Athena is already allies with someone so I cant ally with her...I'm waiting in line thinking about who to poss… moreibly ally with.
Suddenly the boy from 9's uniform rips open and you can see his entire body.. man thats embarrassing. All the careers laugh and in fact nearly everyone laughs, even I snicker a bit. He manages to pull himself up and finish the rope climbing though, Trainers take him away to get a new uniform.
I do the climbing in about two minutes which isn't that bad..
I check out the top ten list afterwards
* Carley
* Zach
* Furry
* Hope
* Soon
* Thomas
* Zelda
* Nero
* Atlas
* Shelly
Wow... not surprised I haven't made it nor will I ever make it.. I look down at my dark uniform with my District number on it. It's so boring and plain, its literally just a Black sweater with red stripes.
"Okay!" Linda says "One more course! Sword training!"
We all walk … [view original content]
Athena is already allies with someone so I cant ally with her...I'm waiting in line thinking about who to poss… moreibly ally with.
Suddenly the boy from 9's uniform rips open and you can see his entire body.. man thats embarrassing. All the careers laugh and in fact nearly everyone laughs, even I snicker a bit. He manages to pull himself up and finish the rope climbing though, Trainers take him away to get a new uniform.
I do the climbing in about two minutes which isn't that bad..
I check out the top ten list afterwards
* Carley
* Zach
* Furry
* Hope
* Soon
* Thomas
* Zelda
* Nero
* Atlas
* Shelly
Wow... not surprised I haven't made it nor will I ever make it.. I look down at my dark uniform with my District number on it. It's so boring and plain, its literally just a Black sweater with red stripes.
"Okay!" Linda says "One more course! Sword training!"
We all walk … [view original content]
"Lets sit at table 3." Says Ylenia and we all go sit there, the District 11 and 12 girl are sitting there talking.
"Hey guys" I say kindly to them
"Hey" They say back
I sit down beside the District 11 girl and eat my stir fry... it tastes pretty good.
"God" Sasha says to us "Wasnt that District 5 girl a bitch? Plus she was totally staring at us"
"Her name is Lun" I say filling them in
"Yeah..." Ylenia says "We need to put her in her place"
"Yeah!" Sasha says excitedly
I see her walking with her head down to Table 4, the only other people there are the District 11 and 12 boys.
"Bitch" Sasha snarls
"Sasha" I say to her "Calm down, you arent thinking straight"
"I'm tired!" Sasha yells throwing her hands down "That bitch is going to pay for what she said to me."
"What are you going to do?" Ylenia asks.
Sasha is super nice but when she gets mad its like she transform into a different person, that can help and hurt me in the long run. Whatever she's going to do it wont be good.
Sasha gets up from her chair and goes over to Table 4.
"Whats she doing?" The girl from 12 askes me, I shrug.
She puts her hand down on the table next to Lun.. Lun does not look up.
"Hey!" Sasha yells to her, she doesnt look up
"I SAID HEY" Sasha yells loudly
Lun looks up.
"Can you leave me alone?" Lun asks her
Sasha slaps Lun across the face, and Lun grabs her cheek.
"Why don't you leave me alone you bitch?" Sasha snarles
"Hey!" A trainer yells over the speakers "Dont make me come in there!"
Sasha grabs the back of Luns head and Lun struggles back..
If I can break up the fight then Sasha wont get in trouble and Lun wont get beat up, but if I help Sasha might be mad at me for not letting her beat up Lun?
Should Shelly intervene?
[Intervene] [Stay put]
We walk back to the Training room early before lunch ends..
"We should kill that District 5 girl!" Carley hisses
"I dont know.." Soon says "She isnt really a threat?"
Zelda walks up to me, I look at her.. shes so beautiful. Her hair is so blonde it almost kills my eyes to look at it.
"Hey Furry" Zelda chirps
"Hi" I say to her
"Can you teach me how to throw a Tomahawk?" Zelda asks me
"Sure" I say kindly to her and we walk over to the Tomahawk training area.
"Okay I say training her "Pick up a tomahawk"
She picks one up.
"Good job" I say encouraging her "Now the trick is too tilt your head 10 degrees when you throw, then move your feet apart."
Zelda does exactly what I say her
"Good job" I say kindly
"You dont have to say good job for everything I do Furry." Zelda says half jokingly
"Sorry" I say to her "I'm new at this"
"Now" I exclaim "When you throw it you want to push the Tomahawk just behind your head and then release it by pushing vertically, the trick is too flick your wrist when you throw.. but dont over flick it."
Zelda flicks it and it hits the side of the target
"Not bad" I congratulate her "for your first try"
"Thanks" Zelda says nicely
Its so werid being with the Careers, I thought it would be a dream that would never come true. I half wonder if they're just using me and are going to kill me off later.. I try to tell myself I can trust them.. but I know I could trust Soon and Zach. I wonder how Ylenia thinks about me joining, I havent talked to her in awhile.. maybe its for the best.
I walk back to where all the Careers are talking
"Okay" Zach says "We already went over the Boy from 6 and the girl from 5"
"What about the boy from 3?" Zelda asks "Is he a treat?"
"He would be" Soon replies "But from what i've seen he is always with his District 3 partner, shes a baby.. i'm sure she'll be the death of him"
"So not a threat?" Carley says
Soon shakes his head and Carley looks at me.
"What about the girl from 7" Carley hisses glaring at me then back at Soon "She seems to be good with Axe's"
"I'm not sure" Soon says
"I think she is, she should be a target" Zach exclaims
Oh no, that feeling in my stomach again.. like I should stand up for her. So many things could go wrong if I say she's not a threat.. but I really dont want to push Ylenia under the bus.
"So Furry?" Carley asks me "Is she a threat?"
What should Furry say?
[Yes] [No]
I sit at table 2 with Nero and some other tributes.
"Hey Nero?" I ask him
"Yeah?" He says nicely
"Can we sing that song again tomorrow? Before the game starts?" I beg "Please?"
