Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • 'Tis only a shoulder wound !

    Bokor posted: »

    Kenny, Bonnie, Carver, Mike and Clementine are all part of the "Harmless shoulder wound" club.

  • Bonnie is a garden appliance? News to me.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited January 2015

    You know how in the Kenny endings, Edith is talking to someone over the radio?

    Now the sound is meant to be garbled and near unintelligible, but you can definitely make out someone actually talking.

    From the two lines in the files, it sounds like the voice is saying:

    "Hey/Edith, what's going on down there?" (For me, the "what's going on down there" is pretty clear and intelligible)


    "Alright, give them some supplies (because they?) can't come in here." (This one's more garbled, but I am sure I can make out the "alright, give them some supplies" and "come in here")

    Also, as it's worth noting, the second line is cut in game, and only a small portion of it is actually used.

  • Nice find

    Deltino posted: »

    You know how in the Kenny endings, Edith is talking to someone over the radio? Now the sound is meant to be garbled and near unintelligib

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited January 2015

    While we're at it, here's another fun one:

    The announcer voice over the PA system at Howe's gives a website address,

    Going to it gives an error message, but re-trying will send you to Telltale's Walking Dead site

    But even better is when you check the source:

    Alt text

    Howe's that for interesting?

  • Wasn't Clementine shot right above her heart?

    Bokor posted: »

    Kenny, Bonnie, Carver, Mike and Clementine are all part of the "Harmless shoulder wound" club.

  • Well this confirms Lilly isn't the leader of Wellington - I hope she's still in it however

    Deltino posted: »

    You know how in the Kenny endings, Edith is talking to someone over the radio? Now the sound is meant to be garbled and near unintelligib

  • edited January 2015

    Gil's pitstop from 400 Days can be seen in the background in one of the teaser images of Season 2

    Alt text

    Once again, seen in the background in the opening scene in the final product

    Alt text

  • edited January 2015

    Is Nate a bigger dick for shooting the couple at the pitshop or more so for not using headshots?

    I say not using headshots.

  • I finally realized why Clem raises her eyebrow. She copies Lee. In episode 5 in her dream with Lee, there is one moment where he raises his eyebrow when she is about to cry. That's soo cute. :3 :3 Or maybe I'm just reading too much into it. xD XD XD

    Alt text

  • edited January 2015

    A little thing I have noticed is that with Clementine when she speaks she doesn't use hand gestures often unlike some of the other character, I don't know if this is intentional or a little easter egg but I have really noticed it in Season 2 Episode 4 - Amid The Ruins, when Clementine is talking to Kenny inside of the tent, theres a certain dialogue that you can pick and in the middle of that sentence where she waves her hand.. That's the only time I've seen her really use a hand gesture.. This is caused because Clem wasn't in school long enough to learn about open speech and hand gestures and things like that..

    Just a little thing I noted, tell me your thoughts on it. Have a nice day :)

  • I think that's just her personality. I don't remember my school teaching me about 'body language'.

    ClemyIsLove posted: »

    A little thing I have noticed is that with Clementine when she speaks she doesn't use hand gestures often unlike some of the other character

  • What? I'm just showing an easter from the DLC that can be found in Season 2. It is shown in one of the teaser images and is shown in the final product.

    And PS, Christa is not in the teaser.

    And? What does that matter? She's just not on screen at that very moment. This exact shot never happened in the game anyway so it dosen't really matter, I'm not sure why would bring that up either.

    I'm not sure what your talking about or you misunderstood something so I'm just gonna end with

    Alt text

  • edited January 2015

    That's an easter egg? I thought every person who played 400 days and then the first episode would notice it.

    Easter eggs don't always have to be hard to find. It could just be as simple as a nod like Gil's pitstop, Roman's corpse on the river, or the Duck references.

    I just found it blatant that Telltale left out Christa in the teaser image. She should be there.

    I dunno, maybe to raise suspicion? Teasers aren't meant to show much anyway. It also should be heavily implied they are both there just not in this screen based on the after credits scene and Omid's facial expression. It's not really that big of deal to look in to.

  • For one, something people seem to forget: Lee didn't kill his wife. He killed the man who was sleeping with his wife, and (although he may have only said it to lighten the situation in Clem's eyes) when the player chooses to admit to murder when Clem asks about it in the alive inside room in epi. 1, he says "I got into a fight once" meaning that he might have only accidentally killed the guy.

