I totally forgot about Pollux's eye and I thought the game was implying that FELIX had given Fiona one of his eyes because of an accident in her youth or he found her missing one. (But a conman wouldn't be that generous.)
If you scan Fiona before you get your shoe back it says that she has a shoe in her inventory, however once you get it back it says she has an eye previously belonging to a human male (Pollux).
As has been mentioned, the outfit that Fiona is wearing in the future can be found on the mannequin in the caravan. However, the mannequin falls out in the opening sequence of Atlas Mugged. How does Fiona get the outfit back?
(Although one thing to be noted is that the outfit is not on the mannequin when it falls out - still, it is unlikely Fiona would have bothered to take it off.)
Hmm, interesting. Well regardless for me, I've been a little paranoid about skipping credits in Telltale episodes since the bug in TWD S1 where if you skipped the credits, you'd corrupt your episode save file and have to restart your playthrough.
If you skip the credits for Episode 2, you will get the "[?]Telltale Games will remember this." message once again.
But, if you decide to… more skip them again after your second playthrough, another message will come up saying; "[?]Seriously?! Again?! These people worked really hard on this game."
First playthrough he had a sick and said "Disgusting" or something. Second time, I got my shoe back from Fiona but still said the same thing. Maybe it's only different if you never lost your shoe at all?
I've just seen her playthrough and there's a little bug. She got back the boot from Fiona but… more at the Atlas facility Rhys is running around in his beautiful sock. Whoops?
(I don't remember if it was like this in my playthrough though..)
First playthrough he had a sick and said "Disgusting" or something. Second time, I got my shoe back from Fiona but still said the same thing. Maybe it's only different if you never lost your shoe at all?
In episode 2, Sasha's attitude towards the hyperion boys seems depending on whether you trust her or not (as Rhys) in episode 1.
If you trust her, she thinks they are be able to survive in the desert and describe them as resilient people.
If you do not trust her, she thinks they are probably dead and replaceable.
With or without the pinky swear? I played on a save where Rhys trust her and didn't pinky swear with her and she still seems to think they are dead and replaceable.
In episode 2, Sasha's attitude towards the hyperion boys seems depending on whether you trust her or not (as Rhys) in episode 1.
If you tru… morest her, she thinks they are be able to survive in the desert and describe them as resilient people.
If you do not trust her, she thinks they are probably dead and replaceable.
Just played on a save with "trust without pinky swear". Sasha's not positive when she's on the caravan, but has faith in the hyperions at felix's place. Perhaps her attitute is random on the certain extent.
With or without the pinky swear? I played on a save where Rhys trust her and didn't pinky swear with her and she still seems to think they are dead and replaceable.
I think the reason Jack had more control the second time around was because he zapped the port on Rhys' head. It'll be interesting to see if he does end up becoming more powerful, though. Like what if it gets to the point where he can control Rhys' speech? That would be horrifying. And slightly awesome. :P
Ahaha, I picked that up straight away! Telltale really struck gold with the whole AI thing - it lets Jack just sit back and be a hilarious douchebag without any consequences.
In episode 2, Sasha's attitude towards the hyperion boys seems depending on whether you trust her or not (as Rhys) in episode 1.
If you tru… morest her, she thinks they are be able to survive in the desert and describe them as resilient people.
If you do not trust her, she thinks they are probably dead and replaceable.
Refusing the deal from Scooter about the endorsement gives a very special "flirty" intro for Sasha, so she can persuade Scooter to fix the caravan.
You have to pick up 2 grenades, no matter what, in Felix's hideout. One from the wall safe and the other in Felix's hidden cache under his chair. This is because one will be used in the fight/chase against Athena (if you Loader Bot does come to the rescue) and the other is used to threaten the Gorty's ball thingy. Now a third grenade is also found in Felix's hideout tucked away in a corner of the room, but is completely optional to pickup.
Tector is in episode 2 for a moment. When being chased by Athena. Choose to go in the bar from episode 1. He'll be there inside cleaning a table around the front door. He'll grab Fiona and you have a choice of hurting him with a small knife, bottle, or just wait a bit and Athena will eventually run into him setting you free from his grip.
Athena technically never has a hand in killing Fiona during the chase scene. The deaths occur from clumsiness (lack of effort from the player) or the bandit on the motorcycle. Although the first QTE looked like if it did hit (which it does not no matter what) would've hurt. This kinda leads me to believe that Athena is not truly an enemy.
