You kept just walking. The whisling sound was kinda relieving. Hearing a human voice, a friendly one, it was a gift from heaven.
Konni: So, um... How old are you...?
"What?....WHAT DID YOU SAY?" i was starting to get mad now.....
I left crying .
Well that was the second worst possible ending for this dilema.
Reverse Konni
I looked at her seriously.
"A VERY short while"
Happy Friday the 13
I hope jason dosent visit you guys
Youre good too gustav he just hasent read you in a while.
She started acting oddly.
Gustav: The fuck are you doing?
Konni: Very well then...
Konni: I am calling spirits from the other world. Wanna help?
Gustav: Yeah sure, sounds pleasant.
You looked at him from head to toe and sighed.
Konni: Any idea where to head?
I got ice cream at my hut too.
We could go to my hut.
Hut. It's a small home, dingus.
Gustav: I don't know, MAYBE MY FUCKING HUT.
Konni: K, don't yell, those bastards are gonna hear us.
Gustav: If those 'bastards' hear us and come in here, we'll have our guns say "Hi.".
Konni: Which would atract even more of them.
Gustav: Meh, nobody wants to risk their life here.
Konni: Either way we are kinda fucked.
Gustav: I'm gonna get raped again?
Konni: That makes two of us.
Gustav: Excellent.
You sighed and kept walking after him.
As you walked you start whistling 'Mary had a little lamb'
Konni: I can't whistle...
Gustav: Well don't blame me.
Konni: I am not. Why the fuck would I blame anyone at all? That doesn't even make sense.
Well that's one on the checklist, she overreacts.
You just kept whistling your song.
You kept just walking. The whisling sound was kinda relieving. Hearing a human voice, a friendly one, it was a gift from heaven.
Konni: So, um... How old are you...?
Gustav: Well, 24, I suppose, what about you?
I entered the cabin
Konni: I am a full 23 years old...
Gustav: Well isn't that dandy.
Konni: Meh. It's not like my age can change anything.
Gustav: Science disproves that.
Konni: You have a point.
Gustav: Science does, I don't.
Konni: Ok then.
And the Awesome one revisits this forgotten realm
Thanks for atleast considering it
Gustav good to see you again. Thanks for considering.
I like youre new pick (Negan is the best character)
Good to know that you cant give me a one word answer without making it impossible to understand