One problem with the "Clementine is shed" plot
He a doctor for pete's sake and Walker bites are like human bites so why does Carol be like "It could be anything" I thought you were a doctor! If you cant tell the difference between a human bite and dog bite you are a bad doctor
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All your points are gr8 m8
It really does fuck with your perspective at first. But there's an optional conversation that you can eaves-drop on in which Carlos says he knows it was a dog bite but he's wary of your intentions.
And the fact it's not in your face and is a completely passable piece of info makes me love All That Remains even more.
I think I got a few reasons why Carlos was mistaken. Carlos may be a doctor, but not a dentist, we don't even know what kind of doctor he is (could be a butt doctor for all we know). A zombie bite could look like a any old bite in many different ways, they are not picky how or where. It was a long stretch cut on her arm, a dog bite usually looks different (cause Sam was moving around all over when biting). They were all scared from their previous experiences and the whole Carver thing. Carlos/part of the group really didn't want to properly examine the wound due to bad assumptions. So there ya go.
Really? Can you please tell where and when, as I never heard it? It would make me feel less guilty about not helping him in ep.2 lol.
The bite wound was a scar going in a solid direction. Teeth marks would make no difference.
Funny thing is: Walker bites are bigger than a human bite.
My point still stands. It's a full scar, no indents of a bite. A zombie could be capable of a tear like that as well, especially a zombie who has no restriction on biting capability. Their is only one scar too, none for the other part of the dog bite. Carlos wasn't willing to take a that risk.
Btw I know he is in the wrong and what a dick for locking her up in the shed. Moral code my ass. But I am looking at it from their point of view.
i could tell the difference.
Take season 2 for what it is, and accept it for what it is.
One point you could argue is that walkers are rotten corpses that are falling apart and some might not even have the whole of their jaws or all their teeth, so if Clem had gotten bitten awkwardly on her arm and she'd pulled it away while a walker's had held on causing it to tear the flesh, maybe it's possible to have gotten the bite like she has...
Oh who am I kidding, Carlos is stupid x_x I bet you he wasn't even a real doctor. Look up for Carlos is a genius for more information.
Both of those images don't seem right... Was the attacker's jaw twisted, or did they wanted to bite off Clementine's elbow?
In my book, it should look more like this:
I know, my paint skills are flawless.
A bigger question imo is how did Carver track the cabin group to the ski lodge, he didn't have dogs so... Did he use magic? They walked in a "unnamed direction" for approximately four days.
Actually that makes a lot of sense. Out of all the places Carver goes looking, he just so happens to find them in a widdle cabin in the middle of the woods? How the heck did he figure that one out? o_o
Another point, if you decide to wait for a couple days when Rebecca has her baby, Jane leaves but somehow is still in the area, to save the day in the gun fight. Was she stalking the group? LOL I, really can't say.
I wish Eddie was in Season 2, we need some more humour in this game.
Heehee Carlos the butt doctor.
Eddie and Wyatt were funny
Yeah they were, sad they were taken out of the game.
I'm still wondering why Jane was sneaking around Howe's covered in guts and just like the grossest shit, how Reggie puts it. And she eats glass. You gotta admire this nonconformist attitude, even in the apocalypse. Maybe Jane's actually the best written character of all time! Follow your inner moonlight, don't hide the madness!
They could've been a pretty solid comic relief
Eh well.
Thanks for correcting that pic. The scar seemed really wide thanks to Sam and Clem struggling when he bit her. I'm starting to see how the bite was questionable.
Someone post a picture of a shed with a Clementine hat, quick!
Well, the thing that people don't understand is that there was obviously a struggle. The dog's teeth was shredding into her skin which caused a mark like that because Clementine was moving her arm. To be honest, it looks neither like a dog bite or a human bite, it looks more like a gash.
Considering that they're in the zombie fucking apocalypse, I wouldn't blame them if they thought any bite was a walker bite.
Yeah, it's after you sneak into the house. You can walk over to the left of your starting position over to the kitchen where the meeting takes place and listen in. Carlos will say he knew about the bite, but how he didn't want to take the risk.
Here's a video:
I've never seen a dog bite before in my whole life, so I think it wouldn't hard to not know if it was a dog bite or a human bite.
This issue has been talked about to death. This isn't just beating a dead horse. This beating it, burning it, and taking a nap in its ashes.
If it was a walker, he could bite her and struggle a little bit on the left and right (when she was fighting him off or something). Thats why the bite is so wide and probably why carols wasn't sure.
I think, i'm no expert.
But taking naps in ashes is fun.
I just felt like the whole relationship with Jane was Forced, and when she started telling me about her sister i wanted to run.
I'm more concerned about the next episode almost completely dismissing the idea that the Cabin Group (sans Sarah and possibly Alvin) locked up an innocent eleven year old in a shed to die of an untreated wound, and acting friendly towards her in the next morning as if she was originally invited in the group in the middle of the night and gave them a rude awakening.
Despite that, the shed incident did established the 'not even children can be trusted' theme in a zombie apocalypse well, with the Cabin Group going as far as to mistreat a child under the fear that they are a willing scout for their worst enemy.
Then, they use the ashes as flour to make bread...
I think the dialogue for that scene could have been done a bit better
For example, have it be more clearly established that they're mainly doing this out of precaution and concern, IE "Okay, we'll keep her in the shed for the next 2 hours. If the fever hasn't set in by then, we'll stitch it up"
I think that sounds a lot better than the almost dismissive attitude Carlos and most of the others have towards it, being all like "whatever, let's lock her in the shed, and if she isn't dead by tomorrow morning we'll fix her up"
The proof is at 2:00 going forward. They weren't sure if it was a lurker bite or a dog bite. The group was speculating that if it wasn't a lurker bite then the infection from the dog bite could kill Clementine. Carlos never actually says he knew it was a dog bite for sure.
Carlos - "IF the infection spreads (dog bite)... anything's possible. It could definitely get a whole lot worse for her."
Thx @dojo32161
I got my Mother to have a look at the bite (she's a nurse) and asked her if it was a human or dog bite. She said that it's clearly not a human bite because the jaw is too wide but you couldn't know if it was a dog or not because of it's angle. I then asked her if a doctor would know the difference. She said that a doctor should know but it doesn't necessarily mean he does know the difference because a bite is a bite it doesn't matter in a non-apocalyptic world if it's a human or a dog.
This means that Carlos should know but since we don't know what kind of doctor he was, we don't know if he was likely to treat a bite or not in the non-apocalyptic world. Still he should really know the difference.
Jane was probably scavenging and got caught