"If we have time" Nero says kindly "Susie tomorrow is going to be really busy, you understand?"
"I'm not 2 years old, of course I understand" I say to him "I just really liked that song.."
"Are you trying to guilt trip me?" Nero says funnily
"No.." I say nicely
"Susie?" Nero jokes "I know all your tricks...fine we can sing it."
"Yes!" I squeal
Nero said he'd try to protect me in the Bloodbath, that makes me feel better..
"Susie" Nero says slightly harshly "You really need to really train hard today, that means you wont always be with me. Okay?"
"What?" I ask "Why?"
"Because the games are in two days" Nero says carefully "And if you dont train you'll...."
"I'll die?" I say to him as I sip my apple juice.
"Come here" Nero says and he hugs me, his hugs are tight and warm.. reminds me of when my dad would hug me.
"Remember what I said" He whispers in my ear "If anyone tries to hurt you in the Bloodbath i'll hurt them more, I'll get you a backpack and a weapon and you'll be on your way.. but if you dont train you wont make it very long Susie"
"What if we run into each other?" Susie asks me "Will you kill me?"
"No!" Nero exclaims "Susie I promis-"
"Dont make promises you can keep" I say cutting him off, we stop hugging.
"Thank you" I say to him teary eyed "For trying to help me"
I want to be with Nero after lunch, what if he becomes friends with the Careers or someone else evil when im not with him? Then he wont protect me in the Bloodbath and forget about me. But if I stay with him I wont be able to train as much...
"Lets sit at table 3." Says Ylenia and we all go sit there, the District 11 and 12 girl are sitting there ta… morelking.
"Hey guys" I say kindly to them
"Hey" They say back
I sit down beside the District 11 girl and eat my stir fry... it tastes pretty good.
"God" Sasha says to us "Wasnt that District 5 girl a bitch? Plus she was totally staring at us"
"Her name is Lun" I say filling them in
"Yeah..." Ylenia says "We need to put her in her place"
"Yeah!" Sasha says excitedly
I see her walking with her head down to Table 4, the only other people there are the District 11 and 12 boys.
"Bitch" Sasha snarls
"Sasha" I say to her "Calm down, you arent thinking straight"
"I'm tired!" Sasha yells throwing her hands down "That bitch is going to pay for what she said to me."
"What are you going to do?" Ylenia asks.
Sasha is super nice but when she gets mad its like she transform into a dif… [view original content]
Athena is already allies with someone so I cant ally with her...I'm waiting in line thinking about who to poss… moreibly ally with.
Suddenly the boy from 9's uniform rips open and you can see his entire body.. man thats embarrassing. All the careers laugh and in fact nearly everyone laughs, even I snicker a bit. He manages to pull himself up and finish the rope climbing though, Trainers take him away to get a new uniform.
I do the climbing in about two minutes which isn't that bad..
I check out the top ten list afterwards
* Carley
* Zach
* Furry
* Hope
* Soon
* Thomas
* Zelda
* Nero
* Atlas
* Shelly
Wow... not surprised I haven't made it nor will I ever make it.. I look down at my dark uniform with my District number on it. It's so boring and plain, its literally just a Black sweater with red stripes.
"Okay!" Linda says "One more course! Sword training!"
We all walk … [view original content]
"Lets sit at table 3." Says Ylenia and we all go sit there, the District 11 and 12 girl are sitting there ta… morelking.
"Hey guys" I say kindly to them
"Hey" They say back
I sit down beside the District 11 girl and eat my stir fry... it tastes pretty good.
"God" Sasha says to us "Wasnt that District 5 girl a bitch? Plus she was totally staring at us"
"Her name is Lun" I say filling them in
"Yeah..." Ylenia says "We need to put her in her place"
"Yeah!" Sasha says excitedly
I see her walking with her head down to Table 4, the only other people there are the District 11 and 12 boys.
"Bitch" Sasha snarls
"Sasha" I say to her "Calm down, you arent thinking straight"
"I'm tired!" Sasha yells throwing her hands down "That bitch is going to pay for what she said to me."
"What are you going to do?" Ylenia asks.
Sasha is super nice but when she gets mad its like she transform into a dif… [view original content]
Bloody Careers are going to kill enough of my favourites already, I'm afraid
[Train alone]
Oh man, every Nero/Susie interaction gives me feels. Seeing the amount of work this guy is doing just to make a soon-to-be-dead girl feel a little better is absolutely heartwarming... And I admit my eyes are on the verge of leaking while reading that last part ;_;
"Lets sit at table 3." Says Ylenia and we all go sit there, the District 11 and 12 girl are sitting there ta… morelking.
"Hey guys" I say kindly to them
"Hey" They say back
I sit down beside the District 11 girl and eat my stir fry... it tastes pretty good.
"God" Sasha says to us "Wasnt that District 5 girl a bitch? Plus she was totally staring at us"
"Her name is Lun" I say filling them in
"Yeah..." Ylenia says "We need to put her in her place"
"Yeah!" Sasha says excitedly
I see her walking with her head down to Table 4, the only other people there are the District 11 and 12 boys.
"Bitch" Sasha snarls
"Sasha" I say to her "Calm down, you arent thinking straight"
"I'm tired!" Sasha yells throwing her hands down "That bitch is going to pay for what she said to me."
"What are you going to do?" Ylenia asks.
Sasha is super nice but when she gets mad its like she transform into a dif… [view original content]
"Lets sit at table 3." Says Ylenia and we all go sit there, the District 11 and 12 girl are sitting there ta… morelking.
"Hey guys" I say kindly to them
"Hey" They say back
I sit down beside the District 11 girl and eat my stir fry... it tastes pretty good.
"God" Sasha says to us "Wasnt that District 5 girl a bitch? Plus she was totally staring at us"
"Her name is Lun" I say filling them in
"Yeah..." Ylenia says "We need to put her in her place"
"Yeah!" Sasha says excitedly
I see her walking with her head down to Table 4, the only other people there are the District 11 and 12 boys.
