick up for Clem in forums like this. I love talking about The Walking Dead but my friends don't like it, so here is the only place i can really talk about it, and hey that's what it's here for right? I'm not firing shots at you or anything.. I will continuously speak my feelings about the thread topic or about a certain character or something and especially something like this.. i get what you're saying though
Have a nice day