Lilly or Kenny?
In the meat freezer at the St. Johns dairy farm,when Larry has
has a heartattack, did you choose to help Lilly save Larry
or help Kenny kill him? I chose to help save him and I was
wondering what happens when you choose to help Kenny?
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I chose to help Lilly. It was the right thing to do and I had to at least try to save him.
If you choose to help Kenny, you have to hold Lilly back as Kenny prepares to salt-lick Larry. It's quite horrible both ways, only in this one you watch as Lilly cries in pain as she struggles to get to her dad as you keep her away from the one person she loves in the world. When you help Kenny, she obviously hates you.
If you choose to help Kenny, he is less of a dick later on and helps you to fight against one of the brothers. Then becomes a regular dick again.
I did help Larry though, wanted to make sure that guy was dead before smashing his head up.
Kenny, I feel not killing Larry is way to risky of a decision considering that's everyones life in the meat locker you're gambling with, including Clem.
Lily on two of my playthroughs, Kenny on my last one. For me, helping Lily is the morally right choice, even if Larry was going to die anyway. When I helped Kenny, I felt awful.
Lily. But in the end I like Kenny more.
I tried to help Larry but when Kenny dropped the saltlick on Larry's head I was just like
I helped Lily. Trying to revive Larry felt like the right thing to do instead of just ending his life.
I have two reasons for helping Kenny:
I went with Kenny. Larry seemed to be dead already, and I felt that waiting any longer would have been far too dangerous.
Lol me too haha
But when I helped Lilly, Larry started to breathe and move
then stupid Kenny came and smashed his head in but I felt
it was right to try to save Larry because he could've made it.
Plus, I didn't want to smash his head or help smash it right
in front of Clementine, you have to think of your actions around
her cause you might change her opinion about you
Larry was going to turn so i helped kenny
That could be interpreted either two ways, either he was breathing and was alive, or signs of him becoming a walker. Like I said, I couldn't take the chance of him possibly being dead, I'd rather have Clem mad at me than have a dead Clementine because we didn't do anything to stop him from turning.
There's sound files of him breathing, one being a breath and the other a walker moan.
I helped Kenny. I did try to talk him down initially, though.
Ideally, I wanted the option to suggest simply waiting for Larry to turn before smashing in his skull, but since that wasn't an option, I felt like helping Kenny was the more practical thing. Without Larry's heart pills (which wouldn't do him any good anyway since he was unconscious) or a hospital (which being in a meat locker was impossible to get to), Larry wasn't getting out of there alive either way.
The situation with Duck back at the drug store in Macon was a little different than the Larry situation....Duck wasn't unconscious and Duck was also a child that could've easily been overpowered by 5 adults...also, most people don't want to reanimate so killing Larry before that could happen could be construed to be the more humane option...
Oh, make no mistake, it was. There's no if's, and's, or but's about it. It'd be like asking someone what their colon feels like or just gutting them open to actually see for yourself and remove all doubt. Some people would believe that simply ripping someone apart to have hard proof is more "logical," but you're destroying a life for no reason other than for your personal self-satisfaction.
Being that it was Kenny however, I'd say it was even more comparable to gutting said person to see if their colon was healthy then immediately turning toward the daughter and yelling "nana nana nana na NA!"
But hey, what do I know? I'm just a "hater."
Just noticed the spoiler was for 'Starving For Help' XDDD
Larry wasn't breathing but. Probably the main reason at the start of Episode 2 they had the walker 'transformation' in the ute, to show us, the player/audience, how quick it takes to turn.
What if they didn't kill Larry and he turned right in front of them? How would they kill him then? Punch him across the mouth? Throw a salt brick at him? There was too much at stake in my opinion...but hey, they are just opinions.
However, I did help Lily, I just believe Kenny ended up making the better choice...the CPR wasn't really working and you can't tell how much time you have left. Plus, Larry was a total dick, who didn't just leave me for to die for the walkers in the first episode, but physically forced me.
I help lilly because its the right thing for me
Well he was moving if you give him CPR fast enough
I acted on instinct and what I would do in that situation and I chose to help Lilly and tried to save Larry.
Yep, after five compressions Larry will begin to move.
maybe it's a glitch in the matrix
I liked Larry's abuse. Kept me sharp, everyone needs a rival to keep them sharp.
When I was playing the game...I took that as he was at the point of turning. It's all up for interpretation, everyone has different play throughs. There is no right or wrong choice.
I didn't even notice it to be happens too fast for me...I've tried to see while playing. I saw it on a video once where they kinda slowed it down a bit...but it just looked liked a glitch as opposed to him breathing
I helped Lilly, definitely the right thing to do in my opinion.
I helped Lilly, because I felt it was the right thing to do, even if I hated Larry I still tried to save him.
It wasn't a glitch at all cause he was clearly waking up
then here comes Kenny and then it's over...
But...waking up to be a zombie? Or just 'waking up'. Interpretation mate, there is no definite way to tell what was actually happening. I took it that he was turning, you obviously thought otherwise.
Larry's Death
You see him mutter something but is incomprehensible. Walker groan? Or waking up? Skip to 1:50 in the video
I didn't, but I put up with it XD
I helped Lilly because this game is about OUR decisions and in that moment I thought that in real life I'd probably try to save a guy even if he was an asshole for me. At least that's what I think I'd do. I honestly don't know because I never was in life-threatning situation and I hope I will never be.
Lilly because unlike Kenny she didn't leave me to die multiple times.
it looks like a glitch to me rather than Larry waking up...the movement is too jerky
It reminded me of my dad, made me a strong person.