"Bitch" Sasha snarls
"Sasha" I say to her "Calm down, you arent thinking straight"
"I'm tired!" Sasha yells throwing her hands down "That bitch is going to pay for what she said to me."
"What are you going to do?" Ylenia asks.
Sasha is super nice but when she gets mad its like she transform into a dif… [view original content]
"Lets sit at table 3." Says Ylenia and we all go sit there, the District 11 and 12 girl are sitting there ta… morelking.
"Hey guys" I say kindly to them
"Hey" They say back
I sit down beside the District 11 girl and eat my stir fry... it tastes pretty good.
"God" Sasha says to us "Wasnt that District 5 girl a bitch? Plus she was totally staring at us"
"Her name is Lun" I say filling them in
"Yeah..." Ylenia says "We need to put her in her place"
"Yeah!" Sasha says excitedly
I see her walking with her head down to Table 4, the only other people there are the District 11 and 12 boys.
"Bitch" Sasha snarls
"Sasha" I say to her "Calm down, you arent thinking straight"
"I'm tired!" Sasha yells throwing her hands down "That bitch is going to pay for what she said to me."
"What are you going to do?" Ylenia asks.
Sasha is super nice but when she gets mad its like she transform into a dif… [view original content]
"Lets sit at table 3." Says Ylenia and we all go sit there, the District 11 and 12 girl are sitting there ta… morelking.
"Hey guys" I say kindly to them
"Hey" They say back
I sit down beside the District 11 girl and eat my stir fry... it tastes pretty good.
"God" Sasha says to us "Wasnt that District 5 girl a bitch? Plus she was totally staring at us"
"Her name is Lun" I say filling them in
"Yeah..." Ylenia says "We need to put her in her place"
"Yeah!" Sasha says excitedly
I see her walking with her head down to Table 4, the only other people there are the District 11 and 12 boys.
"Bitch" Sasha snarls
"Sasha" I say to her "Calm down, you arent thinking straight"
"I'm tired!" Sasha yells throwing her hands down "That bitch is going to pay for what she said to me."
"What are you going to do?" Ylenia asks.
Sasha is super nice but when she gets mad its like she transform into a dif… [view original content]
"Lets sit at table 3." Says Ylenia and we all go sit there, the District 11 and 12 girl are sitting there ta… morelking.
"Hey guys" I say kindly to them
"Hey" They say back
I sit down beside the District 11 girl and eat my stir fry... it tastes pretty good.
"God" Sasha says to us "Wasnt that District 5 girl a bitch? Plus she was totally staring at us"
"Her name is Lun" I say filling them in
"Yeah..." Ylenia says "We need to put her in her place"
"Yeah!" Sasha says excitedly
I see her walking with her head down to Table 4, the only other people there are the District 11 and 12 boys.
"Bitch" Sasha snarls
"Sasha" I say to her "Calm down, you arent thinking straight"
"I'm tired!" Sasha yells throwing her hands down "That bitch is going to pay for what she said to me."
"What are you going to do?" Ylenia asks.
Sasha is super nice but when she gets mad its like she transform into a dif… [view original content]
The series is amazing, its literally got me on edge half of the time. Im seriously going to be a wreck once the games begin because I love every single character :c
The series is amazing, its literally got me on edge half of the time. Im seriously going to be a wreck once the games begin because I love every single character :c
All I can say is this is a very impressive 1st fanfic.
The choices are awesome. It almost seems as if each choice could drastically change how the games go down, because each choice could either create one alliance or break another...the choices are really difficult sometimes :P
I also like the way you handle the characters. I'm realy excited yet also really nervous to see how it will go down.
Not really a suggestion but don't forget about sponsors! I love your story, especially the decisions because a lot of them are hard to choose because I feel it may lead to someone's doom. But I do have a suggestion: nobody has really talked about how fucked up the Capitol is.
Thanks so much, this is my first fanfiction on here. c:
I'm considering making another one after these end (Not Hunger Games and not Walking Dead but something nobody else on here has made before)
"Lets sit at table 3." Says Ylenia and we all go sit there, the District 11 and 12 girl are sitting there ta… morelking.
"Hey guys" I say kindly to them
"Hey" They say back
I sit down beside the District 11 girl and eat my stir fry... it tastes pretty good.
"God" Sasha says to us "Wasnt that District 5 girl a bitch? Plus she was totally staring at us"
"Her name is Lun" I say filling them in
"Yeah..." Ylenia says "We need to put her in her place"
"Yeah!" Sasha says excitedly
I see her walking with her head down to Table 4, the only other people there are the District 11 and 12 boys.
"Bitch" Sasha snarls
"Sasha" I say to her "Calm down, you arent thinking straight"
"I'm tired!" Sasha yells throwing her hands down "That bitch is going to pay for what she said to me."
"What are you going to do?" Ylenia asks.
Sasha is super nice but when she gets mad its like she transform into a dif… [view original content]
I'm sitting at Table 3 when suddenly the girl from District 6 punches the girl from 5 in the face. The girl from 4 runs in and grabs the girl from 6 who starts screaming.
"Not if I kill you first!" The girl from 5 hisses and walks out of the cafeteria
"Everyone train now" Linda yells "You have one more hour"
"One more hour?!?" The girl from 8 exclaims who is sitting beside me "Thats bullshit"
I get up from the old grey table and begin walking into the Training room, I walk over to the camouflage section.. i'm pretty good at camouflage.. but after I stayed in the Training room overnight i've improved greatly.. I still cant believe the District 8 male didnt stay in here with me.. it was scary alone.
I walk over to the bow section and the boy from 1 is there.. he's doing pretty good.
