Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about Tales From The Borderlands



  • This is somewhat paraphrased: I decided not to tell Vaughn about Jack so as we're all walking when Vaughn wonders "if the girls are all right" when Jack proceeds to put his hand through Vaughn's pants in a high pitched voice pretending to be Vaughn's... goods and making an embarrassing situation where to Vaughan it looked like Rhys was looking at his junk. I choose Rhys to say Vaughn's fly was down as an excuse which Vaughn says it isn't wasn't and decides "ok let's pretend this never happened" and got the Vaughn will try to forget this notification with Jack laughing his ass off, needless to say that even I was embarrassed about it lol.

  • edited March 2015

    This was hilarious!

    Most people trusted Vaugh so they didn't see it. Everyone should see it!

    Here's a link of it :

    I totally lost my shit at this part XD

    Rexarik posted: »

    This is somewhat paraphrased: I decided not to tell Vaughn about Jack so as we're all walking when Vaughn wonders "if the girls are all righ

  • Can you remember where that line is from? Episode 1 or 2?

    SpaceGoat posted: »

    That really makes me wonder just how extensive Rhys' cybernetics are. There's a line from Vaughn about how Rhys gets headaches and how it mi

  • It's confusingly funny. Such a weird gag, hilarious but weird.

    Pride posted: »

    This was hilarious! Most people trusted Vaugh so they didn't see it. Everyone should see it! Here's a link of it : I totally lost my shit at this part XD

  • Fiona has a fetish for shoes. :D

    DoubleJump posted: »

    Forgot One! * Fiona can hold onto Rhys's shoe through-out the entire episode if Rhys never asks for it back.

  • Wow gotta say this Jack taking control over Rhys concept is brilliant. It's been done before but it's still brings up an interesting aspect to this story.

    SpaceGoat posted: »

    Oh man, the stuff that would come out of Rhys's mouth would be hysterical.

  • Awwww Loader Bot is so damn adorable. I tried to play an evil playthrough where Loader Bot hates me but it was too horrible.

    Pride posted: »

    You have a chance to scan Loader Bot in this episode, when they're standing around in Old Haven. The scan lists his biggest fears, and they are: "Outliving everyone he loves" "Realizing how meaningless life is" "Clowns"

  • edited March 2015

    Hey remember that one achievement? "Congrats you are a parent" Well in the final scene of episode 2 Rhys and Fiona are in round, reddish space-like room. There they put their pieces (and those pieces hold their dna) into the machines, then they push those together. And so they made a ballbaby. Eh? Eh? Okay jeah everybody probably got this already... but I didn' fist. It was a mind blowing experience when I realized this okay?

  • I didn't get that first time either XD interesting though...

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Hey remember that one achievement? "Congrats you are a parent" Well in the final scene of episode 2 Rhys and Fiona are in round, reddish spa

  • What?! I have been so blind...

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Hey remember that one achievement? "Congrats you are a parent" Well in the final scene of episode 2 Rhys and Fiona are in round, reddish spa

  • edited March 2015

    Even if you told him to selfdestruct. T_T (though to be fair, he says it more to Vaughn but still...)

    J-Master posted: »

    If you choose the "Cling to Loader Bot." option while you're going to Old Haven first, Loader Bot will say, "I will never let go." Loader Bot....

  • Episode 2 when he falls on the computer and there's some optional dialogue I think.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Can you remember where that line is from? Episode 1 or 2?

  • 'Congrats you're a parent?' o_O there's no achievement in Tales from the Borderlands called that. Do you mean the original Borderlands or something ingame?

    Buuut, I totally picked up on the baby making thing XD I swear if that robot thing wakes up and starts calling them 'Momma & and Dadda' I'll be in stitches.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Hey remember that one achievement? "Congrats you are a parent" Well in the final scene of episode 2 Rhys and Fiona are in round, reddish spa

  • Haha That's what I'm hoping for!

    I think that achievement got changed or something. But here it is anyway. I got this pic from a forum post, I don't know where it's really from.
    Alt text

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    'Congrats you're a parent?' o_O there's no achievement in Tales from the Borderlands called that. Do you mean the original Borderlands or so

  • DAAAAW THAT IS SO CUTE! ;_; Rhys and Fiona are parents! I'm so proud of them!

