Konni: Well, what I wanted was to prove to him he should not mess with me. And I think we did that, right? But I guess we could scare him a … morebit before doing so....
You opened your bag and took out the maches. You took a few shirt and made a circle around him with them.
Konni: Think this will do...
You took a match, lit it and droped it on the clothes which didn't need long to catch fire. He was dancing around his chair trying to get out which resulted him to fall into the flames. He spit out the shirt and started screaming. You were standing there with a blank face. You had to go. You knew you did. You ran out from a tent only to start running again. You could hear the soldiers running up to him, asking for water, towels and the doctor, begging him to stay with them. He was a tough bastard, wasn't gonna die from this, worst case senarion a couple 2-3 degree burns.
Konni: I think two-face got the message....
You smirked and star… [view original content]
i think its real. When the eye lids are closed you can see lines neer the center. Toy companies don'nt add those because they make the toys look imperfect or old.
i think its real. When the eye lids are closed you can see lines neer the center. Toy companies don'nt add those because they make the toys look imperfect or old.
Konni: Of course not. Now he knows what I am capable of..
You looked ahead of you. Sun still had some time before rising and it was cold as fuck. At least you were wearing clean clothes. You saw a shed, but you were still too close and they were for sure looking for you. You were tired but you had no choice but to keep walking. You starting mubbling a song you heard a short while ago, just so there was something ringing in your ears. Reverse looked at you, worried more than anything. You kept walking.
four days later
Still struggling to find water, nearly dehydrated, nearly all the snow had melted but it was still cold as fuck. Fuck everything. You were tired. You could hear footsteps but you couldn't decide if it was your imagination or if it was actually real... You fell to your knees and just stayed there. Reverse was begging you to get up, saying they were coming. You heard a male voice. Yelling. Not sure to who. You felt two hands on your shoulders, shaking you. You snaped out of it and looked behind you. A guy that seemed pretty tall, with blond hair and a kinda worried look in his eyes. You were sure you had seen him before. Could have been one of the soldiers maybe. You were in trouble. You pushed him away and started running. He tackled you and just stoped you from moving. You were just trying to break free, with nothing else in mind. You grabed a rock and hit his head, he fell to the side, you kicked him and run again but he didn't need long to catch again. He covered your mouth with his hand.
???: Stop, will you?!
You just took an angry look and so did he. He sighed.
???: I am not here to fucking hurt you, you cunt...
He stared at you.
???: Can I trust you not to run if I let you down?
You just kept staring.
???: I have food and water if you don't...
Your eyes widened and you nodded. He let you down. You were looking at each other for a couple seconds. You then punched him in the stomach.
???: What the fuck do you think you are doing?
Konni: That is for fucking tackling me, you asshole!
He started laughing. For some reason that made you furious. You took out your knife an pointed the sharp end towards his throat. His laugh stoped. You smiled.
"Man you need help"
"FUCK YOU im gonna get that 'ore and she'll wish she had killed me. YOU'LL WISH YOU HAD KILLED ME." i yell… moreed.
She would pay. SHE WOULD PAY!
Reverse Konni
This girl was crazy. And not in "good" way.
"WTF YOU HAD HIM RIGHT THERE AND YOU COULD HAVE ENDED IT but i guess you're too much of an idiot huh" I said looking at her angry.
Konni: Of course not. Now he knows what I am capable of..
You looked ahead of you. Sun still had some time before rising and it was cold … moreas fuck. At least you were wearing clean clothes. You saw a shed, but you were still too close and they were for sure looking for you. You were tired but you had no choice but to keep walking. You starting mubbling a song you heard a short while ago, just so there was something ringing in your ears. Reverse looked at you, worried more than anything. You kept walking.
four days later
Still struggling to find water, nearly dehydrated, nearly all the snow had melted but it was still cold as fuck. Fuck everything. You were tired. You could hear footsteps but you couldn't decide if it was your imagination or if it was actually real... You fell to your knees and just stayed there. Reverse was begging you to get up, saying they were coming. You heard a male voice. Yelling. Not sure to who. You felt two han… [view original content]
You smirked and drank the entire bottle within a few seconds, and even after that, you were still thirsty. You looked at it and threw it bad to the guy who looked at it dissapointed before putting it back in in bag.
Gustav: "Before I stab you", what kind of way is that to treat a stranger?
You opened your backpack and looked inside it, water, pepsi, c… moreoca cola, beer and whiskey.
Gustav: I got ice cream at my hut too.
You threw her the water.
Gustav: Now don't get to greedy, miss.
You smirked and drank the entire bottle within a few seconds, and even after that, you were still thirsty. You looked at it and threw it bad… more to the guy who looked at it dissapointed before putting it back in in bag.
Konni: There is not greed here...
You picked the gun up, put it in your holster next to your knife and started walking again. The guy was waiting still. You looked back.
Konni: Look, I know you are working for them. So, go on, tell on me, thanks for the water and I wish you the best. Unless you want to tell them to go fuck themselves and come with me so we can be miserable together.
Gustav: There may not be greed, but temperance is a virtue.
You there were three guns in the backpack, you took all of them out and close… mored the backpack.
You took the backpack on.
Gustav: Want a gun?
You kicked the gun over to her and took the two others for yourself.
You picked the gun up, put it in your holster next to your knife and started walking again. The guy was waiting still. You looked back.