I take a bow, its dark brown and looks brand new, I grab an arrow and put it in the bow..I pull it back and my arms shake when I do.. I let the arrow fly and it glides through the air and hits the targets shoulder. It's not that bad, the District 1 boy shoots the arrow and it hits the crotch.. he smiles because the crotch is where the... you know is. He looks over at me funnily and we both laugh.. he actually seems like he isnt a total ass especially for a career.
I go over to the spear section now..I over hear Viola.
"Ugh.. I hate these games" She snarled as she throws a spear that misses
I've never talked to Viola.. i'm more of the silent type and she is sort of sassy at times.
I throw a spear and it hits the targets upper leg..
"Excuse me" a voice says and I turn around
There stands a trainer
"Come with me" He says
"Why?" I ask
"Just come with me!" The trainer hisses
He grabs my arm tightly... oh my god. Did they find out I was training overnight? If only this trainer knows about it then I could just beat him up and by the time he recovers i'll already be in the games right? right?!?
What should Garret do?
[Fight back] [Be taken away]
D2 Zach
I throw a knife and it hits the targets head.
"Whats up with District 2 and knives?" Soon jokes
"Soon" I say "have you even tried throwing knives?"
"No!" Soon exclaims "And im not going too because i'll suck!"
"Dont know unless you try dude" I say and walk over to where Zelda and Furry are.
"Look" Zelda says and throws a small throwing axe, it slams into the targets neck.
"Good job" Soon claps and she smiles
"TRIBUTES!" Linda yells to the crowd "Trainings over! Go to your assigned floors now!"
"Well see you in the games" Soon says to all of us
"See you in the games.." We all say back
Me and Carley go up the elevator with the District 11s they look so small..they will be easy kills for sure. Carley scares me honestly, she brings evil to a whole new level..
The elevator doors open and we get out, Dinner is prepared for us and i eat some of it.. theres a shitload of food to be eaten. I sit down with Carley, my Mentor the two stylists and our Escort.. I fucking hate his ass.
"How was your day" Our escort exclaimed, Carley didn't reply and neither did I, our Escort just kept eating... thank god. I eat some Sushi and then get up from the table and walk into my room.. its so nice and comfortable. Carley is in the living room watching television with her stylist, I take a shower.. the water is nice and cool. Then I get changed into my sleepwear and watch Capitol TV, they have a Hunger Games start count down. It reads 30 HOURS 34 MINUTES and 35 SECONDS.. well now 34 seconds.
I get up from my room and i'm walking too the living room when I see Carley's room is wide open.. theres papers with her writing on it skattered all over the bed.. I can make out my name on one of the papers.... what the fuck. I could sneak into her room and read these papers.. what if Carley has a evil plot or something. But if she catches me ill be in deep crap...
I still have to write the D11F POV but my computer totally messed up and I'm going to need to restart it, so once it goes from 10.5 to 11 that means i've done the last POV
TRAINING (11/12)
I'm sitting at Table 3 when suddenly the girl from District 6 punches the girl from 5 in the face. The girl… more from 4 runs in and grabs the girl from 6 who starts screaming.
"Not if I kill you first!" The girl from 5 hisses and walks out of the cafeteria
"Everyone train now" Linda yells "You have one more hour"
"One more hour?!?" The girl from 8 exclaims who is sitting beside me "Thats bullshit"
I get up from the old grey table and begin walking into the Training room, I walk over to the camouflage section.. i'm pretty good at camouflage.. but after I stayed in the Training room overnight i've improved greatly.. I still cant believe the District 8 male didnt stay in here with me.. it was scary alone.
I walk over to the bow section and the boy from 1 is there.. he's doing pretty good.
I take a bow, its dark brown and looks brand new, I gr… [view original content]
TRAINING (11/12)
I'm sitting at Table 3 when suddenly the girl from District 6 punches the girl from 5 in the face. The girl… more from 4 runs in and grabs the girl from 6 who starts screaming.
"Not if I kill you first!" The girl from 5 hisses and walks out of the cafeteria
"Everyone train now" Linda yells "You have one more hour"
"One more hour?!?" The girl from 8 exclaims who is sitting beside me "Thats bullshit"
I get up from the old grey table and begin walking into the Training room, I walk over to the camouflage section.. i'm pretty good at camouflage.. but after I stayed in the Training room overnight i've improved greatly.. I still cant believe the District 8 male didnt stay in here with me.. it was scary alone.
I walk over to the bow section and the boy from 1 is there.. he's doing pretty good.
I take a bow, its dark brown and looks brand new, I gr… [view original content]
TRAINING (11/12)
I'm sitting at Table 3 when suddenly the girl from District 6 punches the girl from 5 in the face. The girl… more from 4 runs in and grabs the girl from 6 who starts screaming.
"Not if I kill you first!" The girl from 5 hisses and walks out of the cafeteria
"Everyone train now" Linda yells "You have one more hour"
"One more hour?!?" The girl from 8 exclaims who is sitting beside me "Thats bullshit"
I get up from the old grey table and begin walking into the Training room, I walk over to the camouflage section.. i'm pretty good at camouflage.. but after I stayed in the Training room overnight i've improved greatly.. I still cant believe the District 8 male didnt stay in here with me.. it was scary alone.
I walk over to the bow section and the boy from 1 is there.. he's doing pretty good.
I take a bow, its dark brown and looks brand new, I gr… [view original content]
I still have to write the D11F POV but my computer totally messed up and I'm going to need to restart it, so once it goes from 10.5 to 11 that means i've done the last POV
[Fight back.] Fighting back could cause him to lose any sponsors he has or worse, the Capitol gives him a death that looks like an "accident" in the arena.
TRAINING (11/12)
I'm sitting at Table 3 when suddenly the girl from District 6 punches the girl from 5 in the face. The girl… more from 4 runs in and grabs the girl from 6 who starts screaming.