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Haha That's what I'm hoping for! I think that achievement got changed or something. But here it is anyway. I got this pic from a forum post, I don't know where it's really from.

  • edited March 2015

    Alt text

    When Rhys goes to touch the metal sphere thing him and Fiona produced from their wuv near the end of Episode 2, the thing makes a cute robotic sound before it falls, and then again when it hits the platform, like a cry of pain.

    And considering it turns into this cute little guy:

    Alt text

    It's safe to assume it's aliiiive by that point and not just sleeping.

    The alert thing also said the Gortys device was compromised, so it might imply the drop damaged baby Wall-e somehow and that's why all the defense robots got activated.

    So instead of Gorty waking up like:

    Alt text

    He might just wake up like:

    Alt text

    Way to go Rhys, you broke your baby.

    Zero also said in Episode 1 he was looking for the Gortys core, what this thing is ;_; just saying, Fiona and Rhys better protect their robotic baby so ninja man doesn't kidnap it!

  • Fiona: 'Keep...pushing!'


    Alt text

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Hey remember that one achievement? "Congrats you are a parent" Well in the final scene of episode 2 Rhys and Fiona are in round, reddish spa

  • edited March 2015

    It's in Episode 2 at the very beginning of the story. Select Fiona's "What is your problem?" line and you get the dialogue.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Can you remember where that line is from? Episode 1 or 2?

  • I just watched an Troy Baker interview and noticed that his normal speech is really close to Rhyses's's,
    I think it's clearly the most natural role so far :D

  • edited March 2015

    I'll remember him for Rhys and Booker.

    Dalek93 posted: »

    I just watched an Troy Baker interview and noticed that his normal speech is really close to Rhyses's's, I think it's clearly the most natural role so far

  • You know what I want to see? Loader Bot getting jealous over Rhys.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    When Rhys goes to touch the metal sphere thing him and Fiona produced from their wuv near the end of Episode 2, the thing makes a cute robot

  • Dunno if this means anything but at the beginning of ep2 where Rhys catches Vaughn from flying out of the caravan it sooms in on his watch which says Awaiting instruction, initiate setup.

  • Take a seat, and let Uncle Greasy tell you a story. Its story time

    "*He couldn't remember the year, he was only 4 years old, the shaping years for a child. He was in his grandmothers house, this weekend with his mother. Where his father was was anybody guess. He was sitting on the floor, doing hell knows what. His grandmother came over and said words that would forever change his life: " Want some oat-meal cookies?" She then proceeded to put one in his mouth without his permission. Now the camera zooms in to Jacks eye pupil and goes black.

    *Some years later:

    Handsome Jack: I'm paying you filthy bandits to go kill this old lady and ill give loads of money.

    Bandit: But why kill a little old lady? Shes harmless...


    *Hours later

    Handsome Jack: Hey Vault hunter, can you go check on my grandmother?

    Present Day Pandora:

    *Rhys managed to overpower Assquez on helios, alarms ringing across the station. Rhys and Holo-Jack standing over Vasquez who is on the floor..

    HOLO-Jack: Kill him Rhys, you let your enemies live they stab you in the back

    Assquez: Do it, kill me, be like the man you so wanted to be Rhys.

    Rhys: Im not Jack.

    *Rhys let Vasques live. Jack will remember that. Rhys turns away to leave.

    Jack: He's getting put. He has a plate... a plate of-

    *That right, a plate of oatmeal raisin cookies. Jack saw them and was pissed. They reminded him of how bad his grandmothers were., and Va

    Vasquez: Didnt anyone tell you, let your enemies live, they stab you in the back.

    *He threw the plate of cookies straight at Rhys but missed, they flew through holo-jack. He covered his hologram face. He Jack moved his hands from his face, he was furious. Jack took over Rhys. Rhys' eye turned yellow, Vasquez knew.

    Assquez: Ime f**ked arent I.

    Jack/Rhys: I've had enough of your BS wallet head. First making this company a sh*t hole, now the grandma cookies! Its past your punishment time.

    *Here, Jack/Rhys proceeds to beat Vasquez to death.

    Rhys: Ok, give back my body now,

    Jack: We both know you are fit to lead pumpkin, a new many is in charge

    *The other inter the room and see dead Assquez and Rhys with blood on his hands.

