s also stupid of telltale to be pandering to homophobes
I don't really see it. I thought they did Matt and Walter's characters reall… morey well. You have to remember you just met this guy, sharing something about yourself is pretty personal, i don't talk about myself to people i just met. Know what i mean.
I can't argue about character deaths because the writers wrote what they thought was the best story they could come up with . Personally i would of LOVED to see Walter live longer than he did. Him and Sarah were my favorite characters in that season.
Well it's pretty obvious that she is his wife (plus she was with him). I mean, they have a son, and the first words Duck says to Kenny as we've seen are "Dad, come look at the tractor, blah blah blah!" It's not like Kenny had a kid with his sister, cause they don't look very alike.
Exactly, and they still felt the need to ram it down our throats anyway!
I'm so sick of developers shoving heterosexual releationships down our throats !!!!!!!!! Like it's okay i you're straight, just don't be all up in my face about it!!
Well it's pretty obvious that she is his wife (plus she was with him). I mean, they have a son, and the first words Duck says to Kenny as we… more've seen are "Dad, come look at the tractor, blah blah blah!" It's not like Kenny had a kid with his sister, cause they don't look very alike.
Exactly, and they still felt the need to ram it down our throats anyway!
I'm so sick of developers shoving heterosexual releationships do… morewn our throats !!!!!!!!! Like it's okay i you're straight, just don't be all up in my face about it!!
god, the gaming industry theese days, horrific
Wait, I'm confused. Why are you so upset about them showing Kenny has a wife? And "developers shoving heterosexual relationships down our throats"? I'm pretty sure they don't do that. And if they "did", it's to tell us that the significant other has a minor/major role in the story.
Exactly, and they still felt the need to ram it down our throats anyway!
I'm so sick of developers shoving heterosexual releationships do… morewn our throats !!!!!!!!! Like it's okay i you're straight, just don't be all up in my face about it!!
god, the gaming industry theese days, horrific
Wait, I'm confused. Why are you so upset about them showing Kenny has a wife? And "developers shoving heterosexual relationships down our th… moreroats"? I'm pretty sure they don't do that. And if they "did", it's to tell us that the significant other has a minor/major role in the story.
Flog was being sarcastic showing what some people would of done had a character been openly revealed as gay, and let's be honest there would probably be a few people who would have said Mathew and Walter's sexuality was jammed down our throats, though they would definitely be the minority.
Wait, I'm confused. Why are you so upset about them showing Kenny has a wife? And "developers shoving heterosexual relationships down our th… moreroats"? I'm pretty sure they don't do that. And if they "did", it's to tell us that the significant other has a minor/major role in the story.
Flog was being sarcastic showing what some people would of done had a character been openly revealed as gay, and let's be honest there would… more probably be a few people who would have said Mathew and Walter's sexuality was jammed down our throats, though they would definitely be the minority.
This. If Walter had said 'Matthew, my boyfriend, is out looking for supplies', people would have complained about Telltale shoving homosexuality down our throats for a 'quota'.
Flog was being sarcastic showing what some people would of done had a character been openly revealed as gay, and let's be honest there would… more probably be a few people who would have said Mathew and Walter's sexuality was jammed down our throats, though they would definitely be the minority.
I mean they made Luke refer to them as 'friends' for goodness' sake, clearly they were keen to tiptoe shamelessly around the issue.
Can I just say I didn't figure out that Mathew and Walter were a couple until the day after the episode came out. It wasn't until I began thinking of the way Walter acted about Mathew death's and I developed a lot more respect for Walter being able to determinantly forgive Nick for it after I figured it out.
So I can forgive Luke for not thinking they were romantically involved.
I certainly don't view it as a coincidence that the only two deaths that must always occur in episode 2 are both of the members of a gay cou… moreple.
Maybe they were scared of backlash. I mean they made Luke refer to them as 'friends' for goodness' sake, clearly they were keen to tiptoe shamelessly around the issue. But telltale have never exactly been progressive.