"Not if I kill you first!" The girl from 5 hisses and walks out of the cafeteria
"Everyone train now" Linda yells "You have one more hour"
"One more hour?!?" The girl from 8 exclaims who is sitting beside me "Thats bullshit"
I get up from the old grey table and begin walking into the Training room, I walk over to the camouflage section.. i'm pretty good at camouflage.. but after I stayed in the Training room overnight i've improved greatly.. I still cant believe the District 8 male didnt stay in here with me.. it was scary alone.
I walk over to the bow section and the boy from 1 is there.. he's doing pretty good.
I take a bow, its dark brown and looks brand new, I gr… [view original content]
"Yeah" I say mutually and Sagig opens the door and we walk in.
I'm still in awe over the beauty of the rooms.. it's just so gorgeous and modern. Dinner is ready for us and I sit and eat our mentor talks to us while we eat.
"So tomorrow" Our mentor says "They are going to privately asses you, afterwards you'll be rated on a scale of 1 to 12. Give it all you got in there"
"Okay" Sagig says "How hard is it to get a 12?"
The mentor and escort laugh at this comment, for some reason its funny.
"Really hard kid" The mentor says "Aim to get a 7 or 8, okay? And when it comes to the games don't forget the bloodbath.. Youre going to probably need to take the risk of going to the bloodbath. They have all the weapons you've trained with there and you can get a lot of supplies like food and weapons. But lots of people will die usually 8 to 12 tributes every year die in the bloodbath.. last year 13 did."
Sagig nods and so do I... I need to go talk to Athena..I get up from the table.
As i'm walking away i hear Sagig saying he doesn't think that he will be going. I walk into my room and turn on the light, then I close the door. Over the last two days me and Athena have been talking to each other through the heat ventilator, when you speak into it it echos and you can hear each other. Athena is in the room right above mine
I step onto my bed and speak into the heat ventilator.
"Athena?" I whisper, no reply
"Athena?!?!" I whisper loudly
"What?" Athena yells back "What is it?"
"We need to go to the bloodbath" I say to her
"I know.." She replies back "What should we do?"
We can both go.. that might work well.. then we would both be able to know where each other were and we could look out for one another.. or just Athena or I could go and the other one run the other way.. but then we would lose each other and never find one another and the other one would probably die.
I still have to write the D11F POV but my computer totally messed up and I'm going to need to restart it, so once it goes from 10.5 to 11 that means i've done the last POV
TRAINING (11/12)
I'm sitting at Table 3 when suddenly the girl from District 6 punches the girl from 5 in the face. The girl… more from 4 runs in and grabs the girl from 6 who starts screaming.
"Not if I kill you first!" The girl from 5 hisses and walks out of the cafeteria
"Everyone train now" Linda yells "You have one more hour"
"One more hour?!?" The girl from 8 exclaims who is sitting beside me "Thats bullshit"
I get up from the old grey table and begin walking into the Training room, I walk over to the camouflage section.. i'm pretty good at camouflage.. but after I stayed in the Training room overnight i've improved greatly.. I still cant believe the District 8 male didnt stay in here with me.. it was scary alone.
I walk over to the bow section and the boy from 1 is there.. he's doing pretty good.
I take a bow, its dark brown and looks brand new, I gr… [view original content]
Our elevator rings and we get out
"Did you like training today?" Sagig asks me
"Yeah" I say mutually an… mored Sagig opens the door and we walk in.
I'm still in awe over the beauty of the rooms.. it's just so gorgeous and modern. Dinner is ready for us and I sit and eat our mentor talks to us while we eat.
"So tomorrow" Our mentor says "They are going to privately asses you, afterwards you'll be rated on a scale of 1 to 12. Give it all you got in there"
"Okay" Sagig says "How hard is it to get a 12?"
The mentor and escort laugh at this comment, for some reason its funny.
"Really hard kid" The mentor says "Aim to get a 7 or 8, okay? And when it comes to the games don't forget the bloodbath.. Youre going to probably need to take the risk of going to the bloodbath. They have all the weapons you've trained with there and you can get a lot of supplies like food and weapons. But lots of people will die … [view original content]
[Go together] Think about it, if Athena or Super die in the bloodbath because they're alone then the other one who doesnt have supplies or weapons will die too. So its probably safer if they go together?
Our elevator rings and we get out
"Did you like training today?" Sagig asks me
"Yeah" I say mutually an… mored Sagig opens the door and we walk in.
I'm still in awe over the beauty of the rooms.. it's just so gorgeous and modern. Dinner is ready for us and I sit and eat our mentor talks to us while we eat.
"So tomorrow" Our mentor says "They are going to privately asses you, afterwards you'll be rated on a scale of 1 to 12. Give it all you got in there"
"Okay" Sagig says "How hard is it to get a 12?"
The mentor and escort laugh at this comment, for some reason its funny.
"Really hard kid" The mentor says "Aim to get a 7 or 8, okay? And when it comes to the games don't forget the bloodbath.. Youre going to probably need to take the risk of going to the bloodbath. They have all the weapons you've trained with there and you can get a lot of supplies like food and weapons. But lots of people will die … [view original content]
[Go together] Think about it, if Athena or Super die in the bloodbath because they're alone then the other one who doesnt have supplies or weapons will die too. So its probably safer if they go together?
[Be taken away]
[Stay out]
TRAINING (11/12)
I'm sitting at Table 3 when suddenly the girl from District 6 punches the girl from 5 in the face. The girl… more from 4 runs in and grabs the girl from 6 who starts screaming.
"Not if I kill you first!" The girl from 5 hisses and walks out of the cafeteria
"Everyone train now" Linda yells "You have one more hour"
"One more hour?!?" The girl from 8 exclaims who is sitting beside me "Thats bullshit"
I get up from the old grey table and begin walking into the Training room, I walk over to the camouflage section.. i'm pretty good at camouflage.. but after I stayed in the Training room overnight i've improved greatly.. I still cant believe the District 8 male didnt stay in here with me.. it was scary alone.
I walk over to the bow section and the boy from 1 is there.. he's doing pretty good.