    Vaughn: Lets go, loader will be here any minute!

    Jack in Rhys voice: Ok, im coming.

    *They then leave Helios, and Jack still in controll

    You know how everyone thinks that Rhys' yellow eye in the future scenes means that Jack has fully taken control? Well I just realised that o

  • Ooh, nice catch - it could add credence to those who think Vaughn is selling us out and is somehow reporting back to Helios (which could also be via his glasses).

    Alternatively it could be because it's new and he hasn't set it up, yet (the time reads 00:00)...

    Rexarik posted: »

    Dunno if this means anything but at the beginning of ep2 where Rhys catches Vaughn from flying out of the caravan it sooms in on his watch which says Awaiting instruction, initiate setup.

  • Thank you, oh nice as well didn't catch the time and didn't consider his glasses as a possibility. Was thinking the latter and honestly still not sure if I trust Vaughn or not. He did seem genuine but I suppose since he still decided to go with it whereas I turned down Vasquez flat out I'll be wary of him.

    Ooh, nice catch - it could add credence to those who think Vaughn is selling us out and is somehow reporting back to Helios (which could als

  • Have you played Infamous: Second Son? They used him for his character's mocap as well as voice, so his character looks almost exactly like him.

    LawmanZero posted: »

    I'll remember him for Rhys and Booker.

  • No, but my friend has, and is utterly in love with it.

    nursethalia posted: »

    Have you played Infamous: Second Son? They used him for his character's mocap as well as voice, so his character looks almost exactly like him.

  • I need to save this picture for future reference...

    Rhyiona confirmed.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Haha That's what I'm hoping for! I think that achievement got changed or something. But here it is anyway. I got this pic from a forum post, I don't know where it's really from.

  • In ep 1, Fiona can mention that Rhys was drooling while he was out, in ep 2 in the future, Rhys is drooling in his sleep again

  • Haha, so every time when someone is shipping Rhysha, You just post this image as a winning argument.

    Well I don't blame you, making babies wins pinky promise in every way. :D

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I need to save this picture for future reference... Rhyiona confirmed.

  • Such proud parents. I'm touched. ;_;

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Haha, so every time when someone is shipping Rhysha, You just post this image as a winning argument. Well I don't blame you, making babies wins pinky promise in every way.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Here, someone made an animation from the Gortys ball if you want to see.

    Credit to rorrro from the other forums.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    When Rhys goes to touch the metal sphere thing him and Fiona produced from their wuv near the end of Episode 2, the thing makes a cute robot

  • I know =D I saw it days ago and I LOVED IT! He's so cute!!!

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Here, someone made an animation from the Gortys ball if you want to see. Credit to rorrro from the other forums.

  • Well, acording to Vasquez he does have a robot butt, soo... you know...

    Okay, do I just have a dirty mind or is Jack implying that Rhys' cybernetics extend to his genitals? O_O

  • Probably just poking fun at his extensive cybernetics.

    Well, acording to Vasquez he does have a robot butt, soo... you know...

  • edited March 2015

    That moment when I realized I must be the only one idiot in the existence who didn't notice we can actually talk to Vaughn in Old Haven and not only to the girls. And it only took 8 times to notice the option. Like... goddamit.

  • So... I'm not the only one? xD That's a relief.

    Linsepins posted: »

    Wait.. What? Really?

  • Wait.. What? Really?

    DeityD posted: »

    That moment when I realized I must be the only one idiot in the existence who didn't notice we can actually talk to Vaughn in Old Haven and not only to the girls. And it only took 8 times to notice the option. Like... goddamit.

  • I bet it's the Atlas watch from the end of Episode 1 that he held onto. I don't think he's using the watch to sell out Rhys.

    Ooh, nice catch - it could add credence to those who think Vaughn is selling us out and is somehow reporting back to Helios (which could als

  • I still don't think Rhys getting clocked in the face with the shotgun at the beginning of the episode was coincidence.

    Hmm, interesting point. I didn't about it like that.

    SpaceGoat posted: »

    "You no class, thieving Pandoran scum!" Yes! I noticed this as well. Maybe it's just because we haven't seen Rhys really lose his temper

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