  • In episode 2, if you choose correct answer in conversation with Carley, Lee can say that it (murder) was an accident even though he knew about the affair. Also, you're right - Lee didn't killed his wife. Multiple times in season 1 he has a chance to say that he killed the guy who was sleeping with his wife but he never actually said that he also killed her too.

    Galhaar posted: »

    For one, something people seem to forget: Lee didn't kill his wife. He killed the man who was sleeping with his wife, and (although he may h

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited January 2015

    On the subject of Lee and his wife: I personally believe what happened is that Lee ended up unintentionally choking the senator to death.

    One thing that stands out to me is when you choke out the stranger. After Lee does it, he stands back wide-eyed, almost as if he's horrified at what he's done. Now you might say that seems like a normal reaction, but after everything else Lee has had to do, why is this the one that seems to visibly affect him the most?

    The other clue would be through his various dialogues about the affair. He has multiple points where he mentions that he got into a fight, and that he didn't intend to kill the guy. Choking would make sense here since it's something that's both dangerous and easy to take too far.

    He probably came home, found him, got into a scuffle with the guy that ended with him choking him out. In the heat of the moment, he went overboard with the choking (which is an easy thing to do) and ended up killing him. He sounds very sorrowful in many of the instances where he mentions it. One that stands out is if you tell the stranger. "Found her there with someone else. Killed him." Lee's face in that scene sells it. Lots of regret and guilt, that kind of "it wasn't supposed to end like that" face.

    When he kills the stranger, all of it comes back to haunt him again. History repeating itself in a way.

  • Well in Lee's dream in episode 1 you can hear something shattering like glass and his wife screaming. It could mean nothing since they may not have ever wrote what really happened, but your theory is actually pretty good. It fits with how S1 would always going full circle with all it's plot points.

    Deltino posted: »

    On the subject of Lee and his wife: I personally believe what happened is that Lee ended up unintentionally choking the senator to death.

  • It could be because they didn't show how deep Christa was into pregnancy.

    That's an easter egg? I thought every person who played 400 days and then the first episode would notice it. Easter eggs don't alway

  • Alt text


    HarjKS posted: »

    Wasn't Clementine shot right above her heart?

  • edited January 2015, I never actually realized that strangling the Stranger could serve as a call-back to the first time Lee killed a person. Great insight!

    Speaking of going 'full circle', Clementine's reaction to Jane feigning AJ's death provides an awkward glimpse at what happened to Christa's baby. The child was born, but due to unfavorable circumstances (the mother drinking and shooting a rifle right next to her belly) was in extremely poor health.

    Clementine having next to no clue about what to do about Rebecca's birth implies that she wasn't present for the birth of Christa's baby - at most, she might have learned to stitch up some tears caused by the baby. Christa, grieving and probably pragmatic enough to realize how impractical it is to raise TWO children, left the baby for dead and refuses to answer Clem's questions about what happened to it.

    This, perhaps even more than Omid's death, compounds the tension between the two. Christa cares enough about Clementine to protect her for over a year, but the trauma of sacrificing her baby leads to resentment on her end and guilt on Clem's end.

    Deltino posted: »

    On the subject of Lee and his wife: I personally believe what happened is that Lee ended up unintentionally choking the senator to death.

  • really we got taught that shit in year 7. (first year at intermediate/middle school for all you americans) We were taught to when someone is speaking to you, try and use as much hand gestures to get your point across as possible, i don't know different schools have different methods of things, I just thought that was weird.

    Bokor posted: »

    I think that's just her personality. I don't remember my school teaching me about 'body language'.

  • Ok, take my like. I thought this exact thing for a long while but thought it was just me reading too into everything. You actually shared so more power to you!!!

    Deltino posted: »

    On the subject of Lee and his wife: I personally believe what happened is that Lee ended up unintentionally choking the senator to death.

  • edited January 2015

    I have great recent news for TWDG fans! I have confirmed interviews with TWO voice actors from TWDG!

    Here are your hints for both guests:

    • A member of the Cabin Survivors group in Season 2 of the game. The actor who voiced the character in question mainly worked on-camera until he got his TWDG role.

    • A director at Telltale who directed one of the most popular episodes of Season 1. He also provided the voice of an iconic character from TWDG.