I take a bow, its dark brown and looks brand new, I gr… [view original content]
Our elevator rings and we get out
"Did you like training today?" Sagig asks me
"Yeah" I say mutually an… mored Sagig opens the door and we walk in.
I'm still in awe over the beauty of the rooms.. it's just so gorgeous and modern. Dinner is ready for us and I sit and eat our mentor talks to us while we eat.
"So tomorrow" Our mentor says "They are going to privately asses you, afterwards you'll be rated on a scale of 1 to 12. Give it all you got in there"
"Okay" Sagig says "How hard is it to get a 12?"
The mentor and escort laugh at this comment, for some reason its funny.
"Really hard kid" The mentor says "Aim to get a 7 or 8, okay? And when it comes to the games don't forget the bloodbath.. Youre going to probably need to take the risk of going to the bloodbath. They have all the weapons you've trained with there and you can get a lot of supplies like food and weapons. But lots of people will die … [view original content]
Our elevator rings and we get out
"Did you like training today?" Sagig asks me
"Yeah" I say mutually an… mored Sagig opens the door and we walk in.
I'm still in awe over the beauty of the rooms.. it's just so gorgeous and modern. Dinner is ready for us and I sit and eat our mentor talks to us while we eat.
"So tomorrow" Our mentor says "They are going to privately asses you, afterwards you'll be rated on a scale of 1 to 12. Give it all you got in there"
"Okay" Sagig says "How hard is it to get a 12?"
The mentor and escort laugh at this comment, for some reason its funny.
"Really hard kid" The mentor says "Aim to get a 7 or 8, okay? And when it comes to the games don't forget the bloodbath.. Youre going to probably need to take the risk of going to the bloodbath. They have all the weapons you've trained with there and you can get a lot of supplies like food and weapons. But lots of people will die … [view original content]
TRAINING (11/12)
I'm sitting at Table 3 when suddenly the girl from District 6 punches the girl from 5 in the face. The girl… more from 4 runs in and grabs the girl from 6 who starts screaming.
"Not if I kill you first!" The girl from 5 hisses and walks out of the cafeteria
"Everyone train now" Linda yells "You have one more hour"
"One more hour?!?" The girl from 8 exclaims who is sitting beside me "Thats bullshit"
I get up from the old grey table and begin walking into the Training room, I walk over to the camouflage section.. i'm pretty good at camouflage.. but after I stayed in the Training room overnight i've improved greatly.. I still cant believe the District 8 male didnt stay in here with me.. it was scary alone.
I walk over to the bow section and the boy from 1 is there.. he's doing pretty good.
I take a bow, its dark brown and looks brand new, I gr… [view original content]
I love it, especially the extremely well-done characterization. You were quick to make me actually care about these charcters. When I care for characters, I tend to get emotional when they die and naturally, in this story most of the characters will die, probably most if not all of my favourites too.
That means, I am a bit frightened of the feels that will come... But your writing is so good that I am also looking forward for the feels, even though I'm scared as hell as well. Keep up the amazing work!
Careers going to target Atlas? Man, fuck them...
[District 11 boy]
[District 5 female]
And the other choice? XD
[District 11 boy]
[District 9 female]
sorry at a party
I'll write when I get home
Starting part 10
"Lets sit at table 3." Says Ylenia and we all go sit there, the District 11 and 12 girl are sitting there talking.
"Hey guys" I say kindly to them
"Hey" They say back
I sit down beside the District 11 girl and eat my stir fry... it tastes pretty good.
"God" Sasha says to us "Wasnt that District 5 girl a bitch? Plus she was totally staring at us"
"Her name is Lun" I say filling them in
"Yeah..." Ylenia says "We need to put her in her place"
"Yeah!" Sasha says excitedly
I see her walking with her head down to Table 4, the only other people there are the District 11 and 12 boys.
"Bitch" Sasha snarls
"Sasha" I say to her "Calm down, you arent thinking straight"
"I'm tired!" Sasha yells throwing her hands down "That bitch is going to pay for what she said to me."
"What are you going to do?" Ylenia asks.
Sasha is super nice but when she gets mad its like she transform into a different person, that can help and hurt me in the long run. Whatever she's going to do it wont be good.
Sasha gets up from her chair and goes over to Table 4.
"Whats she doing?" The girl from 12 askes me, I shrug.
She puts her hand down on the table next to Lun.. Lun does not look up.
"Hey!" Sasha yells to her, she doesnt look up
"I SAID HEY" Sasha yells loudly
Lun looks up.
"Can you leave me alone?" Lun asks her
Sasha slaps Lun across the face, and Lun grabs her cheek.
"Why don't you leave me alone you bitch?" Sasha snarles
"Hey!" A trainer yells over the speakers "Dont make me come in there!"
Sasha grabs the back of Luns head and Lun struggles back..
If I can break up the fight then Sasha wont get in trouble and Lun wont get beat up, but if I help Sasha might be mad at me for not letting her beat up Lun?
Should Shelly intervene?
[Intervene] [Stay put]
We walk back to the Training room early before lunch ends..
"We should kill that District 5 girl!" Carley hisses
"I dont know.." Soon says "She isnt really a threat?"
Zelda walks up to me, I look at her.. shes so beautiful. Her hair is so blonde it almost kills my eyes to look at it.
"Hey Furry" Zelda chirps
"Hi" I say to her
"Can you teach me how to throw a Tomahawk?" Zelda asks me
"Sure" I say kindly to her and we walk over to the Tomahawk training area.
"Okay I say training her "Pick up a tomahawk"
She picks one up.
"Good job" I say encouraging her "Now the trick is too tilt your head 10 degrees when you throw, then move your feet apart."
Zelda does exactly what I say her
"Good job" I say kindly
"You dont have to say good job for everything I do Furry." Zelda says half jokingly
"Sorry" I say to her "I'm new at this"
"Now" I exclaim "When you throw it you want to push the Tomahawk just behind your head and then release it by pushing vertically, the trick is too flick your wrist when you throw.. but dont over flick it."
