If the ending was Kenny vs Christa
They both got into a fight over Clementine, who would you save?
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They both got into a fight over Clementine, who would you save?
Christa lol
Christa. That's a no brainer.
I like Kenny, but it would have to e Christa.
Tough one, but I'll go with Kenny.
Easy, Kenny, I don't like Christa.
Christa is one of those characters i dont like OR hate, but i adore kenneth
Christa although I am not a big fan. I would like to say neither.
If Christa had done the same things Jane did, I would have shot Kenny, then left Christa. I always felt like that was the most canon ending.
Can't realy choose I like them both.
Piece of cake choice. Kenny.
I would have too choose Christa.
I'd choose Kenny in a heartbeat. Not because I dislike Christa (granted, I don't like her, either, but I don't really think negatively about her), just because I'm pro-Kenny from the beginning to end.
Christa AINEC. Blamed Clem for Omid's death but still protected her for 16 months, taught her how to survive, and risked her life pretending that she was alone in order to keep Clem safe. All Kenny did was shout at people and not listen to a word anyone else said, come to save Clem in 1x04 with Lee, and took the blame after forcing Clem to take the walkie talkie to Luke.
Also Christa was capable of working as part of a group so if they found another group she would be more handy to have with you.
Hmm, man who's shouted at us and forced us to do things we don't want to in the space of 3/4 days VS woman who's looked after us for 16 months?
Christa, duh. If Kenny was trying to stab her to death like with Jane, of course.
How is this a choice though?
A woman who cared and watched after Clementine after she had no reason to go on living... or a psychopath who called Clem a "sham" and was more concerned with beating a man to death rather than warming a girl who was freezing to death.
I'd choose Kenny, definitely. Living is overrated anyways.
We have no idea what even happened between the two of them within those 16 months though, and it's not as if Kenny forced Clem to really do much of anything. Christa seemed quite bitter towards Clementine in the brief amount of time that they were together after the time skip. It's not really fair to hold Kenny yelling at Clementine over Sarita's death against him in this comparison when we never even got to see how Christa treated Clem immediately following Omid getting shot with Clementine's own gun. I would imagine that she would have been quite upset.
Not to say that I have anything against you personally choosing Christa over Kenny in of itself, I just didn't find your comparison here to be very fair.
Christa. Kenny is going insane and can't take care of Clementine anymore. Christa is fine, she's taken care of her for longer.
It depends on the context of the fight. I'm not just going to choose one over the other based on who I like better. If Christa pulled exactly the same thing that Jane pulled, then yes, I would again side with Kenny. This goes for any character.
That would have to be a completely different stiryline since Christa would have never done what Jane did but i will imagine as if it were save doug or carley. That really is a hard one but probably Christa, i don't know. Kenny had a family, he has good memories and Christa is still young so that is my main reason but i don't know for sure.Thank God that wasn't the choice.
Kenny forces Clem to take the walkie talkie whether she wants to or not.
Christa kept Clem alive for 16 months. We know that. Even going through the death of her child, she kept on going. We know that, too.
Christa looks sad at Clem. She does not look angry. Kenny blames Clem immediately, leaving her in the horde as he tells her it's her fault.
I wasn't expecting you to think it was fair mate, when have you thought any comment saying Kenny isn't better than others is fair?
I's just supremely logical that if a woman can keep a child alive for 16 months while going through incredible loss, then she is an incredibly capable carer. She has shown much more guardian ability than Kenny has, even without seeing the precise events of the 16 months.
"...And it's not as if Kenny forced Clem to really do much of anything."
I didn't say that Kenny never had Clementine do anything, I was only making the point that it's rather inconsequential. One instance of asking the protagonist to help out isn't really much of a case for criticizing the character. It's not as if the two even had a debate over the matter. All Clem can do is offer up the idea of Mike taking it, Kenny explains why he doesn't want Mike taking it, and then Troy walks into the room, totally ending any sort of discussion that would have been had otherwise. All Kenny did was stick with the plan at that point... which is all he could do with Troy standing right there. And with everything Clementine had already been doing for the group, it would have been rather bizarre for Kenny to start assuming that she didn't want to be involved. Just that prior night she went on a far more dangerous mission to get those radios in the first place. Now all of a sudden it's too much to ask for her to hide a radio for a brief period of time? It really doesn't make much sense.
Yes, but like I said, we have no idea how Christa treated Clementine during that time period, nor do we know what Christa may have "forced" Clementine to do during that time period. All of their interactions were off screen, so how can you reasonably compare that to the time that was had with Kenny? You really can't. That's why all we can say in regards to the Christa-Clementine relationship is the fact that Christa survived with her for 16 months. That's all we know. Again, we don't know any specifics on what happened during that time frame.