* I preferred playing as Clem than I did playing as Lee, and after playing Season 2, I feel more attached to her character.
* In Harms Way … moreis one of the best episodes of the series.
* Carver was one of TWD's best villains.
* Starved for Help is overrated.
* Nick Breckon is a great writer and should be Season 3's head writer.
* I don't care about Christa, I wouldn't mind if she never shows up again.
* No Going Back is one of Telltale's best episodes.
* But perhaps my biggest confession...I actually care about AJ and will do anything to protect him.
Come at me.
The reason so many people didn't realise is BECAUSE Telltale tiptoed around the issue.
Luke clearly did know - he specifically calls Matthew 'walter's friend' rather than 'kenny's/sarita's' or just 'matthew' - he new there was a specific relationship between those two.
I'm just saying, after episode 1 we didn't have people coming in hordes to the forum denying Kenny and Katjaa were a couple, but about half the fanbase refused to believe matthew and walter were together, and that's purely because telltale were scared.
I mean they made Luke refer to them as 'friends' for goodness' sake, clearly they were keen to tiptoe shamelessly around the issue.
… moreCan I just say I didn't figure out that Mathew and Walter were a couple until the day after the episode came out. It wasn't until I began thinking of the way Walter acted about Mathew death's and I developed a lot more respect for Walter being able to determinantly forgive Nick for it after I figured it out.
So I can forgive Luke for not thinking they were romantically involved.
Don't sweat it, it only takes a few minutes, find an image from the TWD Wiki page, go to a website that adds text, upload it to imgur and BAM! You're done.
I didn't realize that Walter and Matthew were a couple at first because Walters seems a lot older than Matthew. To me, Matthew looked like he was in his mid 20's and Walter looked like he was in his mid 40's may even closer to 50. The significant age difference is what threw me off there.
Also, I don't think that Luke referring to Walter and Matthew as "friends" is evidence of Telltale avoiding the issue. I think it's just more realistic dialogue. Homosexuality is a topic that a lot people feel strongly about one way or the other, and a lot people are uncomfortable talking about it. I'm not saying this is right, it's just the way it is. Also, think about where most of these people are from: the south. A place where homosexuality is more controversial than anywhere else. Also, Luke was talking to Clem when he said "friend" and I think a lot of adults are uncomfortable talking about homosexuality in front of kids. I think it was Luke's character tip-toeing around the issue, not Telltale.
The reason so many people didn't realise is BECAUSE Telltale tiptoed around the issue.
Luke clearly did know - he specifically calls Matt… morehew 'walter's friend' rather than 'kenny's/sarita's' or just 'matthew' - he new there was a specific relationship between those two.
I'm just saying, after episode 1 we didn't have people coming in hordes to the forum denying Kenny and Katjaa were a couple, but about half the fanbase refused to believe matthew and walter were together, and that's purely because telltale were scared.
* I prefer Season 2 over Season 1
* I like Luke more than Lee
* Mike and Bonnie are awesome
* Kenny has redeemed himself completely… more
* I have taken off school every time an episode of The Walking Dead comes out. Once I even made myself puke.
* I think of Clementine as the sister I never had
* I would save many of these fictional characters in this game over people I actually know....... People I don't like
* This game is the most meaningful thing in my life
* No Going Back is the best episode of the series
* Carley's death was even worse than Luke, Sarah, and Nicks deaths.
* I prefer Season 2 over Season 1
* I like Luke more than Lee
* Mike and Bonnie are awesome
* Kenny has redeemed himself completely… more
* I have taken off school every time an episode of The Walking Dead comes out. Once I even made myself puke.
* I think of Clementine as the sister I never had
* I would save many of these fictional characters in this game over people I actually know....... People I don't like
* This game is the most meaningful thing in my life
* No Going Back is the best episode of the series
* Carley's death was even worse than Luke, Sarah, and Nicks deaths.
