Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Fiona. Fiona has an F.

    Do you know what else has an F? Feraligatr.

    Feraligatr is a Pokemon. But is Fiona a Pokemon? No.

    But Pokemon has 7 letters and so does scarlet which is close to the colour Fiona wears. Is this a coincidence? Maybe. But let's go deeper.

    Scarlet is a colour. Blue is also a colour. Whoa, there. Do you see it now? Isn't it suspicious that Rhys and Fiona are both wearing colours? Yes, it is.

    This proves they are connected.

    Rhyiona confirmed.

  • edited March 2015

    Oh, I expect Kenny and Jane to die like ten minutes in so...lol

    DeityD posted: »

    More dumb deaths? xD (Sorry) The real question, how they're gonna handle the diverging scenarios. Because from what I've seen in the othe

  • Today is the 2 week mark since Atlas Mugged and this thread has been created. I'd love to thank everyone who helped keep this thread going and spread the all mighty power of Rhyiona throughout the forum. Thanks to all of YOU Rhyiona is now the majority ship here as seen from our strawpoll about a week ago. This is all I could have ever hoped and dreamed for when creating this thread, let's all have a toast.


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  • Lol can we make it to a thousand comments! :) RHYIONA SHIPPERS UNITE

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    Green613 posted: »

    Today is the 2 week mark since Atlas Mugged and this thread has been created. I'd love to thank everyone who helped keep this thread going a

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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Fiona. Fiona has an F. Do you know what else has an F? Feraligatr. Feraligatr is a Pokemon. But is Fiona a Pokemon? No. But Pokemon

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    (If I was to meet you guys my attempts to hug you all would be that awkward.)

  • Nah m8
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    Neacht posted: »

    (If I was to meet you guys my attempts to hug you all would be that awkward.)

  • Thank YOU for making the thread for everyone to enjoy!


    Green613 posted: »

    Today is the 2 week mark since Atlas Mugged and this thread has been created. I'd love to thank everyone who helped keep this thread going a

  • Nah it really doesn't. It's the illusion of a choice. The devs said themselves they won't make the same mistake as they did in the first game with the ending. Think about it, it doesn't matter what we chose in DA2 in the end (the thing that matters most) - it changed nothing in DAI. No matter what we chose in DA1 our ahem baby won't be a badass by the end of DAI.

    All the characters from DA2 never shows up in DAI either way, what was the point of keeping them alive or romancing or anything. The same goes with the so-called choice of putting people on Ferelden's throne. 1-2 dialogues changes. Pff.

    I'm pretty sure we won't hear much from the Divine of South at all and it won't matter once again who she is. It won't matter how the situations with the mages are handled, they're probably will fck up things once again or on the contrary do something heroic. Either way, the devs already said the events will more likely take place in th North. So all we did will only affect dialogues and codex.

    -XYAB- posted: »

    Ummm Dragon Age has choices that matter, the ending is effected by your story choices, and your party is effected by your choices lol

  • Illuminati.

    Illuminati is a triangle. A triangle has three sides. Fiona's gun could shoot three elements. Coincidence? No.

    The Illuminati doesn't have any of the letters in the name Rhys. Why? Because it's a coverup.

    The Illuminati ships Rhyiona confirmed.

  • I know. I know. :D

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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Oh, I expect Kenny and Jane to die like ten minutes in so...lol

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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Reposting this for the updates.

  • 10/10 gif usage.

    DeityD posted: »

    I know. I know.

  • edited March 2015

    Nah it really doesn't. It's the illusion of a choice. The devs said themselves they won't make the same mistake as they did in the first game with the ending. Think about it, it doesn't matter what we chose in DA2 in the end (the thing that matters most) - it changed nothing in DAI. No matter what we chose in DA1 our ahem baby won't be a badass by the end of DAI.

    Lol meant in Inquisition the ending changes (who's divine, etc.) and in Origins the ending does matter as you choose who is the king, and who dies by the archdemon, while I will admit some choices didn't matter like killing Leliana, Morrigan, but still some did.

    All the characters from DA2 never shows up in DAI either way, what was the point of keeping them alive or romancing or anything. The same goes with the so-called choice of putting people on Ferelden's throne. 1-2 dialogues changes. Pff.

    Actually the DA2 ending changes Hawke's opinion on the situation on the issue when you ask him/her about it. Also, Varric's in Inquisition, and Varric updates you on everyone's status in Inquisition, and whoever Hawke romanced is talked about by him, and talked about by Corypheus in the Fade. And putting people on Ferelden's throne makes them appear, and if Loghain is alive, he makes an appearance and plays a crucial role. Even if it makes a small difference your world is still effected by your choices.

    DeityD posted: »

    Nah it really doesn't. It's the illusion of a choice. The devs said themselves they won't make the same mistake as they did in the first gam

  • Hopefully they won't...

