Who sent the killer?



  • "Coal Boy is Azhor Ahai."- lmao

    Ok so I think the Coal Boy is up to some shady shit. He's a little too eager to help. Also I think he was the one that left the note on the

  • I don't think that any man of cersei's would risk her wrath. Plus, he already was there watching her at the ironwood meeting. The ironwood meeting that the whitehill men didn't know she would be at. I just seriously don't think that one of Cersei's men could be hired by someone else, unless she ok'd it. So for me, all bets are on cersei.

  • Every character is azhor ahai it seems like.

    rayella posted: »

    "Coal Boy is Azhor Ahai."- lmao

  • I thought that too but i wondered if being able to write and read her letters was something he could do?

    imlarroca posted: »

    I'm thinking it might be Tyrion as well...on another topic, Coal Boy is still really suspicious to me. The game made a big deal of you being

  • Why not? Don't discriminated the Coal Boys

    Krystenzor posted: »

    I thought that too but i wondered if being able to write and read her letters was something he could do?

  • I believe it's Cersei... if Sera is her spy on Maergary (which also explains how she came about to be her handmaiden). If that's the case then Sera got the wine from Cersei to convince Mira to step aside and when Tyrion showed up she reported her findings to Cersei. Now Cersei has a handmaiden that conspires with Tyrion and is in the way of her spy to gain more information about Maergary. Should be enough for someone like Cersei to get rid of her.

    To the suggestions that Cersei could make it easier (like forging a letter), why would she go too all that trouble and have both Tyrion and Maergary know something is up? A quick kill in the night is easy, even better if the merchants looks to be the guilty ones.

  • Yeah, the quiet merchant said nothing and we would've had the same conversation if he hadn't existed. So his character must exist for a reason. He seems more the type to send an assassin and deal with someone quietly as opposed to being loud and stupid like his friend.

    vctim posted: »

    I'm going to go ahead and say the calmer Whitehill ambassador. The fat guy was a loudmouth and (a bit of) an idiot. He's just a thug that wo

  • Coal Boy master manipulator? That'd be interesting

    alliebee posted: »

    I a Whitehill is probably the best suspect, but I also have this theory that it has something to do with the coal boy. What was he doing in

  • edited February 2015

    Whoever Coal Kid's boss is.

    They hire Damien to attempt to 'kill' Mira, then place the uninformed Coal Kid in a location where he'd find out what's happening and would intervene, earning Mira's trust and giving her a reason to let his boss 'help' her.

  • Because his father was a pig farmer

    Clemenem posted: »

    Gared? But why

  • I think a huge clue is that they trashed Mira's room and read her letters. What were they searching for? Proof of betrayal? Business info? Was it just diversion tactics?

    Also, is the guard that tried to kill you the same that kept looking at you all the time? (I don't remember when, exactly, but more than 3 times some guard was looking at Mira) If so, doesn't that make the Whitehills less suspicious, since they didn't know she was doing anything relevant at all?

  • Better than a potato fucker I always say :P

    SanQae posted: »

    Because his father was a pig farmer

  • edited February 2015

    If you are refering to the guard in the hall in episode one, I think, if I remember correctly, that is one of the King`s guard, possibly Meryn Trant or somebody.

    But yes, what was the person looking for? Possibly some evidence that can harm her in some way, a forged letter perhaps, her stolen stuff, etc, could be anything. I still suspect the coal boy though, since the running sound when Mira approuch the door sound light and quick... like a young boy running to hide.

    SanQae posted: »

    I think a huge clue is that they trashed Mira's room and read her letters. What were they searching for? Proof of betrayal? Business info? W

  • I believe.

    The truth has been spoken!

  • What if it was the coal boy, and he set up the whole thing in order to force Mira into trusting him.

  • has no one suspected margery?

    i suspect it may be her for no better reason than that she no longer trusts mira or the predicament of mira's house is causing problems for her. but mira could also be of some use if all her family should die. so that also seems unlikely.

    it might be sera tho, she seems ambitious.

    white hills have no real reason to kill her since they already believe they own the ironwood.

    tyrion is highly unlikely but possible.

    i'm pretty sure the boy works vary's, and im not sure he gains anything from her death.

    i think its more likely sera or margery :s

  • edited February 2015

    My money is on Lollys Stokeworth, the secret mastermind behind all of the events of SoIaF.

  • Sera seems far-fetched to me. Let's not discount the fact that you could have been very kind to Sera this whole time and still almost get killed by her. I could understand it if you did not choose to let her get closer to Margeary but to kill someone after receiving their word that they would help her? Not likely.