Omid's death hit me harder than anyone else's in Season 2
I disliked Clementine's personality in the first half of Season 2 but liked it much better in the second half of Season 2, despite loving the first half and hating the second half overall
I'm not mad at Mike for leaving, though the same can't be said for Bonnie and Arvo
If there was an option to stay with only Luke at the end, I would have taken it
I wasn't that bothered by the 400 Days characters short cameos
I always steal the Stranger's stuff/ kill the Stranger. I do it for Clementine's best interest (warm sweatshirt and keeping her from shooting)
I couldn't figure out who Matthew was until Luke showed me the photo
I was never mad at Luke for sleeping with Jane in Amid the Ruins. I thought it was funny when it happened.
I kept Kenny alive only because I wanted to get to Wellington
At the end of Season 1, I always tell Clementine to handcuff the walker, then leave Lee. While I realize this means Lee becomes a dangerous free-roaming walker in my game, at the time I 1) thought the security gaurd walker was a more immediate threat than I was, and 2) I didn't want a nine-year-old Clem to have to leave Lee with shooting him being her last memory of him
I never really understood why people cared about Nick so much. In my eyes he didn't really have a big impact. Sure it was unfortunate that he died but to me he was just... there. Though his eyes are gorgeous.
I didn't have much feeling for him, but as many others said, it was just the execution was sloppy. . . . I felt like Telltale forgot what to do with him, so they killed him. And yes, I'm talking about his death from "In Harm's Way." I wish he died a different way, but it is what it is.
I never really understood why people cared about Nick so much. In my eyes he didn't really have a big impact. Sure it was unfortunate that he died but to me he was just... there. Though his eyes are gorgeous.
I never really understood why people cared about Nick so much. In my eyes he didn't really have a big impact. Sure it was unfortunate that he died but to me he was just... there. Though his eyes are gorgeous.
* I was annoyed by Sarah
* I was angry when Nick shot Matthew
* I was sad because of Walter's death; he would've been a great character
*… more I let Ben fall
* I HATED Nick (unpopular opinion)
* I like Lee waaaaay more than Clementine
* I sided with Kenny on every issue
* I want Molly to return over Lilly or Christa
* I don't want to care for AJ
* I prefer Season 2 over Season 1
* I like Luke more than Lee
* Mike and Bonnie are awesome
* Kenny has redeemed himself completely… more
* I have taken off school every time an episode of The Walking Dead comes out. Once I even made myself puke.
* I think of Clementine as the sister I never had
* I would save many of these fictional characters in this game over people I actually know....... People I don't like
* This game is the most meaningful thing in my life
* No Going Back is the best episode of the series
* Carley's death was even worse than Luke, Sarah, and Nicks deaths.
I didn't have much feeling for him, but as many others said, it was just the execution was sloppy. . . . I felt like Telltale forgot what t… moreo do with him, so they killed him. And yes, I'm talking about his death from "In Harm's Way." I wish he died a different way, but it is what it is.
I feel like season 2 was a let down...
Kenny tells Lee that he has a wife in about the first minute of meeting him.
Well it's pretty obvious that she is his wife (plus she was with him). I mean, they have a son, and the first words Duck says to Kenny as we've seen are "Dad, come look at the tractor, blah blah blah!" It's not like Kenny had a kid with his sister, cause they don't look very alike.
Exactly, and they still felt the need to ram it down our throats anyway!
I'm so sick of developers shoving heterosexual releationships down our throats !!!!!!!!! Like it's okay i you're straight, just don't be all up in my face about it!!
god, the gaming industry theese days, horrific
No need for the passive aggression Flog.
It was a joke.
It's the Internet. Sometimes you can never tell.
Wait, I'm confused. Why are you so upset about them showing Kenny has a wife? And "developers shoving heterosexual relationships down our throats"? I'm pretty sure they don't do that. And if they "did", it's to tell us that the significant other has a minor/major role in the story.
Matthew had a pretty decent bit of significance for that episode for someone who dies nearly immediely though, And Walter played an even bigger part
Flog was being sarcastic showing what some people would of done had a character been openly revealed as gay, and let's be honest there would probably be a few people who would have said Mathew and Walter's sexuality was jammed down our throats, though they would definitely be the minority.
