Invitation to Highpoint...speculation ep 4

edited March 2015 in Game Of Thrones

Why oh why do I get the feeling that Ludd will either kill Ryon in front of you, or let him live, depending on wether you stood up to Gryff or not? :-/



  • I doubt he would kill Ryon, but I'm sure he's going to be pissed off and probably go tattle to Ramsay Snow like the child he is.

  • But that's worse...God knows what RS would do :-/

    I doubt he would kill Ryon, but I'm sure he's going to be pissed off and probably go tattle to Ramsay Snow like the child he is.

  • It'll be interesting because I kissed Ludd's ring but I stood up to Gryff.

  • I have the strange feeling that when we get there, he'll serve us a very good stew, only to reveal at the end that the stew was actually Ryon.
    But I doubt he'll kill Ryon. Ludd is a whiny man without any kind of willpower. If he kills Ryon, he knows all too well that the Forresters will have nothing to lose anymore, and turn what was a forced acquisition into bloody warfare. Ludd doesn't have the guts to do it. He likes to rule over those he knows they can't fight back. But if you payed attention, he actually never did anything violent. He let Ramsay kill Ethan, with him on the background bragging. He boasts when he knows he has the upper hand, but never actually DID anything that implied violence.

    The only Whitehill who actually used violence was Britt. And we all know how he ended up.

  • Shit's going to go down, obviously. But I'm just wondering how the shit will start to go down.

  • Actually tattling to Ramsay Snow, while in-character for Ludd, would probably end badly for him as he disobeyed Ramsay by deciding to take more Ironwood than he was allowed and while he is right in that Roose Bolton might not care, Ramsay probably will that he disobeyed him.

    ALIENANGIE posted: »

    But that's worse...God knows what RS would do :-/

  • You're right, which actually makes me fear more for Ryon. There has to be consequences if you stood up to Gryff (literally) as Lady Forrester says pretty much right after the event. Ludd has already claimed all the Ironwood. What else can he do?

    SnownRaven posted: »

    Actually tattling to Ramsay Snow, while in-character for Ludd, would probably end badly for him as he disobeyed Ramsay by deciding to take m

  • Oh that would be good....sick....but good. Though I feel that if Ludd fed Rodrik his baby brother, then told him of that fact. Ludd would be dead 2 seconds later, damn the consequences.

    Endrik posted: »

    I have the strange feeling that when we get there, he'll serve us a very good stew, only to reveal at the end that the stew was actually Ryo

  • The shit is rapidly approaching the fan...

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Shit's going to go down, obviously. But I'm just wondering how the shit will start to go down.

  • He will act like a craven for certain

  • edited March 2015

    It is possibly he is inviting the Forresters to Highpoint so he can psychologically torment them by showing how well Ryon is taking to his "re-education" of his family's history.

    ALIENANGIE posted: »

    You're right, which actually makes me fear more for Ryon. There has to be consequences if you stood up to Gryff (literally) as Lady Forrester says pretty much right after the event. Ludd has already claimed all the Ironwood. What else can he do?

  • Nah, I trust Gwyn to protect him. But nothing good will come out of that invitation, for sure.

  • I'm expecting an attempted Red Wedding scenario, obviously without the wedding, but he reunites us with Ryon then he orders his guards "Ok boys kill'em all!" At least that's what I hope so I'd have an excuse to run him through.

  • Red Wedding 2.0

  • Well...Gryff also used violence against Rodrik (if you refuse to recognise his authority), but it didn't work out well for him, as he loses the respect of his men.

    Endrik posted: »

    I have the strange feeling that when we get there, he'll serve us a very good stew, only to reveal at the end that the stew was actually Ryo

  • Yeah, i should've specified that with "violence" i meant "trying to gut you open with a pointy stick"

    Shaboomm posted: »

    Well...Gryff also used violence against Rodrik (if you refuse to recognise his authority), but it didn't work out well for him, as he loses the respect of his men.

  • I think its about an announcement, a marriage announcement between Elaena and one of Lord Whitehill`s sons. xD

  • 100 percent sure some one gonna die and of cause it's a trap

  • I would be so mad if that was true. Add the Glenmores as enemies and you are basically all alone. Just gotta hold out until Stannis gets to the north haha.