If Rhys, Vaughn, and Loader Bot choose not to go to Hollow Point, Fiona and Sasha will meet Janney Springs instead. You knew that huh? Well did you know that if you choose the "what are you saying?" dialogue when confronting Athena in front of Springs, you get extra dialogue options and can accuse Athena of lying about her lie as a not being a bounty hunter anymore. This leads into the only way an argument happens between Athena and Springs.
Ahaha, I picked that up straight away! Telltale really struck gold with the whole AI thing - it lets Jack just sit back and be a hilarious douchebag without any consequences.
Telltale changed the picture they originally had for the choosing between Vaughn and Vasquez's deal:
In the original it was at a differen… moret angle and it showed Yvette standing behing Vasquez, it even had her name in the call.
In this new one, however, all traces of Yvette have been removed.
* Refusing the deal from Scooter about the endorsement gives a very special "flirty" intro for Sasha, so she can persuade Scooter to fix the… more caravan.
* You have to pick up 2 grenades, no matter what, in Felix's hideout. One from the wall safe and the other in Felix's hidden cache under his chair. This is because one will be used in the fight/chase against Athena (if you Loader Bot does come to the rescue) and the other is used to threaten the Gorty's ball thingy. Now a third grenade is also found in Felix's hideout tucked away in a corner of the room, but is completely optional to pickup.
* Tector is in episode 2 for a moment. When being chased by Athena. Choose to go in the bar from episode 1. He'll be there inside cleaning a table around the front door. He'll grab Fiona and you have a choice of hurting him with a small knife, bottle, or just wait a bit and Athena will eventually run into him setting you free from his grip.
* Athena… [view original content]
If you ask Hugo how he found Rhys and Vaughn before forcing the two to dig, Hugo will say:
"You're Hyperion property, Rhys...Hyperion doesn't lose track of its property."
This line could mean a few things:
The fact Rhys is simply Hyperion.
Because of Handsome Jack being inside his head and somehow Hyperion are aware of it [judging by how in the same scene Hugo mentions they want something floating around inside Rhys' head]
It's implying Rhys got his robotic upgrades from Hyperion.
If the very last one, then perhaps the reasons they keep being found this episode isn't just because of Loader Bot, but that there's a tracker inside of Rhys. I'd take a guess on that solely because Loader Bot wasn't with Rhys and Vaughn the first time Hugo found them. Althooough, Hugo might be using the same trick Yvette is using to track them, or he managed to hacked into their call and find their location that way. But! It might explain how Loader Bots keeps being able to find Rhys' location. Rhys has a handy portable phone in his arm to talk to Yvette and mobile phones give off siginals. Tracking mobile phones is possible that way from what I'm aware of.
Fact is Rhys hasn't been back at headquarters, so how do they know about the important thing floating inside his head if he's not being monitored in some way? Could it be why his arm and eye are different in the future because he had to get rid of them so Hyperion couldn't track him anymore? So, it could be a mixture of two and three.
* Refusing the deal from Scooter about the endorsement gives a very special "flirty" intro for Sasha, so she can persuade Scooter to fix the… more caravan.
* You have to pick up 2 grenades, no matter what, in Felix's hideout. One from the wall safe and the other in Felix's hidden cache under his chair. This is because one will be used in the fight/chase against Athena (if you Loader Bot does come to the rescue) and the other is used to threaten the Gorty's ball thingy. Now a third grenade is also found in Felix's hideout tucked away in a corner of the room, but is completely optional to pickup.
* Tector is in episode 2 for a moment. When being chased by Athena. Choose to go in the bar from episode 1. He'll be there inside cleaning a table around the front door. He'll grab Fiona and you have a choice of hurting him with a small knife, bottle, or just wait a bit and Athena will eventually run into him setting you free from his grip.
* Athena… [view original content]
When you first blackout and Jack talks to you he says,
'You're nothing but a pitiful little code monkey, all swagger, no substance."
This is a reference to the mission, "Getting to know Jack" in Borderlands two, when Mr. Tassiter, the then Hyperion CEO tells Jack,
"Get out of there at once, you hideous little code monkey! And shut off that satellite!"
I wondered how you get flirty Sasha! When I accepted the deal, Scooter still stares at Sasha when she enters, but it didn't show her silhouetted in purple like I've seen on gifs.
* Refusing the deal from Scooter about the endorsement gives a very special "flirty" intro for Sasha, so she can persuade Scooter to fix the… more caravan.
* You have to pick up 2 grenades, no matter what, in Felix's hideout. One from the wall safe and the other in Felix's hidden cache under his chair. This is because one will be used in the fight/chase against Athena (if you Loader Bot does come to the rescue) and the other is used to threaten the Gorty's ball thingy. Now a third grenade is also found in Felix's hideout tucked away in a corner of the room, but is completely optional to pickup.