Zelda flicks it and it hits the side of the target
"Not bad" I congratulate her "for your first try"
"Thanks" Zelda says nicely
Its so werid being with the Careers, I thought it would be a dream that would never come true. I half wonder if they're just using me and are going to kill me off later.. I try to tell myself I can trust them.. but I know I could trust Soon and Zach. I wonder how Ylenia thinks about me joining, I havent talked to her in awhile.. maybe its for the best.
I walk back to where all the Careers are talking
"Okay" Zach says "We already went over the Boy from 6 and the girl from 5"
"What about the boy from 3?" Zelda asks "Is he a treat?"
"He would be" Soon replies "But from what i've seen he is always with his District 3 partner, shes a baby.. i'm sure she'll be the death of him"
"So not a threat?" Carley says
Soon shakes his head and Carley looks at me.
"What about the girl from 7" Carley hisses glaring at me then back at Soon "She seems to be good with Axe's"
"I'm not sure" Soon says
"I think she is, she should be a target" Zach exclaims
Oh no, that feeling in my stomach again.. like I should stand up for her. So many things could go wrong if I say she's not a threat.. but I really dont want to push Ylenia under the bus.
"So Furry?" Carley asks me "Is she a threat?"
What should Furry say?
[Yes] [No]
I sit at table 2 with Nero and some other tributes.
"Hey Nero?" I ask him
"Yeah?" He says nicely
"Can we sing that song again tomorrow? Before the game starts?" I beg "Please?"
"If we have time" Nero says kindly "Susie tomorrow is going to be really busy, you understand?"
"I'm not 2 years old, of course I understand" I say to him "I just really liked that song.."
"Are you trying to guilt trip me?" Nero says funnily
"No.." I say nicely
"Susie?" Nero jokes "I know all your tricks...fine we can sing it."
"Yes!" I squeal
Nero said he'd try to protect me in the Bloodbath, that makes me feel better..
"Susie" Nero says slightly harshly "You really need to really train hard today, that means you wont always be with me. Okay?"
"What?" I ask "Why?"
"Because the games are in two days" Nero says carefully "And if you dont train you'll...."
"I'll die?" I say to him as I sip my apple juice.
"Come here" Nero says and he hugs me, his hugs are tight and warm.. reminds me of when my dad would hug me.
"Remember what I said" He whispers in my ear "If anyone tries to hurt you in the Bloodbath i'll hurt them more, I'll get you a backpack and a weapon and you'll be on your way.. but if you dont train you wont make it very long Susie"
"What if we run into each other?" Susie asks me "Will you kill me?"
"No!" Nero exclaims "Susie I promis-"
"Dont make promises you can keep" I say cutting him off, we stop hugging.
"Thank you" I say to him teary eyed "For trying to help me"
I want to be with Nero after lunch, what if he becomes friends with the Careers or someone else evil when im not with him? Then he wont protect me in the Bloodbath and forget about me. But if I stay with him I wont be able to train as much...
Should Susie leave Nero?
[Train alone] [Stay with Nero]
[Stay put]
[Train alone] Two days left, better make the best out of it.
[District 5 female]
[District 9 female]
Seems like Lun is in trouble :c
[Intervene] - Although I want Sasha to get in trouble, I want there to be some mistrust between the group
[Stay with Nero]
Don't wanna get Sasha into trouble
Bloody Careers are going to kill enough of my favourites already, I'm afraid
[Train alone]
Oh man, every Nero/Susie interaction gives me feels. Seeing the amount of work this guy is doing just to make a soon-to-be-dead girl feel a little better is absolutely heartwarming... And I admit my eyes are on the verge of leaking while reading that last part ;_;
[Train alone]
Great chapter!
[Stay put] So Sasha gets in trouble
[Train alone]
[Stay put]
[Train alone]
[Train alone]
Starting Part 11 (Last part of actual training)
I hope you guys are liking the series so far, if you have any feedback dont be afraid to give it.
The series is amazing, its literally got me on edge half of the time. Im seriously going to be a wreck once the games begin because I love every single character :c
Thanks so much, this is my first fanfiction on here. c:
I'm considering making another one after these end (Not Hunger Games and not Walking Dead but something nobody else on here has made before)
I love the story so far, its very vivid and you do a great job expressing the story through multiple views. Keep up the great work!
All I can say is this is a very impressive 1st fanfic.
The choices are awesome. It almost seems as if each choice could drastically change how the games go down, because each choice could either create one alliance or break another...the choices are really difficult sometimes :P
I also like the way you handle the characters. I'm realy excited yet also really nervous to see how it will go down.
Not really a suggestion but don't forget about sponsors! I love your story, especially the decisions because a lot of them are hard to choose because I feel it may lead to someone's doom. But I do have a suggestion: nobody has really talked about how fucked up the Capitol is.
[Train alone]
TRAINING (11/12)
I'm sitting at Table 3 when suddenly the girl from District 6 punches the girl from 5 in the face. The girl from 4 runs in and grabs the girl from 6 who starts screaming.
"Not if I kill you first!" The girl from 5 hisses and walks out of the cafeteria
"Everyone train now" Linda yells "You have one more hour"
"One more hour?!?" The girl from 8 exclaims who is sitting beside me "Thats bullshit"
I get up from the old grey table and begin walking into the Training room, I walk over to the camouflage section.. i'm pretty good at camouflage.. but after I stayed in the Training room overnight i've improved greatly.. I still cant believe the District 8 male didnt stay in here with me.. it was scary alone.
I walk over to the bow section and the boy from 1 is there.. he's doing pretty good.
