Episode 2 Release Date Discussion - PC/Mac, PS3/4 NA Feb 3 - XBox One/360 PS3/4 EU Feb 4 - iOS Feb 5



  • I think those grades are pretty accurate, maybe a 7.0 for Amid the Ruins, but In Harms Way is one of my favorites and deserves that 9.0, but to each his own.

    IGN always has poor judgement, they gave 'Amid the Ruins' 6/10 and 'In Harm's Way' 9/10. It should be the exact other way around.

  • I hope we're not going back to short episodes again.

  • IGN scores reviews don't concern me (too much water, anyone?). The only thing I am concerned with is a possible return of 90 minute episodes. Genuinely thought they had listened.

  • it is like i sayed the swap prop gives you spoiler i mean i swap ethan's prop with rodrick and works perfect

    Gary-Oak posted: »


  • edited February 2015

    the episode is around 90 mins from what i see on preview so we are back

    2DLee posted: »

    I hope we're not going back to short episodes again.

  • edited February 2015

    Can't believe everyone is getting worked up about an IGN review, they've been known to give shitty ones. Just play the episode yourself and come up with your own conclusion.

    Also, 90 minute episodes don't bother me as much as whether or not the content within it is great. A House Divided wasn't a long episode but was my personal favorite of the season.

  • Or you can wait and play the episode for yourself instead of relying on the word of the one of the worst gaming reviewers out there.

    seems they still haven't learned Learn what? They already learned that people will buy the season pass for their half assed glitchy

  • edited February 2015

    Yup, people should wait until they play the episode before talking about the length. The length should fit the story they're telling for an episode, rather than the story length being padded out to hit a magical number. I mean, even though the game has you walking around and such at times, tv show episodes are between 50 - 60 minutes normally, so 90 minutes, if it's indeed correct (doesn't have a variable length due to missable scenes and such), isn't too bad when it comes to having enough time to tell a story.

    And yeah, I know it's a game, not a tv show. Feel free to make that point, but storytelling is storytelling regardless of the medium and whether or not you control the characters as Telltale's stuff really are, essentially, more interactive movies/tv shows these days.

    Can't believe everyone is getting worked up about an IGN review, they've been known to give shitty ones. Just play the episode yourself and

  • Completely agree. Also, knowing IGN, the guy could have completely skipped most of the hubs and if Episode 2 has optional scenes (based on your choices) like Episode 1, then he could have missed a shit ton.

    Overall, I feel like people are getting too worked up over nothing. Wait for the episode yourself and make your own conclusion, not one based off of one reviewer, and one with a very bad reputation at that.

    Rob_K posted: »

    Yup, people should wait until they play the episode before talking about the length. The length should fit the story they're telling for an

  • This. Also, considering the fact that IGN seems to have deleted their review :P

    Or you can wait and play the episode for yourself instead of relying on the word of the one of the worst gaming reviewers out there.

  • edited February 2015

    IGN gives TellTale's games mediocre or average scores because they believe that it was actually advertised that your choices would have dire differences made to the story, when it never was. That, and IGN reviewers give one of the worst scores to great games out there.

  • With that drama somewhat out of the way, we have fifteen minutes until the trailer's out.


    Alt text

  • Damn. Looks like shits about to really hit the fan.

    dojo32161 posted: »


  • Y'know what's great. This website isn't littered with spoilers from people who somehow hacked the game. Glad to see that Telltale got their shit down with that stuff...finally!

  • Soooo... can anyone put a name to Asher's VA? He sounds awesome!

  • we do not have Asher's VA yet i think

    Soooo... can anyone put a name to Asher's VA? He sounds awesome!

  • its 3rd in Australia now. looks like I have to wait another day

  • I, for one, enjoy seeing game companies get screwed over in one way or another. They always screw the gamers.

    Plus, this is pretty important information to know given the fluctuating quality of season 2 of TWD.

  • It's almost here in Romania 3rd February at 10:00:00AM we got the episode

    its 3rd in Australia now. looks like I have to wait another day

  • yeah but I waked up and trailer was released, so in the USA the day that just past was 2nd of Feb, so the game would come out tomorrow. Other states will have different times as well. It can't be helped.

    It's almost here in Romania 3rd February at 10:00:00AM we got the episode

  • Alex Jordan is Asher's VA

    Soooo... can anyone put a name to Asher's VA? He sounds awesome!

  • Like seriously! They gave Sam & Max S01 a 7.0 which was epic!

    Really, who gives a fuck about IGN's review? I certainly don't. I'm my own critic.

  • So excited for the second episode, it's going to be a great week I just know it!

  • i know on steam we get the episode around 3am on the 4th i'm not sure about telltale store or playstation though

    its 3rd in Australia now. looks like I have to wait another day

  • That could be Asher. No one except Lady Forrester and Malcolm would be expecting him back.

    Here's the last part of the description for Ep.2 - Meanwhile, an unexpected source of hope returns to the Forresters, but Ironrath is no place for the weak Likely Rodrik

  • Well like how many hours later? Because a couple hours of gameplay could mean 2 or 3 episodes later

    it would be horrible ironic if you introduce a badass character then have him die a few hours of gameplay later. tell-tale would receive bad feedback for that.

  • Yeah and the one behind her looks a bit like Sera too.

    Mary5 posted: »

    I was just looking at some pictures of the season 5 of GoT and in one of them, there's a character in the background (the first one from the

  • oh I saying if introduced one episode and have him die at the end of that episode. I was taking a guess since episode was more then 1 hour in length. but the reality is not all of the episode in the series would over 1 hour. though it would fantastic if they were.

    Well like how many hours later? Because a couple hours of gameplay could mean 2 or 3 episodes later

  • Each episode is only 5 dollars.... tell me you don't really expect a full game for 5 dollars. ..

    2DLee posted: »

    I hope we're not going back to short episodes again.

  • Lol. Sue over an embargo? Anyway, what's wrong with a slightly early review? Consumers should know what product they're buying.

    Can IGN be suable by law doing this? I hope TTG sue them, they're not even removing it from the website. It's just disrespect and rule inf

  • The trailer for the episode looked really great. I think Asher will make a really interesting character, assuming we do play as him.

  • Dude, we are definitely gonna play as him :)

    The trailer for the episode looked really great. I think Asher will make a really interesting character, assuming we do play as him.

  • Well if they do, they have to make it fit with the story. If they're killing characters simply because "It's Game of Thrones! Not everyone gets to live!!" And that's the only reason...that would be incredibly lame.

    oh I saying if introduced one episode and have him die at the end of that episode. I was taking a guess since episode was more then 1 hour i

  • The Episode releases 10am in Californian time.

    That's about 7pm in Germany and 8-9pm in Romania.

    (^ that's for Steam, not sure about the Telltale store)

    It's almost here in Romania 3rd February at 10:00:00AM we got the episode

  • Even if we don't play as him (which I doubt very much), he still looks like a awesome character.

    The trailer for the episode looked really great. I think Asher will make a really interesting character, assuming we do play as him.

  • ArthurVArthurV Telltale Alumni

    Yup. It's Alex Jordan.


    TinyCarlos posted: »

    Alex Jordan is Asher's VA

  • who do you think that will be the playable character at Ironrath? i'm pretty sure it will be talia

  • Is the second episode now out on PC? I can't seem to get it to download in the launcher.

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