Did Carver and Troy really need to die?
I get some people think they deserve it but was it really necessary. Carver was killed brutally just for Kenny's own personal enjoyment after he was no longer a threat to anyone where Troy agreed to escape with the group. I know there were many unnecessary deaths throughout the series but I felt this added to it
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I think from a storypoint they could have done more with them but yes they needed to die
What would be the point of not killing Carver? He's crippled. If Kenny hadn't shot him in the legs what makes you think he wouldn't pursue them all over again? Moreover, who in the hell would let Troy come with them? The same guy who threatens and slaps the shit out of members of the group on many occasions. I'm interested in seeing those results.
From a storypoint, they "could've done more" with anyone. Carver was quite obviously not killed "just for" Kennys own personal enjoyment, nor was he the ever so popularly labeled, "wasted potential". He served his purpose.
people don't think things through and make bad calls. sometimes when it's too hard, they take the easy way.
weakness, incompetence, stupidity.
Nobody needed to die, the writers killed them off because they believed it made the story " better."
I think Carver needed to die, but not by being beaten to death.
Troy...umm, yeah....they had seconds to get moving and Troy thinks that's a good time chat. And Carver's dead, the herd is upon Howes and his top priority was to recapture the escapees....he was in the way at the moment, he had to go
Yes, Carver needed to die. He would have just came back.
Troy was an asshole, but before Jane fucked him up I thought he was going to tag along, but I kinda knew Jane was just going to shoot Troy Jr ;-;
Carver - Kenny wanted revenge. Plain and simple. Dude destroyed Kenny's way of life at the ski lodge, killed Walter, beat Kenny almost to the point of death, and forced him to do slave work. It worked for Kenny too, because you can also excuse it up to Carver could possibly come back with a rising revengeance. Plus I'm sure **some people **wanted Carver dead and they got satisfaction from watching him die.
Troy - Something not right about this guy when episode 3 started. One of Carver's loyal people that could not be trusted. I also think Jane had some bad history with Troy. You just don't shoot a guy in the dick to kill him, it seems like that was for revengeance.
Troy got what he deserved. All "big man" talk but he needed a gun just to make people listen to him, even kids. If he was unarmed when he hit Clementine in the comic store Kenny would have beat him to death.
They could have done A LOT more with them story wise, so they shouldn't have died when they did. As for if they should have died eventually? Yes, I think they should have.
Yes both need to die for me
Even if I was okay with both, those deaths should've been a result of our actions.
Well technically they were, at the very least with Carver. Unless you meant they should be determent?
There's a hilarious screencap montage I've seen once before, but haven't been able to track down. It shows a scene from the television series with Rick and the Governor confronting each other again. A little cartoon stickman is making a commentary while the two characters are talking: "He's right there, Rick! He's just going to keep trying to murder you and your friends! Kill him! F***ING KILL HIM!! Arrrgghhh!!"
A lot of fans argue that Carver shouldn't have been rubbed out in episode 3, but I think Kenny was just naturally doing what a normal person would probably have done in those circumstances. It also completely subverted the annoying sequence between Rick and the Governor I already described.
My complaint is that Kenny wasted too much time with his melodramatic bullshit, should have just shot him in the head and called it a day. Troy on the other hand, while still an asshole, was somewhat less deserving of the death he got, while he may have been a scumbag he wasn't Carver levels of horrible. Unless he really did rape Jane, (Apparently at one point, it was either canon or implied canon, but they removed it for whatever reason so I'm uncertain on what to think.) then by all means, put two bullets in his dick for all I care.
From a story stand-point, I would have preferred they both lived a bit longer, especially Troy. But in-universe, the other characters killing them makes sense. Carver would have chased after them for revenge if they let him live.
Definitely. It would've been cool if they lasted a little bit longer, but they definitely had to go.
Yea.. I agree, Troy was a bully. ...and a bit of a perv with his remark after Clem and Sarah came out of the woods after a rest break. Who could trust him. I know I wouldn't want him in my group. ...and Kenny was just returning the favor to Carver after getting almost beat to death and his eye, he kept them locked in the cold garden section prison and forced them to hard labor and Rebecca being pregnant. He was a tyrant, he got what he deserved, the group knew if he had lived he would just hunt them down again.
Did they need to die? Well, only if you think that the two of them pursuing the group and attempting to kill them all at a later date is a big deal, then yeah.
Carver- Yes.
Troy- We could've took him with us. Owen Thomas is too cool.
Even if it was only Carver and Troy at the time, that doesn't mean he couldn't rebuild his army and come knocking again
If you stomp out a fire and leave a single burning ember, there's a chance for the whole thing to spark up again (I'm not smart enough to come up with a better analogy here, but you get the point)
I guess the sarcasm didn't come through very well. Sorry about that.
I'm with you, I'm of the opinion they had to die. They were too dangerous for the group to take the chance of leaving them alive. I know what you'r saying, and I totally agree.
Probably not. But Telltale wanted to show how Kenny and Jane have lost a lot of compassion for humanity and live on hatred. It was like a test for the player on how much Clementine would fall into that path too. (Watching Carver die/Abandoning Sarah)
Either the sarcasm didn't come through well, or I'm just extremely stupid
I'm kinda leaning towards the latter, personally
There's no need for insults
It was a joke, dude. An awful one, I'll admit, but I didn't mean it. Just trying to bring some laughs in my usual ineffectual style and make the awkwardness go away.
I've been there, Rock
How did either death contribute to the story? Other than showing Kenny in a completely crazy light, i will give you that one.
Killing Troy, shows what a heartless bitch Jane truly is.
No longer a threat to anyone? what you think he was going to go peacefully, and not track them down? He already showed that he will track down people. That's how the whole thing got started.
I think it's really satisfying as a player to watch two characters who were just complete and total dicks bite it. I mean why the hell would I show mercy to those douchebags? Carver completely sealed his death for me when he hit Clem.
That sealed the deal for you? Seriously? lol I'd figure him throwing a guy off of a roof would do that. Or maybe executing hostages.
Their deaths didn't necessarily contribute anything to the story, but they didn't take anything away either. While I said Carver needed to die, I didn't like his demise in episode 3.
I do not like the way Jane went about killing him, but I still think he had to go
There could have been with their characters. Troy and carver COULD have died in episode 4 had they of lived. A little off topic, but the 400 days characters could have been in the episode too had it have been an idea during planning
Carver absolutely needed to die. It made sense both story wise and character wise. It was only a matter of time before one of his own guys got fed up with his power game and took him out. He wasn't killed for Kenny's personal enjoyment. He was killed because he was terrorising the group. Troy was nothing more than a Carver yes man really, so no need for him to be tagging along.
Season 2 had it's flaws but this was the right decision both times imo.
They could of wrote Carver's return, where he attacks the group, not some random russians. We lost two antagonists, that is what we lost.
Carver died way too soon
I think it'd be too cliche to have Carver come back and ambush them b/c they decided to spare him...I think it's fitting that Carver died during the gang's escape from Howes, but I think the escape happened way too soon. I think that if anything took away from the story it's when they died rather than that they died.
How about "A poorly extinguished fire is quickly reignited"?
Couldn't they have just shot him in the legs and then left? The place was being overrun by walkers, so he would've died anyway.