I take a bow, its dark brown and looks brand new, I grab an arrow and put it in the bow..I pull it back and my arms shake when I do.. I let the arrow fly and it glides through the air and hits the targets shoulder. It's not that bad, the District 1 boy shoots the arrow and it hits the crotch.. he smiles because the crotch is where the... you know is. He looks over at me funnily and we both laugh.. he actually seems like he isnt a total ass especially for a career.
I go over to the spear section now..I over hear Viola.
"Ugh.. I hate these games" She snarled as she throws a spear that misses
I've never talked to Viola.. i'm more of the silent type and she is sort of sassy at times.
I throw a spear and it hits the targets upper leg..
"Excuse me" a voice says and I turn around
There stands a trainer
"Come with me" He says
"Why?" I ask
"Just come with me!" The trainer hisses
He grabs my arm tightly... oh my god. Did they find out I was training overnight? If only this trainer knows about it then I could just beat him up and by the time he recovers i'll already be in the games right? right?!?
What should Garret do?
[Fight back] [Be taken away]
D2 Zach
I throw a knife and it hits the targets head.
"Whats up with District 2 and knives?" Soon jokes
"Soon" I say "have you even tried throwing knives?"
"No!" Soon exclaims "And im not going too because i'll suck!"
"Dont know unless you try dude" I say and walk over to where Zelda and Furry are.
"Look" Zelda says and throws a small throwing axe, it slams into the targets neck.
"Good job" Soon claps and she smiles
"TRIBUTES!" Linda yells to the crowd "Trainings over! Go to your assigned floors now!"
"Well see you in the games" Soon says to all of us
"See you in the games.." We all say back
Me and Carley go up the elevator with the District 11s they look so small..they will be easy kills for sure. Carley scares me honestly, she brings evil to a whole new level..
The elevator doors open and we get out, Dinner is prepared for us and i eat some of it.. theres a shitload of food to be eaten. I sit down with Carley, my Mentor the two stylists and our Escort.. I fucking hate his ass.
"How was your day" Our escort exclaimed, Carley didn't reply and neither did I, our Escort just kept eating... thank god. I eat some Sushi and then get up from the table and walk into my room.. its so nice and comfortable. Carley is in the living room watching television with her stylist, I take a shower.. the water is nice and cool. Then I get changed into my sleepwear and watch Capitol TV, they have a Hunger Games start count down. It reads 30 HOURS 34 MINUTES and 35 SECONDS.. well now 34 seconds.
I get up from my room and i'm walking too the living room when I see Carley's room is wide open.. theres papers with her writing on it skattered all over the bed.. I can make out my name on one of the papers.... what the fuck. I could sneak into her room and read these papers.. what if Carley has a evil plot or something. But if she catches me ill be in deep crap...
Should Zach sneak in
[Sneak in] [Stay out]
I still have to write the D11F POV but my computer totally messed up and I'm going to need to restart it, so once it goes from 10.5 to 11 that means i've done the last POV
[Fight back]
[Sneak in]
[Fight back] This will problems for Garret XD
[Sneak in] FUCK CARLEY!!!!
Awesome Chapter!!!!
What's the 12th part of training? o.o
[Fight back.] Fighting back could cause him to lose any sponsors he has or worse, the Capitol gives him a death that looks like an "accident" in the arena.
Our elevator rings and we get out
"Did you like training today?" Sagig asks me
"Yeah" I say mutually and Sagig opens the door and we walk in.
I'm still in awe over the beauty of the rooms.. it's just so gorgeous and modern. Dinner is ready for us and I sit and eat our mentor talks to us while we eat.
"So tomorrow" Our mentor says "They are going to privately asses you, afterwards you'll be rated on a scale of 1 to 12. Give it all you got in there"
"Okay" Sagig says "How hard is it to get a 12?"
The mentor and escort laugh at this comment, for some reason its funny.
"Really hard kid" The mentor says "Aim to get a 7 or 8, okay? And when it comes to the games don't forget the bloodbath.. Youre going to probably need to take the risk of going to the bloodbath. They have all the weapons you've trained with there and you can get a lot of supplies like food and weapons. But lots of people will die usually 8 to 12 tributes every year die in the bloodbath.. last year 13 did."
Sagig nods and so do I... I need to go talk to Athena..I get up from the table.
As i'm walking away i hear Sagig saying he doesn't think that he will be going. I walk into my room and turn on the light, then I close the door. Over the last two days me and Athena have been talking to each other through the heat ventilator, when you speak into it it echos and you can hear each other. Athena is in the room right above mine
I step onto my bed and speak into the heat ventilator.
"Athena?" I whisper, no reply
"Athena?!?!" I whisper loudly
"What?" Athena yells back "What is it?"
"We need to go to the bloodbath" I say to her
"I know.." She replies back "What should we do?"
We can both go.. that might work well.. then we would both be able to know where each other were and we could look out for one another.. or just Athena or I could go and the other one run the other way.. but then we would lose each other and never find one another and the other one would probably die.
What should Super do?
[Go together] [Go alone] [Have Athena go alone]
[Be taken away]
[Sneak in]
[Have Athena go alone] PLEASE VOTE THIS!!!! BTW PLEASE
Awesome Part!!!
It'll be interviews and private training
[Go together] Think about it, if Athena or Super die in the bloodbath because they're alone then the other one who doesnt have supplies or weapons will die too. So its probably safer if they go together?
[Be taken away]
[Stay out]
[Go together.]
BTW You want troubles for Garret?
And if the both go they will going to be killed the two of them be killed e.e
[Fight back]
[Sneak in]
[Go together] If they die it will be two less tributes to worry about
[Go together]
SO excited O.O
[Fight back]
[Stay out]
[Go alone]
I love it, especially the extremely well-done characterization. You were quick to make me actually care about these charcters. When I care for characters, I tend to get emotional when they die and naturally, in this story most of the characters will die, probably most if not all of my favourites too.
That means, I am a bit frightened of the feels that will come... But your writing is so good that I am also looking forward for the feels, even though I'm scared as hell as well. Keep up the amazing work!