Who did you like better, Sam the dog or Maybelle the cow? xD


  • Sam, until he attacked.

  • Sam, no contest.

    Maybelle was just a fat old pregnant cow that belonged to some cannibals. Sam was a kindred soul that just wanted his beans.

  • edited May 2015

    Sam, hands down. Dogs are my biggest weakness.

  • did you choose Clem to put Sam out of his misery when he was suffering, impaled in the tent poles? I felt really bad for him

    Sam, until he attacked.

  • I guess the cow it never did anything to annoy me

    I hated sam the dog.

  • I thought Sam was cool at first, turned out he was a jerk

  • Yeah, I'm not going to let a dog suffer, even if it did attack me, so I put him out of his misery. Leaving him would just be cruel.

    SuBzZ_MO posted: »

    did you choose Clem to put Sam out of his misery when he was suffering, impaled in the tent poles? I felt really bad for him

  • Maybelle is love, Maybelle is life.

  • Omid and Christa's cat.

    But Maybelle between those two, if only because she gave us the incredible moment of little Season 1 Clem petting her and saying, "Whoa... 0_0"

  • I hated sam the dog

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    I guess the cow it never did anything to annoy me I hated sam the dog.

  • All these people saying Sam was a "jerk" or "evil" smh. Do they not realize he was a rabid dog doing what naturally came to him?

    To answer your question, Sam. His death was the second saddest one in the whole series for me

  • I like Cows, i despise dogs

  • Yes Karma tent sorted out that horrid mutt. Thats what happens when you bite people

    I hated sam the dog

  • Sam, he was cute.....when he attacked, the cuteness is gone :(

  • edited May 2015

    All these people saying Sam was a "jerk" or "evil" smh. Do they not realize he was a rabid dog doing what naturally came to him?

    Apparently not. Cringeworthy.

    All these people saying Sam was a "jerk" or "evil" smh. Do they not realize he was a rabid dog doing what naturally came to him? To answer your question, Sam. His death was the second saddest one in the whole series for me

  • Maybelle because she didn't bite me.

  • Fuck Sam and his dumb beans

    Maybelle hype all the way

  • Fuck you Sam the Dog.

    Maybelle, I love you.

  • Well Maybelle didn't try to kill me so...

    In all seriousness Sam I've got a soft spot for dogs.

  • Maybelle was utterly amazing in her scenes as a pregnant mother surviving in the zombie apacolypse, Sam felt like he bit off more than he could chew in his role.

  • edited May 2015

    Neither, I choose Clementine's hamster! She used to own a pet hamster before the outbreak occurred.

  • Shiva the tiger.

  • Maybe it's Maybelline.

  • Maybelle most likely got devoured by walkers at the end of Season 2 when the barn door was open. Lol imagine a cow walker xD

  • I've yet to see animal walkers in Kirkman's TWD Universe.

    But unfortunately, the "virus" is only affecting humans.

    SuBzZ_MO posted: »

    Maybelle most likely got devoured by walkers at the end of Season 2 when the barn door was open. Lol imagine a cow walker xD

  • It's a dog living in the wild and starving, what the fuck did you expect.

    Yes Karma tent sorted out that horrid mutt. Thats what happens when you bite people

  • Maybelle only because she was a pregnant cow and would provide more food than Sam.. A full cow plus a soon calf is much more fresh meat than a dog!

  • Maybelle. She didn't bite me and I hate dogs. One of them killed our sweet, loving cat. :'(

    Cat person for life.

    I felt bad for Sam, though. I was glad he wasn't going to be a season long companion, however....

  • CathalOHaraCathalOHara Moderator

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  • Fuck you Sam the Dog.

    Maybelle, I love you.

    Agreed, I was actually mad when the group decided to abandon the cow. I mean why would you do that when you are starving.

    Fuck you Sam the Dog. Maybelle, I love you.

  • But unfortunately, the "virus" is only affecting humans.

    I know Ebola had strains that effected both dogs/human so its not unbelievable to think that this "disease" could affect both.

    I've yet to see animal walkers in Kirkman's TWD Universe. But unfortunately, the "virus" is only affecting humans.

  • haha so funny !! xD

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