Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • edited March 2015

    Handsome Jack felt like he was in hell at that moment. Like almost every minute he spent near these idiots. Nevermind, he always felt like he was in hell, then.

    'Why won't they just make out and get it over with? I have more important things to be doing. I need to be the hero but these assholes are forcing me to be the matchmaker.'

    He decided to act.

    "Hey, Rhysie boy."

    He was half irritated and half amused that Rhys either ignored or didn't notice him in favour of continuing to argue with Fioma. Or whatever her name was.

    "Are you listening to me or am I gonna have to sing awful songs to you until you have a mental breakdown?"

    Rhys finally snapped out of it and pointed an accusatory finger at her.

    "We...We're not finished here! Just give me a second!"

    And then he left her standing there looking aggravated.

    "Really, Jack? Songs?"

    "I'd snap your neck if I could, cupcake, but I'm a hologram right now and this is the best I've got."

    "What do you want anyway?"

    "I want you to stop flirting, do something about your little problem so you can stop being a pain in the ass and just get me back in power again. Sound familiar?"

    "Wait, wait, wait. Flirting? I-I haven't been...!"

    "Are you ignoring everything else I said, kid?"

    "We were arguing, totally! We hate each other's guts. What are you talking about, haha..ha.."

    "I can't believe I'm gonna say this but at this point I'd rather be dead."

    "And with her out of all the people...! A-as if!"

    "SHUT UP."

    Rhys let out a squeaky yelp.


    "Alright, here's what we're gonna do. You're gonna take care of your hormonal problems and I'll help you with that so then you'll stop being an idiot and start doing useful things. Like getting me away from you. Cool? Cool."

    "Hormo- wait a damn minute!"

    "I said," he pointed a finger directly between Rhys' eyes, "cool. Now then, move your dummy ass over there and I'll help you speak since I've got plenty of experience on how to be charming."

    "You've got experience?"

    "I can't believe you're obsessed with me but didn't know that. That hurts."

    "I'm not obsessed with you!"

    "Right, right, pal, just get your ass moving and get that lady."

    Rhys sighed and shook his head but still moved.

    "You see, you ain't even denying it anymore, how cute."

    Rhys just wanted to cry.

    "Ugh, you're finally back!"

    When he heard her he suddenly lost all confidence in this plan. Was it even a plan? Felt like suicide.

    "Tell her" Jack started, "that first of all you need to shut your traps and stop fighting."

    Rhys looked at him with a you-of-all-people-are-pledging-peace? look but Jack waved him off.

    "Uh," Rhys started awkwardly, "Fiona. What are we even arguing about?"

    She stopped mid rant and blinked once. Twice.

    "I...don't know. But I know you're wrong."

    "Let's uh...drop it? It's not worth it."

    She raised her eyebrows so high they almost disappeared into her hat.


    Jack laughed and patted- actually, tried to, his hand went through his body again- Rhys' back.

    "See? You already got her speechless a minute in. Ain't Jack a good fella?"

    Rhys looked at him pleadingly.

    "Alrighty so now," he looked between the two; Fiona had her mouth hanging open (how hilarious would it be for something to fly in it, he mused) and Rhys just looked like a pile of nerves (he'd almost feel sorry. Not quite.), "tell her something sappy. I dunno. Chicks dig that shit. Improvise."

    Rhys could feel his face starting to heat up and decided that if she was gonna kill him then might as well get it over with quick.

    "Look," he started, "I'm sure neither you or me means any harm by these jabs we do once in a while but...if we want something...uh, more serious, then we should probably tone it down to see where it goes?"

    She wasn't sure she'd heard right.

    "E-excuse me? Are you suggesting what I think you're suggesting?"

    Rhys gulped and Jack just snorted.

    "Well, this is it buddy. She's either going to jump you or beat you up. For my amusement I'd rather it be the second but eh."

    Rhys looked at him angrily.

    "What, I never said I was on your side." Jack shrugged, "I just wanna get this over with so you can stop being a little shit."

    Fiona cleared her throat.