Are you talking about after the 16 month time skip, or immediately after Omid is shot dead on the bathroom floor? If you're talking about Christa's reaction immediately following Omid's death, it's impossible for us to know exactly what particular emotion she was feeling at that point. Hell, she looked just as sad as she did when she had shot Michelle. Anyway, the game points to the fact that Christa at that point in time was holding Clementine responsible for what happened.
^ What words were exchanged immediately following that? We can't possibly know, as the scene cut out and skipped forward 16 months. All we know is that she blamed Clementine, just as Kenny did. The major difference between the two is that Kenny forgives Clementine in one day, or even quite possibly before that. He absolutely insists that she should take no blame, because he does not want that sort of thing on her conscious. Christa on the other hand, holds onto her bitterness. In the one scene we have with her following Omid's death, she is very negative and bitter.
Also in that scene, if you choose to say "I miss Lee", you receive the (?)Christa will remember that message, showing that she did not care to hear Clementine say that, given her own pain that she blames her for. If there were no hard feelings over what happened to Omid, the game wouldn't bother to give us this message. This is more reinforced with her response of "I'm sure you do", opposed to something actually consoling.
Has nothing to do with a bias, and everything to do with the fact that it was legitimately unfair.
I never said anything about her capabilities as a carer. I was only arguing against the points you were holding against Kenny in your sarcastic comparison between the two.
Christa. No contest here.
If I'm honest I don't really like Christa- not because she's horrible or anything, it's just that I'm not attached to her in any way. She's one of those bit-part characters, like Carlos or Mark, who I don't really care about but at the same time that doesn't mean I want to see her die.
And then I really like Kenny: I'm not going to both explaining why otherwise it'll start another Kenny argument and I'm so sick of those discussions that I'd probably end up hunting down and killing the persons arguing with me and then I'd kill myself.
I'd have to go with Kenny again.
Eh, Christa may have been there all those months but after losing Omid she lost all hope and quite frankly seemed like she was just done with everything. Kenny on the other hand kept pushing on, and plus we met him in the first days so I feel closer to him, Kenny never lost hope and eventually finds wellington with Clem.. so rewarding.. so Kenny.
How can you argue Christa is a worse caretaker than the same man that almost inadvertently got Clementine killed no more than four times within the span of, what was it? Three days?
After the sixteen month times skip, Clementine looks healthy. Hell, even more so than a rapidly aged and almost sickly looking Christa. That implies that Christa most likely held Clem over herself as far as survival, even if she was bitterly crass toward some of Clementine's comments there's no doubt she cared for her. All this because Lee had asked them to watch her, Christa and Omid had made a promise to him and followed it through. For better or worse, Christa DID love Clementine.
And if we want to talk comments... I got a good one from the mouth of Kenny himself. It's probably my favorite from him.
He seems fit to watch her, doesn't he?
Yeah, Kenny then proceeded to try to beat my Lee to death for trying to help his family. One of the many moments he infuriated me throughout the season.
I wasn't arguing about who was a better caretaker at all.
It's not as if we can have a reasonable debate about that anyway. First of all, Kenny didn't personally ever almost get Clementine killed... let alone four times. Second of all, we have absolutely no idea what Clem and Christa went through during the time skip, so there's nothing we can even compare to during that time frame. The limited time we saw Christa onscreen during season two, she was actually pretty careless in regards to looking after Clem. Hell, she was more interested in making love to Omid rather than watching Clem's back.. which obviously led to disaster.
I highly, highly doubt that has anything to do with Telltale trying to make it look like Christa did a good job keeping her nourished, ect. It's simple character design, and more than likely entirely independent of Christa. The vast majority of the characters look to be in reasonable health.
I wasn't doubting that Christa cared for her. She clearly did. I was only showing the unfairness of Flog's comparison (you can go back and re-read my previous posts where I elaborated on that if you really want, not going to re-explain).
Did you even read what I said in my previous posts? It really looks like you didn't do so. You 100% missed the point of everything that I said. I wasn't trying to prop either of them over the other. Again, I was only showing why Flog's comparison was unfair.
Christa , i like Kenny, but he's too unestable
He only attacks you in that instance if you threaten him, ask for a fight, or maliciously antagonize him in some other fashion.
Well, just in response to this...
Everyone'sClemInTime actually said inadvertently killed. So...
Long Road Ahead, refuses to acknowledge Duck's condition, which directly leads to Clem's death should Lee not intervene.
In Harm's Way, thinks it's perfectly reasonable ask a prepubescent girl to assist him in fighting armed guards with hand-to-hand combat.
Amid the Ruins, knowingly & willingly leaves Clementine alone in the herd. At least Luke had the justification that he was going to save Sarah.
No Going Back, decides beating the shit out of Arvo is more important than getting a fire started while Clem is FREEZING TO DEATH, even if Clem blatantly tells him "Can we get a fire started already?" Thank god Jane was there, because Mike and Kenny weren't doing a thing to help Clem (Bonnie was determinately also freezing to death, so I'll cut her some slack)
Long time no see.