* Tector is in episode 2 for a moment. When being chased by Athena. Choose to go in the bar from episode 1. He'll be there inside cleaning a table around the front door. He'll grab Fiona and you have a choice of hurting him with a small knife, bottle, or just wait a bit and Athena will eventually run into him setting you free from his grip.
* Athena… [view original content]
Not sure if it's been mentioned already, but Fiona's finger nails lose their turquoise colour when she wakes up from the caravan crash near the end of Zer0 Sum, and they don't turn blue again until she catches the gun from Sasha during the escape from the warehouse at the beginning of Atlas Mugged.
So you probably already know that but I'm just gonna write it. Finchs VA, the black guy with the "awesome" haircut, is Lee Everetts VA from The Walking Dead. I recognized his voice while playing the episode but I wasn't sure, so I checked and it's him.
I think the reason Jack had more control the second time around was because he zapped the port on Rhys' head. It'll be interesting to see if… more he does end up becoming more powerful, though. Like what if it gets to the point where he can control Rhys' speech? That would be horrifying. And slightly awesome. :P
So you probably already know that but I'm just gonna write it. Finchs VA, the black guy with the "awesome" haircut, is Lee Everetts VA from… more The Walking Dead. I recognized his voice while playing the episode but I wasn't sure, so I checked and it's him.
I totally forgot about Pollux's eye and I thought the game was implying that FELIX had given Fiona one of his eyes because of an accident in her youth or he found her missing one. (But a conman wouldn't be that generous.)
As has been mentioned, the outfit that Fiona is wearing in the future can be found on the mannequin in the caravan. However, the mannequin falls out in the opening sequence of Atlas Mugged. How does Fiona get the outfit back?
(Although one thing to be noted is that the outfit is not on the mannequin when it falls out - still, it is unlikely Fiona would have bothered to take it off.)
Hmm, interesting. Well regardless for me, I've been a little paranoid about skipping credits in Telltale episodes since the bug in TWD S1 where if you skipped the credits, you'd corrupt your episode save file and have to restart your playthrough.
Anyone else get that?
It looks like a simple recolour of her Borderlands 2 outfit.
You have a chance to scan Loader Bot in this episode, when they're standing around in Old Haven.
The scan lists his biggest fears, and they are:
"Outliving everyone he loves"
"Realizing how meaningless life is"
I know, it's just you didn't specify and you might have got the pronoun wrong accidentally.
When we play as two people its a good idea to say who you're referring to
First playthrough he had a sick and said "Disgusting" or something. Second time, I got my shoe back from Fiona but still said the same thing. Maybe it's only different if you never lost your shoe at all?
Happened to me, too. Got my shoe back and it was missing once we entered the facility.
With shoe
"Ew... gross"
Without Shoe
"Oh for f-Really? On my sock? Now it's all... ewha"
Man, I've got a crap memory
While looking at the list of vehicles, at the shock Maliwan caravan, there is a reference to Back to the Future. The caravan has a flux capacitor
Perhaps I should buy that one and go back or further in time?
In episode 2, Sasha's attitude towards the hyperion boys seems depending on whether you trust her or not (as Rhys) in episode 1.
If you trust her, she thinks they are be able to survive in the desert and describe them as resilient people.
If you do not trust her, she thinks they are probably dead and replaceable.
With or without the pinky swear? I played on a save where Rhys trust her and didn't pinky swear with her and she still seems to think they are dead and replaceable.
Just played on a save with "trust without pinky swear". Sasha's not positive when she's on the caravan, but has faith in the hyperions at felix's place. Perhaps her attitute is random on the certain extent.
Ah, thank you! I'll admit I was too afraid to pick that option in any of my playthroughs, so I've been wondering what he says there.
I think the reason Jack had more control the second time around was because he zapped the port on Rhys' head. It'll be interesting to see if he does end up becoming more powerful, though. Like what if it gets to the point where he can control Rhys' speech? That would be horrifying. And slightly awesome. :P
So, while making gifs the other day, I noticed that Jack very briefly makes a "bla bla bla" sign with his hands while Vasquez is talking.
Ahaha, I picked that up straight away! Telltale really struck gold with the whole AI thing - it lets Jack just sit back and be a hilarious douchebag without any consequences.
In the recap for episode 2, you can see Fiona, Vaughn and Meat Buddy/Friend on the motor chariot thing.
And my meat buddy riding the death train.
I think that depends on what Fiona says about them.
Whoops nvm
Refusing the deal from Scooter about the endorsement gives a very special "flirty" intro for Sasha, so she can persuade Scooter to fix the caravan.