Your avatar looks like Arvo about to murder me
This. If Walter had said 'Matthew, my boyfriend, is out looking for supplies', people would have complained about Telltale shoving homosexuality down our throats for a 'quota'.
Omid was the best character in all of the Walking Dead
Can I just say I didn't figure out that Mathew and Walter were a couple until the day after the episode came out. It wasn't until I began thinking of the way Walter acted about Mathew death's and I developed a lot more respect for Walter being able to determinantly forgive Nick for it after I figured it out.
So I can forgive Luke for not thinking they were romantically involved.
Could not have said this better myself.
I prefer Season 2 over Season 1
I like Luke more than Lee
Mike and Bonnie are awesome
Kenny has redeemed himself completely
I have taken off school every time an episode of The Walking Dead comes out. Once I even made myself puke.
I think of Clementine as the sister I never had
I would save many of these fictional characters in this game over people I actually know....... People I don't like
This game is the most meaningful thing in my life
No Going Back is the best episode of the series
Carley's death was even worse than Luke, Sarah, and Nicks deaths.
The reason so many people didn't realise is BECAUSE Telltale tiptoed around the issue.
Luke clearly did know - he specifically calls Matthew 'walter's friend' rather than 'kenny's/sarita's' or just 'matthew' - he new there was a specific relationship between those two.
I'm just saying, after episode 1 we didn't have people coming in hordes to the forum denying Kenny and Katjaa were a couple, but about half the fanbase refused to believe matthew and walter were together, and that's purely because telltale were scared.
now i feel bad you made that jpg just for me, you didn't have to. Thank you a lot, but im sorry this stuff always makes me feel guilty for some reason
Don't sweat it, it only takes a few minutes, find an image from the TWD Wiki page, go to a website that adds text, upload it to imgur and BAM! You're done.
Excuse you, can Omid remain both simultaneously cute while being this terrifying?
Still better .-.
I thought episode 2 from season 1 was kinda a filler even thought it was an interesting episode
I don't hate Larry
Didn't cry in any moment season 1 or 2 even thought I found some parts heart-dropping.
Thought around the corner had to much gameplay.
Enjoy season 2 as much as season 1.
Sometimes the hate of season 2 kinda saddens me.
I like Amid the Ruins better than Harms way.
And I like Omid the Ruins better than Amid the ruins
I didn't realize that Walter and Matthew were a couple at first because Walters seems a lot older than Matthew. To me, Matthew looked like he was in his mid 20's and Walter looked like he was in his mid 40's may even closer to 50. The significant age difference is what threw me off there.
Also, I don't think that Luke referring to Walter and Matthew as "friends" is evidence of Telltale avoiding the issue. I think it's just more realistic dialogue. Homosexuality is a topic that a lot people feel strongly about one way or the other, and a lot people are uncomfortable talking about it. I'm not saying this is right, it's just the way it is. Also, think about where most of these people are from: the south. A place where homosexuality is more controversial than anywhere else. Also, Luke was talking to Clem when he said "friend" and I think a lot of adults are uncomfortable talking about homosexuality in front of kids. I think it was Luke's character tip-toeing around the issue, not Telltale.
My confessions are: I miss Lee, I think Jane is cute and season 1 is better than season 2.
Danggg number 5 though. . . Oh well. I guess nothing will stop you from loving the walking dead.
Words of the wise right here.
I never really understood why people cared about Nick so much. In my eyes he didn't really have a big impact. Sure it was unfortunate that he died but to me he was just... there. Though his eyes are gorgeous.
I didn't have much feeling for him, but as many others said, it was just the execution was sloppy. . .
. I felt like Telltale forgot what to do with him, so they killed him. And yes, I'm talking about his death from "In Harm's Way." I wish he died a different way, but it is what it is.
You took my picture. ;-;
In total agreement with you man.
couldnt of put it better myself
Um, Nick died in Amid the Ruins XD that said he may as well have In Harm's Way since Nick didn't say all too much after the second episode.