I think Clementine is autistic

autistic headcanon: clementine has an undiagnosed case of aspergers although possibly mild. her walkie talkie and her hat are her comfort objects, she is quite gullible and does not now how to tell when ppl are lying but she gradually gets better at this in s2. this is mostly how i play her but she is prone to being brutally honest and sometimes say inappropriate things, but she still has a strong set of morals and cares deeply about people. she is super duper stubborn and things absolutely Have to be in her own way. she stims by clutching her arms, talking to herself and covering her ears when she gets stressed or upset (this is mostly in s1 but it happens in s2 too depending on yr choices). she is quiet and slightly shy and not always very good at showing her emotions due to trauma but she is also very funny, charismatic and easy to like (destroy autistic stereotypes tbh) and imo she learns to be more outgoing in s2. she loves drawing bc when she is painting its like she gets sucked into another world and art would probably be her special interest if it werent for the zombie apocalypse. deep down she is a mature, intelligent and insightful little girl but she still does not always understand why certain things happen or why people do the things they do and she has to ask lee about it all the time because she is not always sure about her own perception of reality and human relationships and (excitingly stimming) I THINK CLEMENTINE IS AUTISTIC

NOTE: i have professionally diagnosed mild aspergers and i love clementine and relate to her a lot (mainly because we Kinda get to choose/influence her personality in season 2). i know that it's a very small chance that she actually does have aspergers and i am by no means trying to force my belief down anyone's throat but i think it would be a really interesting and fun twist! i dont know what you guys think but i have talked to some of my friends irl about it and they agree and it would mean a lot to me if she actually was autistic because of representation and you dont see a lot of autistic characters in media

im going to bed now but id love to hear some feedback!! :) thanks n goodnight



  • Shes not autistic. Or at least not far enough along the autistic specturm for it to be relevant, infact I havnt seen any evidence of any traits to show that

  • edited February 2015

    Well. This is going to go down well.

    Autism being a 'fun twist'? Really?

    Sarah could possibly be on the spectrum. Possibly. I think that's as close to representation as you'll get I'm afraid.

  • edited February 2015

    Hmmmm all those things are usually telltale signs of her being a little girl. A little girl growing up in the ZA.

    Her discovering who is lying or not is mainly up to the player. Although knowing that they're lying and most of the time you can't do shit about sucks, but you are not suppose to know (the first time around) for the shocking twist, but you can have Clem "not trust" people through dialogue. And S1, technically the Stranger was not lying, but she couldn't tell he was crazy over the radio.

  • I thought Sarah maybe could have mild aspergers but again very few signs were there of even that.The fact carlos sheltered her which would lead to those few signs anyway makes it less likely.

    Sarah having severe anxiety is another matter but I doubt she had aspergers.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Well. This is going to go down well. Autism being a 'fun twist'? Really? Sarah could possibly be on the spectrum. Possibly. I think that's as close to representation as you'll get I'm afraid.

  • edited February 2015

    Maybe she is just a little girl

  • The way she interacted with Clementine isn't how a girl her age would act OUTSIDE OF a zombie apocalypse, which means the sheltering is unlikely to be the issue.

    I thought Sarah maybe could have mild aspergers but again very few signs were there of even that.The fact carlos sheltered her which would l

  • Sorry, but i think she was naive because she was like 8.

  • I must say that was a really nice thread you wrote here. It would be interesting if Clementine was revealed to have had Aspergers cause it would add different layer depth behind her character. Plus like you said, there aren't really a lot of video game characters with some form of autism. Nevertheless we honestly can't be sure about this, cause like what other people here said, she could just be a girl growing up in a ZA.

  • Every autistic person is affected by autism differently, folks! And as peachflower herself stated she's autistic, I see no problem with her projecting representation onto her faves simply because she can relate to the character on various levels.

  • edited February 2015

    I think Clementine is autistic

    Clementine is autistic

    is autistic

    Alt text

  • Becca would be more emblematic of the average teenage girl. Sarah's just plain weird.

    Which is not to say she's any less human.

    Flog61 posted: »

    The way she interacted with Clementine isn't how a girl her age would act OUTSIDE OF a zombie apocalypse, which means the sheltering is unlikely to be the issue.

  • I think Clementine is my asexual tri-romantic otherkin.


  • Was that Batman and Jean-Luc Picard in the backseat?

    I think Clementine is autistic Clementine is autistic is autistic

  • Plz.

    Bokor posted: »

    I think Clementine is my asexual tri-romantic otherkin. #tumblr

  • edited February 2015

    I think what you're describing about Clem is her naivety. She's not autistic. If she was, she'd have social inabilities, repetitive behaviors, and be a completely different person than she is now.

  • Dat internet expert medical diagnosis.
    8 Year old child loses her parents. Has a hat to remember them. Confirmed autistic.

  • Or she's a little girl in a zombie apocalypse, no mental disablities.

  • edited February 2015

    This is what happens when people are raised to believe that doctors are 100% right 100% of the time, every fucking little detail or mannerism is 100% a mental disorder JUST CUZ THE DOCTOR SAID SO!!!!

    OP is projecting mega hard

    Durango95 posted: »

    Dat internet expert medical diagnosis. 8 Year old child loses her parents. Has a hat to remember them. Confirmed autistic.

  • She's a kid in a zombie apocalypse. What do you expect? She's far from autistic. -n-

  • edited February 2015


    Becca is in my opinion one of the most realistic characters Telltale has ever produced.