You have to pick up 2 grenades, no matter what, in Felix's hideout. One from the wall safe and the other in Felix's hidden cache under his chair. This is because one will be used in the fight/chase against Athena (if you Loader Bot does come to the rescue) and the other is used to threaten the Gorty's ball thingy. Now a third grenade is also found in Felix's hideout tucked away in a corner of the room, but is completely optional to pickup.
Tector is in episode 2 for a moment. When being chased by Athena. Choose to go in the bar from episode 1. He'll be there inside cleaning a table around the front door. He'll grab Fiona and you have a choice of hurting him with a small knife, bottle, or just wait a bit and Athena will eventually run into him setting you free from his grip.
Athena technically never has a hand in killing Fiona during the chase scene. The deaths occur from clumsiness (lack of effort from the player) or the bandit on the motorcycle. Although the first QTE looked like if it did hit (which it does not no matter what) would've hurt. This kinda leads me to believe that Athena is not truly an enemy.
If Rhys, Vaughn, and Loader Bot choose not to go to Hollow Point, Fiona and Sasha will meet Janney Springs instead. You knew that huh? Well did you know that if you choose the "what are you saying?" dialogue when confronting Athena in front of Springs, you get extra dialogue options and can accuse Athena of lying about her lie as a not being a bounty hunter anymore. This leads into the only way an argument happens between Athena and Springs.
Well, he always was a hilarious douchebag and didn't have to face any consequences, even when he was alive :P
Telltale changed the picture they originally had for the choosing between Vaughn and Vasquez's deal:
In the original it was at a different angle and it showed Yvette standing behing Vasquez, it even had her name in the call.
In this new one, however, all traces of Yvette have been removed.
I saw that. Probably house cleaning.
Forgot One!
If you ask Hugo how he found Rhys and Vaughn before forcing the two to dig, Hugo will say:
"You're Hyperion property, Rhys...Hyperion doesn't lose track of its property."
This line could mean a few things:
The fact Rhys is simply Hyperion.
Because of Handsome Jack being inside his head and somehow Hyperion are aware of it [judging by how in the same scene Hugo mentions they want something floating around inside Rhys' head]
It's implying Rhys got his robotic upgrades from Hyperion.
If the very last one, then perhaps the reasons they keep being found this episode isn't just because of Loader Bot, but that there's a tracker inside of Rhys. I'd take a guess on that solely because Loader Bot wasn't with Rhys and Vaughn the first time Hugo found them. Althooough, Hugo might be using the same trick Yvette is using to track them, or he managed to hacked into their call and find their location that way. But! It might explain how Loader Bots keeps being able to find Rhys' location. Rhys has a handy portable phone in his arm to talk to Yvette and mobile phones give off siginals. Tracking mobile phones is possible that way from what I'm aware of.
Fact is Rhys hasn't been back at headquarters, so how do they know about the important thing floating inside his head if he's not being monitored in some way? Could it be why his arm and eye are different in the future because he had to get rid of them so Hyperion couldn't track him anymore? So, it could be a mixture of two and three.
Arguably he faced a pretty big consequence right at the end of BL2! And yet he lives to douche another day...
If you get Fiona to pick up Rhys' piece (haha Rhys' Pieces) of the Gortys core (the big one) it will shock her.
I didn't notice the third grenade, now I don't have any. ;_;
When you first blackout and Jack talks to you he says,
'You're nothing but a pitiful little code monkey, all swagger, no substance."
This is a reference to the mission, "Getting to know Jack" in Borderlands two, when Mr. Tassiter, the then Hyperion CEO tells Jack,
"Get out of there at once, you hideous little code monkey! And shut off that satellite!"
I wondered how you get flirty Sasha! When I accepted the deal, Scooter still stares at Sasha when she enters, but it didn't show her silhouetted in purple like I've seen on gifs.
Not sure if it's been mentioned already, but Fiona's finger nails lose their turquoise colour when she wakes up from the caravan crash near the end of Zer0 Sum, and they don't turn blue again until she catches the gun from Sasha during the escape from the warehouse at the beginning of Atlas Mugged.
I don't know if its been mentioned but I thought it was funny when you don't catch the eye and Vaughn has to pick it up

So you probably already know that but I'm just gonna write it. Finchs VA, the black guy with the "awesome" haircut, is Lee Everetts VA from The Walking Dead. I recognized his voice while playing the episode but I wasn't sure, so I checked and it's him.
Oh man, the stuff that would come out of Rhys's mouth would be hysterical.
And Kroger is voiced by Adam Harrington AKA Bigby Wolf.