Arvo's leg brace has no significance
I just realized that Arvo's leg probably has no significance because it is just a re-used skin from the guy in episode four of The Wolf Among Us. What do you guys think? Let me know below.
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Its possible that the character models for Avro and Tiny Tim are the same with just different skins, but i get the feeling that Avro's use of the brace is due to some kind of injury in TWD story. (if he still is even alive) Tiny tim has a congenital birth defect.
Yeah I was hoping that there would be a story behind it but I think they just reused the leg brace to make him unique
Totally. Arvo is meant to be a muscle-bound athlete, but Telltale was so lazy that they instead modeled him as a weedy nerd.
It's just Telltale playing the diversity card.
Or a hint that the Russians have taken care of a disabled person because they see value in him, even if he'd be a "waste of resources" according to junior survivalists like the Crawford inhabitants.
Lazytales :P
Maybe not yet, but in the future it probably will.
His brace is a leg-cannon. Episode 5 will open up with him gunning down everyone.
Yes it does. He's physical appearance is set to make you feel bad for him. It also makes the decision to steal from him a little more difficult.
Fun fact, the name Arvo actually does mean Value/Worth
It's possible Arvo will be zombiefied and will be immune to a knee kick from Clem in a QTE, or will he be more susceptible to one? Not sure how leg braces work...
Actually. I think it's becuase they either new each other, or the fact he spoke both English and Russian.
It makes him impervious to criticism, because he's a poor sad scrawny nerd with a disability. That's why the fucking thing was put on him and he had that sad little limp. It's not like the brace ever was talked about. It was bait.
It's all an archetype to keep him from being too threatening so that his inevitable betrayal would feel somewhat shocking, despite the fact Kenny consistently bullied him into submission and he himself was written to be a victim even though he straight up tried to kill the entire group. Of course now we start getting into the fact everyone somehow miraculously survived the ambush because if anyone died, then Arvo would've been a bad guy. Everyone stupidly survives the ordeal and suddenly he is revoked of all intentions.
What a mess Arvo was. I almost don't know what he was supposed to do in the plot or what his significance was, he was a farce.
I don't remember commenting this at all.
well you did
Maybe not yet, but in the future you probably will.
It was made to distract you from the threat that he could be a threat. When you see someone crippled, you automatically dismiss them as any kind of threat to you.
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