    Pretending to be hard and to have no emotions so you can be 'one of the adults', then being unable to actually follow through on them because you're actually scared. An architypal teenager.

    Bokor posted: »

    Becca would be more emblematic of the average teenage girl. Sarah's just plain weird. Which is not to say she's any less human.

  • Um, this isn't the same?

    The Op of this thread almost certainly doesn't have a medical degree. The only way your comment would be applicable is if he had gone to an actual doctor, sought her or his advice, and then repeated what she or he said back to us.

    This is just some guy assuming shit for no reason, not science.

    This is what happens when people are raised to believe that doctors are 100% right 100% of the time, every fucking little detail or mannerism is 100% a mental disorder JUST CUZ THE DOCTOR SAID SO!!!! OP is projecting mega hard

  • Um, this isn't the same?

    What are you talking about?

    The Op of this thread almost certainly doesn't have a medical degree. The only way your comment would be applicable is if he had gone to an actual doctor, sought her or his advice, and then repeated what she or he said back to us.

    The OP said "NOTE: i have professionally diagnosed mild aspergers" so it's clear that he/she is just projecting.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Um, this isn't the same? The Op of this thread almost certainly doesn't have a medical degree. The only way your comment would be applica

  • edited February 2015

    This might be true in a world like today's but remember that she was 8 when the ZA started she still had lots of things to learn about humans and social interactions, and she learned them in a very different way than the adults that surround her, that or she is just shy

  • I believe Telltale confirmed that Sarah had PTSD.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Well. This is going to go down well. Autism being a 'fun twist'? Really? Sarah could possibly be on the spectrum. Possibly. I think that's as close to representation as you'll get I'm afraid.

  • I think that they meant that they themselves have been professionally diagnosed therefore could suggest from personal experience

    Um, this isn't the same? What are you talking about? The Op of this thread almost certainly doesn't have a medical degree. The

  • I don't think she's autistic. Usually people with autism are somewhat socially awkward, but Clem is just aloof and introverted....that's not the same as being socially inept. He aloofness comes from that she's had to rely on herself for emotional support. Yeah, she had Lee and Christa/Omid, but that's still doesn't replace the kind of emotional comfort and security that one gets from their actual immediate family.

  • That is exactly what I am saying.

    Aerie88 posted: »

    I think that they meant that they themselves have been professionally diagnosed therefore could suggest from personal experience

  • It says a lot about the fan-base here that Becca and Sarah get so much hate...

    ...while guys like Nate and Carver get love. Hm...

    Flog61 posted: »

    Yeppo. Becca is in my opinion one of the most realistic characters Telltale has ever produced. Pretending to be hard and to have no em

  • i was just replying to the post above yours, but i hit the reply button under you

    That is exactly what I am saying.

  • I think Clementine is autistic

    Alt text

  • Clementine is not autistic. She has never shown any signs of it. Sarah sorta did i guess. But Clementine just seemed like a normal little girl in S1. Her reasons of being naive are that

    1. She is eight years old and dead people are eating people alive.

    2. Her parents are in Savannah, leaving her unknown about their fate, in denial about their fate.

  • Maybe because they kinda see a reflection of themselves which makes them uneasy and causes them to hate both Sarah and Becca...

    Or maybe is just the fact that is hard to make characters like them likeable... Dunno.

    Bokor posted: »

    It says a lot about the fan-base here that Becca and Sarah get so much hate... ...while guys like Nate and Carver get love. Hm...

  • edited February 2015

    wow, so Sarah is autistic since she doesn't act her age.

    so if i just read a book or something, does that mean im autistic as well?

    people these days generalize teenagers as those who goes to clubs every friday night or drink beer and etc,.

    EDIT: and no, clem isn't autistic.

  • maybe. im not trying to start anything but you DO realize that you're speaking over an autistic persons personal experiences? i am open to people who disagree with me but if you're not autistic im afraid you cant really say much about how autism affects people because it's different for all

    I think what you're describing about Clem is her naivety. She's not autistic. If she was, she'd have social inabilities, repetitive behaviors, and be a completely different person than she is now.

  • maybe i expressed myself wrong

    not exactly "fun" but refreshing

    not all autistic people live miserable lives. a lot of them are able to function "normally" in society and grow up to be happy succesful people

    Flog61 posted: »

    Well. This is going to go down well. Autism being a 'fun twist'? Really? Sarah could possibly be on the spectrum. Possibly. I think that's as close to representation as you'll get I'm afraid.

  • i know many of you dont believe in my theory that clem is autistic but can you pls stop treating your opinions as facts

  • PSA: seriously. if an autistic person headcanons a character as autistic because it makes them feel good and allows them to cope with their disability, let them. they dont even have to have any stereotypical and/or common traits in autism because it's all based on personal experience and its different for all. you dont necessarily have to agee but being sarcastic and mocking them is uncalled for and makes you look terrible (this isnt personally directed at anyone, im just sayin')

  • Sarah just had very high anxiety and PTSD. I think she just wasn't meant for the world she lived in

    Flog61 posted: »

    Well. This is going to go down well. Autism being a 'fun twist'? Really? Sarah could possibly be on the spectrum. Possibly. I think that's as close to representation as you'll get I'm afraid.

  • ^ i agree with clemenem

    Clemenem posted: »

    Sarah just had very high anxiety and PTSD. I think she just wasn't meant for the world she lived in

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