The 58th Annual Hunger Games: An Interactive fan fiction



  • Then people should lisen to you more

    supersagig posted: »

    If she didn´t go for that stupid and useless knife , she would be alive.

  • As of right now Durian is still alive, so I can't say yes or no to that because it could potentially spoil.

    supersagig posted: »

    Also btw. If Satina kills Durian , could make her have the most brutal and painful possible , please? The same for Ash

  • If i was online at time of voting i qould have been like:


    Sorry , i just needed to say it. The things that really gets me mad is that people actually thought that it was the best choice. What , going to a dangerous place where you can get killed every second just for somethign you don´t even know how to use well is a good option?. I know she will probably die just the day later if she didn´t went , it´s just the idiocity gets me mad

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Then people should lisen to you more

  • Wow that's quite a bit huh?

    Lord_EAA posted: »


  • IF?

    TWD_25 posted: »

    As of right now Durian is still alive, so I can't say yes or no to that because it could potentially spoil.

  • Hugs ComingSoon

    If you say just SO HAPPY

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Wow that's quite a bit huh?

  • HUGS

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    :P for :Perfect? YES SUP TODAY IS :PERFECT HUGS SUPERSAGIG Sorry i just need to hug someone

  • Trust me i have experiences with this (You know most). All you need is to join other fics and talk to awesome people. Oh and have amazing days like today :)

    supersagig posted: »

    If i was online at time of voting i qould have been like: "IF YOU DON´T VOTE FOR RUNNING AWAY TO THE FOREST OR JUST GRAB THAT DAMN CANTEE

  • edited March 2015

    But what if Satina or Ash is the victor?

    supersagig posted: »


  • Thanks for being there super you are a FANTASTIC FRIEND BRO :).

    Oh also just to celebrate.......a certain story might start VERY soon.

    supersagig posted: »


  • edited March 2015

    No. Your experiences were that people were trying to get that character killed. I believe that Janitor , Zach and Jane weren´t trying to do that , so i believe they were super dumb. That´s what gets me mad. If they eanted to get her killed , i have no problem. Every character is gonna die except for one

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Trust me i have experiences with this (You know most). All you need is to join other fics and talk to awesome people. Oh and have amazing days like today

  • Then have the epilogue be about how the rebeles tortured for him/her for information and then killed him/her:P

    TWD_25 posted: »

    But what if Satina or Ash is the victor?

  • 90% of the people involve later told me they thought i would live and just wanted me become enemies with mark

    supersagig posted: »

    No. Your experiences were that people were trying to get that character killed. I believe that Janitor , Zach and Jane weren´t trying to do

  • edited March 2015

    And with Mark´s and Coming´s?

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    90% of the people involve later told me they thought i would live and just wanted me become enemies with mark

  • EVERYONE tried to save mark....i did my best for coming but guilty decided to change peoples mids and i was assleep during it

    supersagig posted: »

    And with Mark´s and Coming´s?

  • edited March 2015

    [Attack the boy from two and save Cheyenne]

    Harvest better being doing this right now.

    Alt text

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Buck: District ten Bloodbath Part 1/2 My eyes dart around the flat expanse of land between me and the Cornucopia. My body shook nervou

  • [Attack the boy from two and save Cheyenne] FUCK CHEYENNE NOOO DONT DIE

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Buck: District ten Bloodbath Part 1/2 My eyes dart around the flat expanse of land between me and the Cornucopia. My body shook nervou

  • [Attack the boy from two and save Cheyenne]

    Run Miah! Run!

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Buck: District ten Bloodbath Part 1/2 My eyes dart around the flat expanse of land between me and the Cornucopia. My body shook nervou

  • [Attack the boy from two and save Cheyenne] Well can't say Im surprised, well I am from Tiger's death. Anyway Cheyenne kicked ass and she can do it again. Now we just need District 7 to save the tributes from the carriers... And then kill the tributes... All of them...

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Buck: District ten Bloodbath Part 1/2 My eyes dart around the flat expanse of land between me and the Cornucopia. My body shook nervou

  • [Attack the boy from two and save Cheyenne]

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Buck: District ten Bloodbath Part 1/2 My eyes dart around the flat expanse of land between me and the Cornucopia. My body shook nervou

  • [Attack the boy from two and save Cheyenne]

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Buck: District ten Bloodbath Part 1/2 My eyes dart around the flat expanse of land between me and the Cornucopia. My body shook nervou

  • [Look away]

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Buck: District ten Bloodbath Part 1/2 My eyes dart around the flat expanse of land between me and the Cornucopia. My body shook nervou

  • best choice!

    Purugly posted: »

    [Look away]

  • edited March 2015

    I've gathered some pictures of what the arena looks like, do y'all want to see?

  • Oh yes, that would be nice :)

    TWD_25 posted: »

    I've gathered some pictures of what the arena looks like, do y'all want to see?

  • Hell Yeah, show me what you got...

