Come up with the most ridiculous ending to Season 1 you can.
Title says it all, really, let me start things off:
Mira and Tom are going to secure the Iron Throne for themselves after slaying Tommen and anyone else who gets in their way, after an epic QTE battle with the Mountain (or whatever he's called these days).
Following the style of the books/show, Asher will stay in Essos for another 4 seasons before returning to Westeros.
Rodrick will continue making plans with the council that without men or resources they can do nothing about, until Episode 6, when Gared arrives with an Ice Dragon he found in the North Grove. The Whitehills, Boltons, and anyone else in the way of House Forrester are wiped out, and House Forrester rules over the Seven Kingdoms, setting out to destroy the White Walkers, restore Valyria, and conquer the Shadow Lands during Season 2 and it will be the greatest thing ever!
The end!
Now you try!
Everyone lives.
Lee, Bluebeard and Finch all show up at the end and say, in a monotonous voice, "Where the fuck was I in this game?"
Gryff Whitehill is revealed to be the Ugly Barnacle:
lol you probably win!
After opening the Vault of the Traveler, Fiona, Rhys, Vaughn and Sasha are throw into the North Grove where they encounter the Vault's guardian, the Ice Dragon, and the urban duo of Cotter the Potato Fucker and Gared Tuttle, who slay the beast. Cotter fucks some potatoes, Gared does stuff, thangs, Vaughn is still from the traumatization, Fiona will con the Night's Watch and Frostifinger, and Sasha and Rhys will walk into the sunset and have a Game of Thrones 'kissing stuff' scene, Luke will be freed from the Ice Dragon's stomach, and say "What the fuck?!?" and Handsome Jack will become ruler of the Seven Kingdoms. Gryff Whitehill will become the King's Hand.
And Lee and Kenny arrive on a boat with the song "I'm on a boat' playing. The same boat from Jurassic Park: The Game, with all the money on it, and a Delorean driven by Bigby will become leader of House Stark, the house words will change to: The Big Bad Wolf, but the symbol will stay the same.
The End.
Everyone survives and lives happily ever after.
Everyone forgives each other and they have a massive orgy at Ironrath... after a while men rub their beards together which summons a great powerful source from above:
But this isnt the full ending, find out what happens next in season 2!
Preview of season 2:
Rodrik kills Ramsay Snow and creates a Time Paradox.
Mira sitting on the Iron Throne.
It's revealed that the sky really is blue because they all live in the eye of a blue-eyed giant named Mukumba.
Handsome Jack takes the throne and all of Westeros is under martial law enforced by loaderbots, but Asher has a bastard son named Bigby Snow who takes the fight to handsome Jack, but he really wants to get to the Iron Islands to get his boat and in the process a series events play out that kill all his companions.
Instead of an army of swellswords, Asher comes with an army of rainbow unicorns, and he unites westeros to kill the dark unicorns, saving the land.
At the end of episode 6 there will be revealed that Cotter actually didn't fuck potatoes.
It was all a dream and Lee is still alive.
The end of episode 5 will be Asher arriving at Ironrath with a boat and what seems to be an army of mercenaries. However, they are actors from a circus, and cannot fight. Instead, the entirety of episode 6 is a big musical act where you have to choose the lyrics of the rymes a la monkey island 3. The final scene is George R.R. waking up from a candy induced nightmare.
After multiple warnings by commander Asher and the Iron Throne "dismissing that claim", the Reapers arrive, landing on the tune of carameldansen playing from the heavens. (to be continued?)
You know, if we actually get a sex scene in game, someone could swap models......
jet fuel can't melt steel trees
asher found an army and take a boat to return to westeros, but suddently a huge tornado hits the boat causing them to jump on a huge weird ship called normandy , thinking they're to going to westeros , they actually set sail on midlle earth where they manage to rally orcs , elves, dwarves and aragorn but while they try to get back to westeros they go on space , and explore all the galaxy causing them to meet and recruit 5000 knight turians, 1000 barbarians krogans and 100000 archers vortchas , during their trip they landed on a planet called pandora where they find rhys and fiona and some mercenaries . They finally get back to westeros, but they've dicovered that 1000 years have passed and that most of the people are dead but still walking , and seem to be eating alive people, making the survivors one of them . They discovered that westeros is screwed , set sail on earth, to fabletown to find a refuge .THE END
The Whitehills are fed up of Rodrik and the council and are planning to execute them at the stake. Rodrik has his final words, the executioner raises his sword. Meanwhile Mira is forced to watch from the sidelines after being sent home from King's Landing for her actions. Gared managed to escape the North of the wall and return home, only to have him be one of the people being executed. The executioner is about to deal with Rodrik when they hear it.
"Dragon!" Asher storms in with Drogon and an army of sellswords. Rodrik is saved and runs into a castle and begins his long filled quest to realize that he is Dragonborn in Skyri- ...Oh wait that's the wrong game.
The Foresters discover the North Grove and learn that it is actually the Gorty's Project and team up with the TFTB crew. They then figure out that this is all an elaborate plan to find Wellington and finally meet Clem and AJ. Inside Wellington is Fabletown and then Bigby & Snow join the team. Everyone's enemies meet a swift and brutal end thanks to their team work.
Hearing this really makes me wish Telltale would make a crossover game.
It only makes perfect sense.
Ethan stabs lord Whitehill in the heart and Rodrik and Asher are making out in the background
What do you have in mind?
Bigby and Bloody Mary, Rhys and Fiona
No, its #Rhysha4Lyfe
I wouldnt let Bloody Mary anywhere near my ding-dong... She would bite it off and swallow it...
I would like to see a threesome of Bigby,Beast and Beauty...
The North Grove is actually Bigby's hideout and Gared rides full wolf Bigby (in a non-sexual way) to Ironrath to kill all the Whitehills.
Everyone dies. Asher stays in Essos until the end of times

Ludd whitehill is actually Rodrik's father
Rodrik, I am your father.
You are a god.
I posted this as a joke in another thread, but I think it makes sense here too:
Episode 6 will be about rescuing Ryon. On the way Most die, and you get seperated from Lady Forrestor and Duncan. Royland will "Die" trying to save Otegryn from a dozen whitehill men.Eventually It will Just be you (as Rodrik) and Ryon, after Wading through dozens of whitehill soldiers, hacking at them as you go, you'll kill Ludd. Unfortunately Rodrik can't continue on and you have to convince Ryon to put you out of your misery. After the credits you see Ryon wandering towards two people in the distance(Lady Forrester and Duncan).
In season 2 Ryon will be the/a protagonist, and you end up meeting Royland who is still alive, when you ask him how he survived he will say to you: "I GOT LUCKY, REAL LUCKY"
Bigby and Mary? Shouldn't it be Snow and Bigby?
Thats not fun, tho...