K… moreonni: Look, I know you are working for them. So, go on, tell on me, thanks for the water and I wish you the best. Unless you want to tell them to go fuck themselves and come with me so we can be miserable together.
sorry for a long time without post anything my classes returned . this is my last year in school, which means the year to decide my future. So I am studying until die of exhaustion and without much time. sorry . But this week is Carnaval so i have nothing to do and I will write something. soon
sorry for a long time without post anything my classes returned . this is my last year in school, which means the year to decide my future… more. So I am studying until die of exhaustion and without much time. sorry . But this week is Carnaval so i have nothing to do and I will write something. soon
WAIT YOU READ THIS? wow ....what do you think?
"What?....WHAT DID YOU SAY?" i was starting to get mad now.....
I left crying .
Well that was the second worst possible ending for this dilema.
Blue you just broke the cuteness meter by over 9000.
"Man you need help"
"FUCK YOU im gonna get that 'ore and she'll wish she had killed me. YOU'LL WISH YOU HAD KILLED ME." i yelled.
She would pay. SHE WOULD PAY!
Reverse Konni
This girl was crazy. And not in "good" way.
"WTF YOU HAD HIM RIGHT THERE AND YOU COULD HAVE ENDED IT but i guess you're too much of an idiot huh" I said looking at her angry.
that cat creeps me the fuck out, im unsure whether it's actually a cat or a doll
i think its real. When the eye lids are closed you can see lines neer the center. Toy companies don'nt add those because they make the toys look imperfect or old.
its still creepy as fuck tho
Walks away from the computer scared
Konni: Of course not. Now he knows what I am capable of..
You looked ahead of you. Sun still had some time before rising and it was cold as fuck. At least you were wearing clean clothes. You saw a shed, but you were still too close and they were for sure looking for you. You were tired but you had no choice but to keep walking. You starting mubbling a song you heard a short while ago, just so there was something ringing in your ears. Reverse looked at you, worried more than anything. You kept walking.
four days later
Still struggling to find water, nearly dehydrated, nearly all the snow had melted but it was still cold as fuck. Fuck everything. You were tired. You could hear footsteps but you couldn't decide if it was your imagination or if it was actually real... You fell to your knees and just stayed there. Reverse was begging you to get up, saying they were coming. You heard a male voice. Yelling. Not sure to who. You felt two hands on your shoulders, shaking you. You snaped out of it and looked behind you. A guy that seemed pretty tall, with blond hair and a kinda worried look in his eyes. You were sure you had seen him before. Could have been one of the soldiers maybe. You were in trouble. You pushed him away and started running. He tackled you and just stoped you from moving. You were just trying to break free, with nothing else in mind. You grabed a rock and hit his head, he fell to the side, you kicked him and run again but he didn't need long to catch again. He covered your mouth with his hand.
???: Stop, will you?!
You just took an angry look and so did he. He sighed.
???: I am not here to fucking hurt you, you cunt...
He stared at you.
???: Can I trust you not to run if I let you down?
You just kept staring.
???: I have food and water if you don't...
Your eyes widened and you nodded. He let you down. You were looking at each other for a couple seconds. You then punched him in the stomach.
???: What the fuck do you think you are doing?
Konni: That is for fucking tackling me, you asshole!
He started laughing. For some reason that made you furious. You took out your knife an pointed the sharp end towards his throat. His laugh stoped. You smiled.
Konni: You promised me some water...
pats head
Gustav: I have coca cola and pepsi too if you fancy.
Konni: I was never really that fancy... I'll just go with that water.
Gustav: It's a great opportunity tho, when did you last drink a soda?
Konni: Around 4 years ago. Would you please give me that watter now before I stab you to take it?
Gustav: "Before I stab you", what kind of way is that to treat a stranger?
You opened your backpack and looked inside it, water, pepsi, coca cola, beer and whiskey.
Gustav: I got ice cream at my hut too.
You threw her the water.
Gustav: Now don't get to greedy, miss.
You smirked and drank the entire bottle within a few seconds, and even after that, you were still thirsty. You looked at it and threw it bad to the guy who looked at it dissapointed before putting it back in in bag.
Konni: There is not greed here...
Gustav: There may not be greed, but temperance is a virtue.
You there were three guns in the backpack, you took all of them out and closed the backpack.
You took the backpack on.
Gustav: Want a gun?
You kicked the gun over to her and took the two others for yourself.
You picked the gun up, put it in your holster next to your knife and started walking again. The guy was waiting still. You looked back.
Konni: Look, I know you are working for them. So, go on, tell on me, thanks for the water and I wish you the best. Unless you want to tell them to go fuck themselves and come with me so we can be miserable together.
Gustav: Miserable? I'll never be miserable.
You started following her.
Gustav: We could go to my hut.
I think this is a great thread and your both awesome writers
That coming from you means alot thanks
Konni: Your what...?
Gustav: Hut. It's a small home, dingus.
mark pls
sorry for a long time without post anything
my classes returned . this is my last year in school, which means the year to decide my future. So I am studying until die of exhaustion and without much time. sorry
. But this week is Carnaval so i have nothing to do and I will write something. soon
Konni: Do't call me a dingus.
do it when you like and can NO PRESSURE
Gustav: Dumbo then.
Konni: I hate you.
Gustav: Shouldn't judge people that quickly.
Konni: I am not judging you, I don't even know your name.
Gustav: Name's Gustav, yours?
Konni: Call me Konni, Konstadina if you wanna be fancy, but being fancy is not that fun.
Gustav: Being fancy is the best, Konstadumbo.
Reverse Konni
".......kill him......" I said looking angrily at him. For his insults he HAD to die.
Konnni: Nah... He is fun. And he didn't point a gun at me at first sight. So... Let's keep him around for a short while longer.