    HouseSvarog posted: »

    It's either Sera or Merchants. Merchants would gain alot by killing Mira. Maybe Sera and that Lannister guard are having romantic relation

  • Littlefinger Jr.? :)

    alliebee posted: »

    I a Whitehill is probably the best suspect, but I also have this theory that it has something to do with the coal boy. What was he doing in

  • Maybe he's one of Varys' little birds. Varys only employs unnoticed, lowly youngsters who are able to read and write. After all, he knows that the contents of people's letters is way more valuable than the contents of their purse.

    WardenKing posted: »

    Now that you mention it...the coal boy may be a suspect, cause when I ran away from the guard trying to kill the coal boy, the coal boy appe

  • I'm pretty sure it's not Cersei, Tyrion or Margeary. I mean, come on... the Forresters are nothing more than a tiny House in some godforsaken part of the world. Cersei could just as well order Roose Bolton to march to Ironrath, wipe out the entire House and claim the Ironwood for the Crown. The Lannisters don't involve themselves in such tiny matters, not when they have bigger fish to fry (like consolidating their alliance with the Tyrells and making sure Jaime gets home safely).

    It's probably one of the Whitehills that negotiate with Tyrion (the nice one, my guess). We see Damian present in those negotiations and he may already be on the Whitehill's payroll. But alright, if you want something more exotic and still plausible, I'm going with Gryff Whitehill - Lord Whitehill's son. We know he's not in Ironrath yet to lead the garrison. So where is he? Perhaps in King's Landing, making sure all loose ends are taken care of?

    I don't trust the coal boy 100% either, but I don't think he wants Mira dead. He probably wants to help her in order to cash in a favor later in the game.

  • Its obviously Cersei- She REALLY liked that wine

  • The Lannisters could do that but they won't. Could you imagine what kind of uprising would occur if the thousands of lesser houses heard the Lannisters destroyed a family because they wanted ironwood?

    Rogarth posted: »

    I'm pretty sure it's not Cersei, Tyrion or Margeary. I mean, come on... the Forresters are nothing more than a tiny House in some godforsake

  • edited February 2015

    Tyrion is one of the least likely suspects in my opinion. Despite his reputation as 'the Imp,' he's actually one of the more honorable characters in the story. He pretty much consistently objects to (or even tries to undermine) his own relatives like Cersei or Joffrey whenever they engage in abuses of power or wanton ruthlessness. He also frequently behaves in a chilvalrous manner towards enemies. (the Starks)

    Why do people think it was Tyrion? I doubt it was him

  • edited February 2015

    I think it's great that people are willing to give Coal Boy a chance, in terms of his ability to read/write. That's great. Positive thinking I will never oppose.

    But it's basically a matter of Occam's razor. It's a simple (and pretty solidly supported) assumption that the Coal Boy cannot write/read, as is true of most of that class. Tragic, yes. But, to assume that he's well-read and educated is a bit more of a stretch.

    I'm going to be lame and quote Wikipedia: "Other, more complicated solutions may ultimately prove correct, but—in the absence of certainty—the fewer assumptions that are made, the better."

  • She's that crazy alcoholic relative we all have and know would murder us if they found out we stole their favorite drink.

    Its obviously Cersei- She REALLY liked that wine

  • edited February 2015

    What do you mean, "we all have" ? I have no crazy alcoholic relative.

    ...In my family the only one who drinks too much for his own good is m-...

    Oh fuck, I AM the crazy alcoholic relative.

    steenug posted: »

    She's that crazy alcoholic relative we all have and know would murder us if they found out we stole their favorite drink.

  • The Wild Card, Lord Baelish. Because wild card!

  • edited February 2015

    The kid could still be part of the plan if damien wrote the letter.

    The planner of all this sends Damien to kill Mira and the coal kid to cover Mira, a test to see who the ally for them should be. By the coal kid helping the guy predicts mira will have to help and get herself in trouble if not he has more control over damien and a whitehill ally if they want

    steenug posted: »

    I think it's great that people are willing to give Coal Boy a chance, in terms of his ability to read/write. That's great. Positive thinking

  • I don't fully trust the Coal Boy either but I don't think I buy the "he and his boss hired the guard to try to kill Mira so Coal Boy could swoop in and save her so she'd owe him".

    That suggests that killing her was never the intention and that there was always a plan set in place for either Mira to kill that guard or the Coal boy to show up and "save" her. However, I know from failing at that part due to bad controls that the soldier WILL kill her. If it was a set up to make the Coal Boy trustworthy to her, why would they risk actually having her die?

    The childishly written letter and the scuff marks are damning, though, and made me think of the Coal Boy immediately. I just can't piece together what they'd gain from actually having someone they're involved with kill Mira. Unless things just didn't go as initially planned.