    WardenKing posted: »

    I think its about an announcement, a marriage announcement between Elaena and one of Lord Whitehill`s sons. xD

  • I'm still waiting for the Blue Wedding.

  • My Admiral Akbar senses are tingling
    In all honesty, I don't see Ludd killing Ryon. If he did he's just as fat as he is stupid. That means he lost the only bargaining chip. Sooo, yeah.

  • That's so fucked up. seriously

    Endrik posted: »

    I have the strange feeling that when we get there, he'll serve us a very good stew, only to reveal at the end that the stew was actually Ryo

  • I can live with Ryon dying. I can live with Lady Forrester dying. But if they kill Rodrik.... :-/

  • Ludd's too much of a bitch to do anything himself.

    He does have three sons who might live at Highpoint and won't be happy to see us, though.

  • I don't think the invitation is necessarily a trap. I think we'll find something there or hear something that causes some conflict and eventual escalation. I think we're gonna lose somebody at Highpoint.

  • As soon as I heard I get invited to High Point I immediately think it would be like the Red Wedding

  • Same

    Nightmare1 posted: »

    As soon as I heard I get invited to High Point I immediately think it would be like the Red Wedding

  • Surely it has to be a trap? Someone will die, that's a given.

  • I laughed at this proposition.

    WTF. Killing Ryon and serving him?

    Endrik posted: »

    I have the strange feeling that when we get there, he'll serve us a very good stew, only to reveal at the end that the stew was actually Ryo

  • I'm expecting the Whitehalls to present the Forresters with an opportunity to rescue Ryon only for them to be caught in the act. One reason for war and/or murder.

    For some reason I see Tallia sacrificing herself to save Ryon.

    Maybe there'll be a proposition, an offer of marriage between Gwyn and Rodrik?

  • If I remember right, that happens in War of The Samurai 4. I don't think it will happen though. Ludd's just a jackass who thinks he has a big dick now, so he's trying to use it on everybody. He isn't a cannibal. Hell Ludd looked generally upset with himself with Lady Forrester busted in during episode 1. I don't think he's sadistic enough. He hides behind the skirt of his bastard overlord though.

    I laughed at this proposition. WTF. Killing Ryon and serving him?

  • Possible. Elaena seems to only stand by you if you stand up for yourself. If your cower to Gryff I imagine she'll see it as unmanly, say she's disappointed in your choice and go with the Whitehill's.

    WardenKing posted: »

    I think its about an announcement, a marriage announcement between Elaena and one of Lord Whitehill`s sons. xD

  • But what if you secured the engagement?

    SanQae posted: »

    Red Wedding 2.0

  • What if you secured the engagement though? She did tell Ludd that the Glenmores are standing by the Forresters.

    WardenKing posted: »

    I think its about an announcement, a marriage announcement between Elaena and one of Lord Whitehill`s sons. xD

  • edited March 2015

    I think Lord Whitehill headed off your marriage proposal and got Lord Glenmore to agree to Elaena marrying one of Ludd's sons instead. The Forresters are invited to Highpoint so Ludd can gloat about the betrothal and all how he foiled all of your plans (thanks to the spy, though he probably wont mention that part), leaving you without allies. As a bonus he'll march out a thoroughly indoctrinated Ryon, behaving more subservient and loyal to the Whitehills than his own house.

    Being Ludd he'll also probably try to humiliate Rodrik once again by demanding you acknowledge your total defeat and kneel to him and beg for mercy, or something along those lines.

  • In my game proper she is still marrying into our House. In my "opposite" save state though we aren't together, and she appears in both previews. It's possible that Ludd has been trying to push her father to force Elaena to leave you even if she says she wants to marry you. We will have to see I guess.

    What if you secured the engagement though? She did tell Ludd that the Glenmores are standing by the Forresters.

  • Should I ask for bread and salt?

    I personally would stay away from Highpoint, but I want to rescue Ryon.

  • That last option you gave is off the table.

    thornboosh posted: »

    I'm expecting the Whitehalls to present the Forresters with an opportunity to rescue Ryon only for them to be caught in the act. One reason

  • What's the point of rescuing him?
    As soon as the Whitehills find out they'll take him back again.

    Should I ask for bread and salt? I personally would stay away from Highpoint, but I want to rescue Ryon.

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