    TWD_25 posted: »

    I've gathered some pictures of what the arena looks like, do y'all want to see?

  • edited March 2015

    This is it here, I used google images. Me and a friend talked about it before, the arena was inspired by Alaskan wilderness. It's very cold but there's no snow. Not yet at least.

  • Man, I'd love to go there.

    TWD_25 posted: »

    This is it here, I used google images. Me and a friend talked about it before, the arena was inspired by Alaskan wilderness. It's very cold but there's no snow. Not yet at least.

  • Sick images! :o

    TWD_25 posted: »

    This is it here, I used google images. Me and a friend talked about it before, the arena was inspired by Alaskan wilderness. It's very cold but there's no snow. Not yet at least.

  • Cool!

    TWD_25 posted: »

    This is it here, I used google images. Me and a friend talked about it before, the arena was inspired by Alaskan wilderness. It's very cold but there's no snow. Not yet at least.

  • Starting part two of the bloodbath!

  • edited March 2015

    Please don´t die Durian , please don´t die

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Starting part two of the bloodbath!

  • edited March 2015

    If Cheyenne dies, I'll cry. ;_:

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Starting part two of the bloodbath!

  • hopefully emily slays a few people in the bloodbath >:)

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Starting part two of the bloodbath!

  • Still not ready...

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Starting part two of the bloodbath!

  • Neither am I, hopefully Troy makes it far though, same for you!

    mr.quality posted: »

    Still not ready...

  • Time to find out if the odds are really in our favor!

    Neither am I, hopefully Troy makes it far though, same for you!

  • edited March 2015

    Miah: District 5

    Bloodbath: Part 2/2

    Adrenaline surges through my body as I make a quick run for it in the woods. I had been idiotic to run back to the Cornucopia for rope. I just couldn’t leave with nothing. For an instance, I look back behind me. There’s only two careers chasing me now, only the boy with the spear and his district partner pursue me now. The careers are strong, big and fearful, but they’re not too fast. Not with those big clunky weapons that get stuck in the trees every hundred yards. But I don’t dare to slow down, with just the right flick of the wrist, the boy with the spear could shoot me down.

    I run past the narrowing gaps of the trees, I’m giving my full attention to the ground now, avoiding branches and logs, swiftly hopping over them. But I don’t worry about tripping on these, from a lifetime of the games I can tell that a mutt pops up too often and kills a girl like me. It’s too early in the games, I know they won’t have a mutt pop out when there’s two tributes both completely willing to kill me. The Capitol stages those when the Games get dull, when a tribute hasn’t died in a day. They won’t be playing all there cards today.

    From here to the Cornucopia, it’s a downward slope. My body feels like it could tumble down and roll all the way to the bottom. And it does, when the next cannon fires, signaling another death.


    My body is sent flying through the air, I tumble down the face of the mountain until my body is sent to a screeching halt by a tree. Despite the pain, I immediately sit up. I touch my feet, my legs and arms for any broken bones, only some bruises would arise from these. It’s when I unzip my parka and lift up my shirt, my stomach is turning into a purple color, I touch my rib and immediately feel the pain. I let out a sharp cry.

    Surely if those two careers are still following me they heard that. The tree, I think I cracked a rib. I can’t help but touch it, knowing there’s nothing to do but let it heal. I force myself up with one arm while the other try to protect my stomach.

    A minute after my cries, they come, my screaming has located me as the spear boy and girl lie on top of the hill I fell from, I get a better glimpse of them, the careers from four. I start my run for it, the pain is unreal. I can hardly run, let alone walk. I know that I can avoid them if I just circle around them. But climbing that hill definitely won’t be good.

    I take my chances, looping a circle through the woods maybe three hundred yards or so until I turn back to the Cornucopia. I won’t aim for that, the careers will surely set camp there. I begin my climb up the hill, I can feel with each step my broken rib rubbing against the others. I bite into my parka and let out a muffled cry of pain. Just a little further! I think, I push myself up the hill, I can’t crawl it, not with my injury. I hear voices just behind me. “Get her!” The boy from four yells.

    There’s no time, I spring into a sprint. Oh the pain! It feels like I can’t breathe! The boy from four is gaining on me. When I notice a meadow with two of the tributes from six, sitting ducks. A meadow, no trees, no obstacles. It’d be wonderful for the boy from four. He’d target them. Not some girl he went on a goose chase for! I just have to make it.

    [Create a diversion by exposing the district six tributes] [Take your chances and run]

  • [Create a diversion by exposing the district six tributes]

    Awesome chapter!

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Miah: District 5 Bloodbath: Part 2/2 Adrenaline surges through my body as I make a quick run for it in the woods. I had been idiotic t

  • [Create a diversion by exposing the district six tributes]

    Both of my characters are in a situation here... I just assume that since Sasha has Zelos, she'd be able to get away. Hopefully.

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Miah: District 5 Bloodbath: Part 2/2 Adrenaline surges through my body as I make a quick run for it in the woods. I had been idiotic t

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