    Now, I do think that trusting the Coal Boy will be a mistake at some point along the line. They're playing you with a character the players will automatically sympathize with and want to trust: the poor, downtrodden kid among the horrible nobles that most have hated since watching the TV show or reading the books. You want to think he's really out to help you because, in that way, you want to support the downtrodden and stick it to the GOT highborns. The writers probably know that well and exploit it. He's the perfect character to turn on you in the end.

  • It was Lord Andros 100%.

  • lol

    My money is on Lollys Stokeworth, the secret mastermind behind all of the events of SoIaF.

  • Most likely Varys, who is pretty much neutral when it comes between the battles/conflicts of the houses, and I don't think would do that. Also, a Coal Boy vs. an armed Lannister Guard? I don't think that anyone would bet on Coal Boy in that fight haha.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Whoever Coal Kid's boss is. They hire Damien to attempt to 'kill' Mira, then place the uninformed Coal Kid in a location where he'd find

  • @JakeSt123, great theory. Im with you on that and with the guy who said the coal kid always spying and/or being where Mira always is, is a likely culprite behind this secret assasin.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Yeah, the quiet merchant said nothing and we would've had the same conversation if he hadn't existed. So his character must exist for a reas

  • A set-up where he took his time intervening and she could have easily gotten stabbed in the mean time?

    What if it was the coal boy, and he set up the whole thing in order to force Mira into trusting him.

  • Exactly, he isn't the kind of character that would send someone to kill a handmaiden. A lot of his actions have been justified (like sending Janos Slynt to the wall). He is the only decent Lannister in my opinion, except maybe Jaime who seems to be changing for the better

    My bet is it was either the Whitehill ambassadors or Cersei

    Scaeva posted: »

    Tyrion is one of the least likely suspects in my opinion. Despite his reputation as 'the Imp,' he's actually one of the more honorable chara

  • You may be right. But on the other hand... what kind of uprising did occur after Ramsey Bolton (acting Warden of the North and liege lord to dozens of other Houses) just killed off the Lord of a House, and gave away half of their assets to a rival house like it was nothing? And looking back on history: what kind of uprising occurred after the Lannisters completely decimated House Reyne, executing every man, woman and child and burning their seat to the ground? No uprising. They even made a song about it: The Rains of Castamere.

    In a perfect world, every other House would rebel immediately after seeing one of their own being destroyed. But in the world of Westeros, I reckon the other Houses would just count themselves lucky that it wasn't them who got on the Lannisters' bad side.

    Psyentifik posted: »

    The Lannisters could do that but they won't. Could you imagine what kind of uprising would occur if the thousands of lesser houses heard the Lannisters destroyed a family because they wanted ironwood?

  • Wait, didn't they say Gryff was in Harrenhal at one point in episode 2?

    Rogarth posted: »

    I'm pretty sure it's not Cersei, Tyrion or Margeary. I mean, come on... the Forresters are nothing more than a tiny House in some godforsake

  • Ambitious as Sera is, she does not have the influence or money required to get a high-ranking guardsman to assassinate a noblewoman. No way. In the meantime, the Whitehills have every reason to kill her, because it doesn't matter whether they say they own the ironwood, if the Lannisters say they're only buying from the Forresters and then find out they can't because the Whitehills are stealing all their trees, the Whitehills will die horrible, gruesome deaths, because no one messes with the Lannisters and lives. Mira dead means no Forrester Ironwood contract, meaning the Whitehills can get away with a lot more.

    As for Margaery, if she had a problem with Mira, either politically or personally, she wouldn't go through the trouble of hiring an assassin to kill her - if someone found out, they could use that information against her, either as blackmail or an excuse to arrest her. There's no reason to risk all of that when she could just fire Mira - she's her handmaiden, the only reason she's in King's Landing and has rooms/things to do is because Margaery wants her there, and she could tell her to get out at any time.

    beeasy posted: »

    has no one suspected margery? i suspect it may be her for no better reason than that she no longer trusts mira or the predicament of mira

  • Gryff Whitehill is en route from Harrenhal; Lord Whitehill said so, and there's no reason not to believe it - he would want a Whitehill in Ironrath ASAP, not dawdling around in the south, a few weeks' journey away. The merchant lords probably have the authority to do whatever they feel is necessary to secure the contract, and the monetary incentive to off one little handmaiden no one would miss is probably enough for them.

    As for Cersei, she has a habit of taking drastic action out of paranoia and pride, so she might decide to kill Mira just because she's aligned herself with both Margaery, her archrival and queen-to-be, and Tyrion, who she's hated forever and blames for sending her daughter away to be married in a far-off kingdom. She may not care about Mira, but it's so little effort to try and kill her, the chance that it would affect either or both of her enemies makes it well worth it.

    Rogarth posted: »

    I'm pretty sure it's not Cersei, Tyrion or Margeary. I mean, come on... the Forresters are nothing more than a tiny House in some godforsake

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