    I'm looking forward to announcing both of these guests sometime this year, BEFORE Season 3 is completed.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    The original story that had Mike as part of those scavengers would have explained that the gunshot heard actually took part of Mike's ear of

  • edited January 2015

    But Lee is the only black person in Season 1, besides the cop, who is determinant, and 2 of the cancer survivers.

    In most horror scenarios, a black guy dies first. But instead, a black guy (lee) dies last.

  • woidhwohewoheiwhihirhgugwyqyufqyu! [faints]

    I can't wait! =D

    UPDATE: I have great recent news for TWDG fans! I have confirmed interviews with TWO voice actors from TWDG! Here are your hints for bot

  • Were you taught in a European school system? I went through that and we never had speech seminars or whatever.

    ClemyIsLove posted: »

    really we got taught that shit in year 7. (first year at intermediate/middle school for all you americans) We were taught to when someone is

  • Playing through S1 again and when talking to Clem in the RV you get to tell her a funny story about Lee's parents, I always chose the one about his brother but this time I chose his parents. Still finding great new things 2 years later! :D

  • Also, Clem says, "No, not again, not again." after Kenny goes out looking for AJ. I think this is a further indication of what may have happened to the baby, that Christa had to leave it behind to save herself or the two of them, seeing that Jane did the same thing visibly upsets Clementine and brings back these memories.

    Bokor posted: », I never actually realized that strangling the Stranger could serve as a call-back to the first time Lee killed a person. Great insi

  • Yeah, I was trying to get at that. I'd say that Christa abandoning her baby for Clem's sake would explain why their relationship is so strained - perhaps she felt that Omid would've been able to help her care for two children.

    Also, Clem says, "No, not again, not again." after Kenny goes out looking for AJ. I think this is a further indication of what may have happ

  • European? No, I'm from New Zealand. You know the ''Sheep shaggers'' of the world as people like to call us.

    Bokor posted: »

    Were you taught in a European school system? I went through that and we never had speech seminars or whatever.

  • That's how good TWD is my friend..

    ShaneWalsh posted: »

    Playing through S1 again and when talking to Clem in the RV you get to tell her a funny story about Lee's parents, I always chose the one about his brother but this time I chose his parents. Still finding great new things 2 years later!

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited January 2015

    All That Remains is the only episode where Luke doesn't get beaten up or bruised in some way.

    • Falls through bridge in episode 2, gets cut up and bruised

    • Can get bit by Clementine in episode 3, gets caught by Carver and gets the shit kicked out of him

    • Hurts his ribs even more trying to boost Clementine in episode 4, and Sarah either kicks/punches/bites him when he's trying to convince her to leave (one of his lines from inside the trailer is "Ow! What the fuck?!")

    • Gets shot and ends up drowning in episode 5

    Poor guy could never catch a break

  • What about poor Clementine?

    She falls into a cold ass river and then gets bitten by a dog, she's taken hostage and gets hit while trying to help Alvin, gets slapped multiple times, kicked and beaten with a gun, falls into a frozen lake and at the end, gets shot with the frickin' rifle.

    Her hat is the best armour ever.

    Deltino posted: »

    All That Remains is the only episode where Luke doesn't get beaten up or bruised in some way. * Falls through bridge in episode 2, gets

  • Wow that is really interesting. I guess Clem could be like Like Lee's wife in the role. Finding Clem with someone else

    Deltino posted: »

    On the subject of Lee and his wife: I personally believe what happened is that Lee ended up unintentionally choking the senator to death.

  • If you don't bring Clem to Crawford, there will be extra scenes shown in Crawford, and the aftermath of Crawford. Saving Molly without Clem there will show a frightened Ben clutching the hatchet before following Lee and Molly.

  • edited January 2015

    I don't know about the rest of the world, but in America, the "Sheep Shaggers" are the Scottish. We don't really have a popular stereotype for Kiwi' least, I don't think we do.

    ClemyIsLove posted: »

    European? No, I'm from New Zealand. You know the ''Sheep shaggers'' of the world as people like to call us.

  • edited January 2015

    Season 1 Episode 1: Clem is alone due to circumstances and found by a stranger (Lee)

    Season 1 Episode 5: Clem is alone in a field though two figures are near

    Season 2 Episode 1: Clem is alone due to circumstances and found by strangers (Luke and Pete)

    Season 2 Episode 5: determinately Clem and AJ are alone in a field though walkers are near

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