    "I...okay. Okay. Let's try that then."

    Rhys couldn't believe it.

    "Are...are you serious? This for real? You're not angry?"

    "I am still angry. For what, I don't know. But we can try to give this a chance. Deal."

    Rhys tried to step a bit closer to her before she stepped on his foot.

    "Too early, Hyperion."

    With that, she walked away as Rhys yelped in pain and Jack almost fell over laughing.

    "Oh, that was golden. Golden. Now I can finally start making some progress snd you can start helping me get to the top, Rhysie. Back on track."

    He was wrong.

    "Oh, God," he started, weeks later, "I'm never gonna get out of here, am I? Now every time I show up it's this-this...this is not suitable for minors. Hide your children, the current face eating is gonna traumatise them. It's traumatising me. Why did I help that jackass, again?"

    Handsome Jack couldn't get a break.

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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Handsome Jack felt like he was in hell at that moment. Like almost every minute he spent near these idiots. Nevermind, he always felt like h

  • Wait, does this mean Vasquez is the ship captain, and not Jack?

    My god....

  • He just wants to makes things go along! (Speed shit up a bit)

    Can't blame him :D

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Wait, does this mean Vasquez is the ship captain, and not Jack? My god....

  • Well done, my friend. You have managed to turn an intense scene into a big kiss moment. :D

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    I am going to keep this pic, ABigBadWolf. Fiona looks so damn sexy in this pic. :D

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    She´s beauty. She´s grace. She´ll punch him in the face (probably just the neck). "Nice."

  • Not my works.. Stole it from tumblr DON'T HURT ME PLZ!! D:

    This is my work (just finished it):

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    Well done, my friend. You have managed to turn an intense scene into a big kiss moment.

  • Fiona is always beautiful. Just ask Rhys. ;)

    I am going to keep this pic, ABigBadWolf. Fiona looks so damn sexy in this pic.

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    Linsepins posted: »

    Not my works.. Stole it from tumblr DON'T HURT ME PLZ!! This is my work (just finished it):

  • This ship is too beautiful. I can't even...

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  • edited March 2015

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  • Im so glad i read this

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Handsome Jack felt like he was in hell at that moment. Like almost every minute he spent near these idiots. Nevermind, he always felt like h

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    Im so glad i read this

  • I know how you feel, bro

    MichaelBP posted: »

    This ship is too beautiful. I can't even...

  • Thanks. This ship is just so... there aren't enough words that can describe its beauty.

    Linsepins posted: »

    I know how you feel, bro

  • How about just one word:


    MichaelBP posted: »

    Thanks. This ship is just so... there aren't enough words that can describe its beauty.

  • edited March 2015

    Good enough for me. This ship... this ship is the most perfect ship in the gaming industry.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    How about just one word: Perfection.

  • Ygritte is dead.

    Therefore, Fiona is dead.

  • If its Rhyiona, it is love.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    So beautiful it left you speechless.

  • So beautiful it left you speechless.

    Poogers555 posted: »


  • Do I need to post that again?

    Ygritte is dead. Therefore, Fiona is dead.

  • Rhyiona is love...Rhyiona is life.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    If its Rhyiona, it is love.

  • I get on this ship upon I saw these moments. So goddamn beautiful.
    They are even so passionate to fight to ignore their kidnapper who is holding a damn gun, just like nothing is more important than each other in this whole wide universe.

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    tessie0713 posted: »

    I get on this ship upon I saw these moments. So goddamn beautiful. They are even so passionate to fight to ignore their kidnapper who is holding a damn gun, just like nothing is more important than each other in this whole wide universe.

  • This is why they're such a great couple, they can't go 5 minutes without arguing. xD It's so cute and funny.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    What's that gif from?

    You're gonna have to get through me

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    fayescarlet posted: »

    This is why they're such a great couple, they can't go 5 minutes without arguing. xD It's so cute and funny.

  • Sasha goes to help the current driver so they won´t crash and all die? Nice.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=deSs3euXU5E&app=desktop go to 21 minute and see what happens

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