Why is it solely up to Kenny to make sure Duck doesn't turn and kill everyone? Everyone knew the danger, and they knew that he was dying. The group did literally nothing to mitigate any threat. It wasn't just up to Kenny to make sure there wasn't a problem. And honestly, it's hilariously ridiculous that little 70lb Duck could kill the entire group all on his own. Seeing as this is entirely non-cannon, I wouldn't put much stock in it anyway, seeing as it was clearly meant as more of a failure shock than anything (if you fail to convince Kenny that he needs to stop the train, Duck's life span is magically lessened apparently). And I mean really, if the group waited until Duck was on death's door before deciding to coax Kenny into putting a bullet into his own son's brain, then that's on them. Seriously, how long does it take to convince Kenny that Duck needs to be put down? 2-3 minutes? Tops? That's not unreasonable, especially when you consider that Duck was the very first bite victim that the group ever dealt with. You can't just pin this issue on Kenny because of needing to have an extremely last minute, brief conversation with him involving killing his kid. That's just not reasonable.
Fair enough. I had forgotten about that. It wasn't very reasonable for him to ask Clem to be a part of that plan, seeing as there would be very little she would be able to do to defend herself.
No one went out of their way to help Clementine in that situation, with the exception of Jane, who was very grudgingly convinced to do so. I don't know why this example is always brought up against Kenny, as if he actually strayed from what everyone else did. There is such a double standard when it comes to viewing his actions. And even if you want to unfairly criticize him for not holding her hand and leading her out of there during that shit show where no one else was doing it either, that isn't the same thing as nearly getting her killed. And regardless of all of that, he literally just saw his lover get ripped apart and viciously killed in front of his eyes. I think it's a little understandable if he was a little out of his head. It's pretty silly to hold this against him given what everyone else did, and the personal circumstances that he faced.
Even before his little freak out on Arvo, no one was doing anything to help warm Clem up. Beating up Arvo had nothing to do with it, and the whole incident (yelling at him, punching him, ect) only lasted around a minute. You're not going to argue that a minute's worth of time led to nearly getting Clementine killed, are you..? Even after the Arvo incident, the group takes their time getting a fire started, as if it's no big deal. Taking a couple of minutes to get a fire started is nowhere near close to the group nearly getting her killed. Those minutes were honestly inconsequential. It's not as if her condition could have seriously worsened within that time frame. No one "almost inadvertently" got her killed here.
In general, Kenny never really personally did anything to nearly get Clementine killed.
Oh my god, you remember me :O
To be honest, I happen to agree with you that the non-canon death in this scene makes no sense. I'm just pointing out that Kenny has, in fact, inadvertently endangered Clem several times, no matter how unrealistic the scenario. I mean, Arvo shooting Clem was absurdly unrealistic, yet people seem to think that's a valid reason to hate him nonetheless...
Let's not forget that everyone else couldn't actually help Clem. Bonnie and Rebecca were separated from her, and Luke and Nick were focused on Sarah. The difference between Kenny and Jane in this scene is that Kenny left Clem while they were in the midst of fighting off walkers and he knew she was still in danger; meanwhile, Jane came across Clem after she got some more guts on herself and thus knew she was safe for the time being. Really, both Kenny and Mike were being stupidly irresponsible here for running off without Clem, much like how Kenny was irresponsible for wandering away from Sarita while in the herd for literally no reason. Not to say Sarita couldn't defend herself, but there was literally no reason for Kenny to have wandered off. Bonnie, Carlos and Sarita all had the sense to stay near Clem and Sarah to protect them.
As I said, I agree that both Kenny and Mike were doing fuck all to help Clem here. Arvo was not a threat to anyone, Jane was the only one frantically looking for a way to save Clem ("She needs a fire! She's gonna fucking freeze to death!" she exclaims as Kenny does little else but glare at Arvo). Also, Kenny beat on Arvo for around a minute only because CLEM INTERVENED (if you remain silent, Mike has to forcibly restrain Kenny to stop him). So yeah, it's clear Clem's well-being was not top-priority for Kenny here. And once again, I'll cut Bonnie some slack as she was determinate by this point.
Did everyone forget about Jane saying she was going to go get firewood? There was nothing in that fire place when they got there, and nothing to burn in their immediate vicinity. Even if Kenny did decide to help start a fire, what was he gonna do, magically conjure one out of thin air?
Christa lost her husband and baby a few months at most after that, and she manages to take care of clem for over a year.
Clearly she does keep pushing on.
Because Clem's imminent death wasn't reason enough to, say, help Jane find firewood, or anything crazy like that right? :P
It's been quite awhile since I played so I don't remember exactly how it went down but let's just say I'm not taking all the blame here. I was trying to make my Lee supportive of Kenny and he kept getting smacked down. Kenny solves conflicts with his fists or his sharp tongue and at the time, I did not appreciate it.