What type of villain would you like to see in Season 3?
I'm assuming Clem will be the PC, but these work for any PC really.
I'd like to see one who isn't outright evil. I'd like the character to be in a morally grey area, so much so that you can't even tell they are the villain sometimes. Maybe someone who Clem thinks is their friend, but they were using and manipulating the whole time? Not like Jane/Kenny, have the manipulation more subtle, so you only realise at the end. But I suppose that is a bit too similar to Breaking Bad.
Another idea I had is maybe someone who is good enough, and they are searching for some one, maybe their partner/child. They work with Clem and even maybe connect emotionally, and have an understanding relationship with eachother about the people theyve lost. However they completely throw Clem under the bus when they find their lost person. Maybe the lost person has joined a group of bandits, and they say they can steal Clem's stuff if they let them join and be with their loved one again.
TL;DR A villain who isnt exactly a villain. A good person, even seemingly good, who betrays you. Something you dont see coming, instead of a Carver type villain. Someone you don't realise is the bad guy until its too late.
I'd like to see someone who kind of conforms to what the person wants. Sort of like a chameleon in that they could change personalities to suit different agendas for different people. H/She could take on a mentor-like role to Clem, or take on a joking/friendly manner with other people to get them on their side. It's not until it's already happened that you realize they were playing you all this time.
Not just a one sided "evil"villain,A more understandable person who has been affected by the ZA. A multi-personality thing could be interesting.....
I would say have Clem be kidnapped and taken to a place like Grady Memorial in AMC's episode 'Slabtown'. That place wasn't necessarily evil. Yes, they contracted people into indentured servitude and allowed the protectors to rape the orderlies, but they did still save a lot of people.
That could be what Wellington is like
A serial murderer. Someone that only likes killing alive people. We caught a glimpse of something like that in the comic, but I think it'd be cool to have an antagonist that's like that.
one that actually lasts the whole season
I really dont want one, what made Season 1 so good was that there wasnt some main antagonist through out the whole thing. The stranger came in, but he was more of a mysterious stranger you'd go and confront
I'd love to see a villain that isn't really a villain but more so a overzealous survivor. Not someone that pops into your head directly as they specifically as the villain but someone you don't specifically like for morality reasons. And anyways they already sorta have many villains... they are kinda surrounded by zombies but, Idk I'm sure I'll be happy with whatever villain they have for season 3. I hope.
Someone like this piece of shit. A rich kid who has had everything handed to them and had the luxury life of the ZA. He's also not afraid to get down and dirty either.
Now this is one guy I'd be happy to see on the receiving end of Clementine's hammer.
I'd like to see someone with a sarcastic view on everything. Someone who will make you laugh with insulting jibes yet be a psychotic asshole at the same time. Worse than Carver in that sense.
A villain that lasts more than one episode , cough stranger, cough carver.
Carver was two episodes, just saying.
Barely LOL I hope Nick Nick Breckon Writes the next Season LOL. @ this point i enjoy the drama this game makes more than playing the game. So when or if he does, and it fails.
, i will be sure to let everyone know. I'm sure the apologists will say, that i'm being overly critical LOL. These are the same people that told me the dream cast was a reliable good system. What do they know.
Carver should have lasted till the end of the season. Make Clem and the others seem like they are always on the run from him, then a big show down at the end. It would have been so much better in my opinion.
A person going to the darker side of morally grey that is actually a viable alternative
Maybe it could turn out that we're the villain somehow and we didn't realise it.
I would like a lady villain. Could be a leader-esque type like Carver or someone who thinks they can control Clem. Like try to persuade her to abandon all her survival skills and rely on other people to live since she is just a kid and forget all the things she's been through, all the people she's lost.
I've always thought Lily as a character who could evolve/de-evolve into a villain, under the right circumstances. Since Lily would also be one of the last relics from Clementine's past, she'd have an even easier job controlling Clem.
She could be someone who Clem thinks is her ally and it turns out she's not
I would like to see more of a villain similar to Nate. Someone who becomes friends with the protagonist, but is evil towards others.
Or maybe Becca as the villain. In Shel's story, the major decisions between killing and not killing someone affected Becca. And Shel could say that she doesn't want Becca to stop caring about people. Based from this, it seems like she could potentially become a villain of some sort.
a bipolar villain who has good intentions and isnt really selfish or anything, but does lots and lots of shitty things. I guess that wouldnt make him a villain per se but someone very bipolar could cause a lot of shit
That would be a fun way to write the story. People arguing over how she has the best intentions for Clem and then later in the story goes crazy, go down a very dark path, or control Clem to the point where it becomes obsessive.
I don't know how many people here ever watched the TV show Lost, but Ben Linus (Pictured above) was a fantastic villain in the show as he was just a great character, so someone like that I think would be good enough for me!
Handsome Jack comes to mind...
I say Handsome Jack was tragic. He had a horrible childhood of mental and physical abuse even despite that he had good in him as shown in the Borderlands Pre Sequel. Bateman has 0 redeeming traits. He kills for no reason at all and he's been given everything since he was born
I would like to see some sort of villain that lasts the whole season, he starts off as someone in the group whois really nice, but over the course of the season starts to get more and more insane and angry.
Isn't Kenny kind of a villain? I mean, he did cause problems for the group a lot.
Kenny is a grey zone character which is basically moral ambiguity. Many think he is a villain as many think he's a hero. Telltale leaves it up to us to decide where he stands
And if you count radio messages The Stranger was in 3
The way I see it, he's not a villain. Carver isn't a villain and The Stranger isn't either. Even Nate isn't a villain, because there are no villains. The proper word is "Antagonist". There are stories where the person that makes bad choices is the protagonist and the person that makes the better choices is the antagonist.
Even Nate isn't a villain? You say it like he's the worst of the bunch. I think he's the lesser evil of Carver, Stranger and Kenny. An antagonist who goes against the protagonist and presents an obstacle or threat to them. Carver and Stranger were direct threats to Clem or Lee's lives. Kenny could have beaten Lee to death and put Clementine at risk. The only way I could see Nate a villain was when he was chasing Wyatt and Eddie but that was justified due to them killing his friend. But they're all trying to survive
Yeah exactly. In the world that they live in, there aren't anymore good morals. It's just all about survival.
A villain that's a combination of Carver+Lily+Kenny+Stranger+Lizzie+The Governor+Gareth+Jane+Shane+Negan each of them are Psychopaths or Sociopaths.
Sounds like Ramsay Snow
True, from what I seen in the game but I haven't seen the show or read the books yet so I wouldn't know
Let me break it down like this he has the insecurity and anger of Shane and Kenny, Believes in looking out for number 1 like Jane and Carver. Has the sick playful personality and brutality of Negan, The Governor and especially Gareth and is loyal to his father like Lily to her's
If Carver ain't a 'villain' then who was Lord Voldemort? Both occupy the same moral place.
I think Voldemort had it worse as a child. People are always quick to hate the antagonist without any understanding of who they are and what they've been through
If you mean Christian Bale, I can assure you that Christian Bale is not a piece of shit.