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Oh, I expect Kenny and Jane to die like ten minutes in so...lol

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    Green613 posted: »

    Today is the 2 week mark since Atlas Mugged and this thread has been created. I'd love to thank everyone who helped keep this thread going a

  • It's going to be so hilarious if Telltale actually ships Rhys and Sasha.

  • Welcome to the Rhyionna Inc. express. We hope you enjoy the ride!

  • Well, I hope not but I think so.

    -XYAB- posted: »

    Hopefully they won't...

  • edited March 2015

    To bad thats not happening

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    J-Master posted: »

    It's going to be so hilarious if Telltale actually ships Rhys and Sasha.

  • edited March 2015

    Not even funny for a second....
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    J-Master posted: »

    It's going to be so hilarious if Telltale actually ships Rhys and Sasha.

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    J-Master posted: »

    It's going to be so hilarious if Telltale actually ships Rhys and Sasha.

  • Hi, everyone. Just thought I'd share these Rhyiona stories that I've read so far from two different people:


    Wounds Pt. 2


    Night Terror


    Apocalypse AU


    Recovery Pt. 2

    Recovery Pt. 3

    Big News

    Hope you all enjoy!

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    J-Master posted: »

    It's going to be so hilarious if Telltale actually ships Rhys and Sasha.

  • I can't seriously consider it's a big decisions. It's the same Big Decisions Rhys was talking in the ep2. 2 Dialogues changing decisions.

    Actually the DA2 ending changes Hawke's opinion on the situation on the issue when you ask him/her about it.

    See? And nothing more. 1 dialogue line. It all comes down to it. And in DA2 people was like oh man we can be a viscount, oh man we can marry a prince, oh man we can help the mages. So much choices, big consequences, wow. And in DAI I was like yeaaah, right. "Totally worth it".

    Even if it makes a small difference your world is still effected by your choices.

    It's just so small that for me it's non-existence. I literally played 3 times with a default state while watching DAI on youtube and saw all other options and I can say I've lost nothing.

    -XYAB- posted: »

    Nah it really doesn't. It's the illusion of a choice. The devs said themselves they won't make the same mistake as they did in the first gam

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    J-Master posted: »

    It's going to be so hilarious if Telltale actually ships Rhys and Sasha.

  • edited March 2015

    Did anyone say that about 2? I thought everyone hated that game? Whatever I actually liked it, but I'm a big fan of the series and I felt satisfied with my choices having some sort of effect, and I would probably be disappointed with a default world state. I've been playing DA for years so I like all my past choices gathered up, even if they're never touched on again, just to be the world that I've created with my choices across the 3 games.

    DeityD posted: »

    I can't seriously consider it's a big decisions. It's the same Big Decisions Rhys was talking in the ep2. 2 Dialogues changing decisions.

  • I've read most of these so yeah guys give them a go.

    wwrstvo0 posted: »

    Hi, everyone. Just thought I'd share these Rhyiona stories that I've read so far from two different people: Wounds Wounds Pt. 2 Shi

  • To be fair, I don't think Telltale ships anyone. They're just looking over the forums and

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    J-Master posted: »

    It's going to be so hilarious if Telltale actually ships Rhys and Sasha.

  • edited March 2015

    Shh, guys. Don't disturb Rhyiona shippers, we have a THREAD for Dragon Age. :)

    -XYAB- posted: »

    Did anyone say that about 2? I thought everyone hated that game? Whatever I actually liked it, but I'm a big fan of the series and I felt sa

  • *Sighs
    Yes mother... (rolls eyes)

    Pipas posted: »

    Shh, guys. Don't disturb Rhyiona shippers, we have a THREAD for Dragon Age.

  • Bro it's okay, I feel your pain.

    DeityD posted: »


  • edited March 2015


    -XYAB- posted: »

    Did anyone say that about 2? I thought everyone hated that game? Whatever I actually liked it, but I'm a big fan of the series and I felt sa

  • Of course it's k.

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    Ok, I guess I have to stop now. xD

    -XYAB- posted: »

    Bro it's okay, I feel your pain.

  • Oh my god, guys look at that height difference!

    Don't tell us you've only noticed. xD Because all I can think of when he's near anyone else in the game - damn, this guy it tall. Taller than both of his bosses actually. Too bad he's practically a walking stick though and his height of no use. xD

    Oh my god, guys look at that height difference! ^ω^

  • More like -

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    Pipas posted: »

    To be fair, I don't think Telltale ships anyone. They're just looking over the forums and

  • Everything about them is perfect.

    Oh my god, guys look at that height difference! ^ω^

  • Side note, but I love how absolutely massive this thread became.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Illuminati. Illuminati is a triangle. A triangle has three sides. Fiona's gun could shoot three elements. Coincidence? No. The Illumin

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    She has